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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. Origins is the culmination of what the developers have learned throughout BO1 and 2. I understand that Origins the map may have been made by a different team....and I think they hit the nail on the head. The only buildables worth doing throughout BO2 are IMO - Sliquid Die Rise. Doesn't really need an explanation and it only takes 1 minute to do. Fan and Boom Buried. Only way to do high rounds, doesn't take very long if you use him. Staffs Origins. Can complete 1 ultimate in around 30 minutes, 2 in 40, 3 in 50 and 4 within an hour ish. I don't mind spending 30 minutes to create the most awesome weapon in zombies.
  2. Hey guys, anyone else noticed the massive increase in issues with zombies ignoring monkeys? 4 out of 5 downs yesterday over 2 games were caused by this. It generally happens when you have something extra to go with the regular zombies, so eithers knights or the Panzar. There's nothing more frustrating than spending a couple of hours getting close to 60 and then having the game end through not much fault of your own.
  3. I need to test this myself mate. I was messing around with the doors the other day and was certain that I had tested keeping that door shut, as well as in reverse and keeping the other shut. I know I did 1 of the 2, and I know it proper messed up the spawns and made a lot of new spawners with a large distance to cover to me. Fire staff loses it punch about round 60 or so. Script errors occur when something happens within the game which clashes with whatever parameters the programmers have in place to deal with the environment. Generally a result of incomplete testing. Best explainable example I can give is the who's who glitch on Die Rise. If you go down and take a nuke as you are dying, the game crashes. The game is trying to spawn you plus 24 zombies into the map, and it can't handle it.
  4. The strategy in action. A few people have been past 60 doing as you described. This is not my video but a good friend. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp0pPb4IoUw
  5. Hey guys, how you all been doing? Due to massive constraints put on my time at the minute by both my businesses, my family and the amount of travel I do due to living in 2 different countries I haven't been around pretty much at all for a while. However, the stars aligned and I have managed to get quite a lot of time on Origins since it came out. I've seen people say that this is the easiest map, but who are they kidding? Sure, once you get to round 50 you could argue that this map is easy. It's not an easy map however. I'm pretty certain there are people out there who can't get past round 8. Doing the EE in solo is in my opinion a monumental waste of time. Takes up to 4 hours, although can also be done in 3 hours but it creates a lot of glitches. ** Disclaimer - doing the first 1/2 of the EE can make other things easier later ** My friends Steve and Mato both had massive issues after completing the EE. Sound glitching, invisible drops....there may be others but these 2 are game killers. My strategy is good to get you to 100. Anyway, this is how I play the map. ORIGINS GUIDE My end game goal Ice staff by 12/13, Wind staff by round 50. 5 perks - Jugg, QR, Speed, Stamina, Mule Kick. Mule or Speed is always the 5th. Boomhilda/Mark 2, A staff, Any PAPed AR, Monkeys. Robots doing the 3 step (sometimes). Dont's I do not get Boomhilda before beating the Panzer. It makes it 100 times easier, but he's not that difficult really once you know him. Getting the Boom before the end of 7 means too much messing around worrying about points, keeping zombies etc. Plus it makes the Ice Staff more of a pain in the arse. Plus if you use it as a crutch, you're kinda screwed when it all goes wrong Plus, it adds a lot of unnecessary running around the map. It might not seem much, but my strategy is all about streamlining. On a map where so much running around is required, let's reduce it. If you turn on all generators by round 7, you only have to go back to every single one at least once before you are fully setup. DO's Always remember your gramaphone once you have received a crystal. Only ever leave it at gen 4 wind tunnel. Always remember to complete the ultimate staff and align the discs. Every single person reading this will have at some point completed the other tasks and forgot to do this. Never wait for something to happen, there is pretty much always something else that can be done. Example - when I play for 2 staffs initially, I will normally have the wind pieces by round 10. However, if I am short one on round 10, I won't wait for the robot to appear. I will go and do the blue staff first puzzle. When I come out of the tunnel, I still have to get from Jugg, to PAP, to TS, back down the bottom of PAP..... Good chance that during this process the robot I need will appear. With that in mind I'm not going to give a round by round account of what I do, more try and explain what and how I think. The initial setup End of round 3, sometimes 4 I want to have hit the box 5 or 6 times. Box spawns at Speed or Gen 2, and you can see where it is from spawn. I stay at the location until it moves. This goes against any advice I have ever given previously regarding the box. Here are my reasons. I reckon I must get my monkeys at least 50% of the time by firesales. Infact, I can't remember the last game I had to actually locate the box after moving it to get monkeys. If you play enough rounds, you will get them from a firesale I have yet to buy a wall gun, so out of 6 hits I'm guaranteed an MP/AK equivalent. If I get a ray gun, my mauser gets shoved somewhere and I save 5k on a PAP. Plus round 8 is a joke. THE NUMBER ONE REASON I want monkeys ASAP. I've been setup on this map, multiple times with my staff/s, but only 4 perks sitting there with no mule kick. TIP 1 If you then need to get monkeys you have to give up a staff, hit the box and then when you are out of points schlep back into PAP to get it again. On one game the other day it took me 30 minutes to do 4 rounds due to this. Never, ever again. I can have hit the box 5 or 6 times within the same amount of minutes, at the start of the game. Additional note - there is a faction out there who are convinced that having no firesales increases the chance of max ammos being a drop in later rounds. I am not one of these people, however, if you are, and are planning to play past round 70 or so, it's worth thinking about a restart if you move the box. Less than 10 minutes of your time, repeated say 6 times max (most I can think of without getting them), means an hour spent to potentially save hours later. Speed cola and Gen 2 are also 2 places where it is very easy to get to round 6 with no issues. I can do to the end of 8 in both places with an MP40 or AK, no issues. Headshots are friends, Gen 2 is easier but both are possible. TIP 2 The reason I stay at either place until end of 6, is the first robot foot. During these rounds, I promise the foot will come. One out of the way with no waiting. It's all about doing stuff in parallel. More on that later. Rounds 4-7, get the monkeys or box moved. 1 thing about moving the box.....I swear I get monkeys from fire sales more than anything else. Once you have moved the box or gotten your monkeys, priorities are easy. Strategic thoughts You have to think about what can be done and when. Ice parts - round 10 gimme. I have gotten them all on 3/4 before, but it's not regular. Doing it that way means using points to open new areas, earlier than required. It always snows on round 10, you always have enough points to do anything, so don't do anything earlier. Plus, if you hunt on 3 or 4, even though on 4 you can open almost the entire map you are travelling areas you just need to travel again within a few rounds. Don't schlep around wastelessly. With the robots....don't wait for them, at some point the one you need will be in the right place at the right time, especially if you have done speed which is the worse to do. From Jugg, you can get to either the church foot or the NML foot after having seen the robot appear. By end of round 7, I will have Jugg and sometimes Stamina. Hell, in a recent game I had Skorpion, then monkeys and then on a cheeky box hit ray gun 3rd. By end of 7 I had all my perks. I may have even opened the church, especially if a cheeky robot happens to be coming that way as another round is close to an end. TIP 3 Robot hunters. If you are prioritising feet, get stamina and gen 6 fully open. Means you can get to all the feet from Jugg. PESKY Round Round 8....always start in the mud by Jugg. Slowly move into the generator area and wait for the siren to announce donut will be arriving. You will already have 70% spawned behind you, or in control in the gen area already. Once he spawns, if you have monkeys just throw one and concentrate on him. If no monkeys, gather that hoard and him, and then run around the back into the tunnel area. Now you are going to do a continuous rectangle, from the tunnel all the way back to the MP40. Kill any 1's or 2's in front of you....a zombie blood makes the round over immediately. Either way, if you keep doing that rectangle you can't really go down. Use the environment to your advantage, there are many things you can hide behind and pop in and out to generate one of his actions. Once he is doing something, you have a few free seconds to shoot him. Begin final setup Round 10....get everything now.....sorta. Order here does matter to me. You want to do everything in one circle, no more. From Jugg I work the map like this. Open PAP straight away, and open the chamber. Pick your gramaphone up. Head to 6, dig, turn on etc, use the Ice tunnel at 6. Get your crystal, pick up gramaphone. Stamina up next, get your wind disc plus the perk if missing. Hit up gen 2 from bunker, or speed cola from bunker depending on which one you haven't been too. Get the last shield part, whichever you haven't had access to yet. Get speed cola and QR. Now, by doing it this way, once you leave the spawn area, you never have to go back. Any returns are by choice for digging. Like you don't have to go back to Generator 6 and use the Ice tunnel again. Disclaimer - clearly you will have to return to these places, but it will be for an unrelated/undoable and/or new task. Once you return to PAP, do not PAP yet. Build the ice staff, and then use tunnel by gen 4. Pick up wind crystal, leave gramaphone where it is for the rest of the game. Do Ice Staff puzzle, then leave and head left to MP40, then straight for footprint, then tank station. By having not PAPed your mauser, you don't have to freeze them all and then pick up another gun, you can use the mauser to destroy them. Straight from TS, go to PAP, PAP your mauser and then go down the bottom to complete the Ice Staff. From here, you can choose to patiently wait for the robots, to complete the Wind staff however you don't need to. With the Ice staff, you can complete any other staff all the way up to round 100 in theory, although I like to do it by 50. Don't get me wrong, on more than one game I have had the wind and ice done together, but they were always due to circumstances, ie, the feet just being where I needed when I happened to be passing. I do not wait for anything on this map, everything that you need to wait for can be done later at a more appropriate time. Complete staff/s So, start 11 in the chamber with your Boomhilda. Within 1 round the Ice staff will be done, if you have both staffs in with you the wind will complete within 1, and the Ice within 2. Don't rush out just yet. You don't want to leave anything in here, so if you did both staffs make sure you pick the wind one up first, and then the Ice. This will get the wind back into PAP chamber. Now, if you finish round 11, know that whenever you leave the Panzer is more than likely going to be there. He returns on 12 or 13. He isn't an issue....unless you have just started a round, have left from the wind tunnel and the robot is just about to stamp that area. You might have issues then, any other circumstances just shoot the shit out of your boomhilda towards the top of the tunnel, and he is down. From here until 50 I only get 5 perks, anymore is only necessary if you are going for a WR and are trying to keep getting QR back. About every 5 rounds I dig the map up, until I get the golden shovel. Until round 50, I run 2 areas. Gen 4, or Gen 3. 3 is a bit safer but also a bit slower. From Gen 3 I start the round at the only window, do 10/15 seconds of kiting and then fire a shot into the area where the bridge leads to speed cola. Stay at the front of the bridge and nothing will come behind you. Depending on ammo I either then camp, with new shots every 7 seconds or re hoard a little after the wind effect ends. From Gen 4 I start all rounds in the mud, and then move into the gen area before firing in front of Jugg. Again, I mix camping and running depending on ammo. The Beautiful Blood 5th perk. So, in the early rounds once I have the golden shovel, I move around the map camping in various locations to be able to hit all the drops. From gen 4, you can check most of the spots between there and gen 5. After every blood I move, and just keep camping until I get another one. Gen 6 - from here you can get the ones either side of the tank and the one at the gen itself. From PAP bottom where you come form the bunker, you can hit almost all the ones this side of the bunker. Remington in spawn area is good for checking all those. Real end game Mato's crazy strategy. Outside TS, mix of camping and running depending on ammo. For those that do not know, there is an area right by where the tank first stops, that has stupid stupid spawns. 5and5 did a round in the 80s there in a couple of minutes or something crazy. It's ammo intensive, and very very easy to get wrong. If you leave by the back exit of the MP40 room, go straight to the back fence and then walk right you will see a big depression. Stand next to that, shoot your feet and pray a little. Keep the wind flowing, you have no problems. It stops for a second, you will go down. Guaranteed. 100%, do not pass go. Ammo Management When I come close to running out of ammo, and by close I mean the clip left I start to think about when the generators soliders last came and when the panzer last came. If I have a full wind staff, I normally finish the round via either foot stomps or the tank. The next round could be a panzer round, so a free drop or a gen soldier round, so a free ammo. As most drops come in the first few shots, you may well get an ammo within that clip. If not a nuke or insta can lead to an ammo. Next step would be to use the wind staff and a couple of monkeys. Hoard, take them to the first accessible area beneath PAP, then shoot with wind. IF ammo appears, helter down the stairs, grab your ice staff, wait 10 seconds and then get a monkey out. You should just about get back to the ammo, although it can take another monkey. Last resort, box ammo. I hate to take this before round 80, but sometimes shit happens. Robot stomping You could argue that doing the first few steps of the Easter Egg...build all 4 ultimate staffs and then place the staffs in the robots is massively helpful and time saving in the long run. The key is you don't need the airstrikes, so save a fair amount of time. What this creates is 3 robots coming over and over again. If you run the standard Jugg strategy, of starting in the mud, looping either around the wind tunnel or cutting back through the gen and shooting in the mud, you will fire 3 shots and then the robot will appear. That's a 33% ammo saving straight up. If you are going to do this, still stick to the basic thought process. The goal is always round 10 2 runners left, get everything done. Difference would be that I would complete all staffs except fire and have them waiting in the chamber to be filled with souls. Then use the Red staff as intended in it's first step, and at most 3 rounds will complete the 3 ultimates plus the first step of the Fire. I'd get 2 parts of the tank end of 8. 3 if I get the sprinting right Last part on 10, but I'd probably move it on 9. I'd use the Lightning tunnel before moving it, so it's not a totally wasted journey. I'd turn on generator 6 on round 7, so that the plane is there on round 8. All red staff pieces means that at the end of 8, I'd get my QR earlier, but use the Fire tunnel which is at spawn. Then you can build the staff but not take it, so that when you are on 10 digging, you can be collecting the other crystals to ensure as little backtracking as possible. This isn't a guide persee, it's a little bit of a brain dump that I have tried to wrestle into something cohesive. For those that take the time to read through it, I hope you gain something from it.
  6. I put a video on youtube earlier after discovering this today, before I had seen this post. Playing last night in coop I noticed the drops stayed when you go back in time, and it came to me that the perks might. They do :)
  7. Thanks man, I'll try it out. The best tip is about the voice volume!!!!
  8. There is something being missed here, and in all guides posted. I never kill 30 before going up. I always take 1 zombie, and kill that and Brutus with whatever. The subsequent rounds, I always kill the Brutus asap with Ray/UZI/whatever I have and then kill all the zombies with the hawk.
  9. The hells redeemer is at best a little glitchy. After lots of experimentation I have found that as long as I do 2 entire rounds, plus a 3rd and leave a few zombies at the end and then try, I always get it. I have got it after 1 round, and failed after doing 2 rounds....which is the same story for a lot of my friends. I have never heard the laugh either in my game, or in any video I have seen on it.
  10. There is never a point in restarting, as you have to open that door to get to the wardens office regardless. There is no real point in knifing all the zombies on 1 that spawn from the machine, just headshot them and reduce the chance of a nuke. After firing alot of pistol ammo. TBH, I could have got Jugg on round 3 everytime if I had just shot instead of knifing. You have 47 zombies in the first 3 rounds, almost all on *2. Take 5 away from the first round you have knifed, which gives you around 2500. So 42 zombies at 200 a pop is 8400, plus your 2500. More than enough to get it all done. Even if all the zombies on 2 and 3, which totals to 21 are only at 100 plus say 20 per zombie for extra bullets and pistol, you will still have enough to get Jugg on 3, but may not complete the 3rd dog. Again, this is not an issue. To summise, just headshot all those extra zombies on round 1, at *2. More than enough points to do everything, but avoiding a nuke which is pretty much a required restart. As it takes around 6 minutes to get them all hoarded and out, it's just wasting time :)
  11. MNM1995 - I do love that you basically accused me of being a liar, which I gave clear evidence I wasn't and then you just post and say nothing about it. Edit - this topic was reported. People are giving their opinions, and whilst there have been some strong words and somewhat insults it has stayed clean. Keep it that way please.
  12. Not a coincidence IMO that there are 4 distinctly different guns - Blunder, Sweeper, Gat and Vitrolic. It's not an amazing killing wonder weapon, and people have been asking for the ability to have more than one for a while.
  13. Does anyone know what board it puts you on? So if you start with 4 but end with 2, do you go on the 4p or 2p board?
  14. Proof is in the pudding and all that. nZjBBc4B3CM I want to make a response later to this thread, but I don't have time to do it justice now. This can be a discussion, rather than an argument.
  15. I really agree with Eternal on this one. The spork is so necessary to make high rounds easy, but you have to understand the map to get it, and know exactly how to play to get it in a reasonable time. Try doing the roof dog for instance on round 20. A simple way to do it is by saving 6 zombies or so, but with the respawning system on damaged zombies, it becomes too complicated to work out. The only challenge that I feel I personally have left on this map on solo is how quickly I can get the spork. I'm guessing about round 8 or 9, but the thing is to get it so early, i would have to sacrifice more than likely my free blunder, and not be able to PAP the DM as well. Too many points required unless you get the blunder and DM from the box first hit. You should not have to do sooooo much just to get into a game and get fully setup.
  16. Tis very good. I do it a little different by using the *2 in the spawn on the first 5, then the *2 outside the cafeteria on the first 1/2 or so of what spawns from the machine. First dog etc, round 2, 2nd dog upstairs. Round 3/4 get to Jugg, 3rd dog. Parts in a similar order. Do everything at docks, save to 3 lives again and head up. Numbers and DT together. Get Axe. 2 skulls at docks. Then wardens office, speed and extra *2. 2 parts in office. Get skull. Build shield in cafe, hit box until DM and ideally Blunder, if I don't get Blunder will take from wardens desk. You see where I'm going, but like you, I think people should do it how they want after the initial stuff :)
  17. The thing is Tasty, this map is ultimately the same, after getting setup. So in the game I'm talking about, that means 4 perks, Meat Grinder and Vitrolic, with the Spork. I can then camp in the DT room until round 30, and then go and run circles in either the acid room, or the wardens office, or the docks etc. I actually enjoyed collecting the stuff the first few games, but once you have played the map a few times it just becomes a complete ball ache. I really like the new map, but I still want an old style BO map to come onto the new engine that is BO2.
  18. I don't do zombies wrong, I wouldn't have posted if I didn't know the map. I know it inside out, where every part is and how to collect them in a specific order to not waste time. I actually had all 3 dogs fed and Jugg on round 4. Doing the spork as well is what takes all the time.
  19. Amen brother. I know MOTD inside out now, and it took me 50 minutes to get all 4 perks, Vitrolic and Spork....and I was on round 15. I have spent a lot of time just on the start of this map to suss out the best way to start, and the above is as good as it gets. Maybe you could save 5 minutes, not much more. Picking everything up and visiting most locations only once. 15 rounds in 50 minutes? WTF. That is not zombies. Please please please please please Treyarch give us one more simple map like Kino or Der Reise, the ultimate 2 maps. Where you can get in, get balls deep and start ****ing slaying. No more of this collect 10 pieces of whatever, just give us a good, old fashioned slaying map. Chopper out.
  20. Room behind DT with the back door closed. Death machine plus Vitrolic can be held until 30ish solo, probably a little longer on coop. Door is there for a bailout.
  21. You are saying this EE is more frustrating than say Shangri-La then, or even Tranzit.....
  22. Note - in the original steps you mention needing a vitrolic....the acid gat will do the job as well. Tested it earlier, and it definitely works :)
  23. Cheezy - I had to edit your post and remove that language. Please play nicely :)
  24. I don't really understand what the issue is either way. All I do know is that claiming a world first when you have had extra time over everyone else is at best a bit douchy.
  25. After just 5 minutes of play I realised that whilst a good map, it's a bit too easy. The acid trap is going to be where the high rounds come from.....wall gun for ammo, easy kiting area, rinse and repeat. Not sure really what to think, PAP is a pain in the arse, purgatory is OP....
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