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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Thanks mate, yeah disappearing shots can often rip you off of several kills. The things that got me 330 with this strategy are the same thing that should get me 360 kills with the side-drop in the near future; The first thing, an excellent start - 114 kills at Jugg, 170+ at 6/6/40 ammo and 230+ at 6/6/30. The second thing, generally good shot-making i.e. killing with as few shots as I can in most cases. The last thing, just being quick. This is something that I should have done during my 349 run which could have possibly gotten me a WR number rather than 349, but I was certain it was going to be a really high kill game so I got nervous and slowed down towards the end. But I'm very happy with this score and I just feel like the pressure has completely been taken away from playing No Man's Land now, so I'm getting quicker and more consistent as a result of just being relaxed. All of this is just stuff I've improved on dramatically in the past month.
  2. So this is just a little tip for those moments when you're going for a PaP, a dog has spawned far away from you and you want it to reach you quickly so you have space to knife it safely before zombie spawners reach you. Just one M1911 shot does the trick!
  3. :lol: cheers Jay. Goals to reach: 100 solo on Nacht 100 solo on Verruckt 100 solo on Shi No Numa, maybe WR if nobody has gone to 115 by the time I attempt it 100 solo on Der Riese 100 solo on FIVE 360 kills on No Man's Land Record -3 mins 2p PaP on NML with Tom 7 goals, 7 months to do them all (until the next game comes out). Maybe could slow down, but I'd also like to leave plenty of time for that 100 on Nacht, that'll probably take a few attempts Shame 2 ignorant assholes have disliked the video already, this is the first of my videos to even recieve a dislike...
  4. Pleasure working on this with you guys, hopefully our players here at CoDZ can get something from this :D
  5. THE TRINITY - SUPER, CHOPPER & TOM'S GUIDE TO SHANG ROUND 100 PART 2 This part of the guide will focus on rounds 40-100, when the spawns are fast and our quick rinse-and-repeat AK & Semtex areas strategy will come into full effect. For part one, click HERE. SUPERHANDS' WRITTEN GUIDE So, you’re now at round 40 and the spawns are really rapid. Time to change our strategy to a nice, quick one to take advantage of this! Let’s take another look at the video for reference here; the strategy is fully demonstrated, and a full round 99 playthrough shows it’s consistency: As you can see, we start in the Semtex room to lessen the spawns in the AK room before we enter it to gather the zombies, which makes things a lot easier. We then lead our gathered group back into the Semtex Room, throw a Semtex grenade at their feet and zap them with the Shrink Gun, lowering their health to 1 so that the explosion will kill them. We then wait a few seconds so the zombies spawn in our vicinity before moving off to the AK to repeat the strategy. That’s the overview; now let’s break it down. Starting in the Semtex Room You’ll only wait here for 2-3 seconds when the zombies start to spawn, which is immediately after you kill them at this stage. Then, walk forward into the AK room. Heading into the AK room before gathering As you enter, hang to the right of the room next to the AK for as long as you can. From here, move slowly over to the left side and hang here. From here, you’ll survey the situation. There are 2 different ways to run this room. One is Chopper’s method, which is to run across the bottom of the room to the other side, continuing to sprint around the back and towards the random box side so that zombies don’t follow you round the back. See 7:50 in the video for a demonstration of this method. This method can be a little nicer to use, but sometimes the front gets blocked so you have to use my method, which is just as safe once you’re used to it from personal experience. My method is similar and is an excellent fallback as it’ll always work; from your hanging point on the left you’ll keep to this side, slowly approaching the tunnel, then slowly approaching the right side round the top part of the room in preparation for the cut-and-drag. See 6:20 for example. The cut-and-drags Whichever method you used, you’ll now need to use the upper part of the AK room to complete a couple of cutbacks and drag-outs to finish gathering your group. As shown in the video, I slowly walk backwards down each set of stairs, keeping to the inside, clinging to the rocks in the middle of the room. This is the drag-out, and will clear the way for the cut. Keep this part as slow as you can. Once the zombies start to follow me down the stairs, the path is clear for me to move off to the side and sprint around the zombies to the other side of the room. Repeat this on the other side of the room until you have a full hoard. Leading to the Semtex room for the kill Once my hoard is gathered, I walk out into the Semtex room, maybe a little zig-zagging to help compact the group a little. Once I’m in the actual Semtex area after going through the small gap, you see me move over to the left and wait for the zombies to reach me. I then throw a Semtex grenade at the group’s feet and wait a couple of seconds before shooting them with the Shrink Gun so they’ll still be shrunken when the grenade explodes. Try to get as close to the zombies as possible before shooting, as the gun has very limited range. When I say close, I do mean close – close enough to hit you. Once your group is dead, wait 2-3 seconds and repeat. As mentioned, the gun has horrible range, and you may find the shot misses a few zombies. Don’t waste another shot on them, just circle in the Semtex room for a few seconds before moving off to the AK as usual, letting them join your next group. The reason why use Semtex by the way, is because it’s right next to you as you wait, so can constantly be topped up for 250 points. Just more convenient as opposed to shrinking, switching weapons and shooting with the M&S. It also looks badass! Ammo management Ammo normally isn’t too much of an issue with this map. Max Ammos tends to drop fairly regularly, and even when it’s not upgraded the JGB still has a nice ammo count which is often replenished by an Ammo before it runs out in the run up 60 or so. After the normal version runs out and you upgraded it for more ammo, the ammo count is monstrous. On my run to 100, I only had to ‘recycle’ the gun 3 times throughout the whole game because of the pretty frequent Max Ammos. I didn’t have to recycle until 80+. When it comes to recycling, I’d suggest trying to keep 1 zombie at the end of the round so you can hit the box safely when you’re running low on ammo on the upgraded version. It isn’t out of the question however, to hit the box mid-round in any location on this map. It’s not the preferred method at all, but it’s a realistic option. Each room simple requires a slow circle round a structure with your group following behind, hitting the box on each loop. Dealing with napalm zombies This can be slightly tricky. It blows up, kills a bunch of zombies and continues killing them as they run through the fire. In this situation, you’re best of doing one of these 2 things: 1) Stick to the AK room, handling the zombies spawning in the room until they stop being killed when the flame dies down. 2) Leave the AK area, through to the power room and carry out the early rounds strategy, only on the way back killing your group in the Semtex room as normal rather than in the AK room. This second is safer, but the first is quicker and more ammo efficient. Your choice. Going for 100 So you’ve learned all of the strategies, you’ve been improving your play and you want to start going for the really high rounds. Granted, high round runs take a lot of skill. But it’s also the mental side of the game that will help you reach you goal, be it getting to round 50, 100 or breaking the current world record. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve seen/heard people say ‘Well, I’ve been to round 50 and given up so I know I can do round 100’. This couldn’t be further from the truth; with all due respect, these people are speaking from an inexperienced point of view. Getting to round 50, and getting through the rounds past round 60 are two completely different things. Past the round 60 point and especially after round 80, the rounds become painstakingly long, you start to lose focus and lose interest if you’re not mentally prepared – or even if you are prepared, but not to so much of an extent. Not to mention that in some strategies, you’ll rely on ammo to get through the rounds, and at these high rounds your wonder weapon ammo will sometimes run out mid-round and you may find yourself hitting the box mid-round in an attempt to get the weapon back with full ammo - no easy task in some cases. Again, no disrespect to anybody, but if you haven’t been to this point then you can’t possibly comment on how easy or difficult it is as you haven’t experienced all of these things. When you have experienced it, it gives you more respect towards others that do it. So if you’ve dipped your toes into the waters of the 50+ rounds, just be aware that doing another 50 rounds is no walk in the park. With that said, far be it from me to discourage anyone - the previous paragraph was somewhat of a reality check; round 100 runs should be treated with respect if you want the best chance of achieving them. So we touched upon mental preparation for these high round runs. Hopefully you’re now asking, “So Superhands, I realise runs to 100 are no easy feat and it takes a dedicated player to achieve it - how do I prepare myself for these long, drawn-out games?”. Well, here are a few tips that will help: Do not rush these games. Sure, you don’t want to drag them out for longer than necessary, but rushing will result in costly mistakes. Always have a target round in mind. As I mentioned, it takes focus and determination to reach the really high rounds, and keeping a target that you want to hit will give you an extra morale boost when things start to get tedious. If you hit your target and want to go further, reset another target round. Don’t just jump back into the game after a really long break. If you’ve left the game on overnight and you come back to it the next day, you’ll most likely be feeling a little rusty, and gathering a train from scratch when you’re not feeling comfortable can cause mistakes. Before you finish for the day, build up a train before pausing the game. When you come back to it the next day, you’ll have a train already built and you can run around with it for a little bit to ‘warm up’ – practice your cut-backs and stuff with this train to ease back into the game. When you feel like your back in the comfort zone, kill your train and continue the usual strategy. Don’t lose sleep over it. If you stay up all night playing and wake up early the next day to continue, your concentration levels will be way off. As a general rule – tiredness + gaming = bad combination. Stick to the same strategy. We all tend to zone-out on the higher rounds at some point. You can afford to do this if you stick to an easy, reliable, rinse-and-repeat strategy. This is the reasoning behind some of the higher-rounds strategies I use – they may not be the quickest, but as I said, taking it easy is guaranteed to see you to higher rounds than rushing things. CHOPPERNATOR'S VIDEO GUIDE Video from ChopperNator coming here soon...
  6. Hey guys, so here's a vid of some footage from my recent run to 100 on Shangri La that I finished last Tuesday, including a full playthrough of round 99 as well as a bit of easy early rounds strategy. This AK strategy, which becomes effective at 40+, is basically a spin-off of the co-op AK strategy, to round 100 solo with 0 downs until suicide at 100. Myself, Choppernator and Tom have been discussing this strategy for the past week, and all of our ideas have been rolled into the strategy you're seeing here, credit to those guys for this as well as myself. Only 3 Shrink Gun recycles throughout the whole game, Max Ammos were dropping quite regularly. 0:00 Early rounds strategy 2:42 High rounds strategy 4:23 Round 99 playthrough and 100 suicide Bonus - 7:20 3ARC not letting me buy more Semtex grenades until I kill one more hoard (held button down, but no cigar). By the way guys, please check the poll. Trying to decide on which map to go for 100 on next. I'll also be attempting FIVE and Nacht at some point, but gonna leave those until last.
  7. Cheers guys Yeah Jay there is apparently going to be a medal for the forum's main strategists once the medals system is implemented, if this plan goes ahead I'd fully expect Chopper and Ehjookayted to be recieving medals as well ;)
  8. Brilliant thread mate, will probably even refer to this myself from time to time [brains]
  9. Thanks Eye Yeah No Man's Land can be a frustrating thing, but I've played so much of it lately, always watching back on my recordings to see what I was doing wrong. Just seemingly little things that one day just seem to click, and all of a sudden your game improves dramatically. One example, I used to try and rush to get a PaP, thinking speed was the most important thing, whereas taking a little more time to get more kills before the PaP is much more effective. Another is just the way I used to shoot, was always told to jump-shoot but it's not really that effective, as well as not giving you less splashback damage like some people claim it does. Other than that, I've just quickened up a lot and become more aggressive, the quicker you get the respawners in is obviously better so I always knew I needed to work on it. Anyways mate, stick with it, it's inevitable that you'll improve at it and keep raising those scores further. You're part of the 300 kills club, which is hugely impressive in itself :D
  10. Cheers to whoever edited the post, forgot to include the vid but it'd been added by the time I came back to edit :lol:
  11. Hey guys, so this here is a ground-breaking game for No Man's Land. In the past, it had been believed that 300 kills was probably the absolute limit for the teleporter pad strategy. I pulled out a 305 game on it last month, setting a new record for this particular strategy. Recently I've been making huge improvements to my starts on No Man's Land, so figured I'd give this another go. 55+ kill PaP, 114 kill Juggernog, very optimal start. Just over 10 minutes later, I pushed boundaries further than before by pulling out a 330 kill game using the telepad strategy. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-2h2jrVc9I
  12. When I play with randoms, I'm never going for a high round game so I can get a slightly greedy sometimes. I mean, I'll open a fair amount of doors, maybe one more than everyone else. But if I have the most points and everyone has very little, I'll open a few doors but I'm not gonna open every single one just because I know how to point-build efficiently in the first few rounds. Very common occurance on Moon, people keep telling me to open the last door in Tunnel 6, I tell someone else to open it as I've already opened the last 3 doors. I've been thrifty without stealing any kills, I should be rewarded If I'm playing with friends though, different ball game. For example, playing with Tom, we'll normally stay in the first area until we get a certain amount of points required to open all of the doors to the Bowie/Sickle. Doesn't matter who has to open the most doors etc., we just make sure we have enough points between us to open all of the doors and both buy the knife.
  13. I agree with that Chopper, in solo at least. You just never stop getting hit :lol:
  14. Reached 100 solo on Tuesday before suiciding, I've decided in my quest for 100 solos on as many maps as possible this will be a re-occuring theme, 100 as a score just looks so perfect Just waiting for Chopper to hit 100 so we can release our vids at the same time, which we've agreed on as we're using a joint strategy idea.
  15. Definitely not a fan of a varying difficulty settings idea. I can just imagine there being varying difficulty settings, and the idiots that would comment on it. "ZOMG n00b y0u d1d r0und 50 0n h4rd3n3d d1fficulty I d1d 1t 0n v3t3r4n h4h4h4h4h4h4h4 go k177 y4s3lf n00b!!!" :facepalm:
  16. Very fast strategy I've developed for the 40+ rounds, about 20-22 seconds per spawn which makes it one of the fastest strategies ever. Top door must be kept closed. fkRWGnh752c
  17. I will use Mule kick in the same way. IE I will put a wall gun in that spot. Either upgraded or not depending on the round. Basically I'll only use that wall gun as a point horder, so if I go down and lose it no biggie. In later rounds you can have a 100 shotter in that spot as it will be just as useless as a wall gun, so once again no big loss if you lose it. Nacht=Thompson Verruckt=MP40 Shi no numa=STG44 Der Reise=STG44 Kino=Mp40 Ascension=Ak74 COTD=Ak74 or MP40 Shangri-La=Ak74 Moon=Ak74 The ak47 is not in zombies unfortunately There is an ak74u though I believe thats what you meant thanks He did say AK74, not AK47 I'll mostly only ever have a wall gun as a Mule Kick anyways, unless it's essential to have 3 power weapons in a strategy which is rarely ever (only for solo on FIVE to blast through the 30+ rounds).
  18. You're right, the shotgun has always been a traditional zombie killing weapon and I think that fact should be embraced in this game. Maybe not so much points though, but more ammo would make people like them more.
  19. Yeah the early rounds on Shang can be a bit of a bastard. Luckily, my strategy makes it a piece of piss There's no denying, going to round 100 isn't enjoyable, at round 50 it's 'Am I having fun any more? Doesn't matter, must reach 100...'. But, once you reach 100, you can just bask in the glory, totally worth it :D
  20. Intel® HD Graphics 2000 is integrated I believe, terrible for gaming. The E-450 is also only 1.86GHz, no good. What's your budget mate?
  21. Out of those choices for your first solo 100, definitely Kino.
  22. Thanks mate, yeah I used the back pool to get my first few 300 kill games, but I died with it so many times whereas with the side drop nowadays it's not often that I die once I've got Jugg. More that I restart when I get a few slow spawns :lol:
  23. So you're both in the AK, asshole has gone down and you have an almost full spawn. I'd run a circle in the AK to finish gathering them. Then, seeing how I have to keep them 20 feet away, I run them though the cart room, into the power room. I'd then run to the other end of the power room for long distance, and shoot them from there. That's that part. To to kill everyone once revived... the problem is, if Jugg is in the MPL and he's just been revived in the AK, there will be no need to go through the punji-sticks. I'd say your best bet is to find out where he's going, have both you and your friend gather a sizeable train each, then both enter his room from different sides of the map and sandwich him between yourselfs, getting yourself trapped in the process.
  24. I wouldn't mind so much if he didn't glitch out when you used Gersch Devices, which BTW is in no way linked to how often you kill him, he glitches out on me even though I never touch him, not a single bullet. Also, I'm not a camper at all, but I don't like the fact that some mid-round bosses force people to keep on the move, people should be left to play as they wish.
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