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Everything posted by Wilbizzle

  1. Camping is not meant for Tranzit i mean the Game Mode Implies that you must travel. Distribution of players evenly over the entire map leads to less zombies in each individuals area and easier overall game play and maneuvering(that is the life blood to what i believe most players use to get up to high rounds). I checked all areas myself with friends being curious one day and we discovered that tranzit does not have any "good" places to camp that will take you into the high rounds (i actually think the developers wanted to either get rid of camping completely or make it so hard to do that it puts players off from doing it as a sole strategy/make it more skill based)
  2. Great work to everyone!!! I was sick and took a break from playing and i come back to this (heck yeah!!!) nice videos everyone. Yes this was definitely recently updated as I've had insta-kills before and received no kills with it active. Every new thing added just means more to think for the easter egg and upcoming maps
  3. Well put sir, your outlook is very reasonable (I apologize if my first post was offensive)
  4. Well the good part about the bible is that it can always be Explained clearer/better. Do it up man just make sure you check and recheck your sources
  5. That is a very uniform shape in the top left, the bottom right is not so uniform and is not constant so I wouldn't think that's anything or related to the top left shadow. what possibly would cast a shadow that looks like a square? Not a helicopter, VTOL yeah maybe but I don;t know what would be so square....
  6. I havent introduced myself yet and have been posting for a few weeks. My names Wilbizzle and I love zombies I play no other game other than Black ops2. I'm starting to get involved in the zombies zommunity and have plans to create tutorials, debunk myths, and get to round 50+ in solo Tranzit. I've been playing since WAW and really got into it in Black Ops and plan to help further our knowledge of this awesome game.
  7. Who cares how you play and the knuckles are not infinitey more useful if you dont have access to them. Get off the bowie knife subject and don't criticize how people play.....what is this board your talking about?
  8. I agree tako. Don't count it out unless you know for sure what exactly it is meant to be.
  9. I see well thats a large guide and a large goal to meet and ill pm you if your looking for insight (not trying to commit to anything but when i have more free time i will be looking at what your doing and try to help you out. Ill shoot you a pm at some point
  10. Time line is nothing in a game that focuses on teleporting and time shifts. How can a timeline be known if you do not even know where it ends...for all we know it may go right back to 1945 in the end.....no way of knowing fellers only strongly supported/refuted internet speculation.
  11. There are no buildings in the pre-order bonus poster i am physically holding right now...........so no they are not 100% wrong It looks like concept art to me guys architecture is too similar (doesnt mean treyarch put this picture out at all).....and that looks like a VTOL warship not a Helicopter. Looks like someone expanded on the real pre-order poster and threw a city in there. The color scheme and misty having red clothing could signify that she is found in die rise
  12. I tried everything i could with the turbine....I do not believe the turbine has any significance other than it generates an electric field. Good thought but I've been over this many times while playing and always come up with nothing. Maxis's dialogue is meant to emphasize how important the turbine is to the level itself with opening pack a punch, street lamps/teleporters and doors are all it seems to affect. I see where your going with this and id say before posting search the topic for a few minutes, i did for like 3 minutes and got alot of good information.
  13. Good idea man id offer help but im not involving my self quite yet in a guide based on storyline. Not until Im convinced the first story is complete and there are many loopholes that need explaining. Good luck ill be looking for that guide when its out
  14. Ok got ya i never took notice of that. Ill look into that as well cause Samuel is a very important character in tranzit so there may be something to that.
  15. What do you mean when they scream "Why wont you die"? Is it through the T.V. as richtophens voice or the CDC/CIA. And yes that is the backyard i am sure of it
  16. Thank you for looking. I searched the level high and low in theater and during regular play and the smoke is too far away for it to create pictures as dark as that on all of my brigtness settings. So I am going to assume given that it is actually night time(not fact) and that tranzit and nuketown are related in this way. The third easter egg song gave me a farfetched idea that that clock can change time or something in the level will help pass time/teleport EDIT: Forgot to add i checked the camera position looks like the camera angle is behind yellow house under the stairs. It is looking at the mystery box spawn point (use the beam in the picture as a point of refference) so it appears to not be the nuke cloud unless it grows as time passes or something
  17. Yes the other song is very real I activate it everytime I play(the 8bit songs are driving me nuts) I dont see why you wouldnt be able to activate all 3 in a game but 3 at once is a stretch and may be alot of hard work for a not so profitable gain idk try it!.....id like more artists rather than revamped digitalised zombies tunes anyone with me?
  18. I was watching the trailer for nuketown on the BO2 website and i noticed at around 1min 29secs there was a very dark sky. Can anyone else confirm this by watching the video at the bottom of this page. I thought it might be the lighting or a lightning flash but it is clearly dark in the tops of the shot. I dont have any ideas or theorys i am just asking for multiple sets of eyes http://www.callofduty.com/blackops2/dlc/seasonpass
  19. The ranking systems have not yet been figured out. Being good at anything takes practice and the ranking system does not help with practice at all if anything it penalizes you for it. When you explain how good you are online be damn sure to point out how you suck as well because your only painting half a picture(we have alll had bad games). I myself am very good on my own and make it to 30s frequently on solo tranzit/survival (throw me on survival with 4 people and it takes off of my skill because Im not used to 4 players fighting for the most kills so i have to change how i play). There is more than the emblems ranking you the leaderboard will give you a better idea of how someone will match up to you, so the ranking is a cool idea but treyarch needs to work on it. Also there are more people who back out of games which i am pretty sure takes progress off of your rank every time you quit as well as not allowing it to show highest round for that match. As for black ops 1 we are on 2 a whole new game and kino der toten was an easy map meant for high rounds so its kinda silly to see someone bragging about how high they made it on there (even with a crappy partner)
  20. Video games are going in the direction of using DLC to make an easy way to expand a game drastically and make a buck so I don't think a standalone game will come to fruition soon just more DLC. I agree with you (The Courtesy Caller)there's infinite possibilities that is for sure. The movie idea to end it would be cool to see and conclusive for us. Gotta love how they keep us wondering though that is what drives this game forward.
  21. Like anything in this world money rules. And if you checked out BO2 games sales and the following that keeps on growing for it then a small but clear picture forms that we are nowhere near the end. Also they will play it safe and introduce new plots and game-play slowly. How can they keep sales up with this game that has a lot of expansive game-play by taking out half of the game......they would lose my buy next time around that i know for sure. So yeah his is just the tip of the iceberg for zombies mode
  22. I would like to see some new creatures(not a clue what but I hate denizens) and a Projectile with a sharp end For example a souped up harpoon/spear gun that would spear a train of zombies to a wall or shiskebab them right where they stand leaving them lying on the ground dying or as an obstacle for zombies behind to have to go around. For Clip and Capacity I would say about 5 shots with it making you try to get the train going for it to have a useful effect. Upgraded id like it to be a longer spear, ? explosive rounds, ? non explosive harpoons, a sharper or menacing looking spear(changing the actual appearance of the gun/ammo), Upgraded multiple times messes with the amount of ammo distributed between the two(ex.. more explosive rounds than regular/no explosive rounds and more regular etc...etc) There is a lot that could happen with this. With treyarch focusing on the elements with their wonder weapons(electricity,fire,water) this would be a very simple weapon to use and would be like the rpg but with the choice for no splash damage/explosion)
  23. Nice a good post to read. Also confirmation that they do more than listen. Gotta hand it to them
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