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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Replies posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. I don't need it.... I don't need it. I don't need it. I DEFINITELY don't need it. I don't need it..............

  2. I think my favorite weapon is the DG-2. God I love it. Just a fun gun to play with.

  3. I think my favorite weapon is the DG-2. God I love it. Just a fun gun to play with.

  4. In a perfect world I would be playing AC Unity right now, but instead I have to wait another two weeks. :*(

  5. @RZArazorSHARP20 - What have you done with MMX? You have his Perks-a-Cola picture as your signature. Are you really MMX?

  6. Any recommendations of the best capture card to purchase for 360? Best meaning combined quality and affordability.

  7. In a perfect world I would be playing AC Unity right now, but instead I have to wait another two weeks. :*(

  8. Just got a perfect score on my psychology exam. Thos means it's time for celebration. Only question is what to eat?

  9. Note to self: Do NOT drink too much when you double shift the next day.

  10. Hi,lads make next zombie game deff rankamble with prestiges and simular upgrade of your abilites like in extinction mode of Ghosts

  11. Would you rather wake up naked and with no memory of the night before next to Ronald Mcdonald with him saying you were loving it or Burger King with him saying you had it your way?

  12. Finally finished the buried EE, meaning I've completed all Black Ops 2 EEs. That Make-A-Wish step, tho.

  13. @PINNAZ logged into xbox today, first time I've been logged in and seen him online for ages.

  14. WOOOOO Plants vs zombies update!

  15. I just want Elder Scrolls 6.


  17. Advanced Warfare Zombies! One full wave of "maybe" zombies... all for just $50/£40! Pre-Order NOW!

  18. I saw a post on Fakebooc (so it may be bs); 666 years since Halloween fell on Friday the 13th. i thought the calendar repeated every so many teen years, but I'm not sure.

  19. I saw a post on Fakebooc (so it may be bs); 666 years since Halloween fell on Friday the 13th. i thought the calendar repeated every so many teen years, but I'm not sure.

  20. Should I play modern warfare or MOTD? Hmmm

  21. So I ended up getting Ace attorney 5. I think it's pretty good so far. In other news Hoping to have a major concept ready by the 15th. Hopefully if I don't get lazy

  22. Torrential rain here in Scotland today, that's winter hit us already.

  23. have enough money to buy a game. Smash bros 3d? Ace attorney 5? legend of zelda link between worlds? God damn it I have no idea what to pick.....

  24. It's my birthday

  25. Wanting to have the annoncer pip tag...

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