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Everything posted by play2often

  1. actually that camera is somewhat balanced as it covers the minimap. that balistic knife looks like a secondary, hope normal knife is unchanged. rc car may be fairer than predator since it can't jump over obstacles, limited mobility. not sure if that's a famas, may be the l85. can't tell if that sniper is bolt action. looks like he does SOMETHING after shooting.
  2. where do you view MTVmultiplayer? (stupid question, i'm not much of an mtv-er, moslty because of the lack of actual music on Music-television)
  3. play2often


    actuall that's the bullet coming out of JFK's head. high-velocity rifle bullets leave small entrance holes but BIG exit woulds. and no one even think of bringing up the magic bullet theory. governor conelie was sitting in a rumble seat that was lower and to the left of JFK. the magic bullet theory assumes that he was sitting parallel and at the same height as JFK. that bullet had a straight path thru both bodies.
  4. whether or not they are hoaxes, this sort of thing is bringing new members with fresh perspectives into this community, so it's not all bad. but regarding henry's methods seeming non-treyarch-ish, did GKNOVA6.com seem 'treyarch-y' when it was discovered? we didn't even know what game it was for, initially. on another note, do we really expect Treyarch to keep revealing information using the same methods? first it was gknova6.com, then drops (live drop, mail), and now i am expecting another medium of information revelation in the coming months. i'm not for or against Henry Langham, but i will continue to quietly watch and see what unfolds.
  5. when i tried to look up Carlsisle building i got something about a structure from the 1000s used by the King and later monks, probably wrong building. but i like the idea of a castle as a map :)
  6. play2often


    ^actually no. the person sitting in front of JFK was governor conelie. his 'turn around' was his reaction to being shot by the bullet that also passed thru the president. and the fact that JKF leaned back is NOT an indication that he was shot from the front. a bullet that weights a few ounces doesn't have the mass/force to move a much heavier human head. to do so, the bullet would have to overcome gravity and mass. gravity caused JFK's head to lean back. the only reason there are conspiracy theories about JFK is that they can't accept the fact that a very powerful man could be killed by a disgruntled nobody.
  7. the preorder suit has restrictions, i think, you only get it if you preorder in july and august, or something like that. this kinda frustrates me since i pre ordered way back in late may or early june, so what do I get?!? btw does anyone know how the pre order works at gamestop if you want the hardened or prestiged edition? i didn't know they were gonna have those for BO until recently. do i have to call 'em and specify i want prestiged or hardened?
  8. wasn't g4tv supposed to have a reveal of black ops at 6:30 on thursday? whatever happened to that?
  9. The captain price of mw1 and 2 is most likely the son of the one from ww2. Duh. Reznov on the other hand could have lived 23 or so years (1945 to 1968) since we don't have a confirmed age.
  10. good work. i took a glance at the vietnam weapons page on wikipedia, and the closest match was the soviet s75, which shot down the u-2.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWz_luWC_k8 At 0:05 missiles are seen being launched, as people have noted in this clip which has been seen in a few vids. But so far, I haven't seen anyone trying to identify what type of missiles these are, which could: a). reveal who is launching missiles . a time period c). who's being shot at, since it's either U.S. or Soviets (or is it?) I'm no missile expert, but i think since members of this community were able to solve the GKnova6 messages (some of which is still beyond me), then figuring these out shouldn't be too difficult.
  12. i really hope Big Red One will be included for download, since that was the first COD that Treyarch made. i remember cod1 being included in mw2's hardened and prestige. (or was it only prestige?) i can only guess what the uber incentive for the prestige will be, probably something sog or espianage related.
  13. yeah i translated this in the origional topic. but it wasn't all in vane b/c now i have confirmation that i translated it right. now we'll need to figure out who grub is.
  14. during one of the tours of Treyarch studios, on a whiteboard, written in illuminati code, it said "Richtofen is alive" or something like that. i swear i read that on this forum.
  15. Aside from Reznov and Richtofen, I don't think we'll see many more characters returning. I don't see BO going the waw reunion route. Granted, mw2 was considered a sequel in the cod series, but I think treyarch is trying to set bo apart from the rest of the series. But either way, Go Reznov!
  16. i realy want to believe this guy. i don't think it would be called Auschvitze (spelled wrong, i know i know..). if it were an actual level, it would most likely be an unamed prison camp or facility, using details from the actual prison to make it more realistic. also, he said there were nukes there to launch at the west, so it fits perfectly with the cold war era.
  17. i tried to decode this document: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paul1995/4 ... 610495490/ with this technique: http://www.moonatnoon.com/puzzles/refer ... b2z26.html i was thinking the # of double or triple digit numbers in each row indicated the base #, but it didn't work, for me at least.
  18. i could swear there's something at 3:35, or just b4 n after
  19. what i want to know is whether that pps-43 will make a console appearance.
  20. this seems more credible than known frauds, as he mentions a concentration camp that appears on some of the newly released pages. at least what this guy says ties in with something.
  21. on that book page, the italic words read: "dear brother use the secret goldfish near mold" may seem like a stupid idea, but could 'the secret goldfish' be a cipher key, which must be used near the word 'mold.' just a thought. ^ oh you beat me to it i gues...
  22. ^ no pressure! translated one of the documents from german to english: fur its friendly godenken and me at the same time the good wdnsche ubermittelten in the Namea that gefolgschaft the I.G. dye industry to the new year I say to them mean best dork: I answer it sincerely ??? ??????????? GruB. (some stuff didn't translate as i don't know how to make the u with a colon above it on my computer.) edit: translated another, as i use my free time wisely, lmao! the map: "after the attack U-misalignment of the laboratories" edit #2: and another... the plague is conceivably unreliable German poison gas factory in dyhenfurth, tabun inventor more schrader history is made the medium campaign edit 3: the doc i'm reading now speaks of the nazis uses a gas called uf6 to try and produce uranium 235. turning in for the night, that's all for this post!
  23. Only problem is there isn't anything punched... unless i was looking at the wrong thing, there are grey lines over certain numbers, just treat those as 'punches'
  24. mold... hmmmmm. mold.... spores, maybe? in one of the live drop documents, it talked about someone (presumably SOG) finding dispersion canisters with a virus mixed in with the gas. so perhaps they were experimenting with viruses or spores to spread something?
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