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Treyarch has doomswitched me

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Last two days i can't go to round ten without going down at least three times, all of the downs are complete BS, shooting 20 bullets through insta-kill zombie only to get double swiped, tons of zombies magically appearing behind me without making a sound.

I'm done for the week.


1. Can't make it to round ten with less than 3 downs.

2. Shoots at zombies during Insta-Kill.

3. Blames all of his deaths on complete BS.

4. Teleporting zombies.

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I was just thinking of these things: where reality in gaming alters for a while.

This week: I think I'll play solo zombies... Goes done early twice... Gah, my as well keep going for practice, next game will be good... Sets new round records, wishes for those 2 downs back so I could go further. This happened twice in a row.

Last week: shooting zombies 20 feet away, get hit, run, look alll around... Only zombies were the ones in front of me, 20 feet away...wtf? Oh, zombies are closing in, turns to run, gets hit, 360 all around clear, hit yet again from 20 feet away.

Over 75% of my deaths occur due to glitches or recovering from glitches. Thank you theater mode for proving how badly cod games are programmed (hey, bo2 is a huge step up from bo at least). Yesterday: buy gk diner, no....buy gk at diner, no, still won't let me buy it, last try, oh, the game finally worked, but now I get beat down during the 'i got knuckles' animation.

Town survival yesterday: buy knuckles, nope, game failed. Sneak around train, grab knuckles, nope. GRAB the fn KNUCKLES! Finally the game works right...beat down during the 'i got knuckles' animation due to game error again.

These things come in clumps. At least my teammate can't kill me as I revive him like in bo...

I hope that your luck turns. I set 3 new records for me in the last 2 days after a dry spell.

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  • 4 months later...

Was playing one of the BO1 maps the other day, it was the end of the round and a stray runner off somewhere, i start moving and it's like something hit me from the ground or possibly behind me. I ran forward and spun around, nothing there, about 5 seconds later a zombie came around the corner. I have had similar things happen on the first one. COTD I would be standing in a room and nothing around and take damage. On BO2 I have been by myself in the grassy area before you drop down into the power on Tranzit, and automatically downed, but that only happened once. The only other thing i have had happen is problems getting hit from the other end of the bus from a zombie. What I'm trying to say is the first one was worse for these incidents than 2 is in my experiences

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  • 6 months later...

i'm sorry, but blaming glitches for going down is just too much lol.  at least in solo anyway.  in MP if you have a crappy host i can see it then

Um, really?

Glitches are the main reason solo players die.

Screen blanks as if stepped on or run over by tank. Tank isn't moving, not near footprint. That's a common glitch.

Fully charged (any) staff: release trigger, didn't fire, keeps making charging sound. Extremely common glitch leads to death.

Round 2 zombie takes 8 chest shots, 3 stabs and then gets a second hit on you because you are now backed into the corner due to common glitch.

I ran a 100 game test before origins came out. 53 games (53%) ended as a direct result of programming error/bug.

Origins came out, ran 50 games of origins, 32 (64%) ended as a direct result of bugs/programming errors.

I've noticed from your posts that you often seem to not run into these issues. Making you the luckiest poster on these boards.

Side note: while i do personally like bo2 zombies better than bo1, above I was really dissing the awful bo1 cod mp, being the worst cod to date (i think even mw3 was better, but accept that it was also really bad).

No offense meant at all, but your comment was far removed from reality.

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i'm sorry, but blaming glitches for going down is just too much lol.  at least in solo anyway.  in MP if you have a crappy host i can see it then

Um, really?

Glitches are the main reason solo players die.

Screen blanks as if stepped on or run over by tank. Tank isn't moving, not near footprint. That's a common glitch.

Fully charged (any) staff: release trigger, didn't fire, keeps making charging sound. Extremely common glitch leads to death.

Round 2 zombie takes 8 chest shots, 3 stabs and then gets a second hit on you because you are now backed into the corner due to common glitch.

I ran a 100 game test before origins came out. 53 games (53%) ended as a direct result of programming error/bug.

Origins came out, ran 50 games of origins, 32 (64%) ended as a direct result of bugs/programming errors.

I've noticed from your posts that you often seem to not run into these issues. Making you the luckiest poster on these boards.

Side note: while i do personally like bo2 zombies better than bo1, above I was really dissing the awful bo1 cod mp, being the worst cod to date (i think even mw3 was better, but accept that it was also really bad).

No offense meant at all, but your comment was far removed from reality.


What's funny is that I rarely encounter glitches while playing Solo games.

The main thing that I encounter which seems a little buggy is when I knife a zombie in the face only to miss(?!?!) and get slapped in punishment, which hurts since I often don't have Jug at that point in my game.

The other one which has hurt me a lot is the occasional time I throw a monkey or airstrike and the Zombies ignore it. Now that, that is a problem that ended my Nuketown high round and has gotten me killed many a time in Origins to the point that I often start charging my staff to shoot at the ground after I throw the monkey just in case it doesn't work.

Otherwise the main reason my game ends is cause of a bad decision, or just bad luck (like a random zombie respawning from my full train who just happens to spawn out of the ground behind me).

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i'm sorry, but blaming glitches for going down is just too much lol.  at least in solo anyway.  in MP if you have a crappy host i can see it then

Um, really?

Glitches are the main reason solo players die.

Screen blanks as if stepped on or run over by tank. Tank isn't moving, not near footprint. That's a common glitch.

Fully charged (any) staff: release trigger, didn't fire, keeps making charging sound. Extremely common glitch leads to death.

Round 2 zombie takes 8 chest shots, 3 stabs and then gets a second hit on you because you are now backed into the corner due to common glitch.

I ran a 100 game test before origins came out. 53 games (53%) ended as a direct result of programming error/bug.

Origins came out, ran 50 games of origins, 32 (64%) ended as a direct result of bugs/programming errors.

I've noticed from your posts that you often seem to not run into these issues. Making you the luckiest poster on these boards.

Side note: while i do personally like bo2 zombies better than bo1, above I was really dissing the awful bo1 cod mp, being the worst cod to date (i think even mw3 was better, but accept that it was also really bad).

No offense meant at all, but your comment was far removed from reality.




Yeah, I feel like maybe you are the unluckiest, or maybe you have some legit system issues?  I mean i really have never come accross a zombies glitch other than the little "zombie can't hit you " places that cheaters use sometimes.  Nothing in solo for sure, but lag becomes an issue sometimes in multiplayer zombs.  I feel like i disagree with you a lot, which is nothing personal just like you said lol, just seem to have had very different experiences.  


And bo1 MP is certainly not the best, but I can't put it behind mw3 on my list.  i hated mw3 with every fiber of my being lol

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Hmm. I have an interesting theory on luck/glitches, entanglement; I believe that there is a chance of stuff Glitching, and each of us effects the world around us from our experiences. I have always had 'poltergeist syndrome' where my psyche effects reality. I have always been one to find errors/glitches/bugs in games, due to me effecting reality and the chances of these showing up.

If you know physics/M theory/whatever we want to call it now theory, we all effect the universe around us. Many have no variable in their personal luck, so don't believe in luck because it affects them so little and doesn't vary. Others, myself and a few close friends, have luck that varies so much from good to ill, that it is obvious that luck makes or breaks otherwise mundane situations. If a normal human walks into an ancient abandoned castle, their 'observance' effects reality; dust/stones may fall now that there is a conscience to effect them. If i walk in, a lot more happens.

We effect reality. I glitch the universe, so it's no surprise that i bring out the worst in games. It sounds crazy, but this is how reality works.

On mw3/bo1 it is a matter of opinion is all. Nobody has to like mw3 better than bo1. Maybe we can agreed that they both suck... I never even bought the last map pack for mw3. I did in bo1, due to zombies and playing offline bots, splitscreen, with fiends. But now i splitscreen bo2/ghosts, and i waw/bo2 zombie (shrug).

Thanks for dealing with me being jerky. I just constantly die to glitches, glad not everyone suffers as i do.

Happy not glitching!

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I think some peoples gamestyle is really close to the edge and a small glitch can cause death, while others play it safer all the time and can recover from some game errors.

This is definitely true and I've been in both scenarios.

The number one reason that i die in Origins is that i hold a charged staff for several seconds, get as many zombies in close proximity as i can, let go of the trigger...and it keeps making the charged noise, doesn't fire. If i wasn't trying to pool them up/save ammo, i would not be as easily killed to this ubiquitous glitch.

I see it 7+ times in a game to 30 rounds. I really wish they would patch it, but that will never happen, given the age of the game and Treyarch track record of ignoring most game-breaking glitches. Heck, they seem to add more than they fix.

Not being mean, but they've earned their reputation.

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