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Status Replies posted by Flammenwerfer

  1. can anyone supply a link to the enemy names in exo survival? like the shotgunners are named 'grunt' the Goliaths are named AST. Thanks.

  2. Excellent, I am now cerberus (and have been for a while) SOON I will ascend to Takeo-ism.... And I think be the only person on the site to do that yet...

  3. So that's why they never released Kino's trailer on launch. Interesting stuff.

  4. Good to have you back @Flammenwerfer . :)

  5. So, um, where did MMX disappear to?

  6. ANYONE up for EXO Zombies? On Xbox One.

  7. anyone playing dat xbox one exo zombs??


    1. Flammenwerfer


      It really is. We got stuck on trying to get Oz's keycard.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. After watching 15 minutes of Exo-Zombies, I have decided not to waste my time on it. Looks so bland and boring. Map is not laid out well, and lacks the intense atmosphere of Treyarch maps. Shame.

    1. Flammenwerfer


      Gosh, so many sticklers here. At least give them a chance before you bash their heads in.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  10. Who's playing Exo Zombies tonight on the One?

    1. Flammenwerfer


      Disregard work, acquire zombie killing action.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Good to see some old faces popping in again. Just adds to the hype!

  12. The question is this and it is a simple question. Should I get off the bloody internet and do some work?

    1. Flammenwerfer


      Silly Craig, CoDz is your work. What're you talking about?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Rumors going around of World at War II being the next CoD. Hope it's true.

  14. Got my copy of AW today! Now I just need to find the time to play it.

    1. Flammenwerfer


      Ohhhh Boom-boom, I may or may not have AW on the bone. You, me, and the Grilliam should have a session sometime.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. ayy man you good man?

  16. Miss my Flammigos. I'm trying to be more active but damn work keeps me and CoDz apart. ;-;

  17. I activate Time Wizard.

    1. Flammenwerfer


      There aren't any cards that just straight up banishes a card. This ain't MTG!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Any recommendations of the best capture card to purchase for 360? Best meaning combined quality and affordability.

    1. Flammenwerfer


      I personally use the HDPVR 2 by Hauppauge. It's a great device, has no lag, records in full 1080p HD. The only thing is that the software that it comes with is terrible to you'll want to get a different program.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. man I've been super busy. haven't had any time for CODZ! Hope you're all doing well, and pulling some serious allons-y.


  21. I think it's official. I am getting extremely lazy. Everytime I enter google docs to finish my last Zombies map concept I end up just watching anime and eating chips. I mean I literally have the entire map done, the perks done, the specials, the ending and a few extras done. All I am missing is Cgaracter quotes and the easter egg steps. GOD WHY AM I SO LAZY.

  22. Anyone Good at Voice acting? GeekComm is a channel started by a few friends and since then they have been making Gameplay videos and weapon tutorials for zombies. They need a new voice actor for the weapon guides since the old voice actor "Switched Professions" for the 30th time. If you are interested tell them black hand smith sent ya https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMoOGVdRxEmPrs-GtGANq_A

  23. Advanced warfare may actually be worth buying, it's going all halo on us.

    1. Flammenwerfer


      Not really. Just has double jumps and Exo-abilities. That's it.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. Today I posted something on the front door to keep jahova's witnesses away..."this household believes in Shrek, Shrek is love, Shrek is Life"

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