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Everything posted by thegoldenspork115

  1. @FatedTitan The point is "story" Treyarch have relied on us(the community) to fill in holes in the storyline since the beginning. They might've wanted the jet gun to be a wonder weapon, but when you think about it, it doesn't fit in at all. So it's our job to say yay or nay. Either we go by this, or Treyarch themselves need to call it a wonder weapon directly. That's the way I see it. And @Rissole25 Did you just ignore what Mocking said? I mean he has a valid point in his last comment. They are just tacticals. But the Gersch Device is also just a tactical. But it's a wonder weapon. The EMP's do more than we can explain. Primarily the way it shuts down the mystery box which doesn't have a visible power source. And the way it even shuts down 115-powered zombies. Rather strange isn't it?
  2. Sounds like a Dead Rising concept. I like it.
  3. Epic win on Origins. Also saved to my channel on xbox Zombies everywhere in Odin's footstep behind Jugg, I lost control while camping there. The hoard pushes me into the corner next to MP40. I face the wall so my shield could take the heat while prepping my monkey bomb which I would throw directly next to my feet. Then I turned around while they were distracted and through another over next to the soul chest, thus escaping...barely. Shield was gone and I was blood red. That's focus right there. To top it off, it happened right after Richtofen said "I must stay focused". Lolol . ...and I'm sure there's another thread about general epic winnings... :P
  4. The person who knows exactly what to do even though they don't like the odds. Take the protagonist from world war z. (Forgot his name)The ending with him walking down the corridors after injecting himself. It's not like he had much of a choice. But he thought about it, and decided it would be best to take the risk of the injection and face the hoard. It'd be better than doing nothing and facing an uncertain death. In our zombies story, I like Takeo, Simply because he is indeed headstrong. With Takeo, it's like nothing scares him. Although I love the badasses as well. For me, Those include Dempsey, Danny Trejo, and Billy. I'm not gonna lie though, I love Russman simply because I find him hilarious.
  5. Shouldn't double upgrading it be the hells redeemer?
  6. Yep, you hit the nail on the head. Pushing the courthouse button and activating the "end game" reward if you will, totally resets your EE progress. I'm sure the purpose for that is so that you can't just always have the permanent fire sale and 4 weapon slots or extra powerups every single time you play buried. However you are more than welcome to do the EE's again, maybe even the opposite side as last time and do it all over again! Ya hear that? Remember those three towers you lit up? Well...now, you can do it again! :D
  7. Everything you listed in the OP. Lol I think one of the best things to include would be a better custom games with loads of options. Unlike bo2. Which with most maps it was just "easy or original".... :/
  8. They can't just end the story like this and start anew. "Well...you can...but doooon't" (a little Easter egg for you...anyone get it?) Anyways. I want them to tie up the loose ends here. Then, I reluctantly say that it'd be alright for them make a new story. Although it would have to go out with a real bang. Not like Buried or Origins did(whichever you believe to be the real endgame)
  9. I knew that was an area code! Lol xD I actually used to live there, myself. Incredible city. Missing it like crazy.
  10. ^mostly shitty teammates. xD communication is important in Tranzit. :P
  11. I get ya. But In this case it's a story within a story. The story WITHIN ends with the O4 in a bright light. Then the screen goes...white was it?... then we see Sam's face. Then she continues what some argue is the "real story". So Sam indeed does end her story with the o4 in the light.
  12. So many contradictions. It's funny how we as a community just overlook what Treyarch says. When DLC 2 came out, they said MotD was a "break from the original storyline". Yet the community still argues it's relevance. In origins, they say it's "alternate reality" yet we argue otherwise. Personally I believe mob isn't canon. But origins, I still believe it is. Alternate reality does not mean alternate storyline. That's the way I see it
  13. Agh. This is all making me remember the pre Black Ops 2 hype! D: although Tranzit is a fun map, it just was so disappointing.
  14. Ah, Treyarch. Taking out the good and putting in the bad...
  15. I sure hope it does. :l Honestly I think the next game will be much better. Hopefully they realize the mistake in black ops 2. Sure the maps were great and had so many new things introduced. But the story was whacked, for lack of a better word.
  16. Tell me this, if the cutscene in Origins is from the WaW era, where did the camera come from that Samantha knocks over? She wouldn't have one so this must be closer to our timeline than you think. The simple fact of the matter is this and it's a simple fact. We have no answers and we can only speculate. Until Treyarch say otherwise, the story continues - it has not had closure, no matter what you read into it, it doesn't. Now take this from a normal story being told, the O4 scorch the earth with the rockets. At the end of Origins we hear Samantha say "my dad has a plan". What does this mean in a story mode (forget about zombies, I ain't talking zombies here, I'm talking normal stories). Each chapter leads into the next chapter, it gives you a cliffhanger that makes you want to read the next chapter, or watch the next scene in a movie/play. Some people will not like what they see and stop reading / listening / watching after a certain chapter or scene. Which is fine, it's their choice, however, a story still needs to be told and it will continue. The simple fact is this, the story has not ended - you do not end a story with say "my dad has a plan" what you do is you end a chapter by saying this, which makes you want to get the next book, watch the next movie etc. Treyarch are smart, they know they lost a lot of folk from WaW and BO in BOII, they know they need to start to pull things together and they will. They will have been reading what has been said for the past year and a bit and taken the feedback on-board. It will all be bullet pointed on several whiteboards within the zombie teams offices at Treyarch. They know what the community are thinking, they know what the general consensus within the community is. Now, what I perceive will happen in the next game release on current gen consoles and PC is reworked maps for WaW, BO, BOII and will be released with the game on a special zombies disc or they will release these maps alongside the 1st DLC that is released. I also think that instead of having 1 year cycle of support and updates, that we will see a period of 2 years of support and updates and that DLC will be focused on the 1st year for the season pass but we may start to see special DLC releases within the 2nd year. So what do I see happening with the story? I have no idea, but I'm just as eager to find out about it as the rest of you but rest assured it has not ended "yet". Although I don't think the story is over. You said they wouldn't end the story with "my dad has a plan". Well they didn't. They eded it with the O4 under a bright light. The "my dad has a plan" could be seen as the "start" of the new story. I'm just saying this to reassure that anything is possible. However, I still believe that the original story is NOT over.
  17. Yeah. Deadshot is probably the second most useless perk. The first being double top 1.0. It's time for an upgrade! :D
  18. A throwing electric bomb unlike multiplayer? Ahem....shock charge. Lol. And yeah the turret is in Tranzit.
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