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Hells Warrrior

Tech Admin
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Status Replies posted by Hells Warrrior

  1. Seriously? How long has the CODz Summer Olympics been the featured topic? Lol…

  2. Well that was bullshit....The secret intel was just a tribute to neversoft....BOOOO....BOOOOO

  3. Gee, I sure wish we had some new medals!

  4. OOOOOOOOOHHHHH Tweets from zelinski are pointing towards some epic things happening!

  5. OOOOOOOOOHHHHH Tweets from zelinski are pointing towards some epic things happening!

  6. Decided to go back to trying No Man's Land to see if I could better the 174 kills I had on my old profile. Sure is a LOT harder than I remember it being. lol

  7. I can't believe I had never awoken the gazebo, after all this time. Until last night that is.

  8. I can't believe I had never awoken the gazebo, after all this time. Until last night that is.

  9. Shoutout to Grilliam who took over the UotM for me while I was hungover due to birthday celebrations. :P Sorry everyone.

  10. I think at the End of the Year All users of the month should fight to the Death in order to be crowned User of the Year

  11. I just broke 50 brains... Take that as you will.

  12. Got a couple Xbox One Destiny beta codes. I'll think of a clever way to auction them off, probably involving a cipher.

  13. About 23:49 tonight, I will have been riding the Earth for 45 years. Pray to whatever that you don't live this long.

  14. I've been officially offered a position as a contract game tester (assuming I pass the background check). :D

  15. Argentina please show some mercy to Holland today. Don't be like Germany.

  16. Night.........Dawn.........Day.........

  17. Poor decision of the week: Go out on a Tuesday night with old high school friend. = Way too tired and hungover to be at work today :'(

  18. My wife bought me a Beer Fridge! Yes!!!

  19. Just got to round 22 on a practice run of the MotD challenge with Eternal and Naitrax. GG gentlemen... GG indeed!

  20. Wait did i miss the site maintenance?

  21. Forums will be down for scheduled server maintenance at 8am GMT / 3am EST. For more info: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/177038-scheduled-maintenance-20th-june-2014/

  22. GG Australia. :3

  23. If my Extinction guide could stop screwing itself up thatd be great. This is gonna take a while to fix...

  24. If my Extinction guide could stop screwing itself up thatd be great. This is gonna take a while to fix...

  25. Battlefield 4 or Titanfall (PC) ?

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