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Everything posted by Phillips455

  1. DEB0H90lt_M heres it embeded no ascention though :(
  2. again this is an ANNOUNCMENT, so they say what you want to hear and believe them to be fake.... ill bet you £1million that its the soviet lauch station AND that this information is offical, because it comes from cod itself... not everything has to be updated...
  3. Phillips455


    Welcome to codz. i hope you have a wonderful time here just like what the others have said, if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask a mod, fourm dweller, wwk or carbon for any help also if you click here ucp.php?i=167 then click uk zombies and click submit, you will be put into the uk zombies group, giving you a yellow name and will show everyone that your from the uk also side note: also, if you see spam in the off topic area, please report it. there has been an increase of spam at codz and we dont tolerate it, just the little buggers keep joining and spamming to click the ! at there post if you see a spam topic, advertising things or porn, or anything thats a scam. Thanks
  4. well said , well typed, and we will force them back to the heart of there fasist riech DOnt let them take over Orah!
  5. Welcome to codz. i hope you have a wonderful time here just like what the others have said, if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask a mod, fourm dweller, wwk or carbon for any help also the chat is a great place where you can set up play dates in real time, but you can ignore the "bad people" who you dont like, so nobody will spoil anything for you also, 3 mikes... and i try my best to give each new member [brains] but i have to wait an hour or so untill it recharges. will do as soon as it does also side note: also, if you see spam in the off topic area, please report it. there has been an increase of spam at codz and we dont tolerate it, just the little buggers keep joining and spamming to click the ! at there post if you see a spam topic, advertising things or porn, or anything thats a scam. Thanks P455
  6. Welcome to codz. i hope you have a wonderful time here just like what the others have said, if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask a mod, fourm dweller, wwk or carbon for any help also side note: also, if you see spam in the off topic area, please report it. there has been an increase of spam at codz and we dont tolerate it, just the little buggers keep joining and spamming to click the ! at there post if you see a spam topic, advertising things or porn, or anything thats a scam. Thanks P455
  7. what would be much better is if a uk member became a mod, (eg mikeh12) who is on alot of the time, and could use insta bans (maybe not permanment so as if anyone who get banned accidently can be un banned bu then there could be an option to perma ban after that also i think that codz should be saving for a new protection upgrade... also, i was thinking of making strwrs and triix to have the abillity to temp ban accounts, which could then be banned by a full mod but will not be allowed back on untill the case is solved. or make strwrs and triix full mods and make members like mikeh12 and undeadwolfy the new ps3 ambassidors?... just some of my ideas to combat this...
  8. Correct i do believe Baikonur Cosmodrome will be a map, and i do believe that map is ascension. however, as i stated, if it was an official page (im not saying its not) however, if it was, they would 1. Put up the release date for PS3 which is 30 days after Xbox release (this is already known world wide, so i would expect an official update to mention this bit of info we already know) 2. JD has not posted anything online via his twitter, and nothing has been posted on intel on the official cod site either. which being community manager i would expect him to do So therefor it was either a leak, or its fake. now considering how close to its chest Treyarch are when it comes to zombies, i doubt they would make a mistake like that id quite like it to be baikonur, it would prove me right, but until i hear word from the official site, JDs twitter page or an official trailer on the cod youtube page. or until Feb 1st comes along and im playing on the map, im not going to take the word of a FB page. again with the "if jd doesnt say its real then its fake", It bloody the offical cod facebook page, how can people still be so nieve and think the page is fake, that its leaked, they say that its in russia, and you are trying to say the whole thing is a lie? they gave you what you wanted yet you beg to disagree, they make the game, and the desicions, not you /end of rant
  9. viewtopic.php?t=4825 already said.... only 7 minutes late :P
  10. New character - yes 5 player co-op - "short answer" nope "long answer" bloody nope, but since its been 4 co-op all this time, they want to keep it that way, i just hope thaT They dont add this player as a play able character, because that means killing off takeo, hes my fav. anyway, TO RUSSIA ORAH!
  11. just gave you some back, i dont know what shutter island is though... -_-
  12. ive gave you brains since you have 3 new messages in skype... jk you use firefox, and the url joke
  13. well much better value, in dlc 2 you will get 4 new maps, a w@w map AND a zombie map ALSO heres the video embeded ZE4Mp25zsgQ its also appears that some of the maps were origonaly cut from the game as: these are from the cut map "hotel, which might be this new map... the other maps are not in it
  14. viewtopic.php?f=16&p=50493#p50493 the same thing happenmed to me in multiplayer thought, the thief just screwed you though...
  15. maybe the pre recorded bits could be comedy scetches or nosies like "bang" "brains" also a welcome edition could be a prise, like a dlc code for first strike that could be monthly ask questions to be sent in so ask we can ask the poepl who they are directed at, eg carbon...
  16. cool bbs but in the quote, you copyied the eintier passage twice :P
  17. i wish they would have a rotation,w where as 3 random weapons are placed in while 3 other weapons are swaped out (the balistic knife could be replaced with a tomahawk which could be a mela weapon) and i would LOVE the ability in private match to play wager matches such as gun game and change the weapons on each teir, for the fun of it: emagine, first tier death machine last teir wunder waffee dg-2 :P
  18. i think the rest have been written up, but maybe you'll get a chance when the new map pack comes out, to write up about ascention, like a map with all perk and weapons locations ect
  19. hello as you gamblers might have noticed now the grim reaper iin the wager match mode gun game has beeen glitchy, with the gun being invisible, to not being usable at all well treyarch in there latest patch fixed this problem, by replacing it with the rpg video showing the grim reaper as the teir 16: kg_8mPoloBo now witht he rpg instead: teh6b55B6Jo this is on the PC, PS3 and xbox, the wii has not got this update yet, so if you want, play with it fast it was first updated on 24/12/10 (american 12/24/10) on the xbox 360 this thread is only to tell about this for anyone wondering
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