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Everything posted by Tattoo247

  1. I pretty much have resorted to assuming everything is fake until it's official. Nothing like getting all worked up just to have it be a hoax, and there are just too many sad people with more photoshop skill than morals, for me to hope anything is real until it's being posted on official pages.
  2. Hi Jimmy *waves Its pretty cool I must say, all this time I thought it a little pathetic that this website was made, and maintained waaaay better than the activision site.
  3. I had a player camp in Tranzit, by the hole in the Tombstone room, he was glitching the zombies so he could live forever. So I PMd the other guy to follow me and bring a turbine, I went to get a machine gun trap and we died right as soon as we got to the power switch. We were going to point the trap at him and kill him, but we failed. Needless to say he didn't leave his spot so we bled out. It was going to be great because the whole time I was specifically nice to him and he actually sent me a friend request and never knew I tried to down his glitching ass.
  4. @ Veid- Good to know man, sirens kick ass btw love the avatar @Oro- Thanks for clearing that up, I will hopefully troll my buddies tonight and just say that he is dead, being I missed my chance to give them a jump scare on the last map :lol:
  5. Usually when parts are not present, you are on easy mode.
  6. Indeed, Der Riese really opened up the possibilities, and started focusing on easter eggs. But I choose ascension, had a good easter egg, but wasn't required, you could run anywhere you wanted, traps at your disposal, and the gershe device is still the best special grenade ever made in my opinion, and the thundergun as well the best WW. Matrayoshka (sp) dolls had infinite damage to zombies. The monkies were a small pain, but an even trade for such a great map, the quotes were particularly my favorite. Easy PaP, and the much missed sickle. I understand its one of the easier maps, but the small details are what makes it good for me. I am willing to believe there are things we still missed in the map, lots of maps for that matter.
  7. I am waiting also, not because the EE's were hard, because they were really easy once you can find people to cooperate. I am just waiting to see if the button plays a part in the next dlc, if I am not mistaken you get the trophy/achievement prior to pushing the button, so the choice is already locked in. A lot of talk about a plan B from Maxis, I'd like to keep the button open just in case. Besides, I want to do all Richtofen first, and if I have to reset if just to go back and do Richtofen again to see the final outcome for the last DLC I won't be too happy. I don't need to reset it just to do the same side again.
  8. I've used AN-94 PAP'ed till 35. It sucks after that tbh. SVU still kicks ass even after 50. Like I said major problem is buying ammo in solo, although in co-op it is manageable. In solo you can fly out using paralyser to get ammo. But yea AN-94 is also a good addition there around Jugg. I agree with you there, you can feel a little pressure after round 33, if you don't keep up with the overkill upgrade, which is never promised you can't lose it amidst a chaotic round. I really love the time bomb, but on this level, I have started counting monkey bombs as a max ammo for my AN, if I run low I try to turn on a resonator if I still have one, throw a monkey as far to the armory as I can, then get more ammo and pick my turbine back up.
  9. Also if you put a head chopper inside a window, it will blow up immediately I seem to be only posting cons... :mrgreen:
  10. I would say definitely try it! If it doesn't work, try to put a weapon in the Pap, and give him the candy before you get the gun back out.
  11. I'm surprised no one is talking about the AN in the jug area, I put it right by the jug hall and with a for grip, and overkill upgrade you can last for a really long time. Ray gun and Mustang and Sally just make a mess and makes it hard for your team to shoot without just spraying and praying. Ray gun M2 seems to be alright but so far I just use the AN forgrip, or millimeter scanner if people are using ray gun or MS&S, lamentation and either a LMG or the Ray gun M2.
  12. Last night I stood on the ghosts front porch, to the far left if you are facing her house, there is a small space for you to camp, put a head chopper by the break in the porch fence so they can jump up and get you, then they just run straight at you the whole time. Not nearly as good as the jug spot though.
  13. Ok people, lets put definitions of these "secrets". How in the heck, can you kill The Big Guy? And how can he kill you? We tested something last night that is probably already considered common sense but I'll post it. Had a teammate disconnect from the game after a time bomb was thrown, he came back into the game and we tried to reset the time before he dropped to see if it would restore his weapons and perks, it did not. Landing on someone's head with the paralyzer will result in a double KO so to speak. In the same way you could dolphin dive on someone laying in a corner. If the feet touch anyones head it thinks you're trying to glitch :evil:
  14. SO far I've stayed at Jugg, but it's almost too easy. Mid twenties I am walking around my room mid round looking for something while the zombies never get close I was told the loop at saloon/candy store is good if you leave the debris alone that connects that part to the first fountain area. I usually go for time bombs early, so if things go bad with a three person game, you can put your back against the wall next to jug, have your two teammates go down, and with traps/turbine they cannot reach you for a good 5 seconds, which is plenty of time to reset the round. Time bombs are probably my favorite addition to the new map, because I loved Prince of Persia sands of time :lol:
  15. I think the dartboard in Buried serves as a small EE that can get you a free perk, don't hold me to that though. And I'm pretty sure when I saw someone shoot it with the ballistic knife, they got 20pts per hit. The dart board on Tranzit serves no purpose that we know, I shot that one a long time ago with the ballistic knife and nothing ever happened. I spent a long time in that bar, and was sure that the pool table had some sort of relevance to the map, so much time wasted :lol:
  16. It was hard to decipher your grammar so I would advise you check out the steps on youtube, or even better, I am sure there is an unofficial guide on these forums, Tranzit section. Good luck!
  17. Why does Russman trek through a flooded city with only one rain boot? I would still like to know about the swirly energy on Tranzit, it bothers me that it's been this long and we can't figure out why the box, and sometimes street lights in town, have the energy emitting? Makes me want to get the box upgrade, try to get a swirly box at the same time, then play around with storing it in the fridge and taking it out on other maps.
  18. CODZ is 3arc affiliated? I thought this was a fan made site :shock:
  19. I'm not saying the time bomb will make you loose it, I said if you go down, and while you're still down, and someone uses a time bomb, you'll loose it. I was not aware of that, I have not been brought back via time bomb, I've only used it on others. All I knew was it takes a person that was down, and makes them prone when you go back in time.
  20. Well, I had seen the glitched 8 person lobbys that had an extra four Russmans, how did those lobbys play as far as frame rate? I feel like it isn't possible to have eight people in one game, and still produce a high quality map on the current consoles.
  21. Back to the atom with the gear behind it, I was looking through a thread on here and saw a post Pinnaz had made of the eye ball theater reels in kino. '> Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  22. I checked them out last night, very cool. I still believe theses were concept perk a colas, probably rendered and placed here so it wouldn't be wasted, and for us to gawk at Would have been cool to have the scream soda take away wave effects from the resonator as one of it's benefits.
  23. The only special enemy that probably bothers me are the new hell hounds, they cause explosive damage now so even though they count half damage compare to a zombie, it's still just as easy to be downed if you aren't keeping up with their hits before they explode. Luckily they are not in this "campaign" mode. Imagine being in the corn fields when a dog round suddenly starts :lol:
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