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Everything You Need To Know About Points

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Author’s Note: Okay, I have to thank Superhands and Ehjookayted for giving me some tips with this thread. Seriously, you guys helped me out SO MUCH. And I **guess** I have to thank the CoD Wiki. I guess. Whatever. Awkward.

Anyways, enjoy!


Everything You Need to Know About Points

There are these things called points.

It’s in Zombies, and it’s probably the single most important aspect of Zombies. Without points, you’re a dead man walking. That’s the best way I can put it. Without points, you’re hopeless, trapped in the spawn room forever with nothing but a pistol, a couple nades, and a knife. No doors, no Mystery box, no perks (except Quick Revive on solo), no Pack a Punch, no traps, absolutely nothing. You’re better off ending your misery before it even begins in a world without points. The thought… OH THE SHIVERS AND SHAKES COME OVER ME (brains for the first user that can put that quote to a character). But yeah, living in a world without points would NOT be fun. And, to be honest, Zombies wouldn’t be much fun either.

But, thankfully, we have points (though, according to the multiverse theory, there an infinite number of multiverses [it’s not a universe because the term ‘universe’ would imply a single plane of existence] where an infinite number of Perfectlemonades play an infinite number of games of Zombies where points do not exist, and an infinite number of multiverses Chuck Norris plays Tank. You get my point {pun intended}), and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon, because points are undoubtedly the staple of Zombies as a whole. So you gotta know your stuff when it comes to points, or else you’ll find yourself in a sticky situation. And later on, who knows, maybe you’ll develop an interest in the point whore philosophy and become one like me. But first!

What Are Points?

Points, dear Watson, are the currency system of Treyarch’s Zombies. And a pretty simple one at that. You get points by advancing through the game, or, in other words, killing zombies (though there are dozens of other ways to earn points). Now, most of the seasoned vets know just about every way to get points, but I’m going to post the basics of earning points below, courtesy of our friends(?) at the CoD Wiki. Here ya go:

▪ Hit Marker: 10 points (Most other attacks get this and their score combined.)

▪ Lethal torso hit: 60 points

▪ Lethal limb hit: 50 points

▪ Lethal explosive hit: 50 points

▪ Lethal neck hit: 70 points

▪ Lethal headshot: 100 points

▪ Lethal melee: 130 points

The rebuilding cap goes like this:

Round 1= +40

Round 2= +90

Round 3= +140

Round 4= +190

Round 5= +240

Round 6= +290

Round 7= +340

Round 8= +390

Round 9= +440

Round 10 or higher= +490

I know what you’re thinking. Crazy complex, right? Not so. You’d be surprised at how quickly you master this seeming complicated system of currency we have here in Zombies. What you would think would take days upon days of learning will really only take on hour or so of playing time. And once you take into account the power of headshots and melee kills, well, everything else sort of stops mattering with points, at least for a while (we’ll learn all about this later).

So yeah, 10 points for every hit marker (so, for instance, every nonlethal shot or melee you inflict upon a zombie gives you 10 points), a varied amount for kills depending on the means in which you kill it, and rebuilding windows. These are the three basic ways players earn points. And once you’ve earned enough points, you’re free to open up some doors and unlock the rest of the map, which brings me to my next topic…

How to Build Up Points

So first off, every player should know that you start out with 500 points when you spawn. This gives you a little breathing room for buying a wall gun or Quick Revive, and with the zombies spawning in so slowly, you should have plenty of time for your first wave of the game.

Now, one round one, I always knife the zombies and save up my pistol ammo for the following rounds, but note that this is personal preference. Many players like to shoot a zombie five times for those 50 hit marker points, and they turn out just fine in the long run. Also, and this is a general tip, I like to let one in so I can have a shot at a powerup, as well as getting those 40 rebuild points. But I’d be wary of doing this in random matches, especially if your teammates’ leaderboards don’t look too impressive. You never know when someone will swoop in and take that kill because they have the attention span of a ball of bellybutton lint.

At round two, I normally shoot 8 times in the body then knife for maximum points. Also, if you can line up two zombies (or maybe even three!), shoot them for collateral points. Not only does this do damage to them, but it gives you so much more ‘bang for your buck’ so to speak. Plus, you feel good about getting a collateral zombie spray.

Past round three, it’s anyone’s game. Buy a wall gun, preferably a good one with a high rate of fire and a high ammo count (we’ll go in depth with this later), and just start slaying, but be sure to keep an eye on that point counter in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. You need to make sure you’re keeping that up as high as possible in the early rounds. Make every shot and every knife count. Efficiency, baby!

After you’ve gotten Juggernog, I’d suggest purchasing either the Bowie Knife or Sickle (though, if you’re confident enough, you could get the Bowie Knife first). This bad boy is a huge knife (or sickle) that costs a whopping 3000 points, but has a stunning about of damage, being a one hit kill until round nine. While the 3000 point loss may seem extreme at first, you’d be shocked at how quickly you gain these points back and actually make a profit off it. So if you haven’t give the Bowie Knife a go, I’d definitely recommend you try it out! It’s so badass!

It is also unavoidable that you will run into a greenish yellow object that emits this bright glow and angelic noise. These are called powerups, and more than a few will lead to additional amounts of points, while some will hurt you overall in the point department. These powerups are listed below:

Double Points- Pretty self-explanatory here. Every time you gain points, be it through rebuilding barriers or a zombie kill, you get double of what you would normally get. A well-timed Double Points in the beginning rounds can be huge to your budget in the following rounds. And even if you get a Double Points as the round is ending, you get that many more points from rebuilding a window and (usually) a zombie or two in the round after that. That’s a plus in my book. Don’t really understand the frustration players experience when they get a Double Points at the end of the round.

Carpenter- A wooden hammer thingy that made its first appearance in Der Riese, this little guy can be a pretty decent boost for you in the early rounds, especially in the mid early rounds (4-6) when you may not have Juggernog yet, but the zombies are coming in aggressively enough that you can consider them a threat, as the main effect of the Carpenter is boarding up all of the windows. In addition to this, you get 200 (400 if Double Points is on) free points, and I don’t care who you are, 200 free points is nothing to complain about.

Max Ammo- Ah yes. The mother of all drops. Max Ammos, a powerup that restores all of your ammo, from your gun to your grenades The drop, usually, that makes or breaks us (at least in the high rounds). But max ammos can be incredibly useful in the early stages of point building as well! Don’t believe me? Well, it’s simple math, dear Watson. Let’s say you get a Max Ammo on round three. All your pistol ammo is gone. Now, instead of panicking and buying an M14 or something, I normally wait, chuck a few grenades, and hope for a Max Ammo. If I get one, you get 80 shots of your pistol back, considering you’ve run out of ammo completely. Theoretically, you could get a maximum of 2400 points with just your pistol alone! Now, I know it won’t happen, but ya never know! So yeah, if you see a Max Ammo, tell your teammates and let them empty out their clips, throw all their grenades, and reload. You should do this as well for maximum pointage and ammo efficiency. Once you’re set, grab it and enjoy your delicious ammunition!

Nuke- This little dude will wipe out every zombie that has spawned in the map, and gives you only 400 (800 with Double Points on) points for doing so. Now, if you get this at the beginning of the round, the net loss of points can be devastating. But getting a Nuke at the end of the round can be really awesome! This is why I let in a zombie at the end of each round, to be honest. Nukes can give you a free 400 points after you’ve knifed the last zombie, essentially giving you 530 points (Nuke + 130 for melee) for a single zombie! Really awesome!

Insta Kill- A powerup that gives you one-hit kill capabilities for thirty seconds, this can be sort of disappointing to get in the early rounds. I never complain, because one hit killing zombies can be awesome, but you lose out on a lot of hit marker points with Insta Kill. My suggestion is to never take this powerup, unless you have Double Points with it, in which case this deadly combo can lead you to a stunning 280 points per kill (260 for the melee, and 20 for the hit marker that comes with it [excluding round one]). To be honest, before round 15, I find this powerup to be very overrated. I’ll take a Double Points over Insta Kill all day and everyday.

Death Machine- A powerup that gives you this huge, bulky gun for 30 seconds, this thing absolutely kills your points. Entirely too powerful. Limits your mobility. Don’t take this unless you have to. Waste of points…

And that’s about it for getting up the necessary points in the early rounds. Be sure to develop a reliable strategy and plan your path, including buying doors, weapons, and ammo off the wall. You’ll need to know this strategy, as well as any possible problems you might run into, like the back of your hand if you want to avoid those incredibly stupid early round double taps before you get Juggernog. Oh, and speaking of Juggernog…

What to Spend Your Points On

First off, let’s go through a list of all the goodies you can buy in Zombies.

Weapons: Anywhere between 200 and 1800, I believe, with the Deployable BAR and FG42 being the most expensive, while the lowly Kar98 being the cheapest. Unupgraded ammo is usually half of what the gun itself costs (so let’s say I buy an MP40 for 1000 points; ammo will then cost 500 points. Pack a Punched ammo is always 4500, unless the weapon has been hacked, but we’ll talk all about the Hacker later.

Doors: Can cost between 750-1250 points, though I’ve noticed the 1250 doors are quite rare.

Mystery Box: 950 points.

Pack a Punch: 5000 points (!!!)

Perks: Ranges between 500 (solo Quick Revive) to 4000 (Mule Kick). The things you really want to know are Juggernog (2500), Flopper and Stamin Up (2000) and Speed Cola (3000)

Traps: 750 (Flogger), 1000 (Fire Trap and Electric Shock), 1500 (Sentry)

Hacker: There’s too much for me to list for the Hacker, so I’m just gonna quote our old friend Fu453. He’s gone now, but his Moon threads helped me out so much!

Hack the Mystery Box while a weapon is up for grabs: Re-roll for the cost of 600 pts. [Takes approximately 2s]

Hack the Mystery Box while that weapon is up for grabs: Get a free 950 points and allow anyone to take that gun rather that just you. [Takes approximately 1s]

Hack a Mystery Box spawn: Get a 1-time roll. It will, after, disappear. [Takes approximately 2-3s] This spawn will then never work in a Fire Sale, and after that, you cannot hack it again. This also prevents the box moving to the spawn you hacked (it will sooner or later), Costs 1200 [Takes approximately 3 seconds]

Hack a power-up: Changes the power-up to a Max Ammo but costs a huge 5000 points. [Takes approximately 3s]

Hack the Pack-a-Punch: Cages you and/or other players in the Pack-a-Punch area to ensure a safe upgrade. You also gain 1000 points. The cage stays up for 30 seconds. [Takes approximately 5s]

Hack a window: Repairs the window entirely and gain 100 points. Hack that same window 3 times in one round and it will take 300 points and repair it rather than giving you 100 points again. [Takes approximately 2s]

Hack a door: Opens for 200 points instead of the regular price. [Takes approximately 30s!]

Hack a wall gun: Switches regular and Pack-a-Punched ammo prices. Costs 3000 points. [Takes approximately 2s]

Hack a player: Gives that player 500 points (but takes 500 points from you). [Takes approximately 10s]

Hack an excavator (the huge Digger): Stops that excavator from digging, saving that area from losing oxygen and preventing to blocking your path. You gain 1000 points from this. [Takes approximately 5 seconds]

Hack a Perk-a-cola machine: Get a refund of how much points that perk originally cost (example: hack PHD Flopper to get back 2000 points, hack Mule Kick to get back 4000 points, etc.), but you will then lose that perk.

You can also hack thing in the laboratories (where the MP5K is) to proceed with the major Easter Egg,Richtofen's Grand Scheme.

Big shoutout to Fu453. This stuff is pretty much common knowledge, but six months ago (can’t believe it’s already been six months since the last Black Ops map. Seems like yesterday I was late on the first day of sophomore year because I stayed up all night playing Moon **nostalgic fade out**), the Hacker was some intimidating stuff! No one had any idea what to do with it! But some very dedicated users spent hours, in the name of science, trying to figure out everything the Hacker can do, and turns out it can do quite a lot, as you’ve already seen.

Okay, enough babbling. You’ve gotten everything in order now, I’m assuming? Good. You’re now ready to do what points were created for: spending! First off, no matter what map you’re playing on, what strategy you’re doing (except for No Man’s Land, of course, or maybe if you’re really itching for some Bowie Knife action), what you’re trying to accomplish, the very first thing you should spend your points on is Juggernog, quite possibly the single most crucial perk or purchasable item in the game. This seems easy enough, but there’s one thing standing in your way. An old enemy of mine. We were in med school together, until it betrayed me, and turned into a Satanic chest that enjoys taking advantage of newer players that make poor economic decisions. Yeah, you know what I’m talking about.

The Mystery Box.

You’ll want to spam it and spam it and spam it and spam it some more. But don’t. I beg you. When speaking in economic terms, the single most dangerous thing in Zombies to do is waste your points on the Mystery Box. You don’t want to do this. You don’t want to fall for its sick and twisted trap. Resist the urge to spend your points on the Mystery Box. Opt for something better, something more reliable, like a good, trusty wall gun.

Once you’ve bought your four perks—and I won’t tell you what perks to buy, because I may like a perk that you may feel isn’t that necessary (ie I think Stamin Up is easily the second most important perk in Zombies, while some people just don’t buy it period), and you have an ample amount of breathing room with your points, which should be at least 10000 points, but preferably higher, you can start to hit the Mystery Box. But, be warned, you’ll be surprised at how quickly your points drop when you start to spam the Mystery Box. Once you have everything you need, it’s all right to hit it, but don’t put yourself in a tricky situation by wasting your points on trying to get the Wunder Weapon. Go with Mustang and Sally’s if you don’t get what you want right away and cut your losses. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Later on, you may want to start taking advantage of the traps that a map may offer. This will cost some serious cash, but if you think ahead and use your brain, you should at least break even with every horde you kill with a trap. You can do this by having a good point gun with you throughout the entire game, but this is something we’ll talk all about when the time comes.

And that’s about it for compulsive point sprees. If you’re rockin solo, you’ll obviously need to get the Wunder Weapon eventually, but keep in mind that there’s absolutely no rush and you don’t need to spend all your points chasing after the Mystery Box in a time when every point can still be precious. So yeah, not much else to say for spending. Just think wise. If you’re considering doing something that could put you in a tricky situation, then just don’t do it. Easy stuff, right? :)

How to Save Your Points

Well, you’ve gotten this far. To be honest, you’re at the point of the game (pun intended [again]) where your score starts to become an afterthought. But it doesn’t just go away. You have to keep your points up, just in case you run out of ammo midround with your Wunder Weapon and have to make a mad dash for the box, or get downed and have to rebuy your perks. As the game goes on, I like to keep my average points higher and higher. Past round 40, I don’t like to see my points slip below 100,000. You never know when you’ll need a cornucopia of points such as this.


You need to have a way of keeping your points up. You need a point whoring gun. And what are these guns, exactly? Well, I’m getting to that.

Point whoring guns are unupgraded, high rate of fire wall weapons. They are unupgraded because of the ridiculous cost of upgraded ammo (4500), and by round 50, the health of the zombies will be so incredibly high that it doesn’t matter if you’re throwing balls of paper at them or spraying them with an upgraded 74u—they won’t be dying. So, you’ll either need to take advantage of the power weapon in the map or the traps. I usually prefer traps so I don’t need to worry about ammo for my power weapon (I learned this the hard way). So what are the best point whoring guns?

They are:

Thompson- An absolute monster that is in every WaW map, this gun is the original point whoring weapon. It has a ton of ammo for being a weapon that costs a mere 1200 points, and is the first thing I buy (excluding doors) on Der Reise and Shi No Numa. And, to be honest, I usually keep it for the entire game. Not only does the Thompson have a lot of ammo, it has damage that can rival assault rifles and also a very high rate of fire. It can still kill decently well in the mid 20’s. This is easily my favorite wall gun in the game, and coupled with Double Tap, it becomes a monster with a potent mix of damage, ammo count, and rate of fire. The ultimate point whoring weapon.

Type 100- Probably the weirdest looking weapon in the game, the Type 100 is a fun gun to use. Its recoil is nonexistent and has a decent rate of fire, making for a decent point whoring weapon. You’re better off with a Thompson, but if you’re looking to spice things up, definitely give this a go.

FG42- Only appearing on the wall in Der Reise, this is an LMG that doesn’t quite feel like an LMG. I’m pretty sure it has the fastest rate of fire in the game, beautiful iron sights, and excellent placement in an area you’ll be visiting a lot on any game of Der Reise. The only problems I see with it is it costs 1500 points, which is a bit high, and its recoil. Oh yeah, quick tip, the FG42 is the only LMG that doesn’t weigh you down, which is a really, really huge plus. So definitely try this bad boy out if you haven’t already. The rate of fire and ammo count is definitely worth the extra cash.

MP40- Oh yes. The infamous MP40. It doesn’t really excel in anything—no insane damage, rate of fire, or anything like that—but what it will do is get you some points. Throw some Double Tap and Speed Cola on this bad boy, and you have yourself a point machine. You can spray for a long time due to its large clip size of 32 rounds, and don’t ask me why, but firing the MP40 into a hoard of zomb-bags just feels liberating. I don’t know how to explain it, but anyone who loves it as much as I do will get what I mean.

M14- Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, the M14? What? That gun is awful. It’s semiautomatic, and pretty useless past round ten. Well, I can’t really argue with you there. It has a puny clip size (8) with an even punier ammo capacity (96), but there are a few things that makes the M14 a point whoring weapon that can compete with its SMG cousins. First off, if you have even a mediocre trigger finger, you won’t even notice that it’s semiautomatic. You’ll be surprised at how many bullets you can put into a zombie in such a short amount of time. And then we have the price itself. Ammo for the M14 is just 250 points, which is absolutely NOTHING. Assuming you hit a zombie with a good majority of your shots, the M14 might be the one weapon that gives you the most ‘bang for your buck’. I highly recommend this on multiplayer games where the spawn is kite-able, such as Kino, Call of the Dead, or Ascension. Definitely give this gun a shot.

AK74u- What I think of as the spiritual successor to the Thompson, the 74u is almost universally loved by zombieslayas across the globe. High damage, high ammo count, decent rate of fire, clear iron sights, minimal recoil that’s perfect for headshots, decently cheap ammo (600)… what is there not to love when it comes to the AK74u? Just a beast of a weapon. Really fun to use. Can’t go wrong with an AK74u.

MPL- I don’t know why, but I really enjoy playing with this gun. I mean, statistically, it can’t match up with the 74u, yes, this has been established for a while. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a worthy point whoring gun. For one, ammo is 100 points cheaper than the 74u, though even then, its reserve ammo capacity make the 74u a more economic choice. The MPL has a killer rate of fire, making point whoring quick and easy, especially in the beginning rounds. Plus, the MPL is normally the first wall gun you run into, so it’s a good choice as your first weapon you buy. I always, always, always get it on Call of the Dead.

PM63- I know, you thought I was going to forget about this little devil, right? Wrong. I love the PM63. I really do. I love the way it feels, firing in my hands (that’s what she said). It has a decent reload time and pretty good iron sights. It can be a pain at times, as you have to be pretty skilled to wield it correctly, but I feel this is probably the most underrated wall gun in the game. If you haven’t given this a try, I’d highly recommend seeing how you like it.

MP5k- Hipfire spray. That’s all there’s really to be said about this gun. The recoil is atrocious and it has a pretty lousy ammo count as well as reload time. You can’t argue that. But what it was made to do—hipfire—is what it excels in. You can put a stunning amount of bullets into zombies extremely quick with this gun. There are, statistically speaking, better guns out there. But I like this one a lot, for some reason. Don’t ask me why, I just do. Plus, it makes a very good sound. :)

And that’s about it for the weapons. There are a few others—the STG, the M1 Carbine, to name a couple—that didn’t make the list because, frankly, I don’t like them that much, but it is undeniable that they are formidable point whoring weapons. But abusing the wall gun system isn’t the only way one can keep his points up high. You can, for instance, be a nice guy and revive!

You see, when a teammate goes down, he immediately loses 10% of his points. I don’t know why, so don’t ask me, talk to Treyarch about that. Anyways, the player loses 10% of his points. But downing teammates can be a prime opportunity to gain some points for the reviving player. You see, when you revive a teammate, you automatically get 5% of that player’s points. This may not seem like a lot, but I assure you, it builds and builds and BUILDS over time. You’ll be the 1% before you know it. Soon, bored college students will start an Occupy Point Whores movement, and you’ll be caught in the crossfire.

But no, seriously, reviving is a big plus for all point whores. You definitely need to invest your time in learning the art of reviving if you’re looking to be a point whore…

Okay, last thing before we get into the best part, with a few power weapons (Thundergun and Wave Gun, I think), the maximum amount of points you can get from a single shot is 300, meaning that your points will slow down to a crawl if you don’t have a point whoring weapon. So please, make sure you’re not relying on your power weapon for point whoring, because it doesn’t work. Now…

Point Whoring Map by Map

YES! So excited to write this for you guys! Gonna be so epic! I’ve spent a lot of time perfecting (pun intended) my point whoring strategies, map by map. So… enjoy!

Nacht der Untoten- Good luck.

Verruckt- Always have a Thompson. Your full map loop will take you by the Thommy as every hoard passes. Eventually, everything except traps will become useless for killing, so you’ll need to rely on your point whoring guns to keep your points up. This can be personal preference—some may prefer an MP40 or STG over the Thompson—but you need to be spraying into the zombies constantly in order to let you play without needing to worry about running out of money. The key, undoubtedly, to point whoring in Verruckt is constantly spraying into your hoard. Duh.

Shi No Numa- Definitely go for the Thompson first. You only have to buy one door to get it. I find the ironic and juxtapositional placement of the Thompson rather hilarious because it is literally right next to the Mystery Box. If you buy the Thompson and resist the Box, it shows just how strong you are against its dastardly light. So yeah, you wanna grab the Thompson and keep it for the whole game. Once you’ve grabbed Juggernog—and on this map, to be honest, getting Juggernog is pure luck. I’ve gotten it on round four a few times, and I’ve gotten it on round ten a few times. Just depends on where it spawns—you want to continuously spray with the Thompson. By round thirty, you should be approaching the 100000 point mark. Now is when you can try the box for your Wunderwaffe, and start the point whoring strategy. In solo, at least, I recommend just staying by the Flogger the entire game, running either a small circle by the Flogger itself or a large one around the entire area (which, I gotta say, is highly underused. There are bits of land you can sort of play hopscotch on when jumping across the water, and is a very solid train when compared to the Comm Room), spraying at them with the Thompson the entire time. Once they’re rounded up and you’ve sprayed all your ammo into them, use the Flogger on them, haul ass to buy some more ammo, crawl under the Flogger, and repeat. If you’re looking for a solid multiplayer point whoring game, just stick with running in the Storage Room. You have access to the Type 100, and just like the extended Flogger train, the Storage is really overlooked in multiplayer. So yeah, you’ll be alone (forever) and you’ll have easy access to TONS of points. Definitely try this one out.

Der Reise- You’re gonna want to have your Thompson the entire game (sound familiar?) for a pointwhoring game in both co op and solo, as you’ll constantly be running past it with every loop you make. Now, solo, I can’t really explain the route you want to take. I don’t know how to put in words. So I’m just going to show you a video.


I know this guy has a PackaPunched STG instead of a Thompson, but you get what I mean when I say that you could definitely incorporate the Thompson quite easily in a solo game of Der Reise. You will get tons and tons of points from this strategy, even with turning on traps every round. PROFIT!

Okay, now for co op. It’s basically the same deal as the solo strategy, except with more than one person. You may think that perhaps this wouldn’t work, but Carbonfibah would beg to differ.


Pretty great, right? Yeah. So… NOW ONTO KINO!

Kino der Toten- I hate this map. I really do. I don’t like the stage, I don’t like the point weapon you’re essentially forced to use (M16), I don’t like the brightness, I don’t like the crawlers, I just despise everything there is about this map. BUT that doesn’t mean that I can’t make some serious cash running that stage train.

The good thing about Kino is that in basically every possible kiting spot (stage, spawn, Speed Cola, alley) there’s at least a decent point whoring weapon right there. So you shouldn’t have much trouble getting points.

So, for solo, you’ll obviously want to run around the stage, as that’s probably the second easiest train in all of Zombies behind the Biodome. This means you’ll want to have an M16. Now, I know I said that you should never upgrade a wall weapon, but the M16 is about the only exception I can think of (you might want to upgrade the Stakeout if you’re playing FIVE, but I’ll talk about that later). Why? Because, when upgraded, the M16 becomes fully automatic. This is HUGE. I cannot tell you how much I hate the 3-round burst that comes with the normal M16. While it may be practical in multiplayer, it absolutely SUCKS in Zombies, and, furthermore, point whoring. I hate 3 round burst weapons. Anyways. Yeah. So upgraded, the M16 becomes fully automatic. While you’ll be profiting less, the automatic rate of fire is well worth it. So, once the M16 starts to suck and you’re confident with your point situation, I’d suggest upgrading.

Now, in co op, it’s a completely different story. If you don’t wind up kiting by the stage, definitely try for the alley. It’ll take some getting used to, but you have access to the AK74u, which instantly makes any kiting area a good one in my book. You should have no problem getting your points up to ridiculous numbers in a fairly short amount of time running in the alley. And that’s about it for Kino.

FIVE- Oh, FIVE. How I both hate you and love you. On some days, it is easily my favorite map in the game. The sheer difficulty of this map will bring out both the best and the worst in you. And point whoring is no exception. Excluding Nacht, Five is the only map where I find it truly difficult to point whore on. The place where you’ll be running in solo(the War Room) has only one wall gun with placement that isn’t suicide: the Stakeout. And, I haven’t really talked about this yet, I think, but shotguns are far and away the worst point whoring weapons in the game. You just cannot build up points with shotguns. Simply put, they have embarrassing ammo counts and magazine size. I find it difficult to profit with unupgraded shotguns? But, especially on a map like FIVE, where you have no real power weapon, profiting with a shotgun is, I’m pretty sure, mathematically impossible.

But, alas, it’s better than nothing. If you want, go with a Stakeout and see how you do. Otherwise, you’d probably be better off with a box gun (yeah, you read that right) like an HK or Commando. It won’t last you long… but it’ll help. And sorry, but I don’t have much of a multiplayer strategy for this map. You can camp in the elevator, but 50% of the time a zombie will be blocking your way or something. One of the good things about the elevator strategy, however, is that you have access to the MP5K if you’re decent at dodging.

So, this is sort of like Nacht. All I really have to say to you is good luck. :D

Ascension- Oh yes. Ascension. My baby. Point whoring on Ascension and I, we go way back. I still remember my endless spraying of my trusty MP5K into those zomb-bitches on round 97 back in the day. It was so easy, so freeing, so relaxing. I hit a million points a few times in the game. But alas, I digress. We’ll talk about 1 million point games soon (I feel like I’m saying this [and using parentheses] a lot in this thread {u mad?}).

So, in both co op—though there are a dozen other decent kiting spots in Ascension—and solo, you’ll be kiting by the D Lander, and I assure you, there is no better place in the map and possibly the entire game to point whore. For one, with the addition of PhD Flopper, you can throw your frag grenades which are situated literally directly on the D Lander with reckless abandon. If you’re trapping, four well thrown grenades will get you back all your points and then some. But this takes too long, plus it isn’t very fun. I’d much rather shoot at them with an MP5K, which is, thankfully, placed just a short distance away. If you walk down the stairs from the D Lander to the ‘meat of the map’, you’ll find the hipfire machine that is the MP5K drawn onto the wall just a few feet in front of you. Even if you abuse the fire traps later in the game, with the MP5K, you will be profiting like no one’s business. I highly suggest this over the grenade strategy. Why? I’m entirely not sure. Theoretically, you could make the exact same amount of points, but the grenades will take a lot longer. And, in the words of Tank Dempsey, in Zombies, you wanna be livin the fast life.

Call of the Dead- Two words: AK74u. Arguably the best place to run on the entire map, the incline outside the lighthouse, has the AK74u, right behind the Thompson as the King of Point Whoring Guns, situated absolutely perfectly right on the side of the lighthouse. Like, it seriously could not be in a more ideal spot. I can’t believe the developers would put it in a place as awesome as it is. But yeah. You can seriously just spray and spray and spray and spray without much trouble for an entire game. Even in co op, two players can easily share the incline, with someone else running inside the lighthouse, making it easy for all three people to have access to the 74u. The odd guy out in a 4 player game can take the spawn, which hosts the lovely M14. Call of the Dead is a joke when it comes to point whoring, almost as easy as Ascension. But just almost.

Shangri La- What I consider to be the spiritual successor to Verruckt (it has, essentially, the exact same layout: a giant ring with a hole in the middle), Shangri La can be intimidating. This has been established long ago. But have no fear! You have points on your side? Why? Well, like Verruckt, you’ll be running a full map loop in both solo and co op. There are alternatives, yes, but I’ve found this is both the most practical and point effective. The best thing about full map loops is that you have your pick when it comes to point whoring weapons. MPL, AK74u, PM63, they’re all right there for you to use in Shangri La. While I’d definitely suggest you either have the Babymaker or Mustang and Sally, the other weapon slot(s) are up to you. I’d go with a 74u, but the MPL is also a very valid option. It’s up to you at the end of the day. Okay. So how to point whore exactly, especially on a tough map like Shangri La? Well, unlike Verruckt, you want to assign a certain spot to shoot. For me, it’s always the bridge, but others prefer the power room or wherever else they feel comfortable shooting. You want to do this because of the fire zombie. This is seriously the only reason to be more cautious when shooting. The fire zombie will spawn at your feet and kill you before you even know what happened. You want to always, always, always be looking in front of you in Shangri La. I learned this the hard way. I went down on 49 solo (it was my first time ever trying for 50) because a fire zombie spawned at my feet. Don’t make the same mistake. Predict his spawns. Points are one thing, deaths are another.

Moon- Oh my God. This map. First of all, I’m not even going to talk about No Man’s Land, that gets its own section, I’m just going to talk about the actual moon. Okay, so this map was designed for the sole purpose of point whoring. The Hacker makes point whoring unfair. I’ve already listed all the uses of the Hacker, so I won’t tell you again, but it is batshit insane how many points you can build up in Moon. For one, you can hack a weapon that gives you upgraded ammo for its usual unupgraded price. This is so huge. You get all the perks of PackaPunch, but with absolutely no penalty. Then you have hacking windows, hacking perks, hacking the excavators, hacking PackaPunch, the Hacker Bonus, etc. The Hacker Bonus is pretty huge. It basically gives you tons and tons and tons of points at the end of every round. You can read more about it below.

Carrying the Hacker has many benefits as you all might know, however most people are unaware of just how beneficial the Hacker truly can be :evil: (Particularly to your points.) Of course you can get a 1000 points hacking excavators, and you can get 100 points for hacking a window, but the Hacker Bonus is worth a much more significant amount of points.

The following chart shows the Hacker Bonus recieved, depending on how many rounds you've been holding the Hacker:

1 round: 500 points

2 rounds: 1000 points

3 rounds: 1500 points

4 rounds: 2000 points

5 or more rounds: 2500 points

Some players are aware of this bonus, however most people are unaware you can get TWO of these bonuses per round. One for completing the round and starting a new one, and another one for teleporting to Area 51 with the Hacker. Every time you travel there, you will get the bonus. Now add these bonuses together (by leaving a crawler and going to Area 51 each round), and you will be making a significant amount of points per round.

1 round: 1000 points

2 rounds: 2000 points

3 rounds: 3000 points

4 rounds: 4000 points

5 or more rounds: 5000 points

Things to note about the Hacker Bonus

* To recieve the Hacker Bonus, you must carry the Hacker device for one whole round before you get your first bonus points in the next round.

* You cannot put the Hacker down at ANY time, or your cumulative Hacker Bonus will return to to 0, and you must carry the Hacker for another whole round before starting back at the 500 point mark.

* Multiple Hackers will sometimes net multiple players getting the bonus.

So, as you can see, the Hacker can give you a monumental amount of points. In my mind, it’s not the Biodome that makes Moon so easy, or the Wave Gun, or No Man’s Land (NML is actually quite difficult, if you ask me), or getting Juggernog and Mustang&Sally before round one, or anything like that. No, it’s the Hacker. Without the Hacker, Moon is not the same map. It’s actually becomes sort of hard.

So, Hacker + Point whore state of mind = happy day.

Point Whoring in No Man’s Land

I gave No Man’s Land its very own section because, frankly, it deserves it and it’s hard as hell. The sole purpose of No Man’s Land, at least in the beginning stages, is point whoring. But the problem is that I don’t really play much No Man’s Land. I find it horrifically infuriating, and there are many times when I play it that I want to punch a baby in the face. So I asked our reigning User of the Month Superhands, whom I consider ‘super good’ (you laughed, admit it) at No Man’s Land, what are some good tips for getting up points in early phases to prep for that world record run for kills in NML? This is what he said:

1670 points or more before the 1st siren is important in getting a fast PaP.

Collateral damage from your pistol shots will be one of your main point-builders, so use it wisely. Also with that in mind, sometimes it's more points-effective to shoot 6-8 times before knifing rather than knifing twice.

When grenading a full group, make sure it is a full group and they're not still spawning in - undamaged zombies coming at you after your nade goes off will make it really hard to make points by knifing crawlers.

Try and get your groups as tight as you can before grenading them so that the grenade does a good amount of damage to them all; normally a cutback will do the trick here.

Sometimes, waiting a few extra seconds for a siren to go off before using your nade can be more points-effective - the zombies' health will be higher so you'll leave more crawlers, and you'll of course make tons of points from knifing them.

Thanks Super! You really are a pro at NML. :D Anyways, he told me some stuff I would never have even thought of, like waiting a few seconds so the zombies have slightly higher health. That’s never even crossed my mind before. Thank you again, you were a huge help! This was, to be honest, the only section I’ve been worried about, but you really bailed me out here, dude.

Okay, so along with what Super said, you’re going for a 90 second PackaPunch in serious No Man’s Land runs. This means that every point, every bullet, every zombie counts. You’ll want to knife like a maniac after that first grenade. To an extent, I feel that you need to be somewhat reckless and sort of make some stupid decisions. When talking No Man’s Land, a death before PackaPunch is undoubtedly worth an extra two thousand points by knifing crawlers. Because, if you’re going for a world record, you need those points, and you need them fast. The only way to get them is to be stupid at times, and that’s fine by me.

If you’re not going for a world record—you just want Mustang and Sally and Jug before round one—still take these tips to heart. You should still sacrifice your health for points in No Man’s Land, period, because that’s what No Man’s Land is all about. You should still go for Mustang and Sally before Jug because you will get WAY more points that way. A lot of people these days, I’ve noticed, have started to treat No Man’s Land as a separate map altogether, rather than a place where points are intended to be built up and to prepare for the actual moon, which I think is what No Man’s Land was originally designed for. Just my opinion, though. There’s not a solo leaderboard for No Man’s Land for nothing. ;)

Now, there is the concept of Two Man’s Land. I, personally, have never had the guts to try this out competitively, but after seeing Superhands’ and Tom’s video demonstrating how simple Two Man’s Land can be, I might have to try it out. Looks… interesting. Tehehe.


I’m so jelly of these guys. That’s all I have to say about them. Awesome video, Tom and Superhands!

How to Get a 1 Million Point Game

Well, this thread is wrapping up, but we know that it couldn’t end without mentioning the coveted ONE MILLION POINT GAME. Now, I’ve gotten one of these before, so I’d like to think that I’m qualified to give pointers on a million point game. First thing’s first, though, let’s take a look at the ideal maps for a million point game.

Ascension- The MP5K, as well as the addition of the Thundergun, makes getting 1 million points stunningly easy. You have special zombie rounds to break up the action, Gersches, really good weapon placement, everything you need. Can’t really complain with a map as perfect as Ascension, except maybe for the lack of Double Tap. It’s like one of those custom maps that are made it be really easy, except it’s official. Ascension is that easy.

Call of the Dead: The 74u’s placement alone makes a million point game very feasible on Call of the Dead. While there is no true power weapon past the mid 30’s, the placement of the 74u is just too good to ignore. And if you don’t believe me, just watch this video. After you pick your jaw up off the floor, tell me if you don’t think Call of the Dead is a good million point map.


Ridiculous, right? Probably the single most impressive game of Zombies I’ve ever seen, if you ask me. But no one would ask me. #foreveralone

Moon- The Hacker. The hacked AK74u. Free points. I can’t even describe how easy it is to point whore on this map. The only problem might be the lack of a wall gun in the Biodome, but you can easily pick up some MP5K ammo in the labs without much trouble. Plus, if all the zombies have spawned in, you won’t have to deal with the crawlers. Moon=laughably easy.

Now some general tips, for 1 million point games.

Double Tap Is a Must- Can’t tell you how important Double Tap is. Probably the biggest setback for Ascension is the lack of Double Tap. I don’t get why they didn’t put it in. It was one of my favorite perks. :( But yeah, you really want to have Double Tap on a million point game. It makes your point building increase by 1/3, apparently, which may not seem like a lot, but I assure you that it makes a difference. It makes a 6 hour game into a 4 hour game. Who wouldn’t want that?!

Absolutely No Traps- If your sole objective is a million points, why waste your money and use traps? It’s not a smart thing to do. All you’re doing is extending the game, and by the time you hit 750,000 points, that is the last thing you’ll want. Stick with your point whoring gun for both point whoring and killing (it’ll happen eventually) on million point games, using your power weapon only for emergencies. It makes a difference, trust me.

Use Every Opportunity You Have- Whether it be through killing monkeys on Shangri La (you get 500 points for knifing a monkey before it either takes your drop or hits you), rebuilding windows, or teleporting to No Man’s Land every round for the maximum Hacker Bonus, you need to use every opportunity you have. If you get 5000 free points every round from the Hacker, think of how much that will build up. If you go 50 rounds, getting 5000 points every round from just the Hacker Bonus, that’s 250,000 points right there! I mean, damn! That’s ¼ of the way there, from the Hacker Bonus alone!

Once You’re Set, No More Mystery Box- After you have everything you need—tactical grenades, emergency weapons, what have you—you need to forget about the Mystery Box. You don’t need it. It’s for the better. Trust me, your points will disappear if you hit the box too much. Just don’t do it. And if you run out of ammo on your power weapon, throw your Gersches and see if you get a Max Ammo. If you don’t, just wait it out. You’ll get a Max Ammo sooner or later. I learned this the hard way. On round 92, my points went from 800,000 to 609,000 because the box wouldn’t give me my Thundergun. Crazy right? But if it’s happened to me, it’ll happen to you. And on a 1 million point game, the last thing you want to do is lose 200,000 points to the Mystery Box.

Okay guys, well, that’s all I’ve got. While this can’t compete with some of my stories in my eyes, this is probably the best (and longest) informational work I’ve ever written, and I’m very proud of it. If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading, it means so much to me. Until next time… PEACE


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Thanks for the thanks, Mr. Perfect Lemonade. This is really a well done thread. The thing I like the most about your threads is the organization; it seems to make all the content, which is top notch, seem really easy to understand and absorb. This is one of those guides that all those struggling with zombies should read.

Why? Because in order to survive you need to move. How do you move? Doors, which need to be bought. What if you can't move? You need guns, which need to be bought. Zombies too strong? You need better guns, which need to be bought. All of these need points! An excellent work worthy of multiple brains. 8-)

In addition, the voice and style present in even your strategy threads is the mark of a true writer!

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Glad I could contribute a small part to this awesome post. What I like about your guides is that they're very entertaining as well as informative.

On the subject of points; when a lot of people think of early rounds, in solo in particular, they think "No Juggernog and no good weapons, just wanna ge these round over as soon as possible". But, with the zombies' health so low, that the pistol and knife do damage and the zombies' slow walking speed, this is an ample opportunity to make a nice amount of points to set up a good game. You're shooting yourself in the foot (unless you have PhD Flopper) by taking Nukes and buying shotguns, sometimes even taking instakills.

OH THE SHIVERS AND SHAKES COME OVER ME (brains for the first user that can put that quote to a character).


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Hey, this is a cool thread. But to correct, here are the cap limits on rebuilding barricades:

Round 1= +40

Round 2= +90

Round 3= +140

Round 4= +190

Round 5= +240

Round 6= +290

Round 7= +340

Round 8= +390

Round 9= +440

Round 10 or higher= +490

Also, your entry on Insta-Kill is fallacious. Take Insta-Kill when you can. If you get it on early Rounds, then just knife the Zombies. Your bullets aren't going anywhere. You can resume using them when Insta-Kill wears off.

You entry on Death Machine is incorrect as well. The Death Machine gives you TONS of points. The ONLY way it "takes" away points is by killing Zombies you would've killed more efficiently. You don't realize, however, that you just had 30 seconds worth of free points, which would've used the ammo in your guns, which can now be used on other Zombies.

And you say don't waste points on the Box. I disagree. Go to the Box. Just don't go repeatedly. Wall guns are there if you don't get anything good.

The rest seems to be strategy which seems sound. So nothing I can say there.

It's a good thread. You put a lot of work in it. Good job.

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Hey, this is a cool thread. But to correct, here are the cap limits on rebuilding barricades:

Round 1= +40

Round 2= +90

Round 3= +140

Round 4= +190

Round 5= +240

Round 6= +290

Round 7= +340

Round 8= +390

Round 9= +440

Round 10 or higher= +490

Also, your entry on Insta-Kill is fallacious. Take Insta-Kill when you can. If you get it on early Rounds, then just knife the Zombies. Your bullets aren't going anywhere. You can resume using them when Insta-Kill wears off.

You entry on Death Machine is incorrect as well. The Death Machine gives you TONS of points. The ONLY way it "takes" away points is by killing Zombies you would've killed more efficiently. You don't realize, however, that you just had 30 seconds worth of free points, which would've used the ammo in your guns, which can now be used on other Zombies.

And you say don't waste points on the Box. I disagree. Go to the Box. Just don't go repeatedly. Wall guns are there if you don't get anything good.

The rest seems to be strategy which seems sound. So nothing I can say there.

It's a good thread. You put a lot of work in it. Good job.

I hope you don't think I'm picking on you mate but I seem to be disagreeing with a lot of your posts when it comes to strategy :lol: but my thoughts concerning the starting rounds:

Instakills - dont bother taking them in rounds 2 or 3, you'll make less points. Without that instakill, you'll need more hits on the zombies before you knife them, and hit markers mean points.

Death machines - a kill from a death machine gains less points than a knife. Don't bother with it.

Hitting the box - don't waste points hitting the box, prioritise perks and more important things first. As mentioned, the whole point in the early rounds is to point-build, a wall gun does that just fine or a Bowie Knife/Sickle better than anything.

Also, you're relying on luck when you hit the box. And with this game, if you're relying on luck then you're just hoping the game will go well - don't leave things to chance and you'll find yourself getting good games a lot more regularly. What if you get a couple of launchers? Then you've just wasted points and you're stuck up slack alley, you should have saved those points to spend on more important things, the kinds of things you wanna get as soon as possible (Juggs, important doors open etc.) Once you've got the essentials, any points you make will be surplus and you can start spending these on getting nice weapons.

Hope this helps ;)

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Very well written guide. Covers pretty much all of it. I especially like how you wrote that, very entertaining (was so lol at 'NDU - good luck').

Just would criticize that it is a bit too long, but that is the prob with most if not all of the guides :)

I do not agree all over the place, but many things are a matter of taste. So for example a 2x at a round break... I'm one of those that freak out. Death machine a waste of points? Hmm, yeah and no, but empty one in a max train in 50+ and you get 20k+, not sure if this is wasting. Now of course I guess you meant it in Round 5 or something ;)

So many stuff is depending on the situation. Insta in Round 8 with the bowie, totally not needed, actually bad, cause you cannot shoot the zombs anymore a few time before you finish them. Insta in Round 7 without the Bowie, hmm, yeah, why not. Lethal headshot at the second shot gives you a 110 (not to mention all the misses into the neck), and the insta knife 140.

But one thing. On PC I get 60 for a chest shot. See the here at 0:27. Isn't that like so on the consoles?

If you allow I like to use the opportunity to show some vids where I was maximizing points. Really maximizing :)



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Hey, this is a cool thread. But to correct, here are the cap limits on rebuilding barricades:

Round 1= +40

Round 2= +90

Round 3= +140

Round 4= +190

Round 5= +240

Round 6= +290

Round 7= +340

Round 8= +390

Round 9= +440

Round 10 or higher= +490

Also, your entry on Insta-Kill is fallacious. Take Insta-Kill when you can. If you get it on early Rounds, then just knife the Zombies. Your bullets aren't going anywhere. You can resume using them when Insta-Kill wears off.

You entry on Death Machine is incorrect as well. The Death Machine gives you TONS of points. The ONLY way it "takes" away points is by killing Zombies you would've killed more efficiently. You don't realize, however, that you just had 30 seconds worth of free points, which would've used the ammo in your guns, which can now be used on other Zombies.

And you say don't waste points on the Box. I disagree. Go to the Box. Just don't go repeatedly. Wall guns are there if you don't get anything good.

The rest seems to be strategy which seems sound. So nothing I can say there.

It's a good thread. You put a lot of work in it. Good job.

Thanks for the barrier thing. I'll change it later.

Mathematically, you are losing points by taking insta kills. If you knife, round 2, on insta kill, you get 140 points. If you shoot 8 times on insta kill, round two, you get 210 points. Thus, you lose points. Same with Death Machine. You don't get very many hit markers with Death Machines. You only get headshots, at the very most. So you lose at least 30 points per zombie. This adds up after a while. :)

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No, you're thinking too small.

A: Get Insta-Kill and get 140 points per knife. Then when it wears off I use my bullets and get points. Then when I'm done with that I go get a real gun.

B: Use your bullets right away and get 210 points. Then get a real gun.

You get more points in A in the long run because you forestalled moving forward. Same goes for the Death Machine. If you weapon will give you 305000 points total, hypothetically. Then get the Death Machine, as that's a free couple hundred or thousand points. Then you use all your ammo. So you have 305000 + 100(0)'s

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It's definately not small thinking, it's called maximising point gain in the first stages which is something I'd know as well as anyone as I usually get all of the areas open and get my beloved Bowie/Sickle before round 5 even starts. The thing is, why would I want to get 140 for one knife on round 2 or 3 when I could let some in, line them up and make loads of points from collateral damage from the pistol before knifing them? Maybe take it on round 4 when you get overrun, but in general I'd avoid it as it will just cost you points.

Sure, a death machine will save you ammo which you can use later - but that defeats the point. It's in the first few rounds that it's really important to maximise your point gain so you can start setting the game up as early as round 4 or 5. If you're taking death machines, as I said you would have saved ammo for later but I'd rather have used that ammo now so I can afford to go but the Bowie Knife on round 4 and use it to make massive point-gain in the following rounds. Not to mention there's a high chance of dropping a Max Ammo in these early stages, if it's dropped very early on then great, more ammo and I'd be glad I used my other ammo already. If I don't get one, oh well, it'd be a bonus but it's not essential.

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Who defines what the first few Rounds are?

Sure, if you can survive normally with your pistol up to Round 5, that's your first few Rounds. But if you happen to get an Insta-Kill and then use your pistol up to Round 6, that's your first few Rounds. What you would've done to get points doesn't change from one moment to the next. If you get an Insta-Kill, your bullets don't vanish. You simply use them on the next Zombies.

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[tab][/tab]This is yet another great guide Lemonade! Very detailed, and well written, however the length caught me off guard so I had to stop in the middle and get a soda :D Very, very nice. I am curious to see what other plans you might have for us this month... ;)

@MurderMachine, the point that is trying to be made is, 30 insta kills knifes on round 6, will not net you as many points as killing them will a pistol or smg or M14 (I think) so even though your bullets dont disappear, the zombies are. The more zombies you kill, the more rounds it takes to build up insane amounts of points.

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If you get an Insta-Kill, your bullets don't vanish. You simply use them on the next Zombies.

I agree on that.

I think many things depend on the individual style of play. I mean, what is point maximizing? Having a max point count at the end of 1 is completely different play, than having max point count at the end of 5. The other Q is, do you really need every single point?? Get your Bowie in 5 instead of 4, man who cares. In the end you anyway find yourself in Round 20 with 50k pts and you have no clue what to do with it.

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Well, I feel I'll just be repeating myself here, if you wanna do it your way then fine, all about preferance, but I personally always end up getting all of the doors open at the end of round 4 and getting my blade - game pretty much set up right there. You can't do that by getting instakills and death machines, believe me I've tried and it's borderline impossible, any good player would tell you this.

With that said, stick to what feels comfortable for you. Just wrapping this up here as it's beginning to turn into spam and drawing attention away from the original post, which would be very sad indeed.

Just in reply to Tom here - fair point about preferance in play styles, but the whole point of what we were talking about was what makes more points, taking death machines and instakills or not, and you know as well as I do that taking them will most likely lead to you making less points in the first 3-4 rounds.

As a preferance though, if I've only just made enough points in round 6 to buy the Bowie, when I could have made bought it in round 4 and make a few extra thousand by that time doing it my way, then I'd feel a little disappointed. Very similar to you wanting to restart our Moon game yesterday because we didn't point-whore enough on NML :lol: The point is, setting the game up as early as possible is always a good way to go.

Go with whatever you feel most comfortable with though ;)

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Glad I could contribute a small part to this awesome post. What I like about your guides is that they're very entertaining as well as informative.

On the subject of points; when a lot of people think of early rounds, in solo in particular, they think "No Juggernog and no good weapons, just wanna ge these round over as soon as possible". But, with the zombies' health so low, that the pistol and knife do damage and the zombies' slow walking speed, this is an ample opportunity to make a nice amount of points to set up a good game. You're shooting yourself in the foot (unless you have PhD Flopper) by taking Nukes and buying shotguns, sometimes even taking instakills.

OH THE SHIVERS AND SHAKES COME OVER ME (brains for the first user that can put that quote to a character).


It says I have to spread my brains around before I can give you some more. Remind me that I owe you some [brains] ! Don't let me forget!

And thanks so much for the complement. It really means a lot that you like them. :)

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Now let's get clear of it.

Point whoring in early rounds - yes or no:

On one hand, you set up a good game, absolutely do point whoring. Early bowie/jug/pts for box means an easier game for you. Rounds 1-4 might be a bit harder, but rounds 5+ will be easier.

On the other hand, you might rather pick up a nuke midround in 4 or a insta kill or a deathmachine for additional safety or for additional speed of progress.

So, it depends on the situation a lot, but also on your personal skills and everything. Can you do a triple cutback with drag outs between the cutbacks in a massive limited path cause the napalm is fucking around, to avoid getting overrun in Round 4 on Shangri? Can you knife everybody 3 times, although you have a massive horde, cause your M1911 is out? Yes? Then do not pick up your nuke.

In case you can't, Jesus pick up the nuke, you'll die otherwise. Life is more worth than points.

But what we can answer is, how you maximize your points.

And we can - by facts - say, that a deathmachine is crap. A midround nuke, total waste of points. An insta kill, discussable. Calling people small thinking cause they have developed another style of play is not really appropriate imho.

Now, in the end, we are totally disrespecting lemonades' awesome guide here by "knowing it better". I notice myself how difficult it is to write about points right now. Example: Get the insta, but only in this round, when this and that happened before, but do not get it in case that and this happened, but on the other hand get it again when this and so, and blabla. And anyway, in this kind of game pick it up, but only with randoms do like so, but not before round so, and in case you have this and that gun, do so, and so with the other gun, and.....

Seriously, there are many things you can discuss on this guide. But what are you talking about? A "how to max points at the end of round 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?" Or just how to have sufficient points on round 10 or 15 so you can hit the box a few times? Or is it "how to have a good amount of points, but also play very safe"? Are we talking about a speed run? About a challenge? A solo, a coop with friends, with randoms where you anyway have to open the doors on your own? And what map actually?

I don't know, but this topic is so hot. I mean, I'm always "on one hand, it is like so, pick up your nuke" but on the other hand "it is not like so, so don't pick it up". It all depends on the situation.

All I can say is that lemonade managed somehow to get this stuff generalized. My fattest respect for that. He can impossibly cover all situations where you pick up your death machine and when not, but he managed to give an overview of what power up has what influence on points very well. As we can also see, his guide is not especially written for Pro's, that anyway play as they play. So the dumbest thing we can do here is to discuss about why "my pro gaming style is better as mentioned in the guide". His guide exactly helps advanced players, to find their own playstyle. It gives a ton of inputs on point optimizing.

Everybody is free to find his own mix between points and safety, everybody can decide on his own if he buys his bowie on 4 or picks up the nuke in 4 and buys the bowie on 5. He can also decide on his own if he is going for jug or for the bowie or for a wallgun or for the box or whatever.

This guide just fulfills what a good guide should. It gives you inputs, and with these inputs you can find your own style of playing.

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This guide just fulfills what a good guide should. It gives you inputs, and with these inputs you can find your own style of playing.

An excellent point indeed Tom. The great part about this guide is that it is everything you need to know, the fundamentals. Substance rooted in numbers with their immediate effect on the gameplay, and while Mr. Perfect Lemonade, does throw in some of his own, well-researched meaning, it is basically up to us whether or not to use the strategy guide to our advantage. I do love seeing a good debate however. 8-)

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This guide just fulfills what a good guide should. It gives you inputs, and with these inputs you can find your own style of playing.

An excellent point indeed Tom. The great part about this guide is that it is everything you need to know, the fundamentals. Substance rooted in numbers with their immediate effect on the gameplay, and while Mr. Perfect Lemonade, does throw in some of his own, well-researched meaning, it is basically up to us whether or not to use the strategy guide to our advantage. I do love seeing a good debate however. 8-)

Yeah well said Tom. As I mentioned, how a person plays is their choice, I've played a lot of No Man's Land so I feel comfortable running around with the bare essentials, and it's because of this that I can often rack up about 8k by the end of round 4. But if you feel unsafe, maybe take things a little slower. I just didn't understand why lemonade's words about not taking instakills and death machines were being questioned when they make so much sense.

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I have to say that after reading this, it makes me look back on the point whore I used to be. But you know what I realized? Point whoring is boring as hell. I thoroughly enjoy box whoring mid-round (Especially hard spots like the power room on ascension) and upgrading half the weapons I get my hands on. What is more fun than killing zombies with a china beach on round 40 on kino? Not much IMHO. And when you go down with only like 500 points, I think it is fun to gain your points back with a china lake and no jug. (or at least try to :lol: )

However, this is a great guide for serious games. Points are quite essential for when you go down or other emergencies. The only thing I might add is that for the sake of time is to upgrade a wall weapon to take out hordes faster (The ak74fu2 is a boss on EVERY map. I love to run the tight spots it is placed at on most maps.) I personally think that holding around 50,000 points is plenty in most situations. But if point whoring is what you're after, this is the guide to read.

Ps: Sorry for the long post but I thought I would share my POV's.

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I have to say that after reading this, it makes me look back on the point whore I used to be. But you know what I realized? Point whoring is boring as hell. I thoroughly enjoy box whoring mid-round (Especially hard spots like the power room on ascension) and upgrading half the weapons I get my hands on. What is more fun than killing zombies with a china beach on round 40 on kino? Not much IMHO. And when you go down with only like 500 points, I think it is fun to gain your points back with a china lake and no jug. (or at least try to :lol: )

However, this is a great guide for serious games. Points are quite essential for when you go down or other emergencies. The only thing I might add is that for the sake of time is to upgrade a wall weapon to take out hordes faster (The ak74fu2 is a boss on EVERY map. I love to run the tight spots it is placed at on most maps.) I personally think that holding around 50,000 points is plenty in most situations. But if point whoring is what you're after, this is the guide to read.

Ps: Sorry for the long post but I thought I would share my POV's.

This is true. Like the powerups debate, there are two sides to every story. I may have to make a followup for this thread looking at the more assertive side of this question. ;)

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