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Everything posted by toycat

  1. EDIT: This was the leak for CoTD (escalation) map pack I think it's pretty confirmed the map is called die rise or rise The thing is, there was a poster for a black ops 1 map pack that had "survive shangri la" or something, I think Rise is a pretty cool name. if it is die rise (pun on high rise) I hope they bring elevators back. I know I'm alone on this, but I seriously loved five.
  2. I'm the only one who ates detah machine because its a powerup that removes your sprint, and WILL get you downed after round 30 unless you're ridiculously careful? Oh. Honestly if they do include it is needs a buff (if only for later rounds)
  3. I'm a shotgunner so.probably the striker, op besides I guess the USAS12.
  4. I think host migration wouldmess up the zombies a little? It's glitchy enough in MP and I think inactive users aren't a problem, I'd like it if they let you continue a game solo if everyone backs out, though.
  5. I made a video (its pretty long, and mixed with a live comm) giving quite a few suggestions for the zombies in the next treyarch game, let me know your responses to them?
  6. I do a series of weapon comparison/guide videos for CoD multiplayer (you can see them on my youtube, but enough self promotion) and I'm considering oing a similar series for zombies Zombie weapon guides and whatnot, giving its ZOMBIES weapon stats and PAP details, etc, probably covering most of the details and uses and whatnot. Would there be any want for this? Since its the sort of thing I was very tempted to do for black ops but was unsure on whether anyone needs or cares about the information Let me know if that's the sort of thing you'd enjoy watching? :p
  7. Ammo refill - 2500 PAP - 7500 Make it somewhat balanced or a challenge, imo.
  8. Theres quite a lot of misinformation in this thread, as an elite premium member (cost £35, roughly $55?) with a massive interest in zombies I feel I should clarify: all maps come free with elite, in monthly installments instead of quarterly. This doesn't affect your ability to buy the map packs one by one without elite. Any elite integration is positive or does not affect you.
  9. I personally think Area 51 is more fun than moon itself, they should make more minigames like this.
  10. You need to maxmize your points by getting 30 points per pistol bullet, then use your grenades to make crawlers or weak zombies to give you a 1 hit knife, then in the first 3 siren waves you can get a 1 hit on the dogs. Pretty tactical.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjeaEXGE_HY 2674 :p
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjeaEXGE_HY Fairly funny glitch on ascension I found while playing splitscreen, makes it so you're permanently going down and being revived, used it to get 1337 downs :p
  13. Effective grenade use gives points, with effective knifing and pistol ammo use. Its a stretch most games but far from impossible (though hellhounds start running ridiculously fast)
  14. I did it once, it got me into the top 100 in the world for a few days :D
  15. Okay, So i pay a lot of attention to stats in games, especially in zombies, such as weapon damage and zombie health, so I count the zombies in the earlier rounds. In solo for every other map in black ops you get 6 zombies on round 1, in this you get 7 (not including no mans land) Also, on my round 40+ runs for other maps (kino, ascension, which are on youtube as "proof") I ended up with a little over 2,000 kills (no traps) whereas a game where I got round 37 (going to be on youtube soon also) I ended up with 2,500 kills. Another point, my mustang and sallys got weak a lot quicker on this map a lot quicker, and were next to useless around 25 as opposed to 30-35 on other maps opinions/any proof?
  16. I've had it play without the step involving the spawn, I think its just the tunnels.
  17. I know And the no mans land leaderboard is actually solo only, cop op games don't count :D
  18. Theres a bit of skill involved, but its an amazing technique :p
  19. 44Ae-HBPRdg Sorry if this is link spam, But this map has the ability for juggernaut to be bought before round 1, which is absolutely incredible for players who can't live without it On a side note, No mans land is an incredible mini game, who agrees? I got to rank 38 in the world at one point xD
  20. How certain are we off this, out of interest?
  21. Not for the Uk :\ (recently, we haven't had any moon updates... I'm worried for the map pack) Link anyone?
  22. I'm going to have my first run of moon on youtube within roughly an hour of its release ^.^ (signature)
  23. Any confirmation of the whole xbox.com thing? I'm of course going to try it, but....
  24. I'm going to be honest, I made a similar strategy myself a while back. The main problem is jumping through windows is fairly precise and being hit once while about to jump or mid jump will mess up your window jump, and keeping the zombies at pace is a little hard. But if it works, awesome way to rack up points with the 74u!
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