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Everything posted by ZombicidalManiac

  1. Yea dude c'mon...you gotta give us more than that. I hope you don't think you figured it out by word of mouth because most people are liars. If your telling the truth then more power to ya...but I for one think it ends with the death machines.
  2. Yea I just got done playing W@W Verruckt and I heard the numbers. It's nothing new, but it's still an interesting little tid bit.
  3. it's always 1:15 somewhere in the world at all times...even now....even now...even now...even now...even now...even now...even now..........etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
  4. I don't think it's appropriate for people to post comments saying it's not appropriate to post their opinion. Thats what a thread is...a combination of comments from people revealing information and opinions. And I'm not trying to be funny at all here, but that politically correct nonsense has no place in the world. If people can't be honest without having to worry about "offending" people, then the world truly is a prison. This has nothing to do with THIS particular situation, but I've known a lot of people who have been more hurt by other people trying to be "nice" instead of telling the truth to someone. A lie is a lie is a lie, even if your just trying to be nice.
  5. DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!! I got greedy and went for an insta kill and died...but I made it to round 18, my goal and I'm satisfied....I'll stop talking shit on Five now...thanks for the tips guys:-) I also killed the scientist with the winters fury...he took my HK21 and I followed his punk ass all over the basement...I got ten points every time I hit him and it took about 8-10 shots with the winters fury to kill him. He left me a max ammo and a fire sale. These are all firsts for me so don't flame...I'm very happy right now lol
  6. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!! Ok so I've been playing Five for about an hour and a half now and I'm on round 17...the FARTHEST I've ever gotten. I got the winters howl out of the box first try, and I've been running the loop around the computer room over and over...I must admit though, I got very lucky a few times. I got cornered in the basement and I pulled out the winters howl...well actually it was the winters fury becuase I pap'd it...and I froze them all but more were still coming...I thought for sure it was over, but one of the zombies left a nuke and I was clear....maybe I've overlooked this map...now that I can actually get somewhere I kinda like it. I've done all the easter eggs...the song, I killed the pig, I even got the trap pieces and put them in the metal detector thingys...not that it does any good, I don't even go upstairs unless the teleporter takes me there...but yea I'm on round 17 now and still playing...my goal was 18 and I have a feeling I'm gonna beat that too so I'll keep you'z posted.
  7. Map Five is definetly by far the hardest zombie map. And Verruckt is one of my favorite maps too, but I can get far in Verruckt....I can't get anywhere in Five. But thank you all for your advice. I'll try out some of your tips and let you know how it goes.
  8. Five isn't such a bad map in my opinion anymore. I posted a thread about how much I disliked it a bit ago because I didn't play it enough. But after playing it further, it's definetely not that bad. It's certainly not one of my favorite maps, but it's not all that bad.
  9. I just tried what he was saying about Kino...I did this twice, two different ways just in case. He says to teleport 2 things that belong to Sam...Monkey bombs and dogs. So I got monkey bombs, and waited until a dog round. The first time I held a monkey bomb in my hand while a dog jumped in the teleporter with me...couldn't teleport so I threw the monkey bomb and teleported with the dog...nothing happened. Then the second time they came around, I threw a monkey bomb into the teleporter, ran into the teleporter, waited for a dog, and teleported...nothing happened. He says theres much more to the Call of the Dead easter egg, and two more steps to the Ascension easter egg...plus more things on Kino. I don't know who to trust anymore lol
  10. Well theres a few reasons why this could be. It's possible that Treyarch just wanted to modernize their first ever zombie map with all the things we're familiar with when it comes to zombies. To make it more fun for us zombie fans. Nostalgia purposes maybe. Treyarch obviously didn't realize what they had on their hands when they first created Nazi Zombies. So when they released it with World at War they must have been surprised by all the positive feedback. So Treyarch figured they'd make a follow up to it and released their first DLC map pack 1 with Verruckt as their second attempt at making something the fans of the series would love. Then I guess things got crazy and they realized how much we all loved zombie mode and figured they'd make it a series...and every good series has a good story. Treyarch probably saw Black Ops as an opportunity to repolish the maps. With already having a basic story to zombie mode, they probably tried to incorporate what was now going on...with what already happened. If this is the case, we'll probably get filled in on why and how the original 4 ended up in Nacht Der Untoten and how Nikoli, Richtofen and Takeo wound up being in the remake of Verruckt. This whole situation with the new maps and the original 4 characters kind of bugs me because it makes me think that Treyarch doesn't have a well orchestrated and thought out plot line. It's like after they realized the fans were happy with zombie mode, they just threw a chopped up story line together and tried to make it fit with the first two maps no matter how much sense it wouldn't make. I'd want to see some type of closure eventually and I'm not sure Treyarch is really putting much into the story. I say the story should just begin at Verruckt because they can make that make sense a little bit. If they ARE trying to make Nacht Der Untoten a part of the story, it's going to get too out of control and won't make any sense. Anyway, sorry for the long post...I'm just hoping this story is worth it all in the end. Much Respect, ZombiCidaL
  11. Roses are Red. Violets are Blue. I'm Scitzophrenic, and so am I.
  12. Well, most of those question marks end up where you see those little notes that have been left around by the illuminati for Richtofen. One of them is near the first note under the drain in the first room. Then next is in that little room before the thompson room. The other one is by the brick that has the note under it. One of them is near the guy hanging himself across the ally way..(the one where you can only see legs hanging.) I'm not sure if these are all accurate as I'd have to play the game again...but I'm pretty sure they symbolize the easter eggs.
  13. hey Dempsey, why didn't you punch Richtofen in the face when he had his finger in your ass in Call of the Dead? Oh and why did you have a boner? I remember when Richtofen is looking for the light switch and he says he finds a lever...then you say "THATS NOT A LEVER" and Richtofen does that laugh that lets us all know he's pitching for you know who. So whats the deal bro? So heres how I see the four originals... Dempsey: Starting to regain his memory Nikoli: Hard core drunk...but may be pretending to be that way while secretly in cahoots with Richtofen. Richtofen: Homosexual nazi scientist with deep dark secrets and many skeletons in his closet. I'd keep an eye on this guy. Takeo: Transforming into a zombie for sure.
  14. Theres a radio on the chandelier by Juggernog, theres a radio in the ally by Double Tap if you scope outside the map, then theres the radio message you get when you put the reel in the projector. But I think thats it...I know this isn't helpful, but I guess I'm the one who needs the help...can you please explain why there are theories that there has to be a third radio? I thought the ones found were the only ones.
  15. thats brilliant...something I never thought of. Still I have to wait until PS3 gets it (if psn is back up by then) to do the easter egg stuff. I'm sure that much more will be revealed in the coming day/weeks/months.
  16. DG-2 WonderWaffe. We also have radios and the song name for the map. I'm new to all this but these are things I haven't seen mentioned. Bouncing Bettys, light house, theater...because of the maps that are shown on the bulliten board. Dogs, insta-kill, double points, carpenter, monkey bombs, bowie knife, the names of all the guns, perks, power ups, furnace, help, then all the illuminati writings like "kill maxis" and teleporters, bridge, I don't know. I'm just throwing words out there.
  17. I don't agree with everything you said, but I DO agree about the weapon situation. If you ask me, World at War had all the best weaponry. I liked the Browning M1919 and the PPSH...especially upgraded. I still think that Der Riese is the best map to date....I do like the new map though. The atmosphere is really erie and I like the size. The fact that Juggernog takes 7250 points to get to is a drag but it makes it more challenging. The sprinters don't really bother me too much. You can still out run them if needed. The music I have to agree is a step below Elena's music. I'm not much of a Avenged Sevenfold fan, but I do like the song in CotD. I just wish Treyarch would give us some closure to the original story instead of adding new and confusing things...that may or may not be part of the original story. George isn't much of a pain in the ass as long as you leave him alone. If you leave him alone, he'll leave you alone. But I like him being there. First of all, he's kind of like a boss battle type deal. And he leave you a perk everytime you kill him. And if you complete the easter egg he always drops the DG-2. So I can't complain about George too much. But I understand your disapointment. We were all expecting so much and we were all a bit let down. I'm a zombie story fan to the fullest, but I can't say this map extends or even adds to the original story. Although theres probably many things to find out still. We're still learning things about Der Riese, Kino, Ascension, even Shi-No-Numa. So who knows, maybe it will get better as time goes on. Sorry for the long post btw. Respect, ZombiCidaL
  18. Well, it looks like the major easter eggs for Call of the Dead have been discovered already by the XBoxers. I'm a PS3 owner and I'm still without PSN. Hopefully PSN comes back before Escalation hits it. But anyway, we all seen the tuts for completing the easter egg...either from NGTZombies or some other youtuber, OR you figured it out yourself. But is there more? I still remember the trailer for Inside XBox, the guy said "shoot everything with lots of different guns" and I was thinking maybe he was just talking about the 4 generators with the upgraded scavenger...but I don't know about that. He may be talking about something else. Also, I got a gut feeling the George has another purpose in this game besides being a royal pain in the ass and perk dropper. I think he may be capable of opening up another part of the map....I'm not sure about it but I got a hunch...of course, I'm always wrong when it comes to this stuff lol but I like to see where Treyarch has gone with this new map. Please let me know your thoughts. Respect, ZombiCidaL
  19. thats deep...So if the Aether is another dimension where the man went to be sacrificed and Sam and Maxis are there and cannot escape....who's controlling the Aether? Is it a God/Devil things? Is it an alien thing? We know element 115 is from space...................what the HELL were the nazi's researching? What did they find? This is REAL!!! Not the story to zombies but there is a lot of info about nazi's and the occult. I'm willing to bet the whole war was based on nazi research more so than Hitler's concentration camps and trying to take over Europe...I mean, why else would the U.S. take the nazi scientists left over from WW2? One word....Einstein.
  20. I see what your saying, but I'm not sure they are playing as the "real life" versions of themselves. Yes they have all their real names and all but it doesn't have to be real in terms of when they were born and how old they are in real life. I don't know, you might be right. I'm trying really hard to figure out when this takes place...I just don't think it's too present. But I could be wrong.
  21. I looked through the list of topics and didn't see one like this but I didn't dig really hard so I apologize if this kind of thread has been created already. In the beginning cut scene George Romaro holds up a clapperboard. On that clapperboard there are numbers and the directors name. The date simply says 3/17 or March 17. It's scene 7, shot 15 and take 11. So it looks like this...7/15/11...I dunno, it could be the date of map pack 3's release. I'm more curious about the date. It says it's March 17 (unknown year.) March 17th is btw the 76th day of the year. 7+6=13....my lucky number:D Ok so anyway I looked over and over again for anything that could shed some light on the year. There are no cell phones, the headphones George is wearing are kinda big, the microphones and set up look a bit retro, and the general atmosphere of the whole "film" style of it makes me think this map takes place in the 80's. The late 70's early 80's was the whole zombie film peak and we have George Romaro directing a zombie film. He started his zombie films in 1968 (Night of the Living Dead) but it wasn't until 1978 that he followed up with Dawn of the Dead. Then in 1981 I think he did Day of the Dead. We have the original 4 heros locked in that room with the metal door and we hear Richtofen say "we went too far into the future" or something along them lines. Then after the easter egg they teleport out of there leaving the Wonder Waffle. Someone else mentioned on another thread on this site how the Wonder Waffle wasn't in Kino because they left it to the new heros on the new map. So after the original 4 teleport from Call of the Dead, they end up in Kino meaning they went from Der Riese to Call of the Dead to Kino. We also hear Takio getting sick. This could be because of teleporting as we all know Takio has a weak stomach when it comes to teleporting. But we also know they are all infected with 115, and 115 turns people into either super humans or zombies or both. So if Takio starts getting sick after Der Riese and makes it through Kino to Ascension...by now he should be about ready to turn into a zombie. We know that Takio has a death date which is in the 70's. Let me know what you think. I know this is me reaching, but it's what I love so much about zombies. Also we know that Treyarch loves to mess with our heads. The confusion begins ZombiCidaL
  22. I haven't seen any grim reaper blood stains in this map yet. I know theres a lot still to be found (hopefully) but every single map besides Nacht Der Untoten and Dead Ops arcade have the grim reaper blood stain. So I kinda figured it may have something to do with the story. But now I guess it's just an easy blood stain to use to save money and space on the games memory. Any thought?
  23. George is carried off into the cold Arctic waters and turns into what looks like a super human. Element 115 was being tested on so the nazi's could create a super soldier. Perhaps we're finally getting to see the very first stages of the element evolving a human into a zombie. Like you said, the water is laced with the element, so it gets into Georges system and begins transforming him. Good ol' George is 6'5" in real life. However, in the game he looks more like 8 feet tall. This could mean that the element is beginning to transform him. Now, we see in another cut-scene...the one after you die...George is sitting there telling the other half of the story.."Some of that shit happened RIGHT HERE" he says...this means that the events that happened in Call of the Dead have already happened, and George is fine now. They could have reversed the process of the transformation. The Wunderwaffe is back too...this is because Treyarch reads this stuff and saw everyone asking for it. It is done by completing the easter egg with the original 4 heros. Perhaps it plays a part in the reverse process. Whatever the case may be...I TRULY hope that Treyarch decided to make many easter eggs...ones we can unlock and dig for. Thats what truly makes this game worth playing...besides blowing zombies faces off with awesome guns.
  24. if what your saying is true, then I'd have to say it's over too. I guess that was Treyarchs way of telling us that the easter egg is finished and they're sorry that it ended so bad. On the bright side, it could also mean that the easter egg for Call of the Dead is major. And hopefully we'll be able to unlock the original 4 characters and play as them..or maybe get some 8 player action going. I'm thinking that Treyarch put a lot into the easter egg this time....or hoping rather.
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