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XxJason LivesxX

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Everything posted by XxJason LivesxX

  1. Co-signed [brains] [brains] ***Edit: Sorry the forum won't let me brain you either. I guess we think too much alike***
  2. I love DOA!!! I'm hoping it will return. If you're into that style of twin stick shooter you should check out a little game from the early 90's called "Smash TV" think DOA playstyle mixed with the premise for "Running Man".
  3. PCP is possible. LSD I seriously doubt it... PCP will make you hot all over, super strong and lose complete sense of reality, time and yourself. PCP has been known to cause violent even deadly outbursts. It is a deliriant. LSD on the other hand is a hallucinogen. It makes you see rainbows and talking butterflies. Most violent outbreaks from LSD come from people who are already unstable and prone to violence... The Man likes to blame LSD for a lot of stuff that it doesn't do because the the Man is scared to death of LSD.
  4. What ideas are they trying to incorporate that we auggested? Only thing i wanted was no host migration and some old fashion zombie modes. Hopefullly itll happen im still planning on getting it anyways since I really enjoyed the multiplayer and of course the zombies even if it isnt great. Also i hpe they fully test everything out aince bo was really glitchy at the start more than 4 player cap. New/Objective based game modes Run off the MP engine (host migration issues) Possible "campaign" style spec op missions 4v4vZ mode All of these ideas can be found right here at CODz if you go looking...
  5. But the 4 person co-op mode we all know is going to be unchanged. Sure they may have new bosses/perks/etc... just like always, but it will be our zombies. That's why I don't get all the hate. Our main mode stays, this other stuff is just like fun little aside. Think of the wager matches in Blops. They were a variant of MP, but completely different. They didn't change anything in the main MP mode, just added other stuff along side it. Nobody I know stated blops MP sucked because of wager matches. Do you see what I'm saying? DOA didn't hurt the main zombie mode, it just gave a little distraction. As far as MP try-hards, maybe in the new modes, but once they get into a real zombies match they'll get clowned as "noobs" and leave or they'll learn and become a new zombie slayers worthy of CODz.
  6. Yeah they're obviously going to suck I think we should boycott the game... You three first. With all the supposition and negative views, it's hard for me to not feel a little dissapointed in this community. We're supposed to be the Vanguard, but we sound like a bunch of whiny b*tches. We talk all year about what should be changed what could be improved etc... then when 3ARC tries to incorporate some of OUR ideas we cry like a child who lost their lollipop. FFS
  7. You gathered all this from the 45 seconds of SP footage shown so far? It must be nice to be able to see into the future. Oh wait you can't see into the future?... So your just passing complete judgement on game you have no real experience with. Maybe you should wait until it's in your hands before you decide how dreadful it is...
  8. How about a "Story Mode" that includes all the old maps, when you complete a certain objective on the map you will then finish that "mission" and move on to the next map. I think this would be a great way to fill in the gaps left by W@W and Blops and would give us all our classic maps, but new. Think about it. You could see what brought the plane down in Nacht, Dempsey getting captured at Veruckt and meeting Rich... Takeo and Nicholai being experimented on in Shi No Numa or COTD. You could see Rich's first trip to Shang and the Moon. Maybe even see the original Der Riese outbreak...You could see what happens to the Presidents or why Rich's picture is in the pentagon. A short little 10 level zombie campaign to fill in the gaps and become 3Arc's superior version of Spec-Ops.
  9. 3ARC have never stated anything about L4D. Thats just what every body latched onto when more than 4 players and vs mode were announced. There is no real connection between the two. It is just the easy cop-out way to complain. Personally I can't wait.
  10. I'm thinking for the versus mode you'll be generic players. Maybe having team names like Group 935, Tacitus, GK etc... The 4 player co-op maps will feature specific characters and advance the story line via easter eggs, and player banter. About the rumored story mode. I'm thinking those will also be 4 player co-op maps. I just think they'll be objective based and set in all previous maps w/ cut scenes. If "Story Mode" exists at all...
  11. I'm remaining pessimistic about this. Again, I need to see it, and I'll by golly give it a chance, but I won't look forward to it. Do you see how self defeating this attitude is? It seems you have already passed judgement. No matter how good the new game modes are you already have it in your mind that you won't like them so what's the point in even trying it?
  12. I think a Zombie "Campaign" would work in Blops2 I could see it kind of the way MW3's spec ops mission were set up except with 4 players and an overall narrative.
  13. Depending on how different the character he's playing in SP sounds to Merle(which is who he played in COTD basically) they could still use him in a COTD follow-up map. If they sounded identical it would not work IMO.
  14. You're right it's going to suck. You shouldn't buy it.
  15. How about a flair gun/incidiary grenade that explodes flames on contact damaging/killing all in it's radius, but it would also leave fire on the ground like a Napalm zombie, making a kind of deployable trap... Also what about a spear-gun that could impale multiple (10+) zombies as long as they were in a straight line. It could stick the last zombie to the wall, it could also be electrified.
  16. What is Halo's Forge? This could easily be done with zombies...
  17. The knife is one hit kill. This is Call of Duty not battlefield. I agree with Tankeo on the myth of panic knifing. Other than that I'm ok with the other ideas.
  18. I agree with some of the above statements about the Shrink gun. I enjoyed the hell out of that the one time I got it from the box. I didn't play shang much really just to finish the egg, but that gun was awesome.
  19. here's the thing Everybody said the same thing when MW came out. "Oh it's not COD, Oh it's ruining the spirit of the game, blah blah blah." But then after MW 3ARC puts out W@W and then it's "They can't go back to WWII it's step back, oh it'll suck WWII weapons were lame, this will be the end of the franchise." FFS they just can't win. MW changed everything every big-budget shooter to come out since (Aside from Halo and Bioshock) has been a cheap knock-off of MW. Now that 3ARC are doing something to change it up they are being accused of ripping off the games that ripped off MW. WTF?!? The future setting of COD is what it needed to re-invent itself. This will be the next movement in shooters. And I'm sure EA will put out a shallow knockoff the next year. The comparisons to Halo are not warrented. Nothing in this trailer reminds me of Halo two completely different settings and gameplay styles. If anything the latest entries for Halo have ripped off COD's Mp style to small extent. BF3, MW3, MOH, Halo. None of these are/were set in the same timeline of Blops2. Saying it's like Halo because they're both in the future is like saying Assasins Creed and God of War are the same cause they're both set in the past. The timeframes you're comparing are 1000's of years apart. I don't think We'll be shooting Plasma Rifles or fighting with Laser swords...
  20. I agree with everything you just said, but that really has nothing to do with Anon. They haven't really done one meaningful act. Sure they messed with Sony for a bit, called some people names and released a couple emails and addresses. Aside from that though it's been mostly useless headline grabbing. What I was saying was they really can't be considered either Terrorist or Patriots as they haven't done much of anything. Vandals maybe. As far as the middle east goes... Yeah we caused most of that. Our bad. ****Edit: If the above is true about the porn ring then I redact the statement about "One meaningful Act"***
  21. Bottom line is Anon is just like every other entity co-opted by the firm or not. IE; they are in it for their own agenda. This is a stupid publicity grab from a group who has proven themselves irrelevent. They say they are freedom fighters... So did Al-Queda, the Taliban and the Khmer Rouge. Stating you are freedom fighter does nothing... Fighting for your right to pirate games/movies/music does not make you a patriot. If Anon were actually freedom fighters they would focus on the problems of the world that they could fix (project mayhem anyone?) Instead they grab the spotlight like the vapid cast of the Jersey Shore and bleat louder than the rest of the sheep. As far as "FEMA" goes they are very real front of the shadow goverment and they have all the pieces in place for when they decide it's time...
  22. I too am extremely dissapointed in the 35 seconds of the game I have seen, As a matter of fact I've already reviewed the game and gave it 6 due to it's lack of innovation and the fact that it is making changes to the established COD formula. Also I'll go out on limb and say the new zombie mode will suck because they are trying to bring something new to the table, and we all know that all gamers want is the same exact thing year after year. So in short I have already decided this game will be bad and now I'm going to go to websites dedicated to this game and complain about how much they have ruined the franchise. /Sarcasm/ Really, do you guys see how ridiculous this sounds? Do the above sentences sound like they came out of rational, logical mind?
  23. Way to spam on your first post... hit whoring is for sucks!!!!!
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