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Posts posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. Welcome aboard! So glad you've found us!  So good to see more vets from the good ol' Black Ops days. 


    And don't worry about your English - always feel free to ask for help from anyone out here if you wanna be sure of something grammatical. We're more than just a zombies site-we're a community who takes care of each other. 

    BTW, we actually have several other members whose first language is not English, but who have become reknowned for their contributions. 


    So we look forward to seeing you in the threads! Again, welcome!

  2. 6 hours ago, EpicSkittlez said:

    Not really. I still have to change my password every time I  wan to log in.

    Okaydoke. Please submit a bug entry here, and the Admins should get back with you.




    As a workaround, I recommend perhaps allowing your Twitter account to access the forum. Click on your name in the upper-left, click "Account Settings" -> Twitter, which will take you to a page which asks:


    Authorize Invision codz sign in to use your account?


    Enter your user id and password and click "Sign In."


    Afterwards, you should always see the option to "sign in using twitter" on the CoDZ Login dropdown.


    Good luck!




  3. Straight outta Der Bunker scriptworks, my friends. For those of you who watch my videos, my apologies for the delay. Clearly not uncommon for life to get in the way of my channel, sadly. All the same, this is my home and I figger I ought to share what I've been working on, as I feel it's worth discussing. So without further ado...straight from the studio:


    Way back in 2011, with the discovery of the radios on the Black Ops 1 map, moon, it was revealed that Dr. Edward Richtofen’s renegade Group 935 scientists, after several years of work, had finally unlocked the secrets of the Moon Pyramid Device, better known as the MPD. The process of powering it, however, was as controversial as it was groundbreaking. 

    Dr. Groph, the lead scientist at Griffin Station, along with his assistant scientist, Dr. Schuster, killed a lab rat in the vicinity of the MPD, and for the first time since its discovery, the ancient machine responded. 


    Moon Audio Reel:

    Dr. Groph: Log 1075. Dr. Schuster and I have spent countless hours with the pyramid device in an attempt to understand how it functions. We have made little progress... until now. Today we uncovered what appears to be some kind of tank with a glass-like front. The glass itself seems-
    Dr. Schuster: I've got you now rat!
    Dr. Groph: Kill it Schuster!
    *Squishing sound followed by a whooshing sound*
    Dr. Schuster: Did you see that?
    Dr. Groph: Look! The capacitor is illuminated, the tank is filling-
    Dr. Schuster: The machine. It seems to be activated! What did you do?
    Dr. Groph: I think we just discovered what powers this machine.


    When the news reached Dr. Richtofen, he sent a large shipment of prisoners to the moon base with orders for Groph and Schuster to kill as many as necessary to open the device, preparing it for an inhabitant. 
    Though appalled by the orders, Groph followed through, and the MPD was finally prepared for Richtofen’s grand scheme.


    Moon Audio Reel:

    Dr. Edward Richtofen: Griffin station. This is Eagle’s Nest. Status update. Over.
    Dr. Groph: Hello Doctor. We have the shipment, and are carrying out your orders.
    *Gunshot, grunting, and a whooshing sound are heard*
    Dr. Groph: It is grim work Doctor.
    Dr. Edward Richtofen: All in the name of science Dr. Groph. Continue until the tanks are full.
    Dr. Groph: Yes... Doctor.
    *Gunshot, grunting and a whooshing sound are heard*
    Dr. Groph: May God have mercy on us all.


    During this process, as replicated in the Moon Easter Egg, as the zombies are killed in proximity to the MPD, the glass tanks gradually fill with a bluish hue.
    This theory seems to have somehow entirely neglected the plethora of quotes that have debunked it over the years. It suggests that the bursts of light or "swoosh" sounds are souls being released from their zombified bodies, only to be trapped and used to power the MPD.

    So I believe the first question we should address is, do zombies even have souls?


    The answer is absolutely, “yes.” One of the first ever Easter Egg songs by Kevin Sherwood, “The One,” featured in Shi No Numa introduced the concept of a sort of  (what you might call) buried sentience and cognizance, sung from the perspective of a zombie’s soul, trapped inside its body which acts violently against the soul’s will, driven by primal instinct and lust for blood, while the soul inside begs to have its body killed so it can escape. Later, the theme made a resurgence in Tranzit with the Easter Egg song “Carrion,” emphasizing the zombie’s enslavement to the neurological synapses forced upon its brain by the occupant of the MPD. 


    NOTE: There has recently been posted on this site a contrasting analysis of "Carrion" by @FatedTitan. Recommend reading:

    So, yes, canonically, zombies have souls. Let’s move on to debunking the theory itself: are souls ever used to power anything in the zombies universe?

    Interestingly enough, it has never been said that souls can power anything. Direct quotes from Dr. Maxis and Dr. Richtofen (who we can safely assume to be the primary authorities on such subjects) explain that it is...more scientific than that. There is an explanation other than simple “supernatural” dark rituals. Richtofen's own quotes, taken from Origins, seem to quickly debunk it:


    “I believe only in science.”

    “Their energy is being refocused!”

    "It is the transformative power of 115! It draws energy from matter, living or dead!”

    -Dr. Richtofen, Origins


    So..energy. The MPD, the “Soul Boxes” from Origins and more are powered by matter converted into energy. In fact, there is even a quote from Dr. Maxis in Buried that confirms that the soul has already departed by the time the energy manifested as a ball of light even appears. 


    “Departed souls leave residual energy in their wake, this energy must be used to fuel the lantern.” -Dr. Maxis, Buried


    Other quotes from Maxis reinforce this further:


    “The Lantern is a vessel for energy: the energy contained within all matter.” -Dr. Maxis, Buried

    Notice how Maxis emphasizes that the energy needed is contained within all matter, not only in  beings occupied by the sentience we know as a “soul” or “spirit.” 
    By this we can see that some technology in the zombies universe converts matter into energy, reflecting Albert Einstein’s famous concept expressed in the equation E=mc^2, which states that any object with mass has an incredible amount of potential and kinetic energy. The point being, while the technology in the zombies storyline can get scientifically farfetched, to say the least, there are still references to actual scientific principles in the story. In fact, both Dr. Maxis and Dr. Richtofen refer on several occasions to the first law of thermodynamics. 

    “Energy cannot be destroyed, only transferred.” -Richtofen, Origins / Maxis, Buried


    So all along, the flashes of light we’ve been seeing is the conversion of matter into energy, and the transfer of that energy into devices that can put it to use. 

    Even the Origins staves are no exception


     “Nothing can withstand the flood of energy that flows from this staff! The ancients knowledge, harnessed by the power of research. The day approaches when science will master all elemental forces.” -Dr. Richtofen, Origins


    What about maps like Shadows of Evil, however? “Fractional shadows of reality” as the Shadow Man so eloquently described it. 
    During my research, I was actually surprised to find that EVEN IN SHADOWS OF EVIL, when Jessica is charging the Apothicon egg the energy concept remains consistent, while the word “souls” has never once been used.


    “The egg seems to be drawing energy from the dead. This is heavier than before. Must be all that energy it sucked up.” -Jessica, Shadows of Evil


    So, souls are not used to power anything, but they do exist in the zombies universe. So what role do they play?
    The disembodiment of souls goes back all the way to Moon as well, but is very different in nature from the proximity killing of zombies. The MPD and related Vril devices such as the Golden Rod, the Black Moon Egg and the Apothicon Rift Stone, AKA the Summoning Key have served to transfer and retain disembodied human souls. As seen in Moon when Richtofen enters the MPD by swapping souls with Samantha, as well as in Der Eisendrache and Zetsubou No Shima when Richtofen salvages the souls of Dempsey and Takeo, this technology allows sentient beings to exit their bodies and occupy machines.
    And yet even this is more reminiscent of science fiction than mysticism, resembling the ancient extraterrestrial technology described in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

    “They [the extraterrestrials]...were not yet immortal. Soon, as their machines were better than their bodies, it was time to move. First, their brains, and then their thoughts alone, they transferred into shining new homes of metal and plastic. In these, they roamed among the stars. They no longer built spaceships. They were spaceships.”  -Arthur C. Clark, 2001: A Space Odyssey

    • Like 3
  4. 19 minutes ago, jiipee95 said:

    The shield has saved me so many times I don't even know... getting stuck at corner and having that small extra time to live just enough to swap to your Apothicon Servant or Upgraded Bow really makes a difference.

    Honestly, I have a deep dislike for both the Apothicon Servant and the bows, and prefer to never use them. Forced use of a wonder weapon on a low round like 15-20 has never been a thing in zombies before until now. I'm talking running a standard MG loadout. 


    It's not that the shield hasn't helped me ever, it's that sometimes the problem isn't so much that protection is needed as you are completely unable to move. 


    I'd enjoy the map more if it weren't for the spiders. I think it works for the map, but my real life fear of them gets between me and enjoying it. It's a shame really, because I truly do enjoy everything else in the map like the plant system and the quests for the KT-4 and Masamune. I haven't got round to doing the easter egg myself yet, because I genuinely can't face the Spider queen boss xD

    Bahaha! I gotta have a chuckle and say this is fair. I'm sorry. :) Have you shared your zombies story yet? What's really funny about this is the number of people (including my wife) who have zombie-phobia, but have eventually overcome it as they've become accustomed to CoD Zombies. So there you have it. Use ZNS to overcome your fear; 'cause honestly, they re as perfectly themed for the map as Fluffy was for Der Riese or Monkeys were for Ascension. If you haven't yet, though, share your story in the thread linked below:


  5. 5 hours ago, anonymous said:

    Nice, keep up the progress. I wonder, you like this way of exploring the map more then watching videos about it (what I usually do)? I think if I would do it, I cant resist the curiousity.


    This is SO MUCH MORE FUN than watching videos. I haven't felt this sense of accomplishment since Der Riese and some of Moon before I even knew there was a community or videos at all. I may cave at some point if we don't make any progress on the EE, but so far, we've been pretty successful in finding stuff. We'be found something new every game. 


    8 hours ago, jiipee95 said:

    I don't mind the zombie hit rate etc.. cause there's so much features that help you (like the shield, gobblegums) Only map I find it annoying is The Giant since it lacks the shield and a good wonder weapon though the challenge is what makes it the most fun map for me in Black ops 3...


    The shield doesn't really help you, though, if you're stuck in a corner or if you have a train sprinting after you, and a prediction re-spawn jumps over a barricade at the end of a narrow passage you are running through, slap you in the face 3 times and (only 1 zombie) pin you against the wall while the train destroys your shield. Less of a problem in ZNS, for some reason, as the textures feel more designed to avoid that kind of encounter, but not impossible. 

    Honestly, I don't miss the shield in The Giant, though. I'm less of a fan of The Giant, anyway, and would rather play it on BO1 or WAW

  6. 1 hour ago, jiipee95 said:

     Just the fact that if I manage to fail on round 15 I pretty much won't be bothered to try again...

    It's the frking whirlygig zombies, man. They are the cancer of Black Ops 3. I understand and kick myself when I make a tactical miscalculation; but when I empty a whole HVK clip into 3 oncoming zombies, but one happens to be so close that he whirlwinds me at the last second, that pisses me off. The zombie hit rate needs to come down. It's killing the casual replayability of BO3 for me. 


    Not only that, but also their 1:1 rotation rate. You move 1 point to the left, the whole train moves 1 point to the left, you move 60 points to the right, you're still staring them in the face. In fact, I had one turn a 180 from chasing someone else and slap me full in the face in a half second tonight. Thankfully, I got away, but that was just a reminder of how terribly imbalanced the rotation rate is. They also used to slightly slow when hitting you. Now they seem to continue to run until they have pushed you as far into another object as possible, leaving you with no mobility except slightly turning side to side, waiting until they reach around the shield. There have been multiple occasions (especially on the DE PAP platform and tonight against the protruding corner of a lone boulder on ZNS) in which I might as well just put down my controller until my shield breaks, since turning to try to shoot them will only down me sooner. 


    Also, the number of Berserkers is exhausting. A few can be fun and challenging, but half a train of them is overkill. 

  7. Ah, I see. Odd, though, 'cause @Doppelgänger and I didn't even know that was a step at first, but eventually, we got it and usually are set up by round 16, short maybe 2 perks. 


    And I get it now - yeah, now that I remember, some areas in the bunker are pitch. But man...I would PREFER they add a flashlight attachment option for guns. @Treyarch L4D had it...and we have lighting option is theatre...so please? :D 


    I still can't agree about the colors, though. Zombies has always been a gritty, dark game. It would be a shame to abandon that. Even the humor and animations have always had a dark undertone. 

  8. Here's the thing about setup, though. Consider its size: you can have the PAP fully open and be packing a Bowie knife and HVK by round 10. Compare that to Der Riese, which, I believe, can be setup by round 6-7. It's a pretty fair balance.


    And the lights are just about right, IMO. Too many more would be out of place in the naturally dark atmosphere. Maps are too colorful these days. Think Der Riese, Moon, CotD and Ascension. Great, gritty maps with minimal color.



  9. ZNS, in my opinion, is the best map since Moon, and perhaps even better than any other map to date. My only hesitancy is in that the BO1 EEs were so perfect, but even so, it would seem, if @Doppelgängerand my blacked-out investigation of the map reveals a logical EE progression, and one that is not a chore to complete, like SoE, DE, Origins and Buried, then the map could easily align itself with Moon in my eyes. 


    So that said, here are my pros:

    • Lots of in-depth story in cipher, radio, quote and EE form
    • Logical quests, such as the PAP (it's beautiful), the KT-4, and the plants and different ways of growing them
    • Great buildables (gas mask, especially regarding certain abilities it gives, the shield, as always, and the KT-4)
    • Lots of explorable, multi-level surface area
    • Straightforward and story-implicative special weapon quest
    • Awesome balance of claustrophobic and open, breathable areas, giving lots of options for survival strategies
    • Water/swimming areas DONE RIGHT. I was not excited at the thought of swimming in zombies at all. But it was incredibly well done, and I love it. It seems to be more for the purpose of basic quests, exploration, and interesting gameplay, which is perfect.
    • This map is expansive in amazing ways. It just seems to go on and on. I don't even know if I've seen the whole thing, but I know I'm in love with the underwater cavern. 
    • The atmosphere is what makes this game what it was. It's spooky; eerie. The ambiance isn't overdone or underdone, with unique discoveries to be made in various areas. 


  10. Story enthusiast and vet! The best kind. Welcome aboard, good sir! You will find that we're a bit more exclusive, tight-knit and...well, as a community, respectful here on CoDZ, with in-depth familiarity with the complexities of the story. The fast-paced and generic atmosphere of Reddit has its place, but when it comes to detail, nothin beats CoDZ Forums. ;) Honored to have you join us, and I look forward to seeing you in the threads! 

  11. Sam makes a lot of twisted comments in Moon, so this wouldn't surprise me. The MPD itself is powered by life force, energy drawn from dying bodies (not souls, just to be clear), so, considering that is what keeps the MPD operational, it seems no wonder that the occupants become so bloodthirsty. Almost vampiric, but instead of literal bloodlust, energylust (see Richtofen's announcer quotes in BO2).



    • Like 1
  12. 1) What became of Groph?

    Although Jason has given us a cryptic answer to that question, I think it's fair to say he perished on the moon. And I must point out that we don't actually know where Richtofen first teleported from. The walnut prototype could be at any of the 935 locations. The fact that it was kept secret from Maxis, however, seems to imply that perhaps it was actually at Eagle's Nest. Maxis seemed to make Der Riese his headquarters, only occasionally visiting the castle. And since the Area 51 teleporter shouldn't exist at this time, the only link should be between Eagle's Nest and Griffin Station.


    2) Is Samantha in control of the zombies here?

    I think it's safe to say at this point that we don't fully understand eye color, as the debate has been raging since the time of the Cryogenic Slumber Party. The WAW Verruckt and Nacht zombies pre-date Samantha's occupancy of the MPD, and (though it can be "explained" by the story's evolution), have still set a precedent of yellow-eyed zombies being unrelated to Samantha. Someone once made a rather sensible explanation of Richtofen's blue-eyed zombies, suggesting that it stemmed from his even further twisted Nazi Aryan belief in the "pure race," one of the traits of which was blue eyes. Lorence Horner, M.A. in History says of this mindset:


    "As for the Nazi Party's fixation on purported Aryan features, such as blonde hair and blue eyes...a lot of their ideas on the supposed superior physical traits of the Aryan or Nordic type, as well as the inferiority of the non-white and Slavic peoples, came from the so-called racialist thinkers and social Darwinists of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries...  
    So, in effect, Nazi standards of beauty and superior racial traits were based on ideas that were not original to themselves."

    The Nordic part is quite interesting to me @Tac.


    4) What corrupted the Keeper when it came back from Griffin Station?

    So, we know a few things:

    • Richtofen states that the keeper was corrupted on its way back to earth, not so much at Griffin Station. 
    • Richtofen also points out that Groph did indeed deliberately sabotage the MPD. Based on the fact that there is black smoke rising from the base of the missing canister, it would come as no surprise that it could cause some corruption. Honestly, the keeper looks rather unwell when he rises from inside, his head hanging and he seems to move as if trying to escape. 
    • Keepers are not invulnerable to physical weapons


    So your suggestion that he was trapped was perhaps accurate to a certain extent, in that, when Groph saw he could not stop the Keeper from entering the MPD, he smashed the canister (as heard in the transmission, and also attempted to shoot the Keeper (which does indeed inflict damage, as we know from Shadows of Evil and Origins), and perhaps, in a way, this deprived the Keeper of necessary life support, and like a human too long without oxygen, caused a certain level of brain death.


    BTW, why TF isn't the pyramid black? -_- Some of these inconsistencies, I swear. I'm going to write Treyarch a list of continuity errors.


    5) Is the Keeper boss battle set within the realm which the darkness lives inside the MPD?

    I wouldn't say so. I'm thinking the view inside the MPD is probably a bit more televisible and less "ancient." The terrain of the boss fight room, especially the presence of the dragons seems to be associated with the castle itself. 


    6) Why does Maxis not keep contact with the crew?

    As someone else mentioned, Maxis had warned Richtofen that his signal would be impeded at the castle for some reason or another.



  13. On 5/8/2016 at 5:35 AM, Koslans said:

    What are beserker zombies? You just mean the faster ones? I kinda like to have a train of those. 


    Yeah, the ones who are so fast they are doubled over. They appeared in CotD when George does his rally rage. Like I said, a few can be fun, but a whole train of them is just exhausting. You can hardly outrun them.

  14. 12 minutes ago, InfestLithium said:

    The easter egg is fun minus the infinite dogs and poor "fail a step wait a round" pisshole. I'd like to see more challenge in terms of solving puzzles, not hitting random objects around the map with zero indication as to what you're even doing. Think Call of the Dead and Shangri-la standards.


    Truer words were never spoken. Call of the Dead, especially, may have been a rough gameplay map considering Berserkers and George, but that EE was downright legendary. Honestly, unless the MPD is involved, can we not do any more "charge this object by killing zombies" step again? Its original role in Moon was dark and morbid, yet quite ingenious at the time, but now it's beginning to feel like the Jack of all Trades of zombies. "Because charged by dead zombies."

    Can we do more building stuff, punching buttons, pulling levers, linking items/repairing connections, all-player synchronized actions and timing/accuracy based steps? What about literally finding and gathering pieces of maps/blueprints?

  15. Just finished the Easter Egg again with @InfestLithium and while everything seems to work SUPER smooth for the most part, I do have a few major beef:


    1. Object density and barrier width:

    The zombie objects themselves, as well as the barriers of static objects and the character being played feel very wide and, in the case of the zombies, a single one has far more pushing power than you as the player do. Narrow escapes feel like a thing of the past, as I repeatedly found myself pushed into a corner by the zombie object, and having no push-back like we did in Black Ops 1 and 2 (where enough wiggling back and forth might open a gap just in time), not only do all the zombies behind me whirlwind, but I literally have been forced to stand in the corner, just waiting to hear the sound of my shield breaking.


    2. Route-prediction spawning.

    Call of the Dead was exhausting due to respawn rates. Black Ops 3 is sadly so much worse. You can literally round a corner, look back, and an entire train will have despawned. I'm not even exaggerating. A particular area I'm thinking of is running through the waterfront area main gate on SoE, turning to look back in the junction, and the whole train will have disappeared as soon as I am out of sight.

    Der Eisendrache is even worse. With all the narrow passageways, spawns half as close to the far end as the full length, nearly every time 2-3 zombies will already be at the end of the passage, waiting for me when I arrive. last night, I was to the point I could predict the time of their arrival, but due to the narrowness of the passage and the remnants of a train still following me, there was no way out using an MG, PAPed or otherwise. 
    Not to mention that I was twice downed while standing in the middle of 3 charged Void Bow shots, meaning even a bow might not save me. Especially without Juggernog.


    3. The unresponsive PAP.

    The PAP took several tries before it would accept my weapon, and on several occasions, I was trapped there, having been forced to stop, stand still and press and hold x up to 4 times before the PAP would respond; not to mention running a train and trying to take the weapon back out before it disappears forever (also 2-3 attempts have been necessary, and I'm using a brand new Xbox Elite controller.) This is not the fault of the X button, as proved by the prompt response of literally EVERY other object I interacted with.


    4. Please, hear me, our friends at Treyarch: please reduce the number of CotD-style berserker zombies. They have nearly, if not the same, running animation as the shreiker from Shang, which was a BOSS. Now an entire train can be made of them. A few can be a lot of fun and a great challenge, but a whole train (especially considering the respawn rate, above), becomes exhausting.


    5. The Keeper infinite dog round needs a nerf. They spawn WAY too many of them WAY too fast. It is literally exhausting. By all means, infinite dogs, but the status quo is like a whole entire map of No Mans Land. 


    6. Running with a splash damage weapon used to require a different strategy, namely, PHD or a wide training area. Back in the day, there were different playing styles - run and gun SMG/AR/Shotgun players, Splash Damage weapon users, snipers and LMG campers, however, things seem to be designed to force everyone to use a splash damage weapon. I, for one, do not like using splash damage weapons. I am an AR/SMG guy all the way, all the time. On DE, I feel forced to use a bow if I even hope to revive  a teammate or PAP a weapon.

    Not to mention, I like the fact that original splash damage weapons were actually a threat to the player as well. It forced the player to use the weapon wisely or use a perk slot on PHD Flopper (RIP, we love you.) Now, the respawn rate, narrow passages and wide objects essentially force players to have at least 1 weapon capable of dealing splash...which, as aforementioned, cheesily enough, does not harm the player.


    Just some thoughts. I LOVE a challenge, and don't like maps to be too easy; but neither do I like getting stuck on a whirlwinding zombie object with NO give, being virtually forced to use a wonder weapon, or losing my MG to the PAP because it didn't respond when I attempted to pick it up.



    • Like 1
  16. On 5/2/2016 at 2:20 PM, InfestLithium said:

    Nah, because I would be dead due to lack of sleep before I could even use up said million dollars effectively.

    Would you - could you - for a million? Would you, with a fox in a box?

    [You only get the million dollars if you solve this old excerpt.]

    I could, I would!

    • Like 1
  17. Congrats @DragonGJY!!!! Well deserved! Many thanks for your hard work. I have had the privilege of working closely with @Tac and @Doppelgänger the last couple months and these fellas are a right gold star to this site's name. 

    @tEfugleskremmel I have not spent as much time with but a couple encounters with him and reading his work has been a reminder that CoDZ is still the greatest zombie community out here. Thanks so much for getting more involved lately! I will continue to be on the lookout for your work. 

    • Like 1
  18. @tEfugleskremmel however, we know from the CotD radios that Richtofen didn't teleport Maxis away until after October 1st, 1945, which messes with events in both the original and new unverses. This means that both The Giant and Der Riese occur no earlier than that date, and as you said, The Giant is even before Der Riese, meaning the latter could even have been in November. 

    • Like 1
  19. Ladies and Gentlemen of CoDZ:

    @Covert Gunman, @Hells Warrrior, @Tac, @jaysta5792, @Doppelgänger and myself have been brainstorming ideas to get the Official CoDZ YouTube channel back on track, and while we have some great game resources in the works, we’re CoDZ. We do story, right? And as avid students and experts in the storyline, we wanted to start answering some questions that are not often addressed in the community due to their complexity or the vague and limited resources available to make conclusions, and aim to do so in the light of absolute facts.

    However, although we, ourselves, have innumerable questions ourselves that we’re quite keen on debating and resolving, we figgered it might be a better idea to get some input from our fellows here at Headquarters. Without a doubt, CoDZ and its members are the most well-informed in the community, so we hope y’all will help by suggesting some questions that y’all feel are under-appreciated or minimally discussed in other areas of the community, especially relating to the multiverse, its workings and the way the cosmos is constructed, story continuity and clashes between the current story development and the original, and whatever vague and mysterious story elements come to mind.

    Looking forward to hearing from y’all!

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