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Everything posted by ZombieOfTheDead

  1. Dammit, aliens! Well, as long as they don't really have anything to do with the zombie storyline, I guess I can deal with it.
  2. Maybe formerly, but 935 doesn't seem to be active after the der riese outbreak. The point is, he isn't American, as I said Maxis didn't like americans, so he wouldn't let them in unless it was peter's case, where he didn't know he was american. Btw, Maxis said "operatives in america" not american operatives.
  3. *cough* spys! *cough* It's the exact same thing on their side, they probably sent someone in, too.
  4. He is the leader of group 935, or at least supposedly, so if he doesn't like them, he doesn't allow them in. Simple. BTW, no one knew peter was american, after all, it is said he was going in "based out of munich", and as Munich is german, he wouldn't be thought american.
  5. Well, given that they die in different ways in the real world, no. Don't forget that zombies does have ties to history, as well as the World at war and black ops campaigns (Roebuck picture in five, after all). They don't die until later, in fact Castro is still alive. I really don't think the phones really show anything except that five has to do with the story.
  6. Zombies don't have emotions or feelings, therefore it doesn't matter. The day zombies can use guns is the day the world really has come to an end...
  7. I changed my opinion of Der Riese. It is fun, but I still don't think it is nearly as good as everyone says.
  8. Maybe morphine just counteracts the 115, or because they took from nazi bases, they could've gotten them along with the wonder weapons and such.
  9. Could possibly counter zombie bites? IDK, guessing.
  10. I was going to say that the teleporter might have been improved over time so as not to turn people into zombies (I believe people were subjects at one point, at least as far as the der riese radios go). Maybe it still is too much for animals, though. I don't know, I guess I should have labled it as a theory.
  11. They aren't immune, none of them. There are only 3 ways we know of to because zombies (as far as we know). To be dead, to be bitten, or absorbing too much 115 at once (Fluffy and other test subjects, through the teleporters).
  12. People complain too damn much about this game. It was never really overpowered, more just overused. Even if it was more powerful, it's pretty easy to kill the person using it. I hate the CoD community.
  13. Ok, how many WWII games have there been since WaW? If any, none that I've heard of, but the point is it hasn't been used so much recently. As long as they do something different (Axis side of the war, Italy, or more of the pacific) they game should be good. A zombie game would be good, but I'd prefer it to just be in the next CoD after MW3, less money spent that way.
  14. You mean verruckt? the bear wasn't in nacht.
  15. Yes, as long as the crew fights zombies in it. Takeo with a katana, Nikolai with a vodka bottle, Tank with an assault rifle (probably the M16 due to how much he likes it), and Doc with any wonder weapon. That would instantly make the map badass.
  16. You don't have to be a dick. At the time he was posting it, it was a possibility.
  17. Funny, in WaW all SMG's were amazing, and now they've been replaced by assault rifles, but they don't all really suck, but they aren't fantastic.
  18. I zoomed in and, Although it really isn't very clear, it looks like it says 82 on one of them. I believe you're right, but it COULD be a 6.
  19. He had grey hairs since the start.... Not like the gray strip on Ascension though. And here's why I believe Ascension is in '81: It looks like '82 for the one on the left, and '81 for Ascension. He has had that strip since the start, it was just hard to see due to the hat. BTW nice find with the magazine.
  20. Because it would be from treyarch... why would treyarch rick roll us?
  21. What I hate about the PM-63 is that it is so close to the door leading to juggernog in CotD, but I camp there before opening the door to get enough for juggernog with the MP40. If you're in a rush to get away and back up trying to buy the door you can accidentally buy the PM63 instead. What's worse is when I buy the door after I dont have enough to buy juggernog, because I get just enough points to buy the door and juggernog. It is annoying as hell.
  22. Yeah, usually they come out a week before release, so I would expect one. Hopefully it's like the good old WaW trailers, with some motion capture for more badassery.
  23. It is saying where they are going, that is why they hear elephants. By "too far into the future" Richtofen could also mean that the teleporter fried from taking them too far. BTW, another reason, the loading screen of COTD shows the leaves, pointing to us going further, considering it is the next page after Ascension and COTD.
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