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Mr. Jay

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Everything posted by Mr. Jay

  1. Thanks for the cover up, but I stunk so bad that parmesan covered anchovies smell better. If Batman feels the need to buy quick revive, you know robin stinks. I had something like 20-25 downs, enough to finish 2nd in the silentcrisis contest. And I was given the EASIEST place to run. Maybe I was distracted. I don't know what it is about my records. My highest co-op 37 and 35 I had 15-20 downs each. Some games I was absolutely brilliant and end up doing something stupid to average out. Anyway can't wait for next week, I mean next revive.
  2. You always agree with me. When was the last time you disagreed with me? We are like twins. Except you are much better at zombies but I'm better looking. And funnier.
  3. Some human element should be looked at when accumulating leaderboards. No matter which way you analyze the game not all maps are the same. Someone who did 99 on ascension is not as impressive as someone who did Five or Shangri la. Those as considered harder maps that take more time to accomplish. I know that will open a new can of worms but it needs to he discussed. Easier maps-Kino, ascension, Der riese, moon. Harder- five, Shang, verruckt (its not hard but its a test of patience and discipline.)
  4. I hope the general zombie game does not change too much. Solo leaderboard sound fun, but be ready, a least thousands will get to 99. I'll go for the pause function just to tick off selectyeti.
  5. You two stop being such babies. The co-op rounds are meant to give relative idea how good someone is TO A RANDOM. But those numbers are far from the actual truth. Playing with my PS3 friends I got to 37. Playing with my son I rarely get past 25. Playing with randoms I get high twenties and low thirties. Which is a pretty good indication of where my game is. For you guys with no time limit and solid teammates you can reach 99 easy. People that know you guys well know that for sure. Does it really matter if your average is 42 or 50? To a random maybe, to me ABSOLUTELY NONE WHATS SO EVER. I was wondering why the forum is so slow. You two are babbling over a slight twitch in numbers instead of your usual awesome posts. Super I need you to focus on your awesome tips and leave way alone. His court, his rules. Way you stop the madness and organize a game with me soon. BTW your wife is cute. She play volleyball with you?
  6. Hey josh. I have had you on my friend list since my FIRST day here and we have yet to hook up. I'm on most nights, so if you are available we can hook up. Maybe even get way or other vampires to game with us for simple challenges. Fourth on July I got big big football game and can't make it. 5th I'm off so I can participate. Just let me know.
  7. Thanks. If you help then it would be cheating. You can take a retarded one eye monkey to round 50. I would love to do more fun challenges with you whenever you are back on PS3. That video you did with 5and5 and lone star on ascension was pretty cool. I bet I can get you more revives.
  8. Thanks to whoever posted my record. My Kino and moon records I do not care. They are boring. I think I can improve my Five and verruckt records. with Superhand's new five strategy I got to 37 and 35 easy and quick. Verruckt past 15 just takes too long but I will try again. Ascension and Der riese at 29 and 27 I know I can do better, but not interested in those maps any more. Nacht at 18 is not bad, but I only got there with a hot team. No way I can do better. In all, the ones I care and have fun I have a 29.5. Not good but better than 24.
  9. Your record is very consistent throughout. Mine is a bit rocky with as high as 37 and as low as 0 Nacht 18 SNN N/A Verruckt 25 Der Riese 29 Kino 22 Five 37 Ascension 27 Shang N/A COTD N/A Moon 25 26
  10. Hi I'm Jay. Anyone interested in doing some challenges feel free to contact me. Check out my profile at viewtopic.php?f=93&t=22186 Murdermachine needs something to do, let's keep him busy.
  11. Good to have you back. It's been kinda ......low key lately, nothing really exciting. Hopefully with your return we can get it hopping again.
  12. Good to have you. Jolton is a class act with excellent reputation. Let's hope you are the talker of the two. He is as talkative as the white wall.
  13. Very nicely done. Always always been looking for guides as such on weapons. Few things hope to see as you compile your guide. 1. Weapon situations. I always loved what certain weapons could do on paper, but not sure how.to utilize them. Calamity and Jane look great on paper, but what situation do they excel at? 2. I have posted this question and has never gotten a direct answer. How does black ops weapons stacked against WAW weapons? Playing classic maps you get new weapons out of the box. Does the STG really only do 90 body and 270 head shots? I always wonder what the classic wall weapons do compared to the black ops weapons. Looking forward to completion of the guide.
  14. I have felt that nothing in Black Ops even came close to the PPSH. Pack a Punch that baby? Then put Double Tap on it? You can kill zombies faster than the Wunderwaffe. I humbly disagree. The Reaper does 600 head shots with 700 bullets. The Lamentation does 1100 head shots with 35 525 bullets. In basic English on round twenty five a group a fully loaded Lamentation could clear 131 zombies. A fully loaded Reaper can only handle 88. I rest my case.
  15. Very nice post, need to see more of these in the future. They are almost identical in fitting your game plan. Along with AUG those three are the most complete weapons out of the box. Lamentation will do 1100 head shot, very effective even into the thirties. One question I have been pondering is how the black ops weapons stacked against WAW weapons. The stats favor the black ops weapons but after playing old maps they appear closer than on paper. Anyway very good analysis, maybe in the future add your opinions on how the weapons are used. In other words what situations would certain weapons excel.
  16. Wow check out my comment from your Five solo guide. viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16961 We are officially twins......I can now say we think alike.
  17. First of all congrats to lemonade, its like tom's situation all over again. It feel great to finally clear your biggest obstacle doesn't it? And secondly, Obviously you are one of the best players on the forum, why use the bogus numbers in your signature? I saw your Der Riese round 15 challenge video and you were great. Take pride in your achievements and show us your real scores.
  18. Kudos. That was actually very good. Good to have you. looking forward to future videos.
  19. I agree with everything my twin said. That would be Tankeo. At some point you learn how to properly revive someone. There are times it requires a little chemistry. I have played with many randoms and they would fire to alert you zombies are coming.
  20. Hopefully your lurking days are over. Looking forward to more actions. I used to reply in all the intros but quickly realized most of them do not return. Now I just let the usual gang of MLH, Tankeo, Way and Tac do the intro welcomes. Dont let me down.
  21. On this site we have discussed many angles to where they could improve or change for the next game. Some changes are to correct gaming mistakes to satisfy current players, some changes are to appeal and attract new players. One thing I know for sure is that no matter what changes they make or fail to make will have supporters and nay sayers. I do not like this idea in general, however I have been in cases where I was lagged out in higher rounds and wish this feature was available. Just think of the possibilities of being able to join a game in session, in negative ways. I think this will do more harm than good, I vote for no. Even if they just keep the current formats but with new maps and weapons I will be satisfied. One thing Treyarch could learn from the Madden franchise is to correct gaming errors first before changing too much to appeal and attract new members. But everything they do will have one thing in mind, "what do we do to attract the most dollars?" I am not smart enough to answer that, only wish my thoughts are not at the minority.
  22. Thanks for the hub Mr. Murdermachine. My original post on challenges was to promote the idea and get more people to play together. Hopefully with this we can get more people involved. I have had a few people added on my friend list but we operate in different time zones. One thing I would like to see is some sort of sign up post where people can look up and link other members within their playing times. Anyone with better ideas let's explore them. Anyway here are some challenges done by a few people recently: Solo challenge round 15 no jug viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22236 Survival of the fittest viewtopic.php?f=12&t=21220 Thanks for your work. Good man.
  23. You have it sir. Sunday morning might be better for me, til about noon. I prefer to do it while kids are in bed, no one will ask me to go to sleep or ask me to get autographs for him. I do not have call of the dead so maybe a different map. BTW we did the Thompson challenge on Der Riese and got to round 22. That's right, that's me talking trash. For those who are interested in these challenges but having trouble with teammates, the forum could help. I tried to implement some sort of profile for teammate help but did not stick. I tried many challenges with randoms and gained much gray hair. Playing with people you know is just way more fun. viewtopic.php?f=93&t=22186 The more people we have to provide profiles and gaming time the easier it gets to find quality teammates. Plus there are team grimreaper on PS3 and wunder waffle on XBOX 360.
  24. Hi, I'm Jay, the oldest member but the least mature. Had a game yesterday with other members doing way's trench gun challenge and it was the most fun I had in months. I want to encourage more people do the challenges. They are fun and provide great member interactions. I would like to pitch the idea of challenge leaderboards. Maybe shooter and/or way can maintain and organize these challenges. I see 5and5 do many of these challenges, and seen pishifat in action as well. Way has sponsored and organized many of these challenges. Survival of the fittest, round 15 no jug no box, trench gun among many I have attempted, so much fun if you have the right guys to play with. Who is interested in doing more challenges? BO2 is still months away, and these challenges can be a lot of fun if we play together.
  25. I dont know any of the people you guys have mentioned. I guess I will make a list using people from the forum. Skills- Hard to argue with Superhand's achievements. You dont become one of best in NML without skills. I made my case with chopper's moves, so those two are at the top. Results- No brainer. Influence-Tough call but personal experience say Tom's quick tips and Superhand's guides. Lets just say I always check out his guide before seriously going into a game. Master zombie guide deserves some credit as well, nearly 5000 views is huge achievement. Picking the favorite out of those two guides is equivalent to choosing a favorite finger to pick your nose with.
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