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Everything posted by Flammenwerfer

  1. Strange...is it temporary, or do you have to progress through the rounds all over again? Seems kinda pointless if you want to do a real playthrough.
  2. So the Time Bomb literally takes you back to the round you threw it?
  3. I mentioned that. Also, it does have its own intro. It's up on YouTube already if you're interested. It's great.
  4. I want to point out the "object" that we saw in the tear from Die Rise is still there, in the bottom right of the right page. This clearly has to take place after Die Rise. However, maybe this indicates that with the "rift" being messed up, that time in itself is messed up too? Also, "Resolution 1295" was a UNSC resolution for Angola. That might hint to us that this map takes place in Angola, Africa.
  5. Technically speaking, the Sliquifier cannot if someone loses it and it hops into the box rotation. Other than that, no, every WW that has been available only from the box can be Pack-a-Punched.
  6. Wait, so do you mean you can just pick the weapon up without buying it, then place it on a wall to make it a wall weapon? Or do you just mean we can take like a Mystery Box weapon and turn it into a wall weapon?
  7. That is Der Riese at the very end...but there's a page after this one. I'm pretty sure the "comic book" was placed over the "blueprints" for Der Riese.
  8. After watching the intro video, I'm convinced this happens after Die Rise. They're heading off to Buried to mend the rift. Plus, they showed them fighting off zombies in a multitude of places. Mocking Me, it IS legit.
  9. So Russman IS a part of Broken Arrow. Holy fuck, this map is gonna be great, I just know it.
  10. Primary Plates...as in tectonic plates? Did they...shift? Maybe this map isn't in America at all... EDIT: Hold up! Why isn't there a big tear on the left side? The one that's in the shape of a half-head?
  11. What are your first impressions for Buried, the latest and greatest zombies experience for Black Ops II?
  12. Yeah, it is quite strange. Hopefully, we'll get a hotfix update or something tomorrow. EDIT: It's also strange that we don't have a new "Journal" entry when we boot up Zombies.
  13. Hrm, is it still working? I've been playing MotD offline local for 2 hours now and still no sign of the RGM2.
  14. I'd love to have another awesome Grief map like Cell Block, but if nothing else... Diner Survival.
  15. I think the Monkey Bombs fit better with this than the Gersch Devices thematically. GD's have only showed up on maps that have dealt with space, so I don't really know how they'd fit in with Buried.
  16. Awesome! I'm gonna go try this out as soon as I can.
  17. Kind of going out on a limb here, but maybe the O4 died on the Moon, and we have to go back in time to make sure Moon never happened? Something silly like that.
  18. Come on people. At least give the damn map a chance. I didn't like the idea of the Western theme at first, but now with footage we've gotten, I'm pretty stoked for it. Don't go into the map with any expectations, and you'll feel satisfied in some way.
  19. I kinda doubt that. If there was, they would have announced it during the DLC Trailer.
  20. Where's Nuketown in this? Wouldn't it be FEAR TNEDD_? I'm getting tired of people trying to find some sort of anagram connection.
  21. They hotfixed it out. At least, I'm 99% sure that they have.
  22. What? Why would it be dual wield? It's been shown in Buried that there's only one.
  23. I know why it's expected, but I don't know why people would WANT it, is what I'm saying. If the zombies team thought it was boring in the first place, I doubt they'd bring it back at all, mid-range map or not.
  24. The weapons and points carry over from TranZit as well.
  25. Wait, so they added a picture to go with the gun you're buying? Neat.
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