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XxJason LivesxX

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Everything posted by XxJason LivesxX

  1. Der Riese Solo Camp strat: Bowie Knife Teleporter Area "The Catwalk" stay by the open window that overlooks the Bowie knife courtyard. There is only one direction the the zombies can attack you from and if it gets too hectic drop down into the Bowie courtyard and begin one of the routes stated above. You can thin out the heard re-up ammo, PaP etc.. and then set up shop in the catwalk again, rinse repeat. Now this strat will get you into the high 20's/early 30's easily, but will get uber-boring after you get it down pat.
  2. If 935 is dead and gone at the end of the Egg why does Tak swear to kill them all?
  3. I can second this info. (I would say confirm, but no pics) My son and I were playing Moon yesterday morning and this happened to us as well.
  4. I don't think Griffin Station is a Nazi base. I'm pretty sure it's a 935 base, If it was Nazi base there would be a ton of Reich propaganda (Swastikas, Iron Crosses, The eagle) Couple things the Nazis were not is subtle or understated. I think the big question is what year does moon take place, and when was the base constructed.
  5. XxJason LivesxX

    QED Question

    I too have been insta downed by the QED. I have also been downed by splash damage from the Ray gun "turret" it spawned. But on the bright side it's given me a PaP'd Spas on two occasions and a scavenger type explosion that saved my butt in a crucial clutch moment. I've also been revived when another player threw his QED while trying to get to me. so I guess it's calculated risk throwing one out.
  6. It can also change power ups to perk bottles in addition to Max Ammos. You can hack a box roll a 2nd time and the box will give you your money back, and put a glowing aura around the gun and then your teamates will be able to pick it up. Edit-Also the PaP hack gives you 1000 points and once the gate opens back up you can teleport back to moon without being downed. 2nd Edit- Has anybody tried Hacking the semtex?
  7. It seems to me that the teleporters are very much capable of traveling to the past. If you look at Nacht's loading screen it looks like a zombie/Maxis/Pentagon Thief/??? travels back to the 40's from the 60's causing the initial outbreak. Also the conversation between Maxis and Richtophen during the Moon EE seems to indicate that maybe him, Maxis and Sam were originally from the Black ops era and Traveled back to the 40's. "You should never have tried to steal the past" As far as more Zombies I've already stated me theory a few times, but here it goes again: Black Ops 2 will actually be Call of Duty: Dead Ops or Just COD: Zombies and it will blend the Gknova6/Mkultra storylines from Blops with the W@W/Blops zombies back story as the terminal has already planted the seeds for that. If they go straight sequel to Blops then the zombies saga will still continue in that game just as it always. And either way Reznov will return as he is basically 3Arc's Captain Price.
  8. What if solo doesn't mean "Solo" Look at the boards I believe they are all 3 person teams...
  9. If BO2 does keep the cold war era setting then the late 70's early 80's is very much relevent. Locations could be Iran, Afghanistan, Grenada, Berlin, and all the usual sovietblock type places(Ukraine, Yugosolvia, Czech etc..) It would also open the door for a ton of new weapons both operational and in their prototype phases.
  10. I live in Colorado (Mountain) and it usually hits in between 04:00 and 04:45
  11. [brains] 4 U buddy. Because I appreciate the effort you made and to make up for the unpleasantness in your thread. Also there is another Thread regarding this subject you should check it out.
  12. Actually Foo I'm in agreement with you on this one. We've seen the Red/Yellow combo and the Blue/Red combo, but we've also seen the PaP version so it can't be discounted as it's only Red/Blue when PaP'd. I think different combos are a probability, just based off the Gameplay we've seen.
  13. XxJason LivesxX

    3 vs 1 ?

    I like where your going with this. However what if when you go down you remain in control of AstroZombie and the only way to get back into the game is to succesfully attack one of your team. If your team kills you you have to wait until the next round to spawn. Or what if one player always randomly plays as the AstroZombie with the sole objective of killing Ric, that would explain why we are only seeing 3 player matches. IDK these are just the thoughts I had after watching the gameplay. The theory of it just being a NPC disguised to trick you doesn't hold too much water. I'm for sure not going to be fooled by a big bright red Gamertag and I think most of us are programmed by MP games to shoot the Red Gamertags so it's not much of disguise if you ask me.
  14. Hammer, Yes I see what you are saying RE: the need to Test/Debunk theories, but what happens is people use one untested, unconfirmed theory to discount another. That's not scientific based that's personal opinion based if you get what I'm trying to say. As far as AstroZombie I think he/she is playable and I think it has to do with the Rezzurection achievment. I saw another thread touch upon what I think is going to go down with AstroZombie and I'll go comment on that one. As far as being called dumb and being told to Shut up for thinking differently than Claymore this is unacceptable and IMO has gone on long enough. The guys a Troll through and through. [brains] to Hammer for a useful/constructive post
  15. I'm not Canadian, but we are in the same time zone(Mt Time). I'll be on night of release as soon as it hits marketplace. GT: XxJason LivesxX
  16. The way you replied was very dismissive like the OP was posting something that had already been debunked when it hadn't. Nothing towards you Flame it's just the trend on these boards to dismiss people just because. As far as Astrozombie I think He/She will be playable. Claymore go fuck yourself you little fucktard you know less than shit. Since you've been on this board you have been nothing but a blight on this community. Your posts are useless, and your comments are even more so so please do us all a favor and go play in traffic like the mongoloid sped you are.
  17. How do you know this? Or are you just taking a guess and calling it fact. There are a lot of dismissing comments on these threads. Just because somebody has a theory that sounds logical does not make it true and coming onto somebody elses theory thread and stating it not true like it's a fact is rude and arrogant. The truth is nobody knows what the deal with the astrozombie and it's a fact that all footage has only shown 3 players.
  18. I like you Alpha in a totally platonic non-biblical way
  19. Could be something related to the classic maps. Doesn't have to be Moon.
  20. LOL awesome man!!! I'm always glad to meet a fan [brains] for having such good taste in masked maniacs, and remember if you mess up I'll kill you.
  21. Actually a Moon musical easter egg by Elena and Kevin is Highly Likely. 4 original characters=Kevin/Elena song
  22. Dude you think you saw 3 wunder weapons. It is not confirmed, as a matter a fact I'm pretty sure there's only the Wave gun and its variants. Foo please try to be more open to others ideas. You have formed your own theories and suppositions, which are articulate and logical, but you can't seem to look past them. Please try to be more open to others ideas and maybe even try incorporating them into your own. When we work together as a cohesive think tank we are capable of so much more.
  23. How so? The article goes on to say you can re-download the classic zombies pack and get moon that way too so they very well could have updated them. Who's to say by clicking on the "free level" option it won't re-downlaod the entire classic Map pack anyway. Geesh if jumping to conclusions were an olympic sport Zombie fans would always take gold.
  24. If Area 51 is the starting area then where is Quick Revive? Quick Revive is always in the spawn room, you said that yourself in the OP. I wouldn't read too much into the Mustang & Sally being present, if you remember from COTD's trailer it showed PaP guns on level 1. When the devs make a trailer they play with the rules of the game world or just outright break them.
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