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XxJason LivesxX

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Everything posted by XxJason LivesxX

  1. Perhaps the imaginary non-leaked completely hypothetical "side missions" are how they will approach eggs from now on.
  2. How about an area of the map that can only be reached via crouching/prone crawl or a trap that you could crouch under like the centrifuge on Ascension.
  3. Blank portrait in Kino and Five... Fingers crossed...
  4. The first mission in blops1 took place during the Bay of Pigs invasion. In the Blops fiction the invasion was a distration to give Woods/Mason the opening to "whack the beard".
  5. Fears...? LOL it's game I don't fear anything. If I absolutely hate it I'll trade it in nothing at all to fear. To all the others: We have nothing to fear but fear itself. I'm looking forward to the future, not cowering in fear and uncertainty clutching an old copy of W@W, while I ramble on about the good old days... Just saying :roll: :roll:
  6. Umm yeah... Every Fallout shelter in the US has that symbol. Go ahead look in any big city in the United States usually in state buildings you'll still see them everywhere.
  7. Rich's the announcer now... Sam is the 4th why is this so hard to accept? They wouldn't put a bad ass girl on the zombies poster and not have her be playable. It's Sam. Also I'm doubting that Zombies is set in the 70s-80s. They've already done that. The numbers on "Sam's" hat point to 12/21 which is the date of the supposed Mayan end cycle. I't also the date of a solar eclipse, these are all things that point to Zombies taking place in present time.
  8. If anybody can deliver scary atmospheric rock music it would be Rezner, he made a movie about a facebook sound edgy and bad ass.
  9. I think the point of no music on moon was to highlight the fact the demonic laugh was changing to Rich's, therefore giving a clue to the future of zombies because even if you haven't done the egg you get Rich's laugh at the end of the game.
  10. This sounds great!!! I like it better than COD points from Blops, seems like it opens the door for so many options...
  11. This^^^ Metacritic is a Joke. It's literally crippled by the All or Nothing mentality of the fanboy. Either a game is the best game ever created or it completely blows goat. There is no in between anymore for User Scores on any website. But hey if those inflated numbers help you sleep at night knowing your souless COD ripoff/sellout is the "people's choice" have fun. I'll be killing zombies in November, not convincing myself that the new MOH is the best game ever because it has Frostbite 2.
  12. Maybe I don't post my opinion enough here on CoDz or I was a little harsh on what I believed could potentially be a problem with the game in the future. The last 3 installments have left me disappointed by the stuff they've added making the game IMHO worse. While everyone is looking for new features and what they thought was cool I was looking at what could potentially bring up problems with the game in the months after the game's release. Because let's be honest here, 2 or so months after the release people will start complaining about this and that. Now I know I was wrong about some things I pointed out but I don't want BO2 to fail like the last few CoD titles released. I think that we need to stop looking at what's cool or what's new and start looking for what could potentially become a issue. Will the cool things or new features need to be addressed or needed patched? No because they aren't the issue, the issues need to be looked at and questioned so we don't end up with more problems in the future. I'm only do this cause I don't want CoD to fall... It has great potential but the issues surrounding it hinder it. So maybe we can start looking at what could be potential problems to help make the game better. You have a very weird definition of failure the last 3 COD titles released have respectively broken all sales records for the years they were released and been the #1 selling games since COD4. Your beloved BF3 would kill for that kind of "failure".
  13. There's also 4 or 5 "secret" achievments, those could also be tied into zombies and the 5 showing are only for one map with the "secrets" for the map that unlocks when you beat the game.
  14. Anyboy who thinks the old maps won't return is seriously deluded. That's money on the table, Activision does not leave money on the table. Monthly content drops seems the most likely: How many zombie maps do we have? 10(I'm not counting DOA) How many months out of the year does Elite have content drops? 10
  15. I agree. I meant to say that. With all the "usuable" perks it would be limited to once a round.
  16. [brains] I love this post. The different elemental types of damage would have easily made the shrink gun my favorite WW. That was such cool and complex tweak to the game play of the map. It's such a shame they did not use that. Oh well they could always return to it in blops2.
  17. My guess... Classic Maps: Hardened Edition pre-order bonus. Blops1 maps: Done randomly though Elite content drops and eventually bundled with Classic maps and a new one for the season end pack. That being said I would love a COTD remake without George.
  18. I thought about this too, but am ashamed to admit that I couldn't think of any proper way to do it. I mean, the leveling up itself would be quite simple, just some XP for every kill, challenge, etc. They wouldn't have to change a thing. The problem is, the rewards obtained from leveling up. I can't really think of anything that can be unlocked from leveling up, besides possibly titles and emblems (and probably not even those, seeing as those are more the property of the Modern Warfare games). If a level up system is implemented, it would probably just be for bragging rights. Otherwise, the multiplayer zombie modes would be simply fun, like zombies is now. You could unlock players for the new game modes, maybe a Kennedy or a SMG. Perhaps as you rank up you unlock custom loadouts for use in the new game modes or even something as trivial as an extra mag when you spawn in classic mode. Who knows the check is blank and 3Arc are some smart cats. I have faith.
  19. I could see the box being used as a kind of HQ varient game mode. It would spawn randomly your team has to control it to use it. It would stay for a while then spawn to another location.
  20. I'm really not much into MP, but this makes me happy. I loved Nuketown, sure it was a bit ridiculous, but man was it fun.
  21. Well the historical home of Shangri-La has always been in the Himalayan Mountains. It is said to reside in a tropical valley deep in a gorge in the mountain range. Could this be where our crew were in Shang? It was tropical, but I don't recall any mountain ranges on the horizon. Maybe they go deeper into the Valley looking for the entrance to Agartha in Blops2.
  22. And there you go... Ben=BS Just as I feared. I can't believe he's still getting away with this crap.
  23. I was totally into all this until I heard Ben's voice in one of his/Malek's videos. That right there killed any excitement for this. Supposedly they've turned over a new leaf and are no longer trolling the COD community, but meh... I have zero expectations.
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