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Everything posted by Boom115

  1. Ive been hoping for something like this for awhile. Every wonder, weapon all perks with slots, and teleporters all over. A just for fun map.
  2. It will be called Cod Z and MP will just be an extra bonus game mode at the end of the campaign :D
  3. Boom115

    Shovel Guide

    So it is possible you would just have to have a horse shoe stuck up your...you would have to be very lucky.
  4. Why would an assault rifle become an LMG? Seems too good in my opinion. You might be right something became the hammer, lsat would be more fitting. Ughhh you're going to make me play tranzit arent you.
  5. I hate the bank, it made points well pointless. I like the collaboration maps I thought they brought a fresh view to the table. I will note that zombie team didn t completely hand these projects over. They were still very much involved.
  6. Hey I thought the AN became a hammer. I distinctly remember being pissed. Although haven't played for a while, my memory could be fuzzy.
  7. Boom115

    Shovel Guide

    The two of you have both been extremely helpful. Cheers to you both.
  8. Boom115

    Shovel Guide

    Oh okay gotcha ill include it as a confirmation.
  9. Boom115

    Shovel Guide

    Sweet thank you! I think that's first grave site I have listed, I could be wrong. Nice play through btw. alright ill add it in sir, thank you!
  10. I prefer them not so much for the game play aspect, but more for entertainment in the long games. It's nice to have someone to chat with as you are endlessly running cirlces. Also some players are just shy or are using kinects like infest had pointed out. I would take no mic to a kinect echo any day of the week.
  11. This might be some hard info to keep track of. I think the wonder fizz runs off a random generator similar to the mystery box. Think of it like black jack and counting cards. You know the amount of each card so you can figure out the probability that your hand will play out. Well throw an infinite amount of kings in there and its a crap shoot. In my case Electric Cherry is my king.
  12. I would highly recommend them, they make for some super fun game play. Especially if your mates are new to the map. I think the staves take some of the skill out of it. If you hit within five feet of the downed player it seems to revive them.
  13. Boom115

    Shovel Guide

    I haven't seen it there, if this is correct.
  14. Oh god, I hope you're right I can't wait a full year for new content.
  15. If you're having trouble use the Paralyzer, so easy a caveman could do it.
  16. Boom115

    Shovel Guide

    Nice, add a screen shot if you can. With an approximate location
  17. Boom115

    Shovel Guide

    Hitting my head against the table thinking about how many hours I wasted checking the same spots. Thanks man this will help a lot.
  18. In Buried, shot a downed teammate with my kraus while sliding down the hole.
  19. They will, if they know whats good for them :twisted: ... But seriously, the community has grown exponentially over the past year. Even converting some of the mp junkies to our side. Im confident that they can recognize a cash cow when they see it, rather than just "re imagining" dlc maps dlc after dlc. Zombies is keeping this ship afloat.
  20. You're in the right place!
  21. Brb checking Tranzit. I almost did, but then I would have to play with tranzit.
  22. Im with you here. I really enjoy being in the edge of my seat the entire game, but the knights are just an annoyance. I guess theres always got to be a george.
  23. Boom115

    Shovel Guide

    Yeah i'm not finding a shred of proof on that one :cry: . I think i'll be filing it under Origins hoaxes in the mean time. We can still dream thought can't we ! Im going to have to upgrade that to a hard no, four straight days of hard core digging and nothing. Dug when it snowed, dug with golden attire, dug with the easter egg completed, dug while the panzer was chasing me, dug while hitting the mystery box simultaneously, and nada. Boomhilda is a pretty sweet compromise for giving up the god mode that mustang and sally with phd.
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