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Everything posted by Ourobos

  1. Perhaps because you're on solo, and the achievement isn't possible in solo? Have you built it in co-op?
  2. I saw three hits. On round nine, they probably were quite windmilling you yet. If you had perma-jug, that would explain your survival.. If not, then consider yourself lucky for that glitchy momemnt.
  3. Buddha room is upside down because the top half of the building fell off and tipped over.. I think it'd be hard to 'correct' that...
  4. There were 8 perks in the BO1 maps, as stated.. Doctor Flopper is just a tease, as stated.
  5. Yep.. You can lose the ability to change guns also.. It happens when you have Who's Who.. Go Down.. And your 'ghost' or 2nd character is the one that is revived.. You can't do any of those things UNTIL you buy Who's Who again.. Then they work.. It's stupid.
  6. The explosion is a zombie on the elevator as it goes to the top.. Dying.. Make sure you don't ride it all the way to the top, or you'll be in the same boat.. Dying..
  7. Move along.. Nothing to see here.. SO are you relating this to Stuhlinger somehow OP?
  8. * you need to RIGHT CLICK - VIEW IMAGE
  9. Man, it just got me too.. I hate that glitch. They should fix it, stop worrying about putting invisible barriers and fix this crap.
  10. Without Jug, and 4 people's worth of zombies.. It won't take long to die.
  11. I know in BO1, you NEVER lost your first gun. If you had gun 1 or 2 out when you went down, you lost gun 3. If you had gun 3 out, you lost gun 2. Probably like that to prevent you from losing M/S in your 1st slot. Haven't tested to see if BO2 is the same way or not.
  12. 89 is great.. Looks like Die Rise with the Sliquifier image..
  13. No.. But if Zombies spawn from there, it wouldn't be possible.
  14. No it's not. Did you build that NAV table in Die Rise? That's a prerequesite.
  15. Well, it's part fire extinguisher... :)
  16. Two player, and you had time to post this?? LOL
  17. ^ Yeah I hope so too. Well, it didn't do it today.. Just a glitch I suppose.
  18. Sorry, I meant Mule Kick on Tranzit.
  19. I'm not a fan of it. I'd rather see Mule Kick on Die Rise.. Who's who ALWAYS throws me in a middle for a herd of Zombies.. With a 1911 and no perks.
  20. Normally on a public match, when someone drops out, that just leaves you with one less player. Custom games, anyone can join in. Weird thing last night. Myself and 3 randoms were playing Die Rise. About round 6 some kid drops out. All of a sudden one of my friends joins in. Public match. Now comes round 12, another starter drops out. A few seconds later, a new random comes in. This happened four times (my friend stuck around til the end at least). Is this a new way Treyarch is doing public games, or did mine just glitch out or something?
  21. It's a glitch. I've seen it happen when someone goes down, they had the M16.. It rarely happens
  22. Problem is you need 3 more players. The elevators must all be stood on at the same time, I don't think inanimate objects count as players.
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