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The Clay Bird

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Everything posted by The Clay Bird

  1. nuketown 2025 wasnt exclusive for hardened/care package. it came with 100% of preorders... no need to be mad about this one. Not mad, just disappointed. Just seems like a money ploy to me. well duh! Treyarch and Activision are not charitable organizations. they aren't obligated to provide us a COD game every year. they are a business and they are in the business to make money. Don't be dissappointed, be happy that they are making money so they can provide us with a new fun iteration of the game each year. If you don't want that, don't support them by not buying their products.. simple really
  2. Highest round solo is 45. havent tried the buddha room, only the cafe room under the SVU. 4 person we've been to 30.
  3. By the way Teryarch if you are reading this, I and many other of us CoDzers i'm sure would purchase personalization packs with not only the Black Ops 2 Pack-a-Punch camo, but Blops1 and WaW!. sell the pack of 3 for like 320 ms points i would definitely spring for that
  4. If you go onto Elite, when you change your camo/reticle, you get the new "Locked" options that list these. Really hope the Zombies camo is worthwhile. sweet! saw Liam's youtube vid with the zombies camo, ive got some spare pts laying around from xbl rewards im gonna have to get a few of these!
  5. pretty cool! definitely prefer the actual one over this one though. plus think of all the O4 quotes from WaW and Black Ops we would have lost. "Reach for vodka toniiiight" and dempseys quotes about the jugger girl lol :lol:
  6. i think they provided moree than sufficient amount of calling card challenges that you can earn with playtime. have you earned them all? if so then kudos to you because that is effing difficult. i dont see any problem with offering extra content and personalization for a cost. guess what? if you don't want to pay extra for it, then don't buy it.
  7. nuketown 2025 wasnt exclusive for hardened/care package. it came with 100% of preorders... no need to be mad about this one.
  8. i think it's awesome! hopefully they will add nuketown 2025 to the regular playlist rotation! the micro transactions or whatever also seem cool, depending on price i could see myself muying some customizations and stuff... and having NT zombs for purchase makes sense too... add some new players to the mix hopefully
  9. they all function exactly the same, any difference in performances are purely coincidental
  10. To be honest, I thought we were going to get a DLC this month too. Oh well. But we don't know for sure that we are even getting 4 map packs. There's usually only 3. Did the Season Pass say there was going to be four? I don't remember. Eh. It's what you want really. This is a Zombies website, so that is a plus on its side, but it has gone rather downhill lately. It's your call. Sure the website is corrupt and disorganized, but on the bright side there are some good people here. Perhaps you haven't met them yet, but they do exist. yes season pass did specifically say 4 map packs
  11. its only been about 6 weeks since revolution was released on 360. keep calm and zombie on if the dlc release follows approximately same sched as blops 1, then early may would be timeframe for dlc 2
  12. Watching this weeks walking dead there was a scene where Rick walks away and closes one of the cell doors, and it sounded exactly like the sound at the end of die rise. I think there might be a little substance to the next map being a prison Sounds interesting, idk exactly how i feel about it, but who knows?
  13. wave gun better imo. just because of the "OH SHIT" factor meaning it can for all intents and purposes get you out of a corner if you've trapped yourself. sliquifier is prob the most fun to use, although it is very close between the 3 as to which i laughed harder at the first time i used lol :lol:
  14. I have a BLAST playing drunk... however my groups good runs do not come on the nights we have been imbibing...lol. It's a lot of fun, but reaction time suffers and depending on the person, attention span is a real challenge especially in the higher rounds that last a long time
  15. as far as i know it's mostly the community who refers to them as easter eggs... the devs have referred to it as "side quest" or achievement, normally is what i refer to it as.... it comes from what WAS just easter eggs in the old waw maps, slowly turned into more involved step based side quests, but the name easter egg kinda stuck. but to put this to rest, no reason to waste more time trying to do high maintenance by yourself... es no possible
  16. just played my first game after the update. They did change some spawn stuff... like if you are in the an-94 area where used to they would only come from straight ahead under the elevator shaft and the right window, they now come primarily from the left by climbing over a barrier. :?: :?: anyway, seems to be playing much harder at least with 4 players. seemed to be poorer accuracy on many of the wall guns (svu and an-94 specifically) anybody else experience similar effects? i mean my normal group of 4 normally will get to between 25-35 without much stress at all, but tonight first game after update, died on 17 and 18 respectively... seems like the intent of the update was to increase difficulty
  17. the problem we have with it is not that it is no longer exclusive to us... its that it was advertised that the only way to get the NTZ map was buy purchasing the collectors edition. it's just kinda dishonest to advertise something as "exclusive to this more expensive product" and then after obtaining preoreders etc. for said more expensive product, do a 180 and offer that "exclusive" to anyone who purchases the season pass
  18. if i remeber right, hardened edition owner's got NTZ exclusive for two months before season pass holders.exclusivity is worth money... at least in my eyes... The jet gun being patched was overkill i.m.o.. if i was treyach, i woulda just ran with it and said that was intended to pre-charge.. i can see them wanting to fix it though, the community bitches at fixing their broken game.. so they patch something that would be a glitch to them and everyone gets mad cause it was the best glitch ever... and it was.. im with everyone on saying dont fix what aint broken.... but we got remember this is treyarch's baby.. and we got to respect that they call the shot's, all we can do is give suggestions.. it was about a month after release that ntz was released to season pass holders. still, thats a major bait and switch to do a big viral marketing bit on social media advertising NTZ available only with purchase of collectors edition, and then after they get a bunch of preorders for the collectors edition for $80 then switch and offer it to anybody who purchases the season pass... just left me a little salty... i'm sure im not the only one
  19. nuketown 2025 came with any pre-order not just hardened. Nuketown zombs was advertised as a hardened edition exclusive, thus myself and many others sprung for the hardened edition (extra $20) for this privelege. Then like a week before release, 3arc flip flopped and offered NTZ with season pass purchase as well. (which the vast majority of hardened edition purchasers probably already had bought or planned on buying) so basically the only exclusive thing hardened edition owners got is the steelbook, and those little coin thingy's and ii guess maybe an avatar skin? lame would not have paid $20 extra for just that shit
  20. bahahaha. seriously though they did such an awesome thing by adding solo, 2, 3, and 4 player leaderboards, but then made it nearly impossible to have a 2 or 3 player leaderboard game by not including private match option, and forcing 4 player public matches (unless you're fast and lucky lol ) the potential for greatness is there 3arc please unleash the beast! :twisted:
  21. Not sure how this is hurting anything. Tbh the game should allow stat resetting anyways considering how bad of a rank system they implemented. In my friends case he was stuck on single bone because the lobby never kicked him. The galvaknuckle spawn zone is more of an exploit then this is. If there is something about this you find wrong please share it. @Luck; not sure what troubles you are having? make sure you are in local when you re-sign in. I'm not sure if it works on pc, i don't see why not...but i'm not sure. well as far as i see it, the stats are designed to show your entire history of playing zombies... so resetting would be blatantly erasing that past. it would be different if they implemented some kind of prestige system where you could reset with a token like in MP, but this is just intentionally using a glitch to reset the stats when that was not intended to be an option in the game itself
  22. holy smokes treyarch what are you thinking? first no private matches, now if we manage to luck into starting a public match with just 2-3 of my friends its going to stick some random yahoo in our match in the middle?? They need to lay off the crack pipes down there in so cal! i hope this isn't the case! and if it is they BETTER ADD BACK THE DAMN PRIVATE MATCH OPTION!
  23. They grab the parts, then turn on power and ride the elevator up. I think dropping down by the pdw is probably quicker. this is what my crew does... tramplesteams by round 2 at the latest.... easy and effective way to start , personally i think moreso than going to power first
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