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Everything posted by MysteryMachineX

  1. This guy knows what hes saying Thank you. That is very kind.
  2. Huh. Well maybe each gun has a predetermined amount of tries? I think we should list ALL of the Pack-A-Punches and ALL of the changes with each Pack-A-Punched gun.
  3. I don't really fully agree with you, but this is a good thread of effort. Nice work.
  4. I think this is a biased question. The question in itself will have a determined answer by the pollers. However, with all the hate on the survival maps, this seems like just a front to try to poll the number of people that hate them. You exclude Nuketown and completely ignore Tranzit. That's like saying "Is a third of Black Ops II Zombies better or worse than the entirety of Black Ops Zombies?"
  5. It's not the TV. There are two dials on electric boxes outside, one on each house. If you look up (you'd be surprised how many people don't look up nowadays), you'll see they are connected to the telephone wires which go "up and away", so to speak. Not only that, but if you knife these things, you can no longer hear Richtofen. I found that out the hard way. I knifed one and found I couldn't hear him anymore. I then went to the other one, hearing him again, and knifed it. Then I couldn't hear him at all anymore. People say the Zombies' eyes turn blue. I haven't seen that myself.
  6. I agree with Tac. WaW Intel actually makes multiple direct references to Nacht der Untoten story-wise. Mule Kick was just a game mechanic. Its only canonical appearance was Moon. As for the characters, I'd like to think they were there as part of the story, but the thing is that you quite literally cannot place them there ever. We know how they got to Shi No Numa. We know how they got to Der Riese. We know how they left Der Riese. So it just doesn't fit. So, sadly, we must assume it was a gameplay mechanic so that Treyarch wouldn't have to reformat the original Marine characters. I'm up for discussion on the matter to fully work this out if you'd like, but not here.
  7. Eh. I'm kinda neutral. As awesome as it would have been to have more variety, I still liking this game. And the way I see it, story-wise, there are now 10 Perks. Too bad they all aren't on the same map though: Juggernog Speed Cola Double-Tap Root Beer Quick Revive Stamin-Up PhD Flopper Deadshot Daiquiri Mule Kick Tombstone Soda Double-Tap Root Beer II Btw, DTRB2 doesn't multiply your rate of fire by 1.33 anymore. Instead if doubles each bullet in two. I don't know if this is just for automatic weapons or all of them or whatnot. In the long run, it is a huge improvement. Before, Double-Tap Root Beer simply made killing faster. Now, it actually doubles your total maximum damage.
  8. I was really surprised to learn that the RPD appeared in Zombies but not Multiplayer. EDIT: I heard you can Pack-A-Punch weapons twice. Is this true? I tried Pack-A-Punching my Galil on Nuketown, but it didn't go twice.
  9. Nuketown 2025... The only thing that bothers me is that it makes no chronological sense.
  10. The was the first campaign I actually rather enjoyed and fully understood. I enjoyed it. However, the branching storyline makes we wonder whether I should play it again. :P
  11. I really liked this scene, even though I didn't care too much for the music. I just thought the way that they completely shoved logic, storyline, and reason out the window for this little skit. It made absolutely no sense. EDIT: I shot Mason in the legs because I knew something was fishy. I didn't want to execute someone I couldn't see face-to-face.
  12. Lol. That would've been funny, but I think it would have just confused people even more. Perhaps a more subtle way to reference it is giving you the option to lock yourself in the fort so that you can play on Tranzit in that small area, only having to worry about the good 'ol barricades.
  13. Note: Maxis never released any weapons or super soldiers to the Nazis, and he never had the desire to. In the conversation between Richtofen and Maxis about the nazi funding, Maxis even says how he's using the Nazi Party for funding, and would never actually have to help them since the war would be over relatively quick. Maxis put off production of the DG2 (even though it was ready for production) because he didn't want to help the Nazis. That's one of many things that angered Richtofen as we know. And we know the Nazis never got their undead army as well. Maxis attitude changed after he was betrayed and lost everything. Sure, he may have been a bad father, but does that make him evil? The lesser of two evils? Tere's only one evil here folks, and his ne is Richtofen. Well put Shooter. Maxis only wants to help. He had to make an ethical decision in Moon. Richtofen likes torturing LIVING people. Torturing a dead body, or even a Zombie for that matter, isn't as fun for him. Now that he is so powerful, he wants to torture a LIVING humanity, not an apocalypsed one. Maxis knew this is what he wanted. So he destroyed the Earth. People may think that makes him evil, but as Maxis saw it, he was quickly killing off the majority of humanity to spare them a grim fate. Choose Maxis. He's not perfect, but he is not evil. I think Richtofen is one of the most dastardly villains of all time. "We work together yeah?! Yipee! Hahahaha. Only one of you will make it out alive." (Grief)
  14. MysteryMachineX


    Not really. People just call him the Avogadro because of that leaked list a few months ago, and perhaps also because youtubers, such as Waffles, call him the Avogadro as well. I.e. his name is not that. If you want to correctly identify the creature, call him either "him" or something conjectural such as the Electric Zombie. EDIT: On second thought. We don't really even know if he is a zombie...
  15. First of all, NEVER simply believe public opinion. "Everyone calls it this." Well if I was one of the first Youtubers to do the Tranzit Easter Egg, and I called the Electric Zombie the Zapper Guy, everyone would be calling it the Zapper Guy. It's not about what people THINK it is. It is about what it is. There are major differences from Nacht der Untoten and this fort that reflect how Nacht der Untoten is in Germany in 1940's and how this fort is in the U.S. in the future.
  16. Quite right. I'd just like to point out to illustrate your point that, in WaW to BO, the Colt M1911 was renamed to M1911. By doing so, the Pack-A-Punched version had a quite drastic change.
  17. This is not Nacht der Untoten. It is a fort that merely resembles it as a form of allusion.
  18. I've always made detailed maps for every Zombie map, but I don't know how fast I can make it. They take a while lest they be misinformed.
  19. Very helpful. Wouldn't have known that. :)
  20. Actually past weapons SHOULD be posted. We need a list of exactly WHICH weapons have returned. We also need to know whether their Pack-A-Punch forms have changed, like the M1911.
  21. I really don't give a crap about what anyone says. This game is amazing.
  22. I liked Elena's WaW Zombies songs... more should've been made like that. :(
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