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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. I nominated the Electric Eel for User of the Month

    1. Boom115


      He has been doing a lot of work around here for sure.

    2. GameChanger


      Nah dawg, it's all about the @Bing. Or as I like to call him, Chandler Bing.

  2. I only just now realized theres an arcade...

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      It's not up to much but offers a few fun and funny games.

      We try to look after you here.

  3. I remember last christmas on the forums. There was a Memorable moments of 2013. So many pics http://gyazo.com/6bf7804637f062463d994110812610e8

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      I assume you mnea the "other" forums ;) :P

  4. I swear I will make " The Electric Eel DLC a thing"

  5. I swear I will make " The Electric Eel DLC a thing"

    1. Electric Jesus

      Electric Jesus

      Vonderhaar please take notes

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Vonderhaar left….

  6. I think at the End of the Year All users of the month should fight to the Death in order to be crowned User of the Year

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Boom115


      We didn't even need a battle royal last year. Everyone bow before the king of 2013!

    3. Stop Mocking Me0
    4. Slade


      Boom winning something? Good one.

  7. I think I'm going to complete the extinction concept Frenzy. It's been salvaged so I think I should finish it just to say I finished frenzy.

  8. I think I'm going to take a break from making November posts and instead spend all months preparing for Christmas related posts.

  9. I think I'm gonna leave the zombie concepts for a while and work on some Extinction Concepts.

  10. I think it's official. I am getting extremely lazy. Everytime I enter google docs to finish my last Zombies map concept I end up just watching anime and eating chips. I mean I literally have the entire map done, the perks done, the specials, the ending and a few extras done. All I am missing is Cgaracter quotes and the easter egg steps. GOD WHY AM I SO LAZY.

    1. Black Hand Smith
    2. Flammenwerfer


      I know this feeling all too well.

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Don't feel bad, you got a WHOLEnother year before zombie hype peaks again...

  11. I think ive read almost every zombie comic at the local barnes and nobles by now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tattoo247


      I didn't know that was a comic, I remember watching the anime on Netflix or Hulu but it was only half a season...I was pretty impressed with the story and there wasn't the slightest hint of pornography :/

      It's not a comic, but you could real "zombie survival guide" by Max Brooks. It's set up as a military manual with awesome "documented" zombie outbreaks from as far back as the medieval times.

    3. ZombieOfTheDead


      "Wasn't the slightest hint of pornography"

      Dat bathhouse episode, tho.

      Also, going off of what tattoo said, also read World War Z by Max Brooks. Much different from the movie, and one of my favorite books.

    4. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      If i was stranded on an island i would definitely choose world war z as the only book to have on me.

  12. I wanna make one BIG post before the summer ends. I have 24 Hours.

  13. I want to watch Bee movie.

  14. I want to watch Bee movie.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0


      #2nd bus-rout confirmed

      #Origin's ending sorted out

      #storyline fixed!


  15. I was going to get a PS4 this weekend but instead I have decided to gather up all of my money and pay for my dog's operation. Family always comes first. I'll just get a PS4 next Month

    1. RedDeadRiot


      Fuck a PS4, buy a collectors edition CoD

  16. I was looking through some of my archives and I noticed l something. A map concept called Control. It was about mankind enslaving zombies by attaching technology around the undead. Brace like contraptions on their arms and legs and a ring wrapping around their skulls. However when they feel te presence of richtofen emitting from a parallel universe they go out of control and kill their masters. The technology given to the undead just made them faster, stronger, and somewhat more capable of using their brain functions. Then I realized that it actually sounds very similar to something that will be released this month.....2spooky4me

    1. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      It was originally part of a 1000 year Long storyline about zombies in another universe where zombies accidentally slipped through the Rift and ended up infecting a new Earth. Each story was base on a new Year a new decade and it was called Alpha and Omega. The first map being omega and the Last map being Alpha.

  17. I'm a man with 2 types of Map Concepts. Standard concepts which include basic story and Basic characters with some characteristics. Premium Concepts are the ones where I do Quotes, radios, pictures, egg steps, back stories, I pretty much go all out. Most Alpha -Omega maps are Standard concepts. Legacy of the Damned is an example of a Premium concept. I have 2 more Premiums coming up. One is almost done while the other I have yet to begin but I have a story set up already and characters.

  18. I'm not even gonna follow the Chart anymore. Just gonna make whatever Posts I want whenever I feel Like it. Or at least whenever I Really get into it

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Oh that happens to everyone at some point or another.. I like it, keeps people guessing!

  19. I've been saving the Best for the last 5 Days... Unexpected Things will Come

  20. I've been watching star wars lately and I really want to do a Space Adventure Map concept...With laser swords and Laser Guns and everything to take place on a different planet

    1. PINNAZ


      Take an idea from Richard Branson & his "Space Adventures"

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      This seems like a good time to bring up mater-to-code conversion like in my map "Converge"

  21. I've got a new formula for map concepts. First I make the post and as time goes by I gradually show hints at the location and add achievements. Let people figure out what the map is gonna be. Then on posting day I update the post

  22. I've left a Sneak Peak of Revelations of the Damned in the Google Doc Comment Section for Hollow. Exclusive to Members working on the Collaborative Zombies Map. Think of is as an Exclusive Beta for your Teamwork.

  23. If all goes well then Alpha-Omega will consist of 23-26 Maps concepts. Unless I run out of Ideas and Need to make it 15 Maps.

    1. AlphaOmega


      Hey thats my username! Ayyy lmao

  24. in about an hour or so I will Post day 19. I've been really busy Today

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