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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. There's always that one guy that always claims the old story's dead and a new one will appear next game… I'm not going to argue about this. There is no proof of a continuation or a complete renovation. Well find out in 2015…
  2. Actually the proper term is to violently scream out "SAVE A CRAWLER" after you've destroyed your own train entirely.
  3. Ok so, in BO2 one of the most gripping things about it's changes to zombies is the change of the dying crawler. In waw or bo1 the crawler could be kept alive indefinantly, even on large maps like moon. I'll admit, it would have been very painful to wait for a crawler to cross the map in tranzit, but as for buried, MOTD, and origins… Why not keep the crawler alive? In die-rise it would be caught on an elevator or stuck on a random floor so it also makes sense, but these 3 maps are different. SO do we want to see the return of the "shoot to kill" crawler, or do we want to have to keep a "full zombie" alive?
  4. I doubt it's in the 60s actually. Many people believe that the map is held in the 60s due to the explosion, and that after the 60s the explosion would have been outlawed. But three strikes against that: -That implys this explosion was planned, when it could have been accidental - It implys that the government is honoring the deal. -Nuketown 2025 disproves that last one, even if it is not cannon to zombies, the fact the MP world would build a new nuke-site proves that they have worked around the nuclear above ground testing initiative.
  5. You don't just let richtofen into your body and NOT continue to do things. Maxis may be an endgame as he destroys the world. As for origins: "My dad has a plan.." If you're going to bring up the point that the N4's bodies are around the map in infinity round let me bring up the point of die rise's intro cutscene and how this isn't the first time the N4 have died… I'd say we have more evidence of a continued story now then we did at the end of moon….
  6. I take offense to that. Also, pun intentional? Because I lol'd. Also, MMX's take on the term intrigues me as well. But how do we know weapons like the Monkey Bomb use 115? Or does it simply fall under the "ethereal" category like the Silver Spoon? It was completely pun-intentional, I loved the flamethrower, lagged EVERYTHING and killed close to NONE of the zombies but yeah, good-weapon.
  7. Even that was random. The better solution was the gondola from MOTD. The origins portals would work if they didn't take so GD long to open… Corse that would still mean that the portals would move 1-way so anyone near the fire tunnel could get to the church or any other area quick enough, but no one else would be able to get back to him. Buried was a condensed map, but still if someone went down in the maze, they're basically dead.. It's a sad price to pay for bigger maps… How about this: Warp gates: Buildable: Once placed the gate can summon a player from wherever they are via pushing the hand-held detonator. This can only be activated once-per round and by doing so costs 2000 points. This would solve the down-across map issue but still cost the player more then his fair share. Plus it'd be epic.
  8. That's why if they drown they become zombies!
  9. They'd do that except for a handful of things: -Up til the new engine infinity ward kept another zombies production tool system from being developed. They may still not be able to release tools due to this. - People could re-create maps for free online so one didn't have to pay for DLC. -People could (easily) create better maps then trayarch.
  10. Looks like we're going to have to ban the word "love" now…

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Undead


      MMX is just a bigger buzzkill than buzz killington.

    3. MysteryMachineX


      Yes No Yes Yes No

    4. Boom115


      How about we ban you face! Owwwwww

  11. Rule: -1 NEVER store your flash drives near batteries/magnets...
  12. Personally I'd like a random infinity round, where ENDLESS zombies spawn in and the player has to survive for an amount of time, then kill off the remaining hordes.
  13. Damn.. I made it to 40 with 1100 before… but never that high… Kudos!
  14. Remember guys this was posted just after die-rise's release. No one had any idea about alcatraz or brutus. However it DID sound like a prison cell and people judged it as that which led to MANY alcatraz idea maps and custom maps.
  15. This could be interesting: The fountain of youth: A horrific cave that when the power is turned on is filled with water and only drops when the main fountain in the center of the map is activated. Space vegas sounds like like a grand plot twist but being in space is a bit of a longshot… How about the colosseum in rome? GODZILLA: Obviously the tokeyo gov. secret…
  17. The blundergat is not a wonder weapon to me, it's just a shotgun, even with it's high power, that's all it is. the acidgat is a wonder weapon however. Scavenger: it's just a high power sniper with highly explosive bolts, but the actual make of it's blasts are more deadly then that of a normal blast. I'm on the edge with this one. Jet gun: Absolutely not. It's not even a weapon it's just a plane turbine that's been re-used to destroy zombies at a very disappointing rate. Seliquifier I'm also if-y about as it could be 115, or it could just be concentrated benzene. Staffs: 100%: Wonder weapon TIme bombs: They are wonder weapons, however they can only be used to attack the fabric of space and time. Flamethrower: No… Just a not-very-cool weapon…
  18. You can upgrade staffs, get fists, and the lantern grenades. I don't know what you guys are talking about. Being in solo effects nothing. This is the only BO2 easter egg that can be done in solo. The two most likely reasons for the things not spawning are either it's in easy, or there' a staff that isn't upgraded yet, you need to upgrade all of them.
  19. You mean like…. Electric eels?…. OR OCTOPUSES! OR SHARKS!
  20. See… I was playing origins today and I noticed something strange, the dials at gen. 5, both in church, wind tunnel, spawn, tank station, and bace of site are all used in the summoning of the electric staff's purple stone… However, there is a turnable dial in the workshop on the top floor just before the exit. It is possible to turn this dial however it is never used in the easter egg. Today I turned all the dials up til the last one, and spun this dial around, but it never even started sparking or making a whining noise. It is completely uninvolved with the lightning upgrade process… Yet there it is…. What could it do? More secrets?
  21. Do not take my word for it. I almost never get the box more then once in solo origins. I never get firesales…
  22. That white-on-white text<<<<<<< Nuketown is one of the most fought over maps in existence and there's only two things we can prove about it: -Marelton is in the map in the bunker, or he was at least alive and talking through some kind of intercom with the site. - The map happens at the same time of the events on moon. Some believe this map happened in the 60s, others in 2015 (or later) But a time-bubble theory is a bit unnecessary. It doesn't really even need to BE In a bubble as time still progresses as this map carrys on… Sorry if I'm being a bit rude by pointing this out but… This particular map is the LEAST likely out of every other map to be a time bubble, as it's the only map to include a progression of time. Now, if the sould of those who died here (CIA and CDC) were re-used by richtofen for grief and turned that is a possibly…
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