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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. Dogs dont' spawn while you are on the stage by the teleporter/perk machine
  2. I don't seem to have a problem with hitting the group of zombies full force with my 2nd nade in traditional strategies. It's knifing up all the crawlers in the midst of everything spawning around me, that causes me troubles. This strategy seems to completely eliminate that because of how long it'll take for new zombies spawning in to get to you. I seem to have problems with good nade placement while up in the teleporter pad area. I noticed something in your technique I think should help me out.
  3. Okay, now this is interesting to compare, and contrast... NoClip screenshot of Baikonur Cosmodrome from Executive Order campaign mission *Note these models are so far out in the distance from where the normal campaign mission takes place, that the dev's only choose certain visible elements to be placed here. And some models just disappear into the background, which is common of the environments in this game engine. Noclip screenshot of Ascension Cosmodrome Re-used game assets much?...
  4. Unless this flight chart is just more recycled assets, I'm think it's safe to say that FIVE takes place some time between 10/16/63 and 11/19/63 * UPDATE - It is a recycled asset from the game. Still not ruling out Five happening within this time frame though
  5. I've seen this happen often if you no-clip the map and start wondering outside your normal bounds. The laugh loops over and over
  6. Although far from concrete proof, here's some really interesting evidence to support my theory... The Russian government rents the Baikonur's Cosmodrome from Kazakhstan, for $115 million annually source: http://en.tengrinews.kz/kazakhstan_news/4569/ And I don't know about you, but I see a resemblance in composition for these two logos:
  7. Here is where I think the computers on Griffin Station come from.... Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Watch the very end of this clip [10] wZoFVh2cNf4 the scene takes place in this warehouse
  8. Well It kinda makes sense for it to at least be powered by 115 right ? I mean no way the thing is solar powered... I haven't found any evidence supporting that the Thunder gun is powered by 115 I have a feeling K1llsteelr could give us a good idea of how the Thunder gun works
  9. This Crystal Skull is from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Watch these trailers. You might notice a few things :wink: 2BgyhHBoz50 gQT5k8qsI34
  10. The Nazi 'Die Glocke' experiments included Teleporters, Flying Saucers, and Wonder Weapons. Now 15+ years later this technology is in the hands of the US military and Russian Ascension Group. The new name for this teleporter, spaceship, and wonder weapon program is called Project Mercury. Consider Project Mercury as the predecessor to Die Glocke, in the same sense that Ascension Group is the predecessor to Group 935. In history books you'll learn that Project Mercury was the first human spaceflight program of the United States. Yet, in the game it's linked to much more. Project Mercury includes the Gersch Device and the Casimir Mechanism. Project Mercury Wikipedia resource: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Mercury Undead space monkey aboard
  11. If this were a real game, I would buy it
  12. I take that back. For some reason I thought the geography on the backside of Launch was different. Just double-checked, and there's actually a lot of similarity.
  13. Here's more evidence that Ascension is located at Baikonur. The cover of this EXPOSED magazine looks to be a photo of Ascension. SPACE RACE WHO WILL GET THE TITLE OF FIRST IN SPACE You'd assume with a heading like that, the photo would be of Baikonur, right?
  14. I label just the section that specifically talks about coneheads. You don't have to watch the whole hour and a half thing. But in regards to real people doing cranial bindings to mimic the look, you have to ask yourself "Why are they mimicing that look"? The answer is, they are trying to mimic the look of their alien ancestors because the alien ancestors were so highly revered. They do it to attempt to elevate their status closer to the ones they worship. That makes it fashionable. I've heard counter-arguments to the whole cranial binding debunking, with anthropologists showing that some of these conehead skulls dont have any evidence of binding on them at all. So it's hard to say what to believe, other than there are cultures of people who have conehead skulls in them. Personally I'm a bit interested to know if those who do cranial bindings think smarter or differently that us who dont. Having a bigger brain is commonly believed to be linked with being more intellegent. For instance, do the coneheads stay in power because with their bigger brains they are smarter than their peers they rule over.
  15. I absolutely agree. I want that eery, WW2 nazi feel back that Verruckt and Kino captured so well. I love how Ascension is decorated, but it lack a bit of that beloved nazi zombie feel from previous maps. The other maps after that just lost that feeling all together. The way I predict the future maps going, I see a lot of exotic places in time, like Stonehenge and fighting mummy zombies inside of pyramids. Stuff like that. But the rumored map I'm most looking forward to, if completed, is the Paris catacombs map. I want it purely to get that classic WAW zombie feel back in the game. I honestly could care less how they try to incorporate the catacombs into the storyline. Just make it happen for nothing else other than to preserve the original tone of the game.
  16. Reaching deep here, but could it be reference to "Dragon Lady" BTW, I think she's "Dragon Lady"
  17. The Baphomet is a hermaphrodite (both male and female). Just sayin....
  18. Glad I'm not the only one who sees this stuff. Molecular transmutation through frequency vibration is one key part of creating the focusing stone.
  19. I was just about to make a thread about this. But it appears you guys were already ontop of it well over a year ago
  20. I freakin love this guy, K1llsteelr! His post and ideas are are on a whole other level. I wish I could give you more brains, but the site says you're currently all tapped out from me.
  21. AegisKnight already has all the best strategies for the Atlantis map ;)
  22. It's possible that they haven't figured out a way to patch it yet. Sometimes these things take time to track down the root cause of, and sometimes the problem is so deep embedded into the coding that you can't patch the bug without tweaking the entire game engine. Those usually get filed as "limitation" rather than "bug"
  23. There are plenty of glitches that remain unpatched. This is one of them
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