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Everything posted by TheCrows

  1. Kino was used by Maxis, to try and get into the brains of people by repeating things on the screen, well the first part is true, maybe someone can back me up on whether i'm wrong about the things on screen
  2. MrCachorro, I have, I think 1 more person for our game of Shang tonight-AvengedXLullaby
  3. Did you write that whilst on crack or speed? :shock: i think it needs more spaces and commas :lol:
  4. Excuse me? The other guy has a name, and his name is TheCrows ;D
  5. I got baby gun first try.............. you can't explain that
  6. I reckon you both flopped on each other, it happens
  7. You found Kino? Proof or it never happened!!!!!!!!11
  8. Thanks! I don't have a capture card or anything, so would a simple picture of the TV showing my round work? Yeah, you just need any proof you can *EDIT It is Multiplayer Zombies only. Takeo--20-29 rounds Nikolai--30-39 Dempsey--40-49 Richtofen--50 and over
  9. You can apply to any by going on User Control Panel and selecting usergroups :)
  10. And what console did you say you play on again?...............
  11. Dunno, i messed about with stuff until it worked, i unlinked my youtube and xbox live then linked em both back and it worked for me :)
  12. You can join usergroups such as Takeo, Nikolai, Dempsey, Richtofen, W.W.K and many others! Welcome to the site :)
  13. PS3 ain't the prob man, it did that for me and i'm an xbox player, eventually i sorted it out
  14. You don't need Mods or Carbon to tell you. You can't have the word "Cod" in anyway shape or form.
  15. The game is enjoyable because of the challenge. When you glitch you take the challenge away completely. If you have to glitch to have fun on zombies, then you just must not be very good in the first place, and it's just too challenging for you to survive on your own. Oh, and I don't see how sitting in one place waiting for Zombies to pile up is more fun than trying to survive against the horde without cheating. That sounds extremely boring to me, standing in one place for 30 rounds and all. Not to mention the Leaderboards are pretty much irrelevant thanks to all the glitchers on there. Not that I care that much, but some people take it very seriously. If you wanna cheat, go ahead and cheat. But you'll have much more fun playing the game the way Treyarch intended it to be played. Well sometimes its way funner to be outside the map while killing zombies with ease Yeah, but if you didn't notice CLAYMORE, this forum does NOT and I repeat NOT condone glitching or modding
  16. Noooo. What I do is call Epic Mealtime in to help me..............
  17. UK Zombies isn't around anymore though. They have been replaced by Takeo-Nikolai-Dempsey-Richtofen
  18. Who knows if it's a trap? We need to get Admiral Akbar here at once!
  19. You should PM Carbon about it
  20. That actually sounds like a really good idea Tac If you check the red link in my sig, you'll see i did something about Nazis and Aliens. I was actually gonna ask if anyone else wants to help add stuff to it, but you can only have 1 authour :(
  21. Yeah, what Avenged said, you can also join special groups which have been designed to tell others what your highest rounds are. Welcome to the Site!
  22. Nope, MrRoflWaffles is the first Richtofen :|
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