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The Clay Bird

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Status Replies posted by The Clay Bird

  1. we need another 14 in chat, come on in.

  2. Food for thought: If a zombie is only half dead, are we committing mass murder?

  3. Food for thought: If a zombie is only half dead, are we committing mass murder?

  4. All this yellow just makes me want a banana.

  5. Some new HoFs being discussed, going to add some new guys very soon

  6. I got roughly 30 Ghost Chili Peppers in the mail. This should be fun.

  7. Got a retweet from Jimmy Z himself. Life goals = met.

  8. I got roughly 30 Ghost Chili Peppers in the mail. This should be fun.

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      more fun going inside you than exiting i'm going to wager ;)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. So my ISP went bust last Thursday without warning. My new provider says it will still be a few more days before I'm connected. Hi-speed internet that takes a week to connect. What's load of sh*t! Big corporations that can't get sh*t done instantly

  10. I'm really enjoying Exo Zombies. Maybe I'm not growing tired of it like most, because I don't have the time to dedicate anymore. Either way, I think it is a hell of a first map.

  11. So how is Exo-Zombies shaping up? Good? Bad? Compared to Treyarch Zombies and Extinction?

  12. Tell me my dear xbox friends: Is exo zombies more like BO1 or BO2?

  13. Is it possible to mute users on this forum?

  14. Zombie Confession #1: I've never assembled nor used the Jet Gun.

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      i think i assembled it once but don't remember ever using it. but @InfestLithium you gotta get with the Lawton.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. anyone playing dat xbox one exo zombs??

  16. OMG YES! They finally made it so you can actually BE your soldier in HC modes. Finally omg best update yet.

  17. OMG YES! They finally made it so you can actually BE your soldier in HC modes. Finally omg best update yet.

  18. Alright, who's up for Exo Zombies in a couple hours? Xbox One pls

  19. Havoc DLC has been released. It's go time, ladies.

  20. Questions?

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      also, for lets say a round 25 game without doing any side quest stuff, does it take more or less time to play a game than treyarch zombs? are the rounds longer or shorter?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  21. Questions?

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      How "wonder weapon-esque" would you say the CEL3 Cauterizer is?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  22. After watching 15 minutes of Exo-Zombies, I have decided not to waste my time on it. Looks so bland and boring. Map is not laid out well, and lacks the intense atmosphere of Treyarch maps. Shame.

    1. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      i will say i'm not a fan of the aura and atmosphere of the map, and something treyarch does exceedingly well is vary the map atmospheres and i see what you mean by being too mp like. i felt like extinction had that problem as well. but the gameplay itself looks very fun imo

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  23. Good to see some old faces popping in again. Just adds to the hype!

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