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Everything posted by TheDunbarian

  1. Ya know, my friends and I always joked that they should make a sequel to "Five" called "Six", and have it take place in a building called the Hexagon Also, if they ever made a Bermuda triangle map, would they have to call it "Three"...?
  2. 6 teams X 4 characters/team = 24 playable characters 11 perks 14 maps 24 + 11 + 14 = 49 11 Wonder Weapons (excluding grenades) 2 Wonder Grenades on Ascension AND Moon 49 - 11 - 2 = 36 The square root of 36 is... 6... amidoinitright?
  3. That actually sounds cool, but those are things that, I dunno, I kinda expected to be included in custom games from the beginning.
  4. I always love me some new perk ideas Let's see here. Nukeozade's effects sound pretty varied and slightly unrelated to each other. Not that it's a bad thing, just seems like a very odd perk. None of the effects are really powerful enough to stand on their own as separate perks, but together they may be a worthy buy. Swagger Dagger sounds nice, but you may want to make the machete kill after round 20. Otherwise, it simply won't be bought after round 20. What if you made it insta-kill forever, but the machete takes longer to kill with/needs time between kills. That way it would be effective forever, but still incapable of taking out trains at high rounds. I love the idea of Controller Soda, but the fact that your teammates can kill the zombie is a bad idea. I personally wouldn't pay 4500 points to have my friends troll me every round. Nice ideas :D
  5. Sorry to burst your bubble, but most of these sound like things that Treyarch is just too lazy/rushed to do. An extra map? No. New killstreak? No. More easter egg? No. PhD access on all maps would just be OP. They could do something like they did with Moon and introduce a NEW perk that would later be added to all maps, but that's kind of a stretch. New camos are a possibility (I would actually really like PaP camo), but unlikely. We haven't seen any interaction between Zombies and Multiplayer thus far and I doubt we will. Your most likely predictions are the friendship thing and that nothing will happen until DLC4. If there is a reward for the easter egg, it's probably just getting every perk like on Die Rise. Personally I'd like to see them do something new and creative as the reward, like they did in CotD, but they've really been slacking in that field lately.
  6. Well at least you got some good ones, with Kino, "Five", and the Rezurrection maps. Oh, and Green Run... :roll:
  7. Three 100s in one week?? ...Attention staff, we have a beast on aisle three...
  8. You're not crazy for thinking you can get that far. This is an EASY map, and if you got to round 53 on your fifth try, getting to 100 is simply a matter of focus and patience. You might wanna head over to Superhands' Ultimate Solo Guide and read the Ascension section. Even if you feel like you've got the map down, a few pointers are always handy, and that guide has some tips even I didn't think up before attempting my run. Also, I know which quote you're talking about. I think the devs just put it in there as a weird joke. Like how Dempsey is from the 40s, but is still concerned about updating his Facebook page. I don't really get it either, but it made me chuckle at the time :lol:
  9. It is true that they release zombies DLC packaged with the Multiplayer DLC because even if birdman is right and not everyone gets DLC for just the zombies, a large portion of players still do, so they would lose money if they did that. This is the only reason for this package deal. A decent company probably would sell zombie maps as stand-alone for $5 or so (which is still a little steep, but I'd take it). However, Sailor, as much as I hate to buy in to this evil, greedy exploit of capitalism, the maps in BO1 are pretty worth it... Shangri-La remains my favorite to this day 8-)
  10. Damn, bagel, that was NICE. I'm a bit behind on the theorizing about TranZit and Nuketown, so that seemed especially impressive and believable to me haha. I always liked to think that Moon/Nuketown/TranZit were in the 1960s, but now I'm quite undecided. After MotD though, especially with the new "ghosts" theory (read it if you haven't) I might turn to the "time-space rift" theory, in which several events in time are happening at once.
  11. Thats what I was thinking. I don't even like staminaup that much anyways... even on tranzit. My primary use for Staminup has always been to get to downed teammates that are far away. So in my opinion, much less useful in solo. However, it can be very useful on large maps like Ascension. Honestly, I REALLY wish it were on MotD. I would buy it over Electric Cherry any day.
  12. I remember my friend and I did a challenge on Ascension where the only perk we could buy was Quick Revive and the rest had to be obtained from monkey drops. We defended so hard that the only perk we opened up was Flopper, meaning we never got to Pack a Punch. We made it to the mid-30s. Ascension, you so easy As for your current predicament, I'd go Speed Cola. Staminup is useful, yes, but Speed is more valuable, at least on solo. Defend hard next monkey round and you might even get Staminup as well ;)
  13. EJ, I sure do love having someone who understands the ways of the Treyarch as well as I do Got my fingers crossed for an info drop Tuesday!
  14. Two new zombie maps in one DLC? Mocking, we're talking about Treyarch here... In all seriousness, I do think that the next DLC will be the N4, and we'll link the final spire. The Eiffel Tower would be great for that. Then DLC4 will hopefully include the O4 :D
  15. 4 in both BO1 and 2. It's just what I'm used to, I've tried adjusting to higher sensitivities but I just find them hard to control and honestly not worth the effort to adjust to.
  16. It is indeed debates like this one that fuel the site. Seriously, loved reading this. For your first theory debate, this was actually quite nice. You went in with solid evidence, passion, and a general respect for people opposing your theory. Keep that up and you'll do well here :)
  17. Vahn was recently tweeting about what the fans want them to do with the new characters. He retweeted three responses, all of them requesting the return of the O4. It looks like we'll be playing as the TranZit gang in the next map, but after that who knows, we may get to see everyone's favorite drunk Russian ;)
  18. Ooh, very good. Granted, the fact that the radio model wasn't released until 2009 doesn't tell us that that was the year Gary and Brock went there, but it does give us a general timeline. Its also important to note that the O4 traveled from CotD to Shang via MDT, which means time travel may have occurred. Really, the crew could've showed up anytime. Still, the date for Shangri-La is a tough one to figure out, even narrowing it down is impressive Welcome to the site, by the way
  19. I believe it's both. Treyarch does have a good grasp on many things that are going to happen in the future of zombies, but a good portion of it is community based. For example, the NAV cards. Since TranZit's fits into Die Rise's table, but not vice versa, this appears to be part of a larger easter egg that can be completed with future DLC. What will that be? We don't know, but we can guess that Treyarch does. Recently, though, Vahn tweeted out asking what the fans wanted for the future of the "new crew". He retweeted three responses, all of which said "bring back the old characters". Treyarch seemed to be edging away from the story of the O4, but because of community demand we may see them return. Another example is in the BO1 DLC. Because of the Golden Rod in CotD and the focusing stone in Shang, the team obviously knew that Richtofen had a plan. However, they decided during development of the last map pack to change the location from Paris to the Moon. I mean, that's kind of a big difference. Perfect example of how some details are set in stone, but others are interchangeable.
  20. My ADD is insane, which is probably the main reason I've never been to round 100 despite a couple attempts. It's actually visible in my gameplay a lot - I can never slow down enough to make a crawler, hit the box, etc. This is usually why an average game for me can end in the late teens or early twenties, when it had the potential to go much higher. My high round games often end because of this or some other stupid mistake. Usually, though, I just don't have the attention span to start a round 100 game :lol:
  21. This. That's actually how it goes for just about every map, although for most maps you would have to go higher than 50 to consider it "beaten". Usually 100. But yeah, I don't think any round higher than 50 is necessary for Town or Farm.
  22. My highest on Farm is 32, admittedly the lava was a contributor to my downfall. I wasn't having too many ammo problems yet, but I could tell they were soon to come. I can't imagine getting to 40 on that map, yet alone 50.
  23. 50 on Town is hard. No kidding. That's why I was surprised "almost everyone" has done it. I feel like that statement was a little exaggerated... Still, I'd love to pull it off.
  24. I'm an idealist... with a sniper rifle. MEAT... is an anagram for "team".
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