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Posts posted by anonymous

  1. Thorougly enjoyed it, nicely done. So cool that the two main stories are so different, Schuster's part being more alike to Book 1 and Ultimis' part being vastly different. I think I said it before but you can really "live into" your characters. I automatically hear the voices of Ultimis upon reading their part, and I know exactly what type Schuster and Bush are.

    • Brains 1
  2. @Lack of finding names an idea popped in my head about this which is sole speculation but I am sure @Carnage Evoker would love it. What if the four classic maps were originally intended to be busstops in Tranzit?


    We have Nacht already. We also have zombies with mysterious badges of "Hanford Sanatorium" on them, which perfectly fits with a structure similar to Verrückt being somewhere out there. Der Riese, also referred to as "factory", would easily fit as one of the nuclear factories that were present at the Hanford Site. In the pre-Alpha concept art you posted earlier, we even see factories as an intended area in Tranzit.

    Screenshot 2020-04-06 at 8.40.11 AM.png


    Shi no Numa would be a bit more tough to place, but it would actually fit quite well with the wooden barns, fences and other structures found in Farm. The area itself even seems to be covered in a green fog as opposed to the red colour encountered in the rest of the map, quite fitting with Shi no Numa.


    Now, the maps may not have entirely been put in Tranzit. Think of it more like Tranzit's Nacht, which is partly accesible and a bit changed when compared with the original map.

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  3. Haha this sounds fun!


    @jiipee95 - Has a job in fungi removal but in secrecy earns most money with smuggling booze from Estonia to Finland. One day gets dehydrated by entering a sauna while having a hangover.

    @Lenne - Takes control of Verrückt and invites Coldplay to perform a show at the central square. Upon hearing so, all patients lose their insanity.

    @RadZakpak - Befriends an alligator. His dogs get jealous, trap him in a swamp and seize control over his CoDZ account. 

    @RichKiller - Gets hired by the Mossad to solve ciphers that may pose a potential thread. Discovers Mossad works for Treyarch.


    @Carnage Evoker

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, Tyler Wright said:

    I checked the google maps on your link and it sent me to Orienburger Str. 285.Also to back me up, if you look closely you can see the exact same water fountain as on Verrukt so my speculation leads me to that Orienburger Str. 285 is the wright place to look if you're trying to look for Verrukt

    That looks like the place! Where do you see the fountain exactly?

  5. Some time ago, our comrades @RadZakpak and @Carnage Evoker had a rather interesting discussion about the appearance and role of green light throughout several zombie maps. Green light doesn't appear often, but when it does it is exclusively associated with a paranormal and unnatural event. We have experienced it in:

    • The Shadows of Evil intro cutscene, every time a character commits a murder.
    • The green lantern post in Morg City.
    • The green lanterns in Tranzit, allowing Denizens to dig a hole.
    • The portals appearing around a stone pillar upon doing a 'skull cleansing ritual' in Zetsubou.
    • The light of the submarine beams in Call of the Dead, allowing the Golden Rod to appear in the map.
    • In Call of the Dead, the green morse code broadcasting the message "V-R-I-L".


    As seen, there are not many cases when green light makes an appearance, and the very reason of why this is may be what it actually indicates. You see, green light seems to indicate some level of interdimensional interaction. To understand this, keep in mind that our mortal brains cannot comprehend anything beyond our 3th dimension, the physical world around us. In this thread, I've explained it more elaborate, but the take home message is that when a fourth dimensional entity or event makes it's entrance through our thirth dimension, things may look twisted. In his stories, Lovecraft even used this theory for the appearance of his multi-dimensional beings passing through our dimension, causing the typical 'tentacle shapes' his creatures often have. Imagine a 3D fruit (say, a grapefruit or starfruit) passing through the flat 2th dimension, this would actually look like this:




    If you'd live in the 2th dimension, and actually see a 3D fruit moving through your universe, you'd definately process this information as "paranormal". The same is the case for any epidimensional object, event or entity occuring or passing through our 3th dimension. Multiple religions and cultures across the world fit with the idea of their gods being impossible to perceive, while they are always there, observing us from some realm beyond ours. As a Biblical verse tells us:  "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." - Cor 2:14


    Okay so, clearly this would be the case for any angel, demon or spirit. Some humans even claim to be able to communicate with these, using magical diagrams such as Ouijaboards or the Seal of God (also referred to in the books of Der Eisendrache: "Occultism in the court of Elizabeth I" and "The Evil Archon"). We can actually see this being done by for instance the Warden, using his absurd Apothicon octogram to correspond with his dark lords.


    But how would this go with lifeless things? No entities passing through our dimension, but events happening between. How would our human brains cope with such thing? I believe this may be indicated as 'green light', like a blur our brain creates to handle with things we cannot physically see nor understand but yet are happening.


    The Denizens dig a hole through the Aether, initiated by the green light emmited by the lantern posts. We know the souls of the victims of the Shadows of Evil murders got attached to certain objects, and the process of these souls leaving their physical body and moving through our dimension may be seen as green light. Sacrificing a human soul in the final Call of the Dead easter egg step releases sufficient amount of energy to open up a gateway to Pablo's pocketdimension, retrieving the Golden Rod. Notice how the same dials are also encountered in Tag der Toten, where Pablo says the following about them: "Take this, they can help you communicate with otherwordly entities". Cleansing the skulls in Zetsubou opens up temporal rifts, allowing zombies to enter this point in space-time to defend the rituals.


    In short words, green light seems to mask an event we cannot comprehend. An interaction between our realm and another one.



    • Brains 5
  6. @RadZakpak the dawn of the continuation of this masterpiece! I like it how the tradition of two parallel stories is being maintained, with now Pernell replacing Peter's part. Thinking longer about it, the title is very well being chosen: As spoiled in 'Danke Schoen', it relates to Richtofen's Ascension to the Aether. But if we take into account that Pernell may have a prominent role in this story as well, "A Soul Alone" may also relate to the rise and fall into madness of his soul.


    I also like it how in Pernell's part, Richtofen's intentions and whereabouts are dretched in such ambiance of mystery. That perfectly fits with Richtofen's role in the story. Then there is the part Schuster talks about the Zombies becoming passive, and the yellow light fading in their eyes. Imagine the gruesome feeling he must have when he saw that same yellow light in their eyes again, many years later in the Pentagon. Good forecasting to that!


    In these two chapters introducing Ultimis, you already succeeded in making Nikolai's attitude to the rest clear: Nikolai liking Dempsey and (to a lesser degree) Richtofen, but despising Takeo. And the storm reference, of course, a nod to your theory. 


    If you ever need assistence with explaining some (pseudo)sciencific stuff like what happens in Ascension, or any other Easter Egg process, feel free to shoot me a message, I'd love to help

    • Brains 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, Jacob Vickers said:

    i use any gun as long as i've got my desert eagle! son of executioner in bo2!

    Just wanted to make sure you've read this:


    Hey man, this is a forum of quality and we do not allow spam. Rankings mean nothing, I hope you know that and don't simply post for increasing in rank. If you will post more threads or comments like this, I will have to delete them or it may eventually lead to a ban of your account.


    I know you are a good guy and don't mean anything bad, but due to your enormous amount of posts, other posts that are well-written and high-quality are overshadowed. I recommend you back down a little bit, take it easy and don't make any posts like this again. Quality above quantity. Also don't resurrect old posts



    In simpler words, dont overspam the forums with comments. Otherwise I would be sorry to give you retaliations that may lead to (1) deletion of your comments or (2) permanent deletion of your account. I hope you understand this and be a cool member without posting too much (in too old threads).

  8. @Jacob VickersOh yes, I forgot, posts that are too old are not allowed to reply on, since most likely no one will respond on it as it is a discussion being held many years back. You can, like HW said, create a new post yourself or look for more recent and relevant threads regarding the subject. 


    This link (The Order of Forgotten Mysteries #7: Zombie Eyes - Story Discussion - Call of Duty Zombies) will redirect you to a more recent discussion thread about the eye colours of the undead. Feel free to share your thoughts threre!

    • Brains 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Jacob Vickers said:

    i've played it 2-4 times co-op 2 times solo, so i focus on multiplayer & zombies. before campaign, i always try multiplayer 1st

    Well what is something quite cool in most Call of Duty games, in my opinion, is to start with the Campaign to get 'into the whole atmosphere and ambiance of the era'. If you enter zombies after that, it really feels like this was some dark shady stuff going on at the same time as the whole campaign, which is nice in my opinion.


    I self am not really a multiplayer player. I think the only games where I genuinely played multiplayer were Black Ops I and World War II. But everybody their own preferences!

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, Jacob Vickers said:

    no, it's in the spawn room, right behind you when you spawn, it looks like a treasure chest

    Ooh, that's the chest where you can pick up your weapons if you have died in a co-op match. So when you die, you spawn next round with merely a handpistol, then you run to that treasure chest and you can get your old loadout back again

  11. 3 hours ago, Jacob Vickers said:

    so you've written over 2500 posts! WOW! i've only written 18 (19 including this) so far, and i joined dec 7th! and, did you know that launch and ascension look the same mostly? so here's a question. i'm assuming you've played the final reich. do you know how the retrieve chest works?

    Haha I'm around here for some time already yep.


    The Final Reich is some time back, please clear my mind. What was the retrieve chest again? Is it the name for the Magic Box?

  12. 6 minutes ago, Jacob Vickers said:

    well,  richtofen was and always will be my favorite. the quote in tranzit 

    never gets old for me. also, i love his funny german accent. "hmm...no power. Dempsey, go turn it on!"

    Oooh, so true! Richtofen really is the funniest man, and many of his BO2 quotes are just so weird and great at the same time. Constantly talking to Stuh like he is talking to a little child, while being like a child himself as well haha.

    5 minutes ago, Jacob Vickers said:

    what do moderators do here? 

    If you ask red admins like @Boom115, he'll probably say we do nothing and are useless. But 'green' moderators try to keep this forum tidy and clean. We notice and flag bots and spammers, and ban people who break the Code of Conduct. To keep the ambiance here on CoDZ kind and friendly. 


    Have you just recently discovered this site? Are you a zombies enthousiast as well? 


    If you are interested, dont hestitate to check out of Discord as well. Discord mostly is the place of quick talk, finding teammates, etc, while this site is for discussions and theories on the game and story. Here's the discord link if you are interested: https://discord.gg/FY2bdzxp

  13. 2 minutes ago, Jacob Vickers said:

    thanks, but mule kick isn't in my version, also who's your favorite villain in codZ

    Oh that's remarkable. Mule Kick actually wasn't added in Kino untill Moon's release. Seems like your Kino is still stuck in her old version, pretty cool :).


    Hmmm, difficult question. I may have a weakness for Pernell/Avogadro since I link him with the profile picture of our beloved member @clueless here :p. Then again, the Shadowman is good in what he does, just being the plain evil guy. So maybe him? 


    Do you have a favourite?

  14. Well sincerely gratuliere mein freund! It's so cool to see it finished now after you've worked on this project for so long. I remember being really curious that when time many years ago when I believe it was @InfestLithium who posted a sneak peak of the Book on his status, and ever since I've been catching up with new chapters and re-reading old chapters. I remember the release of the Timeline invaluated the canonity of Book 1 and Book 2 you were writing back then and I remember how you, stubborn and ambitious, overstepped that challenge and started to re-writing everything. 


    It's both beautiful and tragedic to see the end of the two protagonist stories, Richtofen and Peter. It's like finishing every good book, you want to read more but it is over now. So I guess I should re-read the updated book now?


    Do you have any serious plans short-term in contacting Treyarch or a book publisher? If you won't publish this book, I think I'm gonna print it myself, seal it with plastic and take it as a genuine book on my next holiday trip 😛

  15. Oh, we are nearing the end. This is so exciting! The finale of Richtofen's part of the story, inevitable from the beginning. I think it is so cool to see all those characters coming together again: Richtofen, Schuster, Maxis, Samantha, Groph. That goodbye between Richtofen and Schuster was more emotional to me knowing this really will be the last time the two old friends, with which this story started, will see each other. Also really liked that scene where Schuster tries to escape


    We've reached the climax: Zombies start to break lose, main characters die and the most important event in the whole story just happened. These are the chapters the whole story was building up to and you certainly took your chance to write it down very well.

    • Brains 1
  16. Just now, clueless said:

    I've only just started reading this a few days ago and I am amazed at how you tie it all together so far. I admit to having stupid grins across my face during certain parts of this so far just seeing these references being built up to and executed. I can't wait to fully catch up with this!

    Yeah right?! I'll start re-reading it all when the book is done

    • Like 1
  17. I'm so hyped there are only three chapters and an epilogue to go. This grand voyage is almost completed (which will make me either print out the entire script or buy it may you have gotten a deal with a publicher and it be sold online.


    I feel so bad for Schuster now, I imagine he was able to isolate himself on Griffin Station all those years merely because he knew his friend Edward would count on him and he tought he was doing the right thing, but this all seems to be for nothing now. In prior chapters it appeared already that Richtofen had become a real jerk, and alongside Maxis and the whole Griffin Station crew it seems everybody is immersed in a grim, bittered, state.


    We all know where this story will end...


    (Oh and loved that sentence of Sam about Russian friends, I got that!)

  18. @NaBrZHunter so there have been Raygun blueprints in BO4:







    On the blueprint of the Mark II it is said that this second generation weapon runs on the same microwave technology as the Mark I, but with better focussing in creating a more effective burst of plasma energy. Therefore, I won’t treat the Mark II separately, as it is basically the same weapon but in a different model.

    The first time we learned something about the technology of the Ray Gun was in the vbush files of Black Ops I, where it was said that “powered by Element 115, Ray Gun works on microwave technology and discharges a burst of green plasma energy between 220 and 230V”. Fans already theorized that it is powered by a combination of Element 115 and Cold Fusion Technology, creating "Cold Cell Batteries" to be inserted into the gun as ammunition, as we can actually see these batteries in-game.


    This is fully confirmed by the Ray Gun blueprints, as one of them states that the technology runs on ‘Dv115 + LENR’. Dv115 stands for Divinium115, whilst LENR stands for Low-Energy-Nuclear-Reactions, or Cold Fusion. What’s the science behind this? Nuclear fission is what happens in nuclear plants, splitting an atom into two. Nuclear fusion is the opposite, blasting two atoms together to create one, but humanity hasn’t mastered this yet and it is merely known to happen in very hot stars and suns.


    Contrary to this ‘normal nuclear fusion’ that occurs at extreme heath, LENR is a nuclear fission that hypothetically takes place at normal room temperature. Since the 1920s, there has been speculation that this may be possible at much lower temperatures by catalytically fusing hydrogen absorbed in a metal catalyst. In case of the Ray Gun, it looks like Group 935 achieved it by using Div115 as the metal catalyst in an electrolytic cell (these are the Cold Cell batteries).


    This is an example of a regular electrolytic cell. In case of the Ray Gun, there runs an electric potential of 220V on the grid, and Div115 is the medium within the battery. Electrolysis cells can be either open cell or closed cell. In open cell systems, the electrolysis products, which are gaseous, are allowed to leave the cell. I think something similar with plasma occurs in the Ray Gun, with a plasmalized material blasting out of the weapon’s barrel. So it is not 115, but another chemical compound that is fired, exactly like you mentioned in this thread. In case it is Xenon, why the red colour when Pack-a-Punched? Not to mention is that Meh once said that Xenon-525 is a rumoured compound supposedly used in Die Glocke experiments. Relevant?

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