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Everything posted by InfestLithium

  1. I like the idea of the Leaderboards being centralized towards our faithful members. I can honestly say that I have good faith in our own kin for their round claims so long as they submit some kind of proof. Does an image or short video justify a world record? No, because (as said before) a livestream via Twitch is the only acceptable candidate that record holders and the record community has put their faith into. They are very much welcome to join the community and post their records onto our leaderboards (with the necessary proof of course). But as far as making us the "better Zombies leaderboard", it's really hard to justify that when good points - from Mega, Chopper, Boom - have arisen that could somewhat hurt us. As much as income would benefit us, we've been maintaining the "no ad" policy for a good reason. To initiate advertisements on the frontpage is to go against that ideal. Not really my choice, or yours, or anyone else's but the request of the owner of CoDz - that is, carbonfibah. The only way I can see income in this kind of deal is by introducing Chopper's Challenge System where you pay a small one-time fee to enter a competition that includes specific match challenges (i.e. first room, no powers, no perks, etc.). There is a possibility that a world record could be made - or broken - in that scenario. Based on how many competitors enter, prizes can be given and any excess would be profit to help sustain not only future competitions but CoDz itself. (Kinda strayed off course on this point, but the focus is that we can't allow ads on CoDz because that is the "divine rule" set by carbon. That being said, others means related to Leaderboards in some way has to be made.) Nevertheless, the Leaderboards we have, if fully maximized, can gain serious attention beyond our own reach of the entire Zombies community. It would take a great deal of work if we pursued it seriously. Even if we restricted it to our own members with good intentions (no world records being transferred into ours unless made by one of our own), we could create smaller divisions of the Leaderboards as Cheesegrater suggested. That way, you're giving more options to potential record holders in given challenges. Der Riese - No Power Challenge Name Round Console Image/Video ikillzombies420errday 43 Xbox 360 Very rough, but something to that effect. In the Leaderboards page, there would be separate, smaller leaderboard blocks containing the stats for the challenges. For example, you have the main Leaderboard table for the highest round in Der Riese. Below that table are two smaller tables - one for First Room Challenge, and one for No Power.
  2. Not a problem at all. Each score would be manually reviewed by staff before they are entered into the Leaderboards. Proof would need to be submitted, preferably by some short video clip or image link. I can definitely implement it. In the meantime, if anyone has scores to send in now, please message me with the following information:
  3. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/frontpage/maps/black-ops-2/great-leap-forward/leaderboards.php We do have Leaderboards that no one has bothered to submit scores to.
  4. Well, in any given map, there is at least one solid camping spot. There are a good amount of factors that affect camping, such as the weaponry in that map, any bosses that can hinder it, the structure/layout of the area, etc etc. In World at War, you had two maps that could not deal with training much. Thus, your only viable option was to hold out in a secluded area with your back against the wall. Ol' fashioned camping. Then Shi No Numa rolled around and training began to popularize. Since then, maps were being made to allow training with a few obstacles that would make it more difficult. One of those involves random spawning without barricades. If you say that you can't find good camping locations, then you're just not looking hard enough - or only in the most obvious locations. Tranzit - Town's buildings, Power Room lava pit, Bus Depot spawn room (with first electric door opened) Nuketown - House top stairs, Garage near mint house Die Rise - sweatshop w/ back door closed, Dragon Rooftops near Nav Card table, Buddha Room on second level catwalk Mob of the Dead - Gondola (either path), room below rooftop (where Beast spawns), showers in the laundry cage Buried - Juggernog alley, Courthouse (with bottom unopened), upper tunnels against unopened barricades, [too many to count actually] Origins - upper church floor, Excavation Site deck (path to second Lightning Staff piece), Excavation Site staff room
  5. Welcome back to the family, friendo! I was around but sadly didn't engage in conversations as much as I do now. Either way, it's good for you to return, and we have a great deal of new stuff implemented since you were last here.
  6. Welcome to the family, friendo! So it seems you're a seasoned player, eh? I'm sure you'll find tons of fellow slayers to tackle the horde with.
  7. In that case, I'm Jimmy Z's cousin twice removed. He once came to my house drunk asking to stay the night and ended up telling me the entire storyline for Zombies. Now I hold all the knowledge and I can say that the mode will allow you to control the zombies. Rule #1 of Zombies: Never trust information that can't be verified. You can say anything that you want to try and defend your credibility, but until proven, is nothing but false info.
  8. Welp, power level is definitely over 9,000 now. I would call it a glitch, seeing as how overpowered the setup is. That's like carrying the Ray Gun and Ray Gun Mark II in one arsenal.
  9. Ah? Another Dan? Wunderwa, we're starting to take over this tiny little planet now! Muahahahahaha! -ahem- Welcome to the community, comrade. As you can see, we're a very friendly bunch. Feel free to look around and engage in our daily discussions. I'm sure we'd love to have you talk to us (please we need more souls to consume for the MPD converse with).
  10. This will give Brains a breather, I suppose? Let's give this baby a test run to see how it lasts for the rest of the week (or day even).
  11. Gonna keep a good eye on this, cause I know a juicy story when I smell one. I was gonna see how long it would take you to start hitting the nitty-gritty events, but I definitely see them comin'. Keep on with this, friendo.
  12. 83457, you're saying that only the streets/Town? Last I checked, I always ran my routes either at the Diner or Bus Depot. I would include Farm, but it's only if the other two areas are already occupied (because I'd rather not be an asshat and get in the way). Bus Depot has two wall weapons - M14 and Olympia. I personally love having the Mnesia because it's great for headshots and ridiculously easy to use. Without the bus in the way, you have a great training map so long as you plan your ammo runs. No worries about constantly hopping over lava either. Diner is my top choice because the training system works too easily here. Bust a Zombie Shield here and there with an upgraded MP5 and you're golden. The shield alone gives it a better spot in "top training areas" lists because of how simple it works. There is no reason you should fail other than the occasional bus slamming into you. Farm is good, and the entrance is large enough to also run any kind of desired train. When the bus arrives, settle down near the truck in the middle of the area and do a few circles. The Remington in the barn makes a good weapon for a while when upgraded, but the exit route can be a tad shanty if not executed properly. Did I mention the Claymores chillin' in the shed? Other than that, I totally agree with you friendo. The reason why Tranzit slithered down the list of great maps is due to its insane size but lack of userful area. You have these small stations in an expansive map that is filled with nothing but fog and lava. Had there been several other stations than just 5 (say, around 9), I could see this becoming a better map. Most of your points illustrate how tedious certain tasks are just because of the map size/poor transportation when there isn't a bus. Still, I really do enjoy this map when I'm with my peeps. It barely skimmed above the dead are for most.
  13. For me, Black Ops was far superior in Zombies. The maps were very creative, simple, challenging, and charming. While Black Ops II introduced several new mechanics to the table - buildables, unique modes of transportation, stats, objectives, setting the ambiance - it lacked in map design until Alcatraz Island rolled in. I'm pretty sure that Treyarch will create another "Black Ops" title rather than a standalone. The community would kill one another if we didn't get another. Once you over-saturate Zombies as its own game, however, there's no going back.
  14. Welcome to the family, friendo! As you can see, it's already exciting to be here. We'll find just about anything that will pique your interest, and most of us share common interests (like L4D). If ya stick around, there will definitely be more to come.
  15. The thing that drew me into Zombies (besides the story) was the sounds/music. I'll always remember playing long co-op sessions with either randoms or friends with someone babysitting the crawler as I ventured out throughout the map by myself. If you just took time to hear the sounds while viewing everything within the area, you could hear those faint noises that made the ambiance sound so...disturbing. But in a good way, y'know? Really gave me shivers every time I listened.
  16. It's all to the community to determine what should be given brains and what should not. It's already been said that brains are a precious resource that ought to be promoted by hard work/valuable posts. I've made this pinned as there isn't an option to make it global.
  17. Sounds like you are used to a "babysitting" map. That being said, you probably dislike anything getting in the way of just you and the zombies (i.e. landscape, special enemies, objectives required to do simple tasks, etc). I feel your pain, but as stated clearly and perfectly before, Origins is just a challenging map. The difference between this one and several others is that you are required to avoid several obstacles and strategize your points accordingly to tackle each generator. 83457 did a beautiful job listing alternate methods and styles to make Origins easier. Once you explore every single option, best believe that Origins will be cakewalk with some practice. I'm not saying that it's Buried-easy, but it becomes routine over time.
  18. In addition to what Boom said, we will create a sticky (presumably this thread) listing all the ranks/titles. A disclaimer could be made separating the userbars from the medals.
  19. Back in the day, this used to be called "post-pumping". I understand that people post with the best intentions and want to show their love to everything in the community, but if you are going to do so (as stated before), at least have the common courtesy to write a sentence with more than 3 or 4 words. We're a thought-provoking community, so I'm pretty sure busting out a sentence or two pertaining to the original topic is not incredibly difficult.
  20. Trust me - after a nice solid year passes by, several people should be at or near 100 brains. And when I mean several, I mean at least one.
  21. Nothing feels better than finishing a report you procrastinated about for a whole month.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Sleeping after that report

  22. Because the discussion of tallies/perks/shields is over, I'm afraid. This thread is to discuss only - and only - the userbar titles. There is a separate thread about those other icons if you wish to talk about them here.
  23. 83457: About that Turbine near the power station: if you plant it right next to the Ak74u, it will allow a longer grace period for getting to the Pack-a-Punch room in time. That will prevent you having to drop into the actual power room and give you additional time to sprint to Town.
  24. That's how a typical ranking system related to posts originally work, Eternal. We could add several more ranks in between said gaps to give our CoDz veterans several titles to achieve, but the point is all about objective: the more posts you have, the harder it is to achieve a heavier title thus you really have to put your best posting hands in the pot. Updated: All ranks have been presented a title. "Cosmonaut" has been renamed to "Astro Zombie" and the Final Rank has been given the "Announcer" title.
  25. Another bookmarked thread for reference. Wunderwa, MMX! It's great to see each weapon model side by side. Also: under the FAL, the Black Ops upgraded version is called the EPC WN. You have it under the WN. When Black Ops II rolled around, it was changed to just the WN.
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