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Bahamut or Shoeshiner 100?

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It depends how you like to play - i personally think the dragon is the most powerful gun in the game against zombies - you can actually camp with it one time packed till mid 30 to early 40... then maybe you get ammo issues so make sure to have e.g. the storm bow for backup...later any wall weapon double packed is better than all the box weapons...

The shotguns are actually more powerful against the panzers (its more powerful than the dragon but only on short range...)

The lmg's works good too...

So for panzers - catch them with the stormbow - ragnarok or death ray or all after another to kill them


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Storm bow is my go to with the wolf bow arrow in my inventory for max ammo and I always have a tough time picking my next weapon since I'm against perkaholic and I don't like the idea of using mule kick just to have an extra weapon when I could use it for a cheaper better perk. I'm doing a solo run right now swapped out my Drakon papd for a brecci and papd it with BF. So far it's doing great. I wait at power door for panzer shoot him with storm run over to death ray then let loose on his chest with the brecci. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

PaP'd KRM off the wall. Even at round 100, if you get up pretty close and shoot the core (use the Death Ray to hold him) then you'll typically only need a maximum of about one and a half clips of ammo totaling less than 10 seconds of shooting. This assuming you have Double Tap II of course.

Edited by ZombiesAteMyPizza!
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I prefer the Drakon, or Bahamut of course. I think it's my favorite in BO3, together with the Vesper and the Dingo. 
I prefer to keep my distance too. Double tap is a must for me. 

Last time I tried the Death-Ray, he bantered straight through the trap, forcing me to take the jump pad and landing in the test sequence, haha.

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On 3.5.2016 at 6:50 PM, ZombiesAteMyPizza! said:

PaP'd KRM off the wall. Even at round 100, if you get up pretty close and shoot the core (use the Death Ray to hold him) then you'll typically only need a maximum of about one and a half clips of ammo totaling less than 10 seconds of shooting. This assuming you have Double Tap II of course.

I tried this at around 44 or 45 or so, but it caused me to run around with the goofer two more times.

Two factors played into this (probably): He was on the edge of the trap so he was pretty far away and I shot the head.

I shot the head because I did read various people who wrote that you should shoot the head instead of the core and other people telling me the opposite.

I don't know who to believe. ;_;

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1 hour ago, Lenne said:

I shot the head because I did read various people who wrote that you should shoot the head instead of the core and other people telling me the opposite.

I have this problem too! Do I shoot that light on his head, or that giant screw on his chest haha. Did he even have that in Origins?

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9 hours ago, Lenne said:

I tried this at around 44 or 45 or so, but it caused me to run around with the goofer two more times.

Two factors played into this (probably): He was on the edge of the trap so he was pretty far away and I shot the head.

I shot the head because I did read various people who wrote that you should shoot the head instead of the core and other people telling me the opposite.

I don't know who to believe. ;_;

Definitely the core mate, I've tried both on similar rounds and he dies so much quicker. Was this very recently as well or a while ago? He had much higher health for a while to begin with but one of the patches lowered his health drastically, since then I never ever fail to kill him before the trap runs out regardless of round. Also makes it ridiculously easy if you wait in the power-switch room just inside the doorway at the start of the round, then every time without fail he'll come down right next to the trap so you can run past is as he's landing and switch it on before the zombies start spawning in, always gets you nice and close as well :)

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4 hours ago, Koslans said:

Thanks folks. I didn't know about the health nerf. 

But how do you wait for him in that small doorway? 
If I try that, the zombies will surround me way before he lands. 

you kill the last zombie and then wait for the panzer round to start - so he will spawn every time at the death ray - dont try this midround

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14 hours ago, Koslans said:

Thanks folks. I didn't know about the health nerf. 

But how do you wait for him in that small doorway? 
If I try that, the zombies will surround me way before he lands. 

He spawns at the start of the round mate. If you get there as the round changes (easy if you're running at the Death Ray or camping in the power or HVK room) then he'll spawn and land way before the zombies start coming at you. That's what makes it work ;)

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8 hours ago, ZombiesAteMyPizza! said:

He spawns at the start of the round mate. If you get there as the round changes (easy if you're running at the Death Ray or camping in the power or HVK room) then he'll spawn and land way before the zombies start coming at you. That's what makes it work ;)

Are you playing on Playstation? 
I'm on xbox and at least 10 zombies spawn on me before the big dude drops down. 
If I try to camp the clock tower and want to use my gravity spikes at the jump pad there, zombies already storm the room and I can barely get outside. 

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10 hours ago, Koslans said:

Are you playing on Playstation? 
I'm on xbox and at least 10 zombies spawn on me before the big dude drops down. 
If I try to camp the clock tower and want to use my gravity spikes at the jump pad there, zombies already storm the room and I can barely get outside. 

I've played on all 3 systems mate (I own a PC and also play split-screen with mates of mine, one who has an Xbox and one who has a PS), works regardless. Sounds like you're in completely at the wrong spot by the sounds of that last sentence, you should be nowhere near the clock tower at the start of the round. You should be up in the power switch room inside the doorway, as the round transitions. Then when the round starts the Panzer will drop down almost instantly before any zombies have made their way into the map.

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