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Future weapons=Different future

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In the map origins one of it's most unique features is it's totally revolutionized weaponry, weapons like the scorpion evo, the scar, and many other weapons seem to be mostly from the futuristic time period, with the exception of: 

-The m14

-The MP40

-The STG

-The python

-The type 25

-The galil

-the FAL 


-the m1927


Every other weapon is either presumed to be built in origins or crafted from the far future. (I did not look into every gun, sue me if I miss one or two) 


Now look at this quote from maxis's radio:

Ludvig Maxis: When 115 is channeled towards the ancient stones, an energy field appears to drag unknown objects into our reality. Is it possible that Element 115 is disrupting the space time continuum itself? How else could an ancient box, created eons ago bring forth weapons from different eras? Perhaps including even our own future! Further study is needed to understand these powerful and unpredictable forces.


Now, the point I would like to highlight is that the ancient box is bringing forth weapons from maxis's future. My idea is that in the current reality's future these weapons are built as they are in multiplayer and campaign. However, many of these weapons don't appear in the same future as buried, die rise, and tranzit. 


My THEORY is that these weapons are here because in this reality, they do become built, as the world doesn't end to stop production. 


Of course there are some issues with this idea: 

-If the production for the weapons stopped, then wouldn't guns like the 5-7 never appear in buried or other maps? (To which I respond with: Maybe these weapons were produced before the other ones, and then the world ended between) 

-What if the box is just taking the guns from other realities, like the multiplayer one? 





I apologize if this offends anyone who believes that moon takes place in the 1960s or that origins is in the same universe as the others. This is just a theory i'd like to discuss and in no way should be taken as proof or fact. 

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-If the production for the weapons stopped, then wouldn't guns like the 5-7 never appear in buried or other maps? (To which I respond with: Maybe these weapons were produced before the other ones, and then the world ended between)

If that's true it would be a really useful way to pin down exact dates for the BOII maps. It would imply that buried takes place pre-2025. (only by a year or so probably.)

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To be honest... I'm not sure if this is a plot hole or just a product of Gameplay.

Cause Cotd happened and even though the world should have been destroyed at that point in time it wasn't. So when the world was destroyed after Moon Cotd could not have happened thus creating a paradox. Richtofen should not even be in control.

Considering those events took place perhaps the Box really is taking weapons from alternate realities. But then again this explanation is from origins and as we know there are alot of strange things in origins that don't belong in WWI.


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I've always considered campaign and even multiplayer to be in a different Universe than zombies. Therefore I wouldn't think that 2025 would have anything to do with zombies. But idk. That's just what I've always thought. I mean we do see a lot of zombies things in the campaign. And some even say that the BO2 multiplayer map Studio has zombies guns in it.

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@Black Hand Smith , that's assuming Moon occurred prior to Call of the Dead, which it did not. :)


the missiles Hit in the 60's because The license plates in tranzit read 1960. if the world were suddenly to explode would your first priority be to make more License plates? Michael Rooker was born in 1955 meaning that at the time of the Rockets hitting earth He would have been 5 years old at the time give or take. Now, whether or not a 5 year old Michael Rooker would be a threat to the undead is open for debate but what  We do know is that Nuketown and Moon take place at the same time due to the transmissions we receive from the Moon. 


Rooker did not start acting till 1986 so Call of the dead most likely takes place after sometime after 1986.

tranzit could take place in whatever year after 1960 


Here is the License Plate


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Call of the Dead takes place in 2010/2011 based off their attire/looks (Danny Trejo is in his Machete look I think).

The rockets hitting thing is really debatable honestly as there is evidence for both 60's and present time.
If it's 60's, I usually think it was the normal timeline, up till the rockets hit Earth. Since that never happened originally (since CotD happens), we're basically taking a different branch of the timeline from than on, one where the world was destroyed, and one where Call of the Dead doesn't happen.
If it's present time they hit, than there isn't anything wrong with it. It would mean they only teleported to Shangri-La and Moon, and not time-travelled.

Back on topic: I think the 115 pulling weapons across time thing will be canon thing now. I don't think an explanation was really needed till BO2, as WaW and BO1 MP weapons fit in with there zombie maps naturally, whereas that changes with BO2. Honestly for me it seems like an easy cop out (remember when everyone said the Vril-Ya did it when something couldn't be explained? I feel like this is what 115 will become), but it's still an explanation.

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