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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. (cracks knuckles) Atlantis is important for two reasons, one well known one: Samule states he knows something about it, and the less well-known one: atlantis may be Atlanta... Why? Because thats the location of the origional CDC bace... It would make for a good survival map:Atlanta.. I think Samule may be confusing Atlanta with Atlantis, the destruction of the earth may have caused this somehow.. It would make for a good survival map because there could be a Easter egg like the one in nuketown: with a character (samule presumably) in a safe, unenterable, area... Also if there is an Atlanta map, it's possible it could take place beneath the artic, as the earth was flash heated... We know this because if it was slowly melted all forms of paper and wood would be compleatly disintegrated.. So it's possible that while the water is lava, the ice is just covered in heated water, and soot... Also if this is the case, the radio tower may not be what we're after for there any-who.. We don't need to keep finding more towers, infact I'd prefer not to... Plowing up a tower is just too similar to powering up the nodes from accension... I liked the moon and shangri la Easter eggs MUCH better... If we keep powering up towers we won't ever learn anything new... However, if we were to, say, power up one more tower, then link them all together with the nav-cards, and then gain access to do something ELSE! That would be something! If I'm predicting this right, when we power up the next tower, we will have the last nav card table.. Then we build it and place th card in it from die rise, then we take IT'S card, and place it into the green run's table.. This should link the towers and possibly power up the HARRP (aka the power station in tranzit...) so we can restore or do something to earth... Then the 3rd map will happen, it should take place in a fairly ok area... But then there's the FOURTH DLC, If I predict that's right we will have a new tranzit-type map, nuketown zombies, AND three all new survival maps taking place before or right after the events of moon, that way we can learn where all the characters came from... One of these maps MAY be Atlanta or to Samule "Atlantis!"
  2. Try LSD and see if that does anything... But seriously kids, don't drink school, don't do Alchohol, and stay in drugs....
  3. Ahhh, but remember the note from shi no Numa: the one referring to only using the HARRP is EXTREAM SITUATIONS! Considering the state of the world... Yeah it's a pretty ok time to use it...
  4. These two scientist have been with us sense moon, and I beleive we should investigate them furthur... Groph: I beleive he has something to offer from his research with the mpd and vrill... That and richtofen's quote from moon: "I will never understand groph's obsession with American women... All they DO is play games! :evil: " Why do I think this is important? Because of misty, she is an american woman! (Murica!) If groph is anything close to richtofen, he may have run some test on subjects too... In the past of course, long before misty was born... But if one of his subjects were carrying some kind of lethal or empowering device or element or body fluid, it's very possible the explosions around the earth could have freed it... If so, misty may have some how acquired this.. THING! Causing her to become something of value... All characters in zombies have something to offer.... The cotd crew were stars in gory movies... Takeo, tank, and Nikolai were test subjects for 115.... Samule has some history with a horrible act and consiqueinces.... Marelton worked for the government and has gained secrets about zombies... And purhaps something else... And Samule says while pack-a-punching: Of course, to keep the others Alive... But why though? Meaning we need misty and russman for SOMETHING and if groph is the key to half that equation I'm willing to give it a chance! Gersh is another factor... We know he was in the Aether, but not by typical means... He was there because of the gersh device... Meaning he didn't gain control of anything when he was warped there... Or DID he? We supplied him with massive amounts of energy for his needs to "free" himself... But then what? We heard samanthia scream bloody murder! But why though? Could it be that samanthia's scream was cause by gersh leaving? Or gaining access to more of the aether... Making him possibly more powerfull then richtofen and samanthia... Think about it... If gersh had managed to make his way to samanthia in the ather, he could have over powered the girl, then while richtofen was completing his needs, he used samanthia as a mask, shielding him from richtofen... Then once samanthia is out of the MPD and richtofen is in, gersh disappeared, wether to go to hidding, or wait to sabotage richtofen... We know SOMETHING is in there with richtofen... And it's not a teddy bear.. Although that may have been where he hid... If its gersh he may still be under the control of the origional voices... The ones before samanthia... It's all coming together... Two characters needed for SOMETHING but we don't know what, a mysterious being lurking in the ather... The absence of Dr. Gersh... Who could be anywhere... Linking radio towers.... group 601... It's all adding together and soon... We will have answers! :twisted:
  5. If the outside layer of the earth is a fiery hell-hole ARGOTHA would be preserved... Purhaps this is the safe location spoken about on the television...
  6. Well let's look at this from richtofen's point of view... He needs to stop maxis, who is also trying to accomplish a goal to obviously ruin richtofen's plans... So he has to balance helping the crew, and risk them helping maxis, or sending a horde in to kill them if they misbehave... So he uses zombies as a sort of leverage to keep samule's crew from listening to maxis rather then him... Or that's how I see things...
  7. Honestly, after the 5 hour download session, 1200 Microsoft points, and corrupted local files... Yes it was VERY worth it, it's ALOT better then tranzit, and it gives you turned, which still gives you one game per day so your rank doesnt go down, while also not be so time consuming...
  8. If it means A-no more paris talk and B- no more stupid towers to set up Great!
  9. I have been a HAARP maniac for quite some time now, and I am sure the harp is the power room from tranzit.. I am 99%sure of it... What I think will happen is that the Harrp will become linked with the radio towers once we add all the nav cards... Thus doing SOMETHING to the earth...
  10. I've always just called them nova six jumpers... As they have nothing to do with nova six, but the origional crawlers looked like that so what the hell, the name sounds nice...
  11. PORTAL! The second greatest game for Xbox... Right after zombies!
  12. To start off I'd like to say this post has been deleated twice now due to my iPad's safari crashing, so boo hoo to anyone that has any beef to my grammar... Just deal with it... It's plenty readable... ______________________ I've been meaning to ask this sense tranzit, but why is it when maxis communicates there's always that fading beeping noise? Sure it could be the fact he's using an intercom... But that doesn't make much sense at the pylon when he speaks to you, as there are no speakers.... That lead me to think "What kind of technology would be needed to send messages from the moon to earth?" This lead me to research group 601, And other radio wave related research... It was there that I learned of Solar Waves . For those who don't know solar waves are made of protons and electrons that travel in emmence density through space, forming solar wind... From here I put together that richtofen isn't communicating through radio frequeincys, he's just using Samule and the ather... Meaning he wants nothing from solar wind... So what if maxis's goal is to create large amounts of solar wind? What could he use that for? I'll tell you... Movement... :geek: Think of the earth as a massive destroyed ship hurtling though space, slowly weakening... Without any power to it, the "sea" of space will rip it to shreds! Leaving us with massive asteroids suspended from the earth (check), and massive RIFTS in the earth's surface... Richtofen wants us to mend these rifts, because he wants to maintain the earth in a stable enough condition to hold life for his own purposes... Maxis's goal on the other hand could be that he wants to use the solar wind to help the earth speed into the "seas" inorder to prevent further damage... :| But why? Why is the protection of the earth so important now? Energy fields.... From what we know from zombies, where is the most massive display of energy ever displayed on the earth? The explosion from the rockets on moon... Lost? Don't be, I was too until I watched a VERY intelligent video on string theory... From that I found that the energy feild created by all the energy released from life-force, heat, and kinetic energy COULD have the potential to reverse the flow of time! And send the earth back to BEFORE the explosion! Now think of the eath as a ball, and the moon insident as a rubber band.. The longer the "ball" moves forward the harder it will be snapped back... What I beleive is that maxis's plan is to slow DOWN the earths revolution around the sun inorder to create more "Snap" while richtofen wants to create a very minimal "snap"... But maxis's must be perfect, for if one tiny detail is off the "band" could BREAK! Leaving the ball forever stuck on one side of the band! If all goes right, maxis may be able to revert time back far enough to stop richtofen from entering the MPD, and if richtofen's plan succeeds, he will be able to revert time to stop maxis from setting fire to the earth, but still be able to access the MPD... Why even send the earth back at all? Wouldn't the feild just set time back anyways? No, because there's nothing to activate it... Right now it's just a big feild of energy that's slowly weakening in space, it will need to be kept In stable condition some how... Meaning MORE energy :twisted: .. And what's the greatest sourse of energy closest to us? The SUN! If we can time it right we can use the feild to establish a connection with the sun, much like what a black hole does to a star, that will drain the sun's energy into a black-hole type time vortex! When it's pull drags the earth through, it will reset anything touching it: Including area 51! When the clock is reset, the moon will still be in the regular universe, the one with the destroyed universe, hold on now because this is where it gets complicated: The events of the past SHOULD reset the "data" of the universe, pulling the moon and sun back to their normal positions... But the earth will have changed... As in maxis's goal of keeping richtofen out of the MPD is a success, or richtofen's goal of keeping maxis's bombs from hitting the earth are a success... Either way, the events from tranzit, die rise, and so on, no longer exist... Leaving maxis in the super computer on moon, and richtofen with the O4 or in the MPD... In basic form: Step one for maxis: Generate LOTS of solar wind through radio waves surrounding earth! -This will keep the earth here long enough to avoid going back to the wrong time.... Step two: Activate the feild by super heating it! -Possibly using the sun... Step three: Using the energy from the earth's destruction, return to a time BEFORE richtofen entered the MPD and stop him.., Step one for Richtofen: Generate enough electro-magnetic energy to keep the earth in-tact before we hit the energy feild... Step two: Super charge the energy feild to pass through it... Step three: Maintain a point in history in which maxis has NOT yet fired the rockets, however you are still in the MPD.... And stop him! Then there's the third party: The guy in the ather... My HUNCH says it's groph, but I can't be certain... But there is SOMETHING in there, be it groph, vrill-Ya, or a second Nikolai, it's in the MPD... We've seen hints from it from moon, in which a "static" shock beams voices into richtofen's head while a shadowy figure stands by.. Or when samanthia says: There are worce things then YOU in there... Or now when we hear richtofen struggle in talking to Samule... He's got to have something in there controlling him... If I'm right it won't matter of we choose richtofen or maxis's side, in the long run, the third party will win sending earth to an unknown time, for unknown purposes... If this guys intentions are satisfied, neither maxis's nor richtofen's idea of changing the past may be relevant... It could be all him... Giving us a non-split ending for Blops2 zombies and making it possible for zombies to return in cod 11... It's all part of their plan... Not maxis's, not richtofen's, THEIR'S! It's up to us to find out WHO they are, WHY they're here, WHAT they want, and most importantly what are their intentions? Judging by their torchurous ways towards richtofen... Id say theyre pretty bad... :evil: Guess we'll just have to flush-em out... :twisted: This has been an informal post by Mocking me zero! Heed my words and discuss them! :idea:
  13. I can see it as a bonus item for getting the care package/ hardened edition...
  14. We had a few theory's about that, we know Samule's ability is he can hear richtofen, we think marelton's buildables last longer, misty may heal slightly faster or be able to take more fall damage or something, idk, and maybe russman has a sturdier aim... Nikolai's would be he can drink perks faster (obviously), takeo may build things faster, RichtoSam may be able to hear richtofen as well, and tank can throw grenades father or something...
  15. Dear zombie Lincoln, his grammar is worce then mine...
  16. I still think we need to see more vehicles, more buildables, and more new things! I would also love to see a map you need to buy doors to progress, in tranzit and die rise, opening up one or two doors automatically gave us access to juggernog, power, and Pack a punch... It's too easy... I want a map where I am truely stuck until I can get some points! Like the blops maps... There could be multiple ways, but none that are free... Mode-wise my "play as the demonic anouncer" thing is still a very possible thing... http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=140&t=27536 As for the map, we've been to a hospital, a small town, a nuclear test town, a chinease skyscraper, a lone abandon shack in the night, a swamp, a zombie research facility, a theater, the pentagon, a rocket launch sector, a frozen movie set, an anchient jungle temple, and the flipin moon, but not once have we been to a proper beach, desert, forest, ship, or anywhere of vrill relations... We could see ANY of these come April... Character wise I think the next map should be with the O4 and the next map with the N4, Fallowed by the fourth map which depending on how much you help either maxis or richtofen throughout the earlier Easter eggs, gives you a N4 or O4 character... You can state that there is no more backstory to the O4, but it's ALWAYS been that way, I mean look, sense the WAW bios and the cotd radios, we haven't asked that many questions about their origin, we know they were test subjects, and we know they were a russian drunk, an angry American, a silent(bs he spoke more then anyone) Jap., and an evil nazi doctor... Weapons--> see the Wonder weapon thread... Buildables: Wingsuits could be epic, just as well as the headlamp if denizens return... No more I have for that right now... Transportation: Tranzit:Bus Die rise: Elevator ???: I'm hope-ing for a train... That way I can train while riding a train... But I'll take a boat, helicopter, aircraft, anything... It's all just TOO slow eventually...
  17. I CAME UP WITH THAT IDEA WEEKS AGO! Seriously go see:" Play as the demonic anouncer" http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=140&t=27536 Now that I think about it... Trayarch has been using a lot of my ideas... We must share similar brain functions! Springboard--> trample steam... Double-take--> Who's who... Let's see if my Wingsuit idea gets implemented! Oh how glorious! Ah....
  18. And laggy... You get lag from playing tranzit/die rise because it's a big map, you get lag from greif because it's got 8 people, you don't get as much lag on turned because its only four players, no extra zombies even! To mix the two major factors for lag is to make a game mode no one can ever play....
  19. They can't carry that over... Even if one were to have the big bang acheivement, there is no way that I know of to change game files due to that of another game....
  20. Lol... Dude... Go and look up "school" "sand" My prediction of die rise My zombies campaign/stand alone game idea (see my sig.) Some of my perk ideas Some of my weapon ideas... And that's just the bare minimum of ME! There are TONs of people with their own ideas each different from the rest receiving a lot of critisism, sometimes because their bad ideas, sometimes because they just don't think it's possible... Dont see yourself so different... Also why does your map remind me so much of bioshock?
  21. I mean really Activision? Your gona set up an Xbox-live online scheme like that and NOT expect the people who analyse theorys and conspiracys all the time to NOT pick up on it?
  22. That doesn't give us an ENDING though.. That just gives us more towers that we STILL don't know what they do! I think AT THE VERY MOST we should have one more map with a tower, the rest should be focused towards something else... Something more.... Wondrous....
  23. It was plenty of a challenge in blops1 because you HAD to move to the next round to bypass doors and get more points.... Here you just run around a lot trying to get the specific peice you need without ever buying more then four doors... I would much rather have a door-filled map with no easy-access rought then this easy-death zombie bunch...
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