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Everything posted by LiamFTWinter

  1. Here's the Easter egg if you haven't seen it yet. SETPf72aiU8 A5TGBUVo7L8 pQZDKDemyGQ UHr5ngmXSkc
  2. It's just a glitch, here's a video if anyone was interested. SdItQ48Derg
  3. Shangri is after ascension in terms of order, but in terms of time, is before Ascension.
  4. No value, i think I just wasted my time on this. Who says I haven't took those challenges into consideration? ;)
  5. Hacking is kind of frowned upon at CoDz, we like to find stuff the old fashioned way not by no-clipping. I don't think treyarch are a fan of no-clipping either, so putting things outside of the map for us to find wouldn't be something they would probably do, but who knows? Welcome to the forum by the way! :D
  6. Nothing has been announced just yet, but I can see another map pack releasing soon. You'll find out here as soon as it's announced! Also, not sure if I've spoke to you before so, welcome to the site! :D
  7. Hmmm, I guess it could continue, but I've learnt not get my hopes up since ascension, we were so focused on finding another step and there was none. I managed to complete the egg 3 times in one game yesterday, we were so close to the 4th. I can imagine that there is plenty of smaller easter eggs on the map, we just gotta find them now.
  8. There is no more, Achievement = Over. The golden rod is just Treyarch's attention to detail coming into place. Knowing that Richtofen is gathering all these pieces, to make something else, it'll be explained in a huge easter egg in one of the maps. But as for now, Shangri La's easter egg is done with, this happens every map, people don't want the eggs to end, so they come up with millions of theories to try carry them on and none of them ever work.
  9. Dude this is wrong you dont need to hold x - there is a pressure plate at the bottom of the slide and all 3 need to be stood on it then the fourth go down the slide as you said but when he hits the bottom he activates the pressure plate as the added 'force' from sliding down the slide makes up the weight. so dont need to worry about holding x. [brains] though for writing up the steps No, he's completely right, when you go down the water slide, there is a switch you have to press X on, trust me, I have video evidence.
  10. The easter egg was awesome, it was much more challenging than the others, which I liked, this was because when you solved it you had that sense of accomplishment. I don't know if that's because I was part of strwrsbob's original team figuring out those steps before the "big guys" of zombies were. But we spent 2 hours trying to figure the pressure plate step and I can very much confirm that when we figured it out, we all very much screamed like little girls. I also liked the whole transition between the past and the present. This easter egg feels like Treyarch looked at all the previous easter eggs and then looked at all the stupid theories for those easter eggs like "SPIN AROUND IN A CIRCLE 80 TIMES AND KNIFE THE FLOOR 12 TIMES AND A METEOR WILL FALL FROM THE SKY AND YOU CAN GO HERE IN THE MAP" for example and put them in as actual steps, when I first seen the meteor fall from the sky and land in the cliffside I was shocked. Overall an awesome easter egg opening up more of the plot of zombies, the 4 player thing is kind of annoying, but it's much more fun than doing it solo.
  11. Press X when you're stood in front of it.
  12. I seen that Alpha asked for these in another thread and I thought I would post them here for everyone to see. Another thing that I found interesting was that, when someone that isn't richtofen picks the stone up, when everyone dies richtofen says, "Now that you aren't using that stone, I'll be taking it, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" That stone was something he seriously wanted.
  13. How long must we sit on the plate for?
  14. It's more just a skull, the symbols activate the P-A-P. You might like the big easter egg we're cracking Alpha. ;)
  15. I also found this, it's weird, there also seems to be a purple glow coming from the room.
  16. Nope, check Marketplace>add ons> titles A-Z> C> Newest> Black Ops> All Items> Annihilation
  17. Josh Olin's latest tweet: Alright folks... #Annihilation is rolling out as we speak on Xbox LIVE (may take time to propagate). I am downloading now, so give it a try! Someone also posted this: http://yfrog.com/kgrhlaj Get to your Xbox! It's coming!
  18. Well everything helps in some way shape or form, even if your youtube isn't that big, you get brains and it's something fun to take part in! I can't really give out prizes because I have nothing to give away. xD Lol I totaly get that... I was just saying it might not help the persons youtube if it ain't big, Brains is enough of a prize anyway! Right now I'm currently working on this challenge, I'm at round 15 and just got the ballistic Knife! And was wondering if we could pack a punch it? Krazy Out... 8-) (Oh and this is my 200th post Yay!) Pack-A-Punch is allowed. :)
  19. Guess you merged the thread bob? The Map packs always hit at 10am for us, like I said, it's not an exact time, more like an average time.
  20. Well, I did this for Escalation and it was fairly helpful to a hand full of people, so I thought I would do it again. This is the PROJECTED time of release for the Annihilation map pack, this is not a definite release time it's just a time based off the release of First Strike and Escalation. The time at the top is the projected time for British players, which is 10am. To find your time go down the list and find it. If we get any notification of a better average time of release I will make sure to update this thread. Hope this helps, here's the link: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Annihilation+Map+Pack+Projected+Release&iso=20110628T10&p1=136 -Liam
  21. If you have a camera, point it at your screen, I didn't say you need a capture card, the quality might be bad but oh well at least most of the community can get involved this way.
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