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Everything posted by Vyhl

  1. I like the monkeys but really wish Gersch Device would make a return at some point. Highly doubt it though..
  2. We didn't free Maxis in that Easter Egg. He had nothing to do with Ascension. We freed Yuri ( I think, may have been Gersch. ) But we certainly did not free Maxis in Ascension. The only reason Samantha had him trapped there was because she was lonely and wanted someone to talk to and play with. That's why she placed dolls and bears all around the Ascension labs and ultimately caused the outbreak at Ascension. Think about. For the O4 they went through 20 years in a second from teleporting. Samantha however was stuck in the Aether with no one to play with anymore ( since this was all a game to her) so she needed a new playmate. Sorry for getting so off-topic. Now on to the original topic. The Achievement "Back to processing". I personally feel this will be for Maxis's side and won't affect the past but mainly push toward future events while Richtofens side seems to the one about re-writing history. He does want to change the world back to it's non-apocalyptic state and in order to do so he would want to go back before the rockets launched on moon but still after he gained control. Maxis does not want this and wishes to continue his advances of defeating Richtofen. The achievements part is just a theory so please don't take this as me stating fact.
  3. For me it's not so much the locations that have had me weary of the next DLC but how for me Die Rise and MotD both got boring very quickly. Doing challenges and such like 2 pulls from box only and no double tap 2 have been keeping it interesting. It seems that Buried has a lot to do and experience so it won't get as boring as quickly. However I can go back and play Moon and have a blast every time.
  4. This is great since I need to complete the Richtofen side of TranZit. I currently have Maxis done on there and wish to change that. I'm on Xbox so my GT is Vyhl
  5. 5. Die Rise - It's a good map but I just lost interest and found it very boring after about 2 weeks of release. The EE reward is near pointless since we can get all perks from the boss rounds. Love the wall weapons though. 4. CotD - I don't like dealing with George and the fog. This is probably just bad luck for me but I get double slapped in early rounds almost always on this map too. However it has an amazing EE quest and EE song. Love A7X 3. Nacht Der Untoten - While it was the testing map sure, it is very small and just gets relatively boring quite easily. 2. FIVE - Nova 6 teleporters combined with cramped spaces and my least favourite zombies cast yet I just really don't like this map. Has an amazing WW though. 1. TranZit/Green Run - Lava, Avagadro, Denizens oh my! The PaP is very difficult to open in solo and tough to keep open when playing with randoms. The EE isn't very fun or enjoyable, doesn't really have much of a reward. 70% of the map is fog. Terrible Wunder Weapon. Takes forever to get set up.
  6. I understand that, but who's to say Element 115 keeps one from aging? Reznov never hadn any interactions with Element 115. Nothing.
  7. Reznov certainly was a hallucination during Bo1 (aside from the Vorkuta mission and the Nova 6 mission) and he still is in BO2. He would be 70+ years old during the time when the Soviet Union was at war with Afghanistan and he certainly wouldn't be looking so young. Also Campaign may have subtle hints towards zombies and vice-versa but in no way do both stories exist in the same realm or universe.
  8. This just seems to add on even more evidence really that Treyarch is simply mixing traits of many versions of gods of death. Satan Osiris Hades Mictlantecuhtli
  9. Now I understand this links up with MotD being set during the prohibition era and everything, but how exactly is this important? Also, with this line from your post DIED. A51 CDC DIED It now seems we may know what happened to the CDC crew at Nuketown. As if it wasn't expected already that they would just die. Or could this just be referring to the people at Jackass Flats? Either way great research. Just more dots to connect :)
  10. I would love to see a full zombies game after BO2 with all previous maps included and a true campaign to zombies. With continuous DLC support. Pre-ordering could include a real life comic made up of all our precious loading screens we've had so far and the final DLC could have a code for a 2nd comic issue with all loading screens in order (assuming they stick with the comics that far ahead)for free. Just how Rezzurection had a code for a free download of the music for zombies. :D
  11. You're not just a little behind You've missed out on 2 games and nearly all of the zombies story line to date.
  12. MotD certainly is a story map, saying it's not is ridiculous.
  13. Loved it! This seems very plausible.
  14. Sherbert and the Blaze fit the colour for Reznovs Revenge. I can't wait to see this when it's done.
  15. I highly doubt we can change the eye colour on this map.
  16. The missing shot could possibly be one the Warden may have used to kill himself for the ultimate blood sacrifice? Just a thought. I mean, it is HIS gun.
  17. Vyhl

    115 to 666

    Thanks for the wonderful information everyone. I already knew there was plenty of info saying that the Devil is in control but I just thought that this certain peice of information hasn't been noticed in such a way and is Treyarch deliberately telling us the Devil is in control.
  18. Now I couldn't find anyone posting an idea like this but if it has been said before then delete this thread. Anyways in MotD I'm sure we all know that if you change the number sequence on the panels to 115 we hear a demonic voice saying "Not this time" and then the numbers switch to 666. I'm thinking this is directly showing that samantha is NOT in control and that the Devil/satan/Aztec god (forgot the name, he was referenced in nuketown in the bubblegum) is in control. The number of the devil is 666 and it's literally trying to say that 115 influence is not happening this time but is telling us it's the devil by using his number. Thanks for reading. I hope you all understand the point I'm trying to make.
  19. Taking the helmet off and going for the head is what kills him the fastest it seems.
  20. NO DENIZENS. Those are pretty much the only things I never want to see in zombies again.
  21. With the terribleness that was TranZit and the boringness that is Die Rise I honestly can't believe it was until now that Jimmy Z's team decided to give us a deeply back story related map with just about all the wishes of the zombie community. Traps back. Shotgun WW. Thompson back. New useful perk. The many great things about the map we've seen is a far cry from Die Rise and TranZit. And don't get me wrong, Die Rise we got a lot of we wanted to that wasnt it TranZit but it was still quite boring to myself so this is a bit biased, sorry.
  22. So I have been seeing all around this forum which that the campaign team worked on MotD and that they were the ones who made Der Reise as well. I don't doubt this but I was wondering if someone could post proof of this. Thank you.
  23. This makes the most sense so far.
  24. The "Stop rus" thing is dumb. I highly doubt it means anything. Russman is somewhere in his 60's and has 0 main prevalence to the story. Why would we stop him? He's not attempting to gain control over the zombies or do anything!
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