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New map idea!: Flèche de la mort!

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Right off the bat, you see the normal German or English words arn't what they're soposed to be, that's because they're in French! Why? Because this week's map prediction takes place in the heart of the city of love! And nothing says love like hearts... Of zombies... Exploding...

This map will include a VERY special mode of transportation, as well as contain the final spire (hence the name) in maxis's and richtofen's plans! Also there will be four new buildables (and the nav card table), a new roaming boss zombie, a brand new wonder weapon, and a reference that will leaving you all saying:

"AHHHHhhhh I see what you did there.."! (Let's see who's the first to find it!)

To start out I'm going to give you the best vision of the map I have at my disposal...

The intro: The new group have just been teleported via purple flash... Here you can see marelton gazing into a massive chasm..

"Oh god, its TRUE! Everything the communicators have said is TRUE! The earth is being ripped appart! (Insert a more complex vocabulary..)

Maxis: So you see I have not lied to you, your world is dieing, only you and your company can save it!

Misty: "And just how are we soposed to do that?"

(richtofen-to-Samule dialoge will be in () parentheses)

(R:Don't trust him! All you've done to help has been glorious, but it means NOTHING if you don't help me here! You must convince your freinds to help ME! Or else your all DOOMED!

(S:Just tell me what to do... And don't tell them about the...)

Russman: Stu! Look out! (Russman Tackles stu and rolls him off the side of the bridge they're on...)


Marelton: Get behind me misty! I'll protect you from the ggeeerrrrmmmms...

Misty: Don't sopose you could give us a hand here, could you voice?

Maxis: Ask and you shall receive! (Blue lightning strikes behind them and a door appears)..

(Richtofen: A TAX YOU ARE MAXIS! No matter... You will help me, stu was it?, Or may you suffer the WRATH OF THE DOCTOR!

S: Doctor?.... )

Doctor who?

You'll start off Under the Eiffel tower...(Damn my spelling)... Here, most of the surrounding area outside the bace if the tower is sealed off under heeps of smoldering ruins... You can only exit by having all players step inside of the elevator that would normally be used to climb the tower, but this time it falls into the sewers bellow...

In the sewers you can head left or right... Heading left will drop you closer to the power switch, but heading right will lead you closer to the box...

Choose a path and fallow it, both paths will lead you eventualy into huge pipes... Falling out of the right way's pipe will drop you under a bridge, where you can access the box spawn... When your done, have a look just ahead to see a MASSIVE gash in the earth, the molten core is visible...As well as speed cola is visible on top of the bridge...

This is where russman and Stulenger were before they rolled into the river you just emerged from... Buying the door on the opposet side of the bridge you can ascend on will bring you to the next area: down town...

Down town is a cobblestone paved road with stores along the side that has three doors: The tavern, the magic shop and the door in the back of the ally...

The tavern is only one floor, but you can buy double tap here...

The door in the back of the ally will lead you to a lab, inside you'll find a buildable work bench for peices found in town:

The top hat (always found in the magic shop)

The watch (found in a table in the bar or in the magic shop)

The helmet (found in the lab or on the street)

And the wires with a sickle (found in the bar on the counter, or in the lab on a test subject's bloody back)

When you combine these you get a new tactical gernade: The gentleman's ass kicker...

This weapon, when thrown at a zombie, will stick into it's head, and cause the zombie to run amongst it's fellow zombies and explode after a few short seconds...

When you want to leave, head to the magic shop, here you can either buy the cabinet in the back, revealing a seceret door to the next area... Or you can go inside The Blue Door...

The blue door is VERY special... As you walk in you find yourself on a catwalk overlooking oblivion, one wrong step and you fall to your doom, but if you make your way to the center of the room, there is a switch easily mistakable for the power switch, but when hit will go down, but then pop back up! After pushing it the room will fill with lightning (killing any zombies like a teleporter) Now if you leave the room you won't find yourself at the magic shop but somewhere else on the map! The room hasn't changed: The door's exit has moved! (see "TARDIS" later on)

If you chose to buy the cabinet, you'll head out the back of the shop into an ally wich you can then use to get to the back door of the church...

The church also has an entrance in the sewer, as the church is at the end of the left path from the sewer forgoten about earlier! As well, one of it's confessionals contains deadshot daiquiri! A perk we'd all love to see return, even if it was almost pointless to get...

The church has its own buildable as well:

If you take the potted plant from somewhere in the church, as well as the tubes, hazardous container, and bone meal powder, you can combine them at the alter to form: The garden of Eden: An upgradable wonder weapon that you can later get from the box...

The garden of Eden works by spraying zombies with a gas of plant liquids, this will strip the zombie's flesh away and make their bones a breeding ground for plants, especially the ones implanted in the gas that will stop the zombie's like stone and hold them there until the zombie dies... Slowly draining it's health, the plant will constrict a zombie for a long while... Giving you time to either hit them again and kill them, or gather surviving supply's like perks and upgraded weapons...

Speaking of which; When upgraded the GOE becomes "the snake of the apple tree", Essentialy the same weapon, but with an attachable second purpose: A detonator that will release the acid from the plants surrounding a zombie and set it on fire... Killing it instantly...

Back to the game, if you leave the church through its front door you can walk across the street to a fenced off area which you can crawl under. Here you can turn on the power via generator! Climb on top of the generator to get to the roof of the nearby building... From there you can send down a ladder to make it easier to get up, or not... Stamin up is also up here.. But if you continue, you'll find a bridge of wood... Walking across isn't a happy trip however, as it will break and drop you into another sewer...

This sewer has three roughts... The left will bring you down a small detour to galvaknuckles, the middle one will bring you to the next area, and the right on will at first appear to be a dead end, but if you crawl under the gate, you can access pack-a-punch, but be carefull! It's hard to get out of there if there is as much as one zombie near by!

Heading up the ladder will bring you to a split path again, one of which is a large pipe that will bring you back to the elevator that dropped you at the beginning..

And the other will bring you to a double level plaza, where you can buy who's who on one level and mule kick on the other...

Fallowing the pipe however will drop you down near the elevator in the beginning, you can use it now and ride to the Underlevel of the Eiffel tower/spawn, where quick revive is, but now it will take you further up to the observation deck of the tower...

The observation deck is quite the sight... You look down and see a massive lava-gash in the earth... As well as many burning buildings and a caiotic look at the once beautiful France..

Once your past that, you can build something amazing here: Wingsuits! (Yes I thought we'd see them In die rise, but oh well, they can work better here)

Build it by adding the Helmit from the observation deck, the nano suit from the lab in the ally, the wires and bits from the generator, and the engine from inside the blue door/Tardis...

There are four breaks in the railing to use the wing suit, which has very simple rules: Don't hit anything: don't die! Hit something: Die... You land automatically once your in range of the area you heading to...

The areas you can go are:

1:The bridge...

2: The generator area behind the church...

3: The double level area...

4: The opera stage...

The opera stage is a very special area that you can access only by the TARDIS or the Wingsuit.. Here you can find juggernog and the fourth buildable station: The 649358460115 beam...

We'll worry about that when I get to the Easter egg!

To return to the Main area, either take the Tardis or slide down the slope of ash to the spawn area...

The TARDIS, for those who don't know, is a device that travels through space and time, and excedes the dimintional laws provided by normal physics. Basicly the entrance to the room moves, but the room doesn't change at all! So sometimes the entrance will be in one area, and sometimes it will be in another! It is quite amazing! Also the TARDIS also has a Parkor area behind the switch, in which if you compleat you can buy PHD Flopper! The perk we've all wanted for QUITE a while,..

And one last thing to worry about is the new boss zombie: Its a roaming horse man, Centaur rather, with an angry grudge against anything it sees! If it lays it's eyes on you get out of its way or it will blow you back into prone possession with jug, and kill you with out it! Note: It can not enter houses, the sewer, or the TARDIS... Killing it takes a while, but doing so will give you a max amo and a free perk...

And that is the map!

Now on to the Easter egg!

The first thing your going to want to do is turn on the power.. Obviously...

The next step is to access the peices...

These next three steps can be done in any order:

1: The dish: To obtain this item, someone needs the GOE weapon to shoot the satilite dish on the roof tops, this will super charge a plant into knocking the dish off so you can pick it up...

2: The gem: To get this you need to blow up the window of the jewelry store across from the tavern, then simply grab the large green gem..

3: The lazer: Now if you head to the TARDIS and head inside, there is a small little area just beyond your reach, above the switch, to get to it you need to head up the catwalk, but be carefull as there are many places you can fall into oblivion... But if you manage to Parkor your way up there you can get it!

Once you've compleated that, bring all three of your peices to the opera stage and assemble them on the conductor's stand... If done right you should hear maxis say:

Exellent! The seed is planted, now we need to power the spire! I don't care how you do it, but I'm counting on you to get it done!

Or richtofen will say:

(Good, good, good good... Now we need to (hurk) power the obilisk!! We will need an EXTREAM amount of energy! I'm guessing you already know how...)

Guess what: We have to kill zombies under the spire.... The spire this time is the Eiffel tower, so killing zombies in the spawn area seems to be the way to go! Once you hear maxis and richtofen say:

Good.. Good... Good... STOP! ENOUGH! We have enough power! !!(BBEEeeeepp)

Now we have almost everything! 115, the beam, all we need is to activate the energy feild!

(Nein Nein Nein Nein! Enough power! Maxis's goal is so close, but MINE IS CLOSER! Quickly, close the energy feild! Only then will the poison of the damned be reversed! Oh and your planet be saved to...)

Here's the final choice...

For maxis, You need to throw a Gentleman's ass kicker at the blinking red light at the top of the tower from the observation deck to activate the last spire...

For richtofen, you need to have the boss zombie, centaur, ram the legs of the tower in any order...

If you Fallowed maxis: The Eiffle tower will glow bright red-orange, just like the rest, for richtofen it will glow blue-purple...

But that's not it, not by a long shot! You only get the first acheivement-"The last tower... " -Construct the final peice to the plan- And 50GS for that!

No! To continue you need to power the other two spires THE EXACT SAME WAY! Meaning the tranzit, die rise, and Flèche map all need to be either maxis or richtofen, no combinations!

To compleate the FULL easter egg you need to build the nav card table beneith the tower in Paris, Nevada, and province 22... Then insert the card from tranzit into the die rise table, then the die rise card into the Paris table, and the paris card into the tranzit table...

Once you place the card in die rise and Paris, you receive the Paris card, so the next time you play tranzit and insert the card...

(Tranzit) - A massive cloud of steam will BURST from the ground as the powerstation's power core rises and forms a massive satilite dish, aimed at the tower of babble!

Then return to Paris and Either maxis or richtofen will say:

I am very disappointed... You are no longer any use to me! Have it your way: See what that madman will do to you and your planet...

(To everyone: You daft creatures... I gave you the chance to safe your planet, yet you listen to MAXIS! YOUR PLANET CAN BURN FOR ALL I CARE NOW! Maxis... Do your worst...)

That will come from whoever's side you DIDN'T choose.. Once they're done the other will say:

Brilliant! You have succeeded in eliminating the threat of richtofen... Now to kill him while he's down! Activate the Beam! Set all charges to negitive! You will all be rewarded handsomely soon enough!

(To everyone: WONDERBAR WONDERBAR WONDERBAR! You brilliant little worms! You have vanquished maxis and his stupid plans! Now come! We have a planet to rebuild ya?)

The person who you didnt help will no longer talk to you until ... Nevermind no spoilers!

Anyway remember the beam that we built but didn't do anything with from earlier? We gota power that thing now...

And how? By NODES of course! The first being super simple:

"Set all charges to negitive", meaning we need to activate the nodes in the opposet way from richtofen... The same stages but in reverse...

Here is the POSSITIVE way to do this:

1: If you head to the church and fire the UPGRADED GOE at the pipe organ and stain-glass window then blow it up, "whoever" will praise you and tell you a hint towards the next step->

2: If you glide off the Eiffle tower now there will be green letters like in Assension... But here only Samule can grab them (Anyone if your helping maxis) and you can control which ones you get..

The letters are:

1: H S and U

2: N A and P

3: I M and E

4:T R and a scull meaning you've messed up and need to start over...

The words your trying to spell here are either "Unumpentium" to continue the Easter egg, or "Hit Sam" if you enjoy a laugh, as all the zombie's will begin dancing for a breif 30-sec...

3: You will need to now power the device, to do this your entire team will need to PHD-Flopp on the opera stage...

(Now if you were doing this for maxis you would do everything in reverse, meaning you need to flop, then fly, then blow up the organ... )

If everything has gone right then you will hear the overlord say:

Good! You have compleated the task! Now your nightmare will come to an end... Richtofen no longer has the power to control the undead, but I fear something is off... It appears this process is taking longer then expected to work... Hop into the time device, all of you... I will flash you forward a few weeks, then we can finnally vanquish this zombie monstrosity and all it has caused! ...

(Buaahahahaha! I can feel the power of a million souls rushing through my frozen blood! And it's all thanks to you... Hmm... The earth healing process will take time... If only you had some kind of time machine controlled by a recently-deceased computer? Oh ya right the flashy rectangle thingy... Step inside and I'll see if I can flash you forward to when the new world worships me... )

Now for the last and final step of the first three maps... Simply have your whole team step onto the center of the TARDIS then pull the switch... (Seceret Acheivement unlocked: Tock-Tick 75GS "Turn back the clock")

Step outside to see the compleatly changed world: One of air and water...A blue sky hangs from space... The debris is still there, and the zombies still roam, but the grass now grows and the rift has been covered in by debris and cooled lava...

Maxis will say: Ah yes there you are... Everything appears to be... No... NO.. Damn! What is this!?! Whats happening? Richtofen! Is this your trickery? (Voice) There are worce things then Doctor Edward Richtofen in there... (Warping noise)

Gersh: Maxis!? Help me! This thing it... Arrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh! Help me please!

M: Gersh? Is this your doing? Your ALIVE?!?

G: Not just me... Please help me... There is much we need to do... We're not ready... We need richtofen's help... We're doomed if we don't...


G: We've already died once... And we're about to do it again... We have to... We...

M: Rest gersh... You have been on a long journey...

Thank you four, without you we wouldn't be where we are now... I solute you! And will come for you when you're next needed...


(Richtofen will say to everyone: Ah your back... GOOD! I need somebody to kill these zombies! Theyre not listening to me anymore! And I can't figure out WHY! Damn this infernal super advanced device! Likely maxis and another one of his stupid... (Voice) "Maxis is dead... And soon you will be too... Doctor Edward Richtofen..."

Gersh: Help me... Please...

R:Oh where have I seen THIS before...

G:Help me.. This thing is too strong... I need to kill it...

Richtofen: Bah! Fine! Let me just... (Blood curdling screech)

G: Thank you..

R: Who was that? One of maxis's TRICKS? Or one of his DAMNED daughter's?

G: Maxis... We need.. Maxis... We need... Both... Maxis...

R:Uggg... What do you want? A tea break? This is no time for your insolence gersh... I have zombies to rule!

G: Those zombies don't obay you anymore... None of them do...

R: Raaah! !!!!!! ...... (Sigh) Calm yourself Edward... You can get through this... Rest Gersh... Talk to me when your ready to stop being such a lazy domkoff...

But not you guys, NO! Thank you so much for your help, I'd help you survive but... I can't... If I need you again, I'll call, good day...

That's that! Also by completing the first tiny Easter egg you are awarded with a perk drop... By completing the full Easter egg you receive all 9 Perks and a gamer picture of Russman and Stulinger...

More importantly the zombie's eyes have gone white-gray and the demonic anouncer becomes an eery wave of voices (like the ones you can hear in the radios inside someones head...)

I can't really describe it better then that..

I hope you all enjoyed my Umbeleivibly long map prediction and I hope we all love what trayarch gives us! :lol: Till then, this is SMM!

Oh and no, the tardis like devise will not actually be called the tardis... We'd get seued or something...

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One of the best ideas I've seen in a while...

Maybe the map after this would have Richtofen, Gersch, Maxis, and Samuel as characters?

An idea, but maxis is dead, richtofen's body is occupied by samanthia, gersh is separated from his physical body, and Samule isn't likely to seperate form the group...

I think we're going to be getting our origional crew back together!

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One of the best ideas I've seen in a while...

Maybe the map after this would have Richtofen, Gersch, Maxis, and Samuel as characters?

An idea, but maxis is dead, richtofen's body is occupied by samanthia, gersh is separated from his physical body, and Samule isn't likely to seperate form the group...

I think we're going to be getting our origional crew back together!

I see what you're saying, but the towers would probably help them take physical form, and richtofen would just take Samantha body.

The vril will probably kick them out the aether, and I think we need a 4th character, cause you're right about Samuel.

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If I may ask, how long did it take to come up with this actually quite original and amazing idea?

Not long, by combining the well known idea of a French map, with the inclusion of the inspiration of a tardis from a DR. WHO (or as in America: physician what?), I managed to simply jump right in and write it in the matter of about two hours... LOTS-A editing from an iPad...

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This is actually one of the most interesting and entertaining future map ideas that I've read thus far. Not to say that other ones were bad, but this certainly has tons of juicy information and gives us a rather vivid illustration to let our mind wander. Fantastic concept and idea, Stop. I very much like this - it does get rather hard on the ideas, but it didn't necessarily stop me from going any further.

Amazing work - I hope to see more like this. ;)

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