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Everything posted by ETEl2NAL407

  1. This is not a "glitch". This is a persistent upgrade (AKA permaperk). It's the tombstone soda one. You gain it by purchasing 4 perks before R4, but will lose it if you don't do this in the next match. You can find this and many other useful things in Boom's User's Guide Thread.
  2. Eddy's "turn" has already been seen. It was BO2. Origins is out of place chronologically in "reality". Basically BO:1(not WaW) from NDU to Moon is the game that Samantha played with Eddy and all the plot twists and storylines were the combination of Samantha and Eddy, telling each other a story by playing with their dolls. Origins would have happened next, perhaps leading to the argument in the cutscene. Eddy may have been confused after Moon and Origins is how Samantha explains it, "I'm going to tell you how all this really began." The cutscene is the end of Samantha's turn, but when Eddy mentions the eyes being blue, this is meant to illustrate that the events of the BO:2 story happen off-camera following that cutscene. So, as far as I'm concerned, the story is wrapped. Either you helped RIchtofen or Maxis as the N4, but in either case the story arcs between the O4 and the N4 is over. If we get zombies again, I don't want any of the same characters (possibly some cameos). I want Treyarch to start anew and give us something we can really sink our teeth into instead of just nibbling at. No matter all the quality theories here, nothing can satisfy me fully as far as a linear story should. I think that's because Treyarch didn't really have a story in mind at first, just a cool idea with badass characters (the O4). The storyline was secondary and just kinda threw more cool stuff at us, but never really explained it in detail. When everyone started getting into the story, Treyarch scrambled to connect dots and this is the best they could do. I applaud them for it, because this ending neatly ties it up and anymore attempts at hashing this out will only lead to a bigger mess. Leave this saga ended, Treyarch...Give us another story and this time plan it out first
  3. MotD was foreshadowing. Origins ending cutscene illustrates the foreshadowing. We're just dolls while playing zombies, destined to play over and over again. While it's a fun game for Sam and Eddy, it's hell for the dolls(us, the players). This is why there are reality references in MotD, "Did you see that? A gun just appeared on the wall!" It's meant to show what a zombie game would be like IRL, that's why the zombies have a different eye color and a different look, it's meant to show that MotD does not happen in the same arc as all the other maps, but they're still connected. The comic book that Weasel is writing is meant to symbolize the children's game (as comic books are meant for children).
  4. Forgot about the last chalk, but yeah that's a total of 7,500. Didn't you end the game with that though? And you bought perks? How is that possible?
  5. It's another hole. Sorry to say, but Origins really derailed the whole storyline. I suppose you could also say that the N4 derailed it all even before that, but I think the N4 would have been great additions to the story...If Treyarch had finished that arc. What we're left with is an ending to it all, rushed, leaving much of the events leading to this end still hanging in limbo as unresolved conflict and untold tales. I doubt very much the next Zombies will have ANY previous story elements because the more they try to explain it, the worse these holes get. It's going to be better if they just pick a new storyline and focus on that arc.
  6. I get it and I agree to a point. Sure it was not tactful for him to come back and bash us. I also see his point though, because like you I also have talked to Caddy about these things. He offered his services, several of us tried to vouch for him, but he was turned down and this created bad blood between him and Nick. I've seen him post a few other times here, but I think mainly he's just been lurking. If I were in his shoes, ready to help a site like this, but was continually turned down for no apparent reason, I too would feel shamed when I see a post about CoDZ adopting ads. Keep in mind, Caddy knows he has the means to keep CoDZ ad-free and greatly help with the costs. That's almost like a slap in the face, really. "Oh great...we'll probably have to put ads on the site to keep it running." "Well, I can host the site for free so you won't." "No thanks." (6ish months later) "We're now putting ads on the site and we know no one loves it, but there's no other option." No other option??? Really? All I'm saying is, I completely understand Caddy's view, but it was a bit childish for him to come and post his "I told you so", but who cares? We should bury this hatchet, stop taking so much personally from each other. Everyone is just trying to help and it's only natural to feel dejected when the help you offer is rejected only to find out that what you were trying to prevent is happening anyways.
  7. I think he answered that already... This bitterness is not directed at us as a community.
  8. From Nukes I would imagine...you should be spending all your money from the chalk guns on doors, really. There are 6 chalk guns = 6000 At least 1 free booze to take down a barrier = 1000 (this is meant as an average, whereas you'd be spending what you make from bashing barriers on the next booze) And the 500 you get from start, let's make it 550 with a R1 barrier So, that's 7,550. Saloon and Courthouse both can be reached from the tunnels just for 750 debris = 1500 Then there's the upstairs door to the General Store = 750 So for 2250 and possibly an extra 1000 in case no free booze spawns to open towards church So, at most we're spending 3250 to open what needs opened, leaving 4300 Strategically to make life easier, I'd spend 1000 of that on booze for the debris at the Gunsmith and make chalking guns much easier, the rest could go to the Courthouse or Saloon front door, or better yet just get another booze and get Jug Kinda just had to figure this one out on my own...I didn't think this was possible without the bank until I crunched the numbers.
  9. Yeah really...After you build everything then you still have to wait for the first 5 slow waves before the pace will quicken. This is probably the slowest way to start. An even better challenge on this map would be to do this strategy without using the bank. Chalk guns are your only way to open everything up.
  10. Knew this was coming, but it doesn't bother me. None of us are too old not to understand ads and/or be completely used to them. We are all at the age of or close to the age of being born within the internet generation. EVERYONE on the internet has ads, who cares?! Do what you always do and don't click on them. Oh, but if you accidentally click, just back up. So simple. BTW, the donations aren't working right now. Getting an error message after step 1 that the Email Gateway is not setup. Guess I'll donate tomorrow.
  11. I actually am Blue...Da ba dee da ba die da ba dee da ba die
  12. Ha. Yes, I'm sure some would run away from it and abandon the area. Then in 10 rounds when you need to go back to that area..."Oh c'mon. Who didn't finish off the plant?" Of course there would be benefits, such as points from shooting it and the free drop. I'd also give the Seed zombies a little less health so you have a chance at killing them before they drop a seed.
  13. Stationary bosses would be fun too because they add a new element to the gameplay. It can either be an objective or an opportunity. For example: I would add in Seed zombies. These zombies are very fast and rush players. If they get a hit on a player, they explode (not to cause damage) and drop a seed. This seed stains the ground and transparent roots spread out with each round. Multiple seeds can be dropped, so you may have a seed that was dropped 2 rounds ago in one place and another dropped just now in another place. After 5 rounds (from when the seed was dropped) the ground erupts a huge infectious blossom of tentacles. The tentacles themselves won't do much damage, but if a player gets to close to the center (thus exposed to more tentacles) they will go down. The plant (plants vs. zombies, get it?) has a huge amount of health, so it takes a lot of firepower to destroy it. Once destroyed it could give a drop like a Nuke, Max Ammo, Fire-Sale, or Insta-Kill. The stationary boss concept gives a new element of strategy and acts as a secondary door to areas as well. Imagine working so hard to open a door, only to have a seed drop down in the way. You know that soon your path will be blocked so which side will you be trapped on when it happens? Obviously the Grief implications are equally as good for a stationary boss such as this.
  14. This is only meant as a quick sketch, but here's an example of the Diner in TranZit. Notice, the main route you want to be on is a figure 8 (Red) The Green area is the route you would take while killing and it allows you to easily get back to the main route. Alternate routes are marked as Blue, but are the more difficult routes to actually train with and are only noted as a way to illustrate that the entire area has a fluid route that can be taken. Remember these are meant to work one way, so if you enter a building through one entrance, you should leave from the other, unless you cutback. The orange line is an escape I use when running the figure 8 often. It will actually expose you the the Fog briefly, sometimes a denizen will attack, but the majority of the time you aren't in the fog long enough and it's just a great way to make the figure 8 a bit larger and create more space when it's needed. Sorry the graphic is so amateur, I'll probably make better ones if I ever get the motivation to write my training guide.
  15. It's quite a lot of work to get this. I was playing with randoms a while back and they were all telling me not to buy any perks and only wall guns because they were getting the upgraded knife. Build the staves, fill the chests, get the fists, upgrade the staves, upgrade the fists, die in a robot...Then you can buy perks and good guns. Too much work if you ask me, but I know those glitch grinders that do this. The randoms I played with, then went and sat in the fire tunnel and just knife camped in a corner. I felt bad for helping them, so I quit out. Muahaha. It was 1HK past R30, I had Lightning.
  16. You remind me that my training guide I've meant to do for TranZit would have value. In a nutshell, that would be my advice on how to train/kite. Every area in TranZit (all the individual stops) offers a different approach to training. Some areas are more difficult than others, some are smaller, some with built-in cutbacks, others with zero margin for error. What I would do is abandon the bus, except for crossing lava, and try to train for a round or 2 at every stop. Pay attention to the spawn areas and do not think about killing a zombie until they all spawn. The key to training is to keep moving and try to take a fluid, continuous route, weaving around the zombie spawns. As you begin to find the spawn points and funnel routes the zombies come from, you'll more clearly see the intended, safest route to train them through. After that, it's all about timing the spawns to when you start your route. If you notice you're ahead of behind of the spawns, timing-wise, you can make a small correction with a cutback or my personal favorite, just stop and let the train catch up. Often I've seen new players attempt to train and move too fast. They wind up overrunning their train and lose the tempo of the spawns. You should keep moving, but stay close enough to your train so they follow your route and stay in sync. Ultimately that's what training is all about, rhythm, tempo, repetition. When you get really good at training, you will start to look for training lanes based on the spawn points and room shape everywhere you go. TranZit is a great map to practice this skill on because nearly every area has an easy escape: The Fog. Sure you'll get mauled by Denizens, but you will have plenty of space to run around your horde and get back in sync if you mess up. As to dispatching the horde, once you have them...Pick a long straightaway either within the route or attached to it and when you're ready to kill them, run ahead of the horde some and turn and fire, but keep in mind that as you kill, new zombies will be spawning to take their place, so try to do this without losing your place in the rhythm, or by leaving yourself enough space to get back in. A big mistake new players make this way is by killing at different points. This messes up the rhythm even more and makes it more difficult to stay in sync, so it's best to always kill at the same point. You also don't always need to ADS. As the levels get higher you won't need to be killing with your shots, just scoring, plus the zombies will get so strong it would take too long to kill them all, so you'd end up far out of sync if you tried. So, the basics are simply: Watch the spawn points and pick a route Stay close to the horde, don't overrun them Don't kill until all are spawned Kill in the same place TEMPO, TEMPO, TEMPO
  17. I'm pretty sure they respawn and there are always 4 in that hallway. It's meant to be a shortcut that you can keep using, as long as you send the elevator back up. A great use for the keys is in doing the EE elevator step. If you get that one pesky elevator that seems to be off, the key can help to sync it up. Or all 4 players can grab keys and try to sync them all up initially, but this could take a bit of fine-tuning, since the elevator entry points are on different floors.
  18. I've gotta be the Raygun. Pew, pew! Seriously, it just fits my colorful, ravey lifestyle. And it shoots that green shit!
  19. That sounds like a step in the right direction and even though the following bolded quote troubles me... I can appreciate the desire to withhold financial information at any level and in any case, however, with the issues we're facing, the strain on Staff financially (@ has admitted to spending his own money, and also @InfestLithium indirectly), and the demand from users to remain up, plainly illustrating the financial costs to keep this place going are a good idea. Just to clarify for argument's sake, scheduled downtime announced on the site should be excluded from this conversation. If you leave me in a desert blind-folded, it doesn't matter if I'm only a mile from water, I might keep walking in circles until I die, but if you allow me to see, even if I'm 10 miles away I stand a better chance of surviving. As for rewarding donations and memberships: I find this a good plan, but unnecessary, as it would just be simpler every month to show a donation target because then if it's not hit and no one steps in to bring it up to target, what can they complain about? However, if you create membership and you don't have enough income from those members to pay the bill in full, those members now have a valid complaint. I'm aware I'm not keen to the finer details of these proposed plans, but I feel the simplest solution is something like this: If I were to see that and could afford to, I'd more than likely donate much larger amounts more frequently and I think others would follow suit. It's just nice, even for a teen to donate $5 and see the meter affected, other than just wonder if your donation actually made a difference.
  20. Really. I don't see the need to berate Nathan for his comment. He's not trying to reduce the efforts of the Staff here, he's making light of downtime. Of course he's grateful, we all are. Truthfully speaking though, the site has seen a lot of downtime. I can remember when the downtimes were extended a while back incredibly long and derailed the first attempt at the Olympics. That was beyond frustrating for myself. Coming from someone who has donated in the past (albeit not a huge amount), I would not donate again without a guarantee my donation was actually going to prevent downtime. Think about it from our point of view. Donating money doesn't gives us a service or good in return, it gives us the hope that we continue to use this service. Instead of feeling as though the Staff are the only people trying to keep this place going, ask for help. Hinting towards donations is one way to do it, but obviously there are other ways. Hell, from what you guys have said, sound like Festo paid the full bill this month. If that's the case, surely be transparent with the members and share the load. I.e. if the average monthly cost to run this place is $500, 10 members with $50 is better than 1 staff member footing the whole bill. My point is this: Instead of getting upset when users aren't happy, give them a real value for their complaint. I would gladly help, but why should I donate $10 or $20 here or there just for no one else to donate and the site go down anyways? That's going to be a wasted donation in my eyes, however, if the Staff were to broadcast their current budget and keep it updated, perhaps a week near bill time I could check it and see we're $250 short or whatever...At that time, I would know what size of a donation to make to ensure the site stays up. We all want this place to stay going. but when we start pointing fingers around at people and taking on that martyr viewpoint, we all lose. Keeping this place up takes cooperation in finances, not just hoping got donations and when none come in resorting to emergency funding from someone's personal wallet. So yeah, in conclusion, here's your next suggestion: Create a financial ledger and update it regularly.
  21. I've actually started using the spawn lander area and found it to be pretty easy. There's a lot of space by that lander and nothing spawns in that corner which leaves you open to only the spawns in that room and any coming from the MPL room. Most of your route won't bring you within harm of the centrifuge, but when the hordes get larger it just might, however, if you notice the centrifuge coming on as your looping that way, a simple crouch/prone will save you. Yeah, can't beat a free trap, plus there's tons of room to escape. Only issue with this area is that nearby weapons aren't that great. MPL is really the only viable one for any high rounds.
  22. That's correct. Any TranZit EE takes at least 2 players. Die Rise requires 4 for the elevators and for placing Tramplesteams, regardless of which side you choose. Mob of the Dead requires at least 2 players and 1 must be Weasel. (This may actually require all 4) Buried requires 4, unless you're really awesome at the shooting gallery part. I really do not ever see anyone able to complete 2 different sections of that part, ever, but if you can then it will only require 3 players. Origins can be done with 1 person, but would have to be a nearly perfect game. 8 Panzers by yourself...Ha!
  23. I'm nominating The Wunderful WW Discussion, in Future Zombies. Apparently there's a duplicate thread in Single Player? Anywho, I'm nominating this one because it's fun to read all the neat ideas for WW's everyone has and fun to let your imagination run wild in creating your own WW.
  24. I agree with Naitrax, it should be modified a bit, but is a great idea. Just like adjusting your loadout in MP, but I would make it more like adjusting your box. When weapons are selected as being in the box, this costs points. Certain weapons (like WW's) cost more. So, if you wanted a box full of wonder weapons, you could only choose 2 and after you had them both, box pulls would cost 9500 (it's 4500 to reload an upgraded wall weapon, but isn't it fair to say WW ammo is worth more?) because if you hit the box again, you'd just be recycling the wonder weapon. But this is a good idea, because I can choose my preferred wonder weapon (as the other weapons should be cheap enough that every box can have at least 1 WW, say any WW takes up 50%, but guns like the Five Seven would take up 2%, RPD might take up 6%, etc..). Other players could opt for a box with many more weapons but no WW's, or even spend points to increase the odds of a certain weapon appearing (this could not be done for the WW's). Quarrels over who gets the Paralyzer would end.
  25. It's not entirely useless. Use it as a challenge and get both sides done, then as long as you can prove this with video or in-game photos (snap a picture or two with your phone of your world map select icons glowing the corresponding color), you'll get a medal from the medal request thread, located Here.
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