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Everything posted by Crimson

  1. Never heard anything about a turret from any of the characters.
  2. I've seen that video before and I don't find it to be funny in the slightest. Screaming and stating the obvious doesn't make you funny. "HEADSHOT HEADSHOT HEADSHOT HEADSHOT HEADSHOT" Sorry man, you didn't get a single headshot with your M14, hope I don't sound like a dick but listening to people scream isn't fun, if I wanted to deal with kids yelling into the mic I'd just fire up multiplayer.
  3. Even if there is a hidden tunnel, being downed and saying you see a light probably still has nothing to do with that. That's like hearing Robert Englund say that Freddy reference about slashing and interpreting it as meaning you need to knife the Juggernog machine to unleash a horde of Cosmic Silverbacks that take George out for the rest of the game.
  4. I'm pretty sure that's just a saying. "A light at the end of the tunnel" is what people claim to have seen during a near death experience. Don't think it's anything more than that.
  5. I've seen all sorts of efforts to force power ups to spawn more regularly and I've never seen one that's been reliable or worked in any noticeable way. As far as I can tell, it's completely random. Sometimes you don't get anything and other times you get three max ammos in a row on round two. I'm not saying it doesn't work, you're entitled to do whatever you think makes them spawn more but I'm pretty sure its simple the luck of the draw.
  6. Just because there were pictures of a lighthouse and a theater doesn't mean those were meant to maps in that game, more likely just ideas the developers had for more maps. As far as the OP said, I'm sure they didn't plan the final World at War map pack to be nothing but Zombies...
  7. Too unreliable, you have to waste three shots to take down a group. You're not guaranteed to hit the human twice to get him to explode in the first place. It doesn't carry much ammo, in the long run its simply not effective enough to warrant using it as an offensive weapon.
  8. I don't know where you're getting your information from or why you would think that they'd get rid of the main characters and do away with the story. In Ascension the characters are dressed differently, that's all. I don't think they've aged so to speak, if they did at all that's just their way of making them look worn out from killing millions of zombies. It was nice touch to see them in a new wardrobe for the new map, the same character models would have been boring. It doesn't mean anything as far as the loose story is concerned. As for the CotD Easter egg, I don't see how that could make you think they're done with those characters, in fact it makes me think the opposite... They stuffed them into a map they weren't a part of, to me that means they're giving us what we want by reminding us that they're not going to be getting rid of them. Totally not trying to hate but these "theories" don't sound very plausible to me, they've got no information standing behind them to support them. It sound like you misinterpreted a few details and got worried for nothing.
  9. I don't see why you're comparing those two out of any weapons. Mustang and Sally can be powerful but the fact that it totally blinds you and your team with huge plumes of smoke, you pretty much have to get Flopper to make them useful and the fact they run out of ammo fairly quickly makes them less than the most effective weapon. However on the other end of that post, the V-R11 Lazarus is pretty much a gimmick weapon. I can almost guarantee it won't be seen in any more zombies maps. The thing is pretty bad, other than being able to solve Easter eggs it's useless in my opinion. At the risk of going off topic, I'll say no, the V-R11 cannot replace Mustang and Sally because it's not the same kind of weapon. Can a Bowie knife replace a Monkey bomb? They both serve their own purposes, neither of which are that useful... As for my preferred weapons going to round 30 plus are obvious: Raygun and another power weapon. (Scavenger or Pack-a-punched RPK are preferred) Neither Mustang and Sally, nor the Lazarus are worth anything in the late rounds.
  10. I thought the actors were fine, they don't all have to be from zombie films. If a director is making a movie they don't limit themselves to a certain genre when choosing their actors. Even at that most of them are from a horror/sci-fi background. EDIT: Oh and having Freddy F*ing Krueger killing zombies is amazing, there's nobody out there better qualified for George to have chosen as a lead in his new horror movie.
  11. The golden rod is called a Vrill generator. I'm pretty sure this Easter egg is complete, it actually has an achievement and a decent reward at the end to signify the end unlike the Mystery man of Ascension.
  12. With enough motion blur you could spell cornucopia with a pile of dead squirrels.
  13. Cornering yourself anywhere without an escape route is unwise on this map.
  14. Thanks for stealing my avatar blackfire561.
  15. The scavenger is neat and all but I don't see it coming back, the thing is a long range weapon designed for the large open spaces in Call of the Dead. I won't miss it, or the V-R11 for that matter because we'll probably see a new Wonder weapon to replace them.
  16. That thing is anything but humane, you turn zombies into humans yes, but you do so in order to save your own ass. You're not trying to rescue them, they wind up suffering a fate worse than any zombie...
  17. Of course it is, I consider any weapon that's not part of the main game a Wonder weapon really. Not to mention the thing is some crazy sci-fi sniper that shoots freaky cylinders that vaporize anything around them... Not exactly a normal weapon.
  18. Yeah, I thought the same when I last played through the campaign last.
  19. I said nearly the exact same thing, worded differently in another recent Wunderwaffe thread.
  20. That doesn't really need explaining, the zombies that come out of the ground are just clever spawn points, not part of the plot. On topic, I thought the same thing when I first found those containment crates, they're obviously human shaped and were probably used to house zombies or other 115 related experiments. In fact everyone I've talked to thought that when they first discovered them.
  21. I'm pretty sure the Gersch reference from Dempsey was just there because people were so pissed about the lack of a decent reward for that Easter egg. He says something along the lines of "This had better be better than last time... Stupid Gersch." Implying it's just about the easter egg. I don't think the gersch device brought them to CotD, there's a teleporter in that room. We'd hear a gersch going off if that was the case.
  22. I was hoping to find some secret traps, like "shooting everything" to cause an avalanche, or tunnel collapse or something of that nature to wipe out some zombies.
  23. Well after that malfunction with the teleporter we don't see the DG-2 again until Call of the dead. The "golden rod" or Vrill generator you retrieve for Richtofen bears a striking resemblance to parts of the DG-2. Then after giving him this device (that he doesn't want the others to know you're acquiring for him) you're given a Wunderwaffe. I would assume because that was the final part he needed to complete it. Richtofen probably brought the team there because he knew there was something on that ship that he needed. He probably just didn't know they'd wind up locked in a sealed room. He knows about the security system, he's obviously familiar with the facility and wanted to reconstruct his most successful creation. For what purposes we don't know but will probably find out in the next map pack. Seems logical to me that he was constructing a new one.
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