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Everything posted by Hannibal

  1. There's a difference to being gullible and naive, than being completely rude and disrespectful.
  2. Nikolai. I love Russia. While I do love 4th wall humor, I went with Nik. Marlton. There is so much more to Marlton's story we don't know. Weasel. He. Knows. EVERYTHING.
  3. I think the N4 are dead. Which sucks. "Be their pawn." In a game of chess, you send your pawns out as a decoy.
  4. But it wouldn't be fair for people who already bought map packs for Black Ops. You can't re-master them. Zombies is still the same. I think one big Tranzit map will be good.
  5. Calm down Satan. Hard to beat. I'm fine with anything unless it's Jumping Jacks and Who's Who.
  6. I was told that this would be the final zombies map. :cry:
  7. That's a good thing, Sane - we've just seen a lot of the "FEAR MARS, FEAR TEDDY, etc." lately. It's purely community driven, in the end - we won't know until DLC 4. Keep it up though, good sir. Love your avatar BTW. Why thank you. :)
  8. I never completely write off anything. I highly doubt that this will be the final map, but I'm not saying it won't. I just thought I'd post it.
  9. What do you guys think about this? As cool as a France map would be, this actually does have very good points.
  10. Haven't really thought of a nickname. Leroy just stuck.
  11. Welcome! This forum has the nicest and wisest members out of any other. Enjoy!
  12. Hol up. Samantha is in Rich's body. Rich is in Samanthas. Is Stulingher in Samantha's body?
  13. This is a very interesting find. You may have just uncovered most of the storyline.
  14. Tesla has a lot to do with zombies. "Giving lessons in electrical nemisis this will be on the test."
  15. Ugh. I was watching the entire championship just for the trailer. I missed it!!
  16. Hannibal


    I like it. But one thing, Zilenski tweeted this... will you ever bring the old crew back is a better question, I didn't blow up Earth, you did. That sounded like some hint to me.. I'd like to get your opinion on the theory located in my sig if you don't mind.
  17. JimmyZ tweeted this after being asked will they bring back the 04 will you ever bring the old crew back is a better question, I didn't blow up Earth, you did.
  18. The Water Tower was built in 1941... so it was after 1941.
  19. That was actually added in there without much information. I did question the dock spawn because they were in the prison, but CoTD showed the crew next to the lighthouse in the opening sequence, but they were near the water when the game starts. It's just assumption, so we'll have to wait and see. Also, the Recreation Yard was the most hectic parts of the Battle of Alcatraz. It had the most casualties, and anyone who ran out in the middle didn't stand a chance. I think this could be the No Man's Land, with the Pack-A-Punch at the Water Tower.
  20. I posted my theory of where the PaP is in my sig link. I think it will be the Recreational Yard.. I think it will be like a No Man's Land type thing.
  21. Battle of Alcatraz Theory With the arrival of the new map pack coming so soon, I thought I would try to make my first theory topic. Most of you may have seen Shooter's MoTD date topic. viewtopic.php?f=149&t=30375 If you haven't, it explains that this map takes place after the year of 1941. Well, I did some research and found this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Alcatraz To summarize what is says: Noticed what I highlighted. I may be grasping at air here, but when you think about it, this is pretty similar. A M1911 pistol. What's the classic Zombies pistol we always use? A Springfield rifle. We know that they are bringing back a bit of Der Reise into this map. (Weapons, Hell-Hounds and zombies together) This could be another clue. An escape. We've already been confirmed that the 4 prisoners will be escaping. So possibly, that this could follow the storyline of the escape of these prisoners in the Battle of Alcatraz. This is just speculation. It probably means nothing, but I just thought it would be cool to share this. Some other things. This is the Alcatraz "Power House." Between 1939 and 1963 it supplied power to the Federal Penitentiary and other buildings on the island. Well, it appears there is a Morgue in Alcatraz, containing the remains of dead prisoners. I'll let you figure out that part. Building 64. Basically, a home for the guards. Something I saw noticed was.. During the Occupation of Alcatraz, in 1970 the Native Americans drew graffiti in red around the "United States Penitentiary" sign saying "Indians welcome" and "Indian land" And look at the photo for the map. Well that's self-explanatory. The Recreation Yard was the battlegrounds of the BoA (Battle of Alcatraz) I bet we will use this. I think this could be the No Man's Land, which also contains the Pack-A-Punch. Wharf was the boat dock. It says that it was.. "the main entrance point into Alcatraz." Obviously if the new characters tried to escape, they would try to make it here. I believe this is the spawn point. And finally, the part I've been waiting for. The Warden's House.. I'm pretty sure we will see this. It's also rumored that there is a ghost spotted here. I thought that was cool. Well, that's it for now. Thanks to Shooter for giving me the date, without it I wouldn't have made this. If you disagree with any of this, please tell me! I'd like opinions! Other than that, how was my first theory? I'll edit this post with more information.
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