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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. Thanks BlindBusDrivr. I've been patiently hoping you'd eventually chime in on this one I'm pretty sure the circle is the Moon, and not the Sun. I'm interested to go back and take a real good look at that dot to see if it's a ying-yang sign like you say it is. Interesting observation indeed. I have a feeling the characters are not all scientist. Some may be politicians too (not sure). I get the idea that the overall theme is that every one is putting in their best efforts towards the communist space program. Whether it's through labor, science, or legislation, everyone is doing their part. I don't see what the guy on the far left is holding. It just looks like he's holding up hands, but I can't see anything in his cupped palms. The guy in the middle looks like he's holding a floating ore. The swiggle in the middle line from the array of lines throws me off too. I'm not sure why it was added there. Doesn't seem to make any sense to me design wise, or if it's another shape within a shape kinda thing.
  2. How are you losing QR to the monkeys? Protecting that machine and the Jugg machine should be your main priorities during monkey rounds. And you can protect both of those machines at the same time if you don't open up the top door from Jugg leading up towards the power room. All your other perks are secondary in priority to those two. So the question is, why are you getting out of position in the first place? I recommend implimenting claymores into your monkey round strategies, and turning on the machine gun turret when you are by it. If nothing else, they'll give you an alarm as to if the monkeys are entering/leaving the area around QR, which also leads to Jugg and Stamina Up. Don't be a hero and try to save your other perk machines until you know that the monkeys going for QR and Jugg are handled And if you run out of Thundergun ammo, piss the monkeys off so they go for you rather than the perk machines, and then run them through fire traps
  3. Congrats! 97 is way legit. You don't need the Thundergun and Awful Lawton when you have fire traps at your disposal. You should only be using your thundergun only to get out of sticky situations at this point. The rest of the time use an SMG and/or nades to build up points to buy the fire traps with. If you must go for the box mid-round, I suggest not making your move until you have all the zombies spawned in, and grouped within your zombie train. Once you have all the zombies grouped up, stay close to the pack, because you don't want to lose some and have new zombies spawn in front of you. Once you have the box in your sights, you may have to make a dash to buy it, and then get back to herding your zombie train ASAP. Once back into position, make a wide loop to grab the weapon. You have quite a few seconds for the weapon to stay available, so be patient, and be smooth with this move. If you have Gersch devices, you may need to use one to grab your weapon from the box, and make a mad dash back to a safer area. Throwing out a Gersh device every couple rounds may also pick you up a Max ammo, or a power-up that leads to a Max ammo.
  4. Here's a history channel documentary called The Bell. b8e6wUfueBo vxGNCRoXmpQ B8Wi59oKaJ4 Y-XHeeV-4Uo Y7qkRFjc8Z0
  5. I would have to say either ChopperNator or Superhands is the best zombie slayer out of all the *active* codz members.
  6. When their Youtube videos are garnering 10x's more views than my threads, and the yt directors are getting all the "thank you's" in the comments for the info provided, then it's really hard to say I own those theories anymore. It's more like, I used to own them. People don't check back to my threads even if I do get cited for it.
  7. Is that power-up stealing Monkey taking a Space Elevator to the Moon??? reminds me of.... LUXOR Ancient Egyptian Engraving Moon Rising Must Watch: 38:16 - 42:27 uVDPQbLjXCE Check out the cover of William E. Borrows' book This New Ocean Rosewell Rods JT8st1snjzw Modern Space Elevator technology is currently being "invented" (aka, being reverse-engineered from ancient technology) pnwZmWoymeI "At last we can build a space elevator. And then we will have a stairway to heaven. And breach to the stars." The idea of Space Elevators was popularized by Arthur C. Clark, in his 1979 novel, The Fountains of Paradise also check out this thread as well: posting.php?mode=edit&f=53&p=160338
  8. Yeah, you know, cause you PS3 guys get to do everything in zombies first, right. :lol:
  9. To me, being called a nerd isn't a bad thing at all. I can relate though. When I try to talk to my Dad about ancient aliens, and pyramids on the moon, and things of that nature, he says to me "That sounds like a bunch of conspiracy theorist stuff again". And he uses the term 'conspiracy theorist' towards me as if it were a bad word.
  10. @Shoreyo - You're a victim of it too. I recently heard one of these '5 year olds' claim that he and his party were the first to find the Moon EE, and that you and your crew cheated. You used hacks or glitches or something to do it. Probably made him feel like the big kid in his little sandbox by saying that. Edit *** Whoops! I somehow mistaked Shoreyo with Strwsbob :oops: ***
  11. Ancient Aliens is awesome! I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of Ancient Alien type of stuff in the next zombie maps. ;)
  12. You wouldn't consider the undead, hellhounds, and crawlers to be demons. I do, in a sense.
  13. You won't be able to convince Mac otherwise. Just read the thread he's posted at the bottom of his signature, and you'll get a better idea of where his thought process is coming from. In terms of this game... Magic, Science, and Religion are all part of the same thing. I'm not saying you should subscribe to Mac's awesome theories. Believe whatever you want. But just keep in mind, there's already been a handful of Satanic references in other maps of the game.
  14. Seeing multiple youtubers directly take some my best works here, and then make youtube videos out of that info is getting really annoying, really fast. Makes me feel like I'm going to have to start producing a youtube video for every one of my theories before posting them here, just so I can keep ownership of my own ideas. I mean, I post my discoveries, and theories here on codz to share with everyone. Helping people is a part of who I am. The info is there to freely subscribe to or not. And I wouldn't have been able to form any of my ideas without the help and knowledge lended to me from others to use as a base. But please don't take my hard work and completely claim it as your own. I gladly accept shoutouts and citations from anyone who wants to borrow my theories in their own projects. It's just simple common courtesy.
  15. I see the Pyramid Device as being an astral prison of sorts, and grants it's captive evil god-like powers which include control over the undead. Both Richtofen and Samantha seem to have become twisted and hear voices after interacting with it. It's alien technology. I don't think we're meant to fully understand what it is.
  16. Ancient teleporters -_-" no...... oh yeah, why not? The Die Glocke experiments by the Nazi's were actually attempts at reverse-engineering ancient technology given to men by the Gods, thousands of years ago. I see room for it to fit.
  17. [brains] to you killallzombies This is one of those threads that I hope the developers at Treyarch are reading, and use as inspiration for future maps. This is totally in line with the type of stuff I've been nerding out on lately. If nothing else, you've just given me a new historical topic to feed my brain on.
  18. I'm surprised you PAP so fast in your video, while still basically wasting your first nade. I've tried this strategy a couple times myself, and didn't have nearly as much success with it as you demo'd. I think my biggest problem right now is scoring big with my nades up on the teleporter pad. I'm just not good at getting all the zombies to be in the blast radius when I throw nades up there.
  19. I read somewhere that the Rezzurection map pack was the highest selling DLC pack for Black Ops. Money talks. So I'm pretty sure we'll be getting plenty more zombies from Treyarch/Activision . They'll keep taking care of our zombie slaying needs as long as we keep paying them. Believe that! And reflecting on Activision's past history with successful titles (ie, Tony Hawk Pro Skater & Guitar Hero), they'll keep pumping out zombie games until they run the IP into the ground. Whether the next zombie installment is it's own solo game or not, I really don't care. Seeing how far we've come in three years from NDT to Moon, I'm very optimistic about the future of zombies no matter how they plan to implement it into the COD series.
  20. I am very much hoping for a Stonehenge map in the next installment of the series. I hope it's like the next No Man's Land map. Here's where I see a potential link, which may also make it our next map!... ****************************************************************************************************************** I'm believe the astronauts on the Moon loading screen may potentially be Apollo (17?) astronauts (unconfirmed). Read my thread Pyramid found on Apollo 17 mission photograph: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=18599 Interesting to note is that the pyramid shape I show in the NASA photo is a "boulder" called "Geophone Rock". Geophone translates to 'Earth Phone'. Now with that in mind, check out the Stonehenge and the Moon in these designs, made by the same Apollo 17 astronaut, Jack Schmitt Rejected Apollo pathes designed by Schmitt http://genedorr.com/patches/Apollo/Ap17.html During my research on Jack Schmitt, I found a letter he had written arguing that we need to go back to Moon. Let's not forget that Schmitt was on the very last Apollo mission, and we haven't been back since. He even argued that we should abandon any plans on going to Mars in order to further explore the Moon. So my question is, why was Jack Schmitt so bent on going back to the Moon, if supposedly all he did when he was there was collect rocks? Well there maybe a clue in this lunar sample they brought back... MIXMASTERNUT'S STONEHENDGE THEORY: The pyramid on the Moon, Geophone Rock, may be an ancient stargate teleporter to the Stonehenge on Earth. This is how our 4 characters are going to get to Stonehenge.
  21. No Man's Land is not easy! This is where the solo player shines. Thus why I'm lobbying for a NML group for solo players.
  22. @Superhands - I can kinda picture it. I look forward to your future video. @ChopperNator - Add me on XBL bro!
  23. Nothing wrong with lurking and soaking in the info that's already posted. Me, I lurked for AGES before I ever decided to post. Welcome to you new addiction :twisted:
  24. Duckcall00 has already done all the work for you: Zombie Charts [uPDATED] http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=9270
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