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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. Very strange that is, for 3 of us in the same game it took 17. This was on round 1 as well.
  2. With quick revive I'm pretty certain it's 17....it may be 16 but it's definitely 1 of the 2. We tested this the other night....thinking back I'm certain it was 17 for all of us. 17 in a row and then you get the green lightning flash or whatever it is.
  3. I pretty much agree with everything Andrew said, except the few positives he listed. The absolute only positive is potentially host migration. I personally don't enjoy anything else about it. Before people say that I need to give it a chance, I truly did. I played for around 30 hours before the release, and then prob 8 hours a day post release. Bus depot is really not the new NML.....my first try I got to 22 in around 30 minutes. Compared to my first tries of NML.....just not at all comparable. Grief is the only mode that has some potential in it, but I haven't seen it yet. I may play BO2 sporadically, only with friends though. I will try again after the new DLC and see how it goes. One thing I have realised is that complete obsession to 1 game is not a good thing. I was much to into BO, and spent far too much time playing it, neglecting other games. Unless there is a gamechanging patch or DLC BO2 is not going to get much of my time. I do have a stack of other games to play however :)
  4. There is truly no sarcasm intended in this Jesus but just look up.....it's kinda hard to miss the giant pylon. Then just head towards it. When I first played it I struggled to find it, until a good friend told me this ingame.
  5. I'm sorry mate I personally disagree. I have 1 goal left on BO2, a coop 50. That's it. I've done everything else, most not saved to any leaderboard anywhere or removd already, I have not played for 4 days, played Skyrim. This could take over my life! I am not making empty threats, I'm telling how it is. Without private matches BO2 is stupid. There are far more reasons why I don't think this is a good game, but I'm trying to stay on topic.
  6. Treyarch really fucked up on this. Not being able to do private matches sucks, the leaderboards not updating is even worse. 2 more weeks with BO2 and alot of people I know are going to go back to BO, or a different game. The private match especially is the worse thing. Change this Treyarch, it's simple to add and will stop people going and playing other stuff.
  7. Forgive me, I thought this thread was for people to give their opinions on Tranzit. Those are my opinions. The whole game is messed up, leaderboards aren't saving correctly. I got to 40 coop earlier on bus depot survival. We suicide and the boards didn't update. The game is avaiable in it's entirety on theater mode, which sucks. People can just take my strategies and use them, before I release them. A friend got to 58 town survival. Most people who know me will know who this is, and his score didn't save. All sucks.
  8. It's hard for the wrong reasons. not at all novice friendly and takes too long to do anything. Tranzit fucking sucks, and that comes from someone who has been to 50 solo and 40 coop on it.
  9. Knowledge when applied to game mechanics is the most important thing. It's only developed by hours and hours of playing. It's the difference between 'screen shaking' and screen shaking. One is done by many....generally people flop around like an epileptic fish, generally for no actual gain. The shaking is almost always too late and helps in no way. Then you have a very small group of people who actually have mastered this, and realise exactly how and when to turn to avoid stupid amounts of hits. It's not even a shake, it's just a tiny movement in the relevant direction generally opposed in a somewhat opposite direction by the other analogue stick. If you are good at this you will almost never get hit by dogs....dogs are actually good for practicing this on. Knowledge of how big a gap needs to be, what gaps you kneed to take sideways, which path will lead to oly 2 hits as opposed to the other which is 4. Conceited or not, I know why all this stuff is important. Until you understand all the little stuff like that, your knowledge has room for improvement.
  10. Application of strategy makes decision making easier and lessens the need to rely on instincts. Decision making is by far the most important thing as it overlays everything. Instincts help you do the crazier stuff, but generally making good decisions can avoid a lot of that crap. Knowledge could be considered the most important thing, but again that covers pretty much everything.
  11. Great findings mate. You can't lunge at all on PC. NMls players for instance both love and hate this. I use the lunge all the time, it enables you to kill them slightly quicker as you can do it earlier and rely on the lunge to get you there. This is more obvious in the big pool, and any of the drops. The back pool doesn't seem to work quite as well for some reason. The downside of the lunge is when you mistime it, and lunge past a zombie and hit one behind. Generally this is death.
  12. It's not really possible. I've spoken with Steve about it, and we have both tried it. You can hoard once you have Juggs with only extreme difficult, but shooting when they are more than 2 shots moves into to are you fucking crazy difficulty. It's luck based entirely rather than skilled, which is not a good strategy or challenge IMO.
  13. Hi Lenne. The problem with the PAD grenade is placement. Ideally you want to drop it directly onto the a flat area, whilst you are moving backwards with the zombies coming at you. The teleporter PAD itself is ideal for this. The main thing is to not hit one of the angles on it, otherwise the grenade will roll off at a funny angle. I made this video a while ago, but it's been unlisted for a few friends. There is one example in there of what I'm talking about, around 1/2 way through. I don't actually put it on the PAD but it's on a flat area next to it. Take more time to get a nice group, and then practice where you want to put that grenade. 90% of the time mine goes directly onto the PAD, the rest of the time right next to it like this. Another example I found of what I was trying to say about not having dogs for any of those shots
  14. Wow I haven't posted any strategy stuff in a while! Lenne, having no crawlers may actually make it easier in a way. It sucks that you can't really knife them safely, but if you can get on the pad and have a whole hoard with no dogs, and a full pistol it should be ok. Get that grenade into the middle of them all if you can, and then try and keep your aim at head height and spam into the group. A full pistol can take out all 20, I've done it before on a somewhat failed grenade that exploded right at the chest of the first few. Staying on the pad is really important, as it keeps the dogs from spawning. Depending on your end term goal, whether that be just 300, or more like 330 means you can approach it in 2 ways. For just 300, the important thing is to get your Jugg without any dogs. You kinda want to really kill as many as possible with all your ammo, and gets more points with any spare and then have a whole hoard before you PAP. So you can then get your guns in, out, take them back to the PAD and use ideally 1 shot to kill them. Then get another hoard, without leaving and do the same again, this time more likely with 2 shots. Played this way you will have around 80-90 kills at 3 minutes, having used up to 4 bullets and should just have Jugg now. It's the safest way to start consistently well. It really helps to have 500 points left after PAPing as 2 hoards will then take you to 2500 definitely. It's really difficult to get Jugg if you need 3 hoards, or not difficult perse.....more like very slow if you do it all on the PAD, and this can limit 300. To negate this you would need to run the side drop to get it quickly, but that involves dogs and those problems are best avoided I'd say be prepared to restart more at the start of the game if the start is not really good, to hopefully have more points from Jugg. You can PAP quickly with as little as 6 kills start......but it's much tougher than it should be, liable to fail a few points short.....you really want those 1800/1930 starts. Restart more until you get these, and I really think things get easier. Not necessarily strictly on topic, but I hope it helps someone.
  15. It gets pretty complex there Jay, and you know it mate We are talking about people cheating openly, admitting it, and using it for whatever reason they choose too. To have fun, explore, strategise etc. In a video game. Real life is of course extremely different. The line about liars.....this is the biggest issue, and I hope where you are actually really coming from Jay. Don't lie people. Lying is almost never good, although white lies are almost essential in any relationship, they are pretty easy to justify. The big whoppers though, are no no's. So if someone cheats and admits it, they aren't lying in any way, shape or form. If they want to glitch to have fun, I don't care.
  16. You can do the same on COTD with the flogger/flopper/flinger/super freaking cool thingy. I remember using 4 zombies to gain 2,000 points for something ages ago, and it took 20 minutes. Biggest waste of time ever!
  17. I think this is kind of a null point and argument really. Cheating is doing something which gives you an unfair advantage. If you happen to cheat and claim that you haven't, you are clearly a douche bag. If you cheat and admit it, what exactly is the problem? You aren't claiming anything, so what's the problem. This is pretty simple stuff, and I do feel for guys like Tom and Super, who simply from admitting to having used cheats have some kind of stigma attached to them. Whether these 2 guys have used cheats or not is pretty irrelevant compared to what their guides and videos have provided for the community. People just love to act slightly vigilantly, probably to make up for living shit deep in their Mum's basement surrounded by her underwear and tissues. Any chance they can get to bitch and prattle on the internet, they take. Generally with a self righteousness that sorely doesn't fit their actual way of life. I see the guys who still have a massive issue with the whole cheating thing to live firmly in this category.
  18. There should be prestige and levels, however you should not gain anything from them except for the 'prestige' itself. I have like 4 different accounts as do many others, and I'm not going to level them all up just so that I gain something extra.
  19. Man I don't know how it's possible to test, as I've tried it in the past and asked questions on here about the same thing. A general consensus was made that it's within 3 seconds on 45+ though.....that is spawned to an actual 'location', not necessarily broken out.
  20. I just watched these videos again for the first time in a while, they are 2 of my favourites :)
  21. I tried this last night, got 325 kills....I may upload later as an unlisted for some of my good friends The side drop whatever anyone says is technically the fastest location, simply due to it's location compared to ALL the spawn points. However, both the back pool and the Pipe are easier to keep a hoard in a consistent circle, which is completely necessary for the later part of the game. Very nice Perfect.
  22. Nice thread eye, and good comments from both Super and Sleeve. My 2 pence worth - Remember Eye's condition vs instinct thread; back drop requires conditioning, side drop requires instinct. The exception to this is the way Super runs the side drop....I always think he takes much wider paths than anyone else, leading me to conclude that he is using conditioning to design his paths, giving himself more room to make his choices, rather than relying on instinct. I believe that's why he said that it's pretty difficult to get a tight train in this area. The main issue with the back drop as I see it is the difficulty in cleaning up crawlers and damaged zombies. Due to the water you are forced to take a particular circle, or at best jump through the water. Either way you are restricted in your ability to stab these last few zombies. Adding in that new zombies will spawn straight into the area, you are just always going to have issues cleaning up. A key part in NML is cleaning 20 each and everytime......once you start damaging new zombies that are respawning before clearing the prior group entirely you are going to run into ammo efficiency issues. Regarding the side drop.....I can get really really tight groups there very quickly, but it does require getting very close to the hoard. The down with this is that 1 minor hit can suddenly lead to 3 or 4 other hits as the first one you take gives you that little hit marker delay. The problem with the side drop is when you have to leave it, either through the cage or through the large pool. Whenever you have to do either of these things you cost yourself at least 5 seconds, as the hoard will split somewhat and need to be put back together. This might only mean 1 circle, but that's still a lost circle. EDIT - on rereading this I've come to a possible new conclusion. Whilst the zombies are still 2 hit the side drop is better. Once they become 3 or more the back drop becomes better. Whilst 2 hit you are going to want to stab the remaining zombies. Once 3 or more it will always be shooting with minimal stabbing. A hybrid could produce the best results as the back drop is probably easier to get tight groups of crawlers.
  23. Jbird - a few things mate. Please stop posting your strategy videos into general discussion, place them in the relevant map strategy section. If you put up a strategy please make it clear that it is not originally yours. I think this is the 3rd video I have seen you post which is not originally yours, and no credit is given at all. Codz as a collective creates more strategies than anywhere else, hence we don't like to see it on here. Please refrain from doing this anymore, I will delete any repeat threads with no warning.
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