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Everything posted by zombo187

  1. This reminds me of BO and yes Lithium is absolutely correct. If you are angered by the speed in which your favorite "glitches" get patched, then simply don't talk about them! If you find about a gitch on youtube, then it is sure to be patched soon after. Alot of these glitches are bugs that were placed there for Dev's to experoment with OR are just the result of complicated unpredictable coding. Either way the Devs do visit these forums and sites like youtube looking to see what people find about the game good or bad and if they are finding a bunch of exploits they will start patching them. This is the oldest way of zombies. As far back as I can remember knowing about glitches, I remember being told that you don't post about them online or on youtube because they will find out and fix it. Personally I believe these exploits and glitches take away from the game, and I usually don't party up with people who are trying to cheat. Be good at the game, or die trying.
  2. Since when are the new 4 being called T4 and what does that stand for?
  3. This is the most intriguing and frustrating aspect. It is extremely dismaying when we have all these audio clues and have no idea what they are alluding to. On the other hand it is extremely rewarding when we finally figure it out in a "EUREKA!" moment. I like to think of it as a challenging game of "Free Cell" which is an extremely difficult card game on windows. You can be utterly locked in concentration and thaught for a while, but then suddenly you put the right card in the right place and the whole thing collapses and BOOM you have won! We can listen to audio clips all day, but if we don't know what triggers them then we cannot know the actual situation or context they are used in, and will have multiple possible meanings until we do. On a side note, I am not a comic geek by any stretch, but I would totally read a comic based on zombies! Especially if it fleshes out the darker corners of the zombie universe or back stories.
  4. I don't disagree with anything in particular lithium, but you started out blowing my mind with your comment, and ended with me being completely confused. Re arranging time frames and all is very interesting. The part where Richtofen wants to fix a specific time line though completely baffles me. I would love to read a post on the subject if you have the time and energy.
  5. Im very confused. You started off disagreeing with a previous post and ended with a private lesson. Which is completely okay with me, any bit of information helps. PS3 doesnt even have Die Rise yet so I will have to see for myself, but I believe the Fire and Light reference was for the two orbs or balls and not the lions themselves. The origin of the lions was never even discussed. Other than that, nice work. Your information would have been better served in a separate thread though. Here not many people will see it, and the ones that do will not be looking for it, so all this juicy info will fall on deaf ears. Good work, but you should start a thread! Its completely irrelevant here. (No offense)
  6. Is it also possible that our characters are in multiple locations at once? pehaps the time/space travel has caused a seperation of selves. Sounds crazy I know but it possibly could explain the multiple eclipses and the time loops or deja vu that the characters experience as well as the Who's Who. These characters could even possibly share memories through some form of quantum entanglement. I don't have any real evidence to support this theory other than a few coincidences but it could stand to explain an aspect of the game we dont fully understand. to visualize this picture each \ as a reality and each * as the aether. \*\*\*\ = multiple realities with the single unified aether in between. This model reflects real alternatives to the Big Bang Theory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekpyrotic_universe To sum up, this theory is an alternative to The Big Bang Theory that says instead of a super dense and hot singularity exploding and rapidly expanding, we have multiple realities or "parallel universes" whatever you may call them that exist entirely in "Branes" which for all intents and purposes can be represented as a sheet hanging vertically. Imagine there are two parallel "branes" that are positioned next to eachother but do not contact eachother. Imagine for some unknown reason the two "Branes" were to contact eachother. One universe's properties would be transfered over to the other universe. In the context of the original theory the two "branes" contact would cause energy from universe A to transfer to universe B. Hence the Big Bang. For a fictional context like zombies perhaps we traveled between "branes" through a forced contact caused by richtofens grand scheme. This would cause 1 universe to have 2 of the same person? No, quantam mechanics tells us that paradox such as this cannot happen, nature would correct the paradox long before it had a chance to occur. sorry for being so long winded, but my theory wouldnt have made sense without a brief explination.
  7. I have a theory that the "Rift" may be a seperation of realities amongst the zombies world and the campaign/multiplayer world of WaW, Bo 1 and BO 2. We have multiple could-be clues that stand to verify this theory. 1. Verrukt - Is largely based on a multiplayer map in WaW. 2. Ascension - Was also a project in the actual BO Campaign, Elements of which transfered over to multiplayer. 3. Nuketown Zombies - To Quote directly "Nuketown Zombies is set during the events of Moon, and after the end of the multiplayer level from the original Black Ops game" 4. BOII Multi-player and Campaign EEs - We see in both multi player maps and camaign maps different spots where specific notes say "zombies are coming" on them and are posted on bulletin boards. 5. Nacht Der Untoten loading screen - When the mysterious person teleports we see faintly that the "numbers" fro BO campaign are present upon exit of the teleporter. 6. Five - In game when we teleport we also see the "numbers" from BO camaign. (This one I am a bit hazy on, and may need to be fact checked.) 7. We see an update of guns in the mystery box, even though the world ended. Not a strong clue but could be relevant. 8. In the Black Ops campaign, if you play the level "Numbers" and follow a specific set of instructions to complete this "Easter Egg", you can unlock a Thunder Gun in the Camaign mode. Thanks for reading, let me know of any thoughts you have on the subject!
  8. I love reading threads this! This kind of stuff gets people inspired to try harder and step their game up. Although I personally can't make the connections between the two, I have no doubt that you know your shxt. I am not very familiar with Shangri-La. I do however remember that there is the two explorers that are stuck in an infinite loop. We are starting to see multiple examples of various things. Time loops - The exploreres are stuck and need our help, but get trapped again. WE also know that this seems to be the case in Die Rise or even TranZit. Perhaps when we help them we cause the "rift" that richtofen is talking about. Eclipse - We see multiple maps have the eclipse in it. Shangri-La, I believe, was durring the time warp. I personally am beginning to think that Shangri-La is in fact changing places. In Moon loading screen, we see the small "Vimana" or pyramid floating through the sky. We also see a whirl wind in the loading screen of Shangri-La that seems to be some sort of electric vortex which I am beginning to believe could be a stronger version of a Gersch Device that is moving Shangri-La somewhere. I originally thought that the location was Agartha or Inner Earth. After this thread though, I am forced to wonder all over again. Also as a conspiracy theorist in general, I know alot about the real Area 51. Or at least as much as a Civ can think they know. Most of the actual base is located underground. This is true for many clandestine military bases. Although I don't believe that a secret bunker would have such noticeable air or water vents on the surface. I do believe you are correct in general tho. The city moves in time and space for mysterious reasons. Possibly relating to the focusing stone or just the sheer amount of 115 and Vril energy. I'll also say that in Moon we see a mysterious red power up that does nothing. richtofen mentions that possibly it has an effect in another reality. I wonder if we are not only moving between spaces and times, but also realities or dimmensions. Revisiting our old data with new eyes is THE most important thing we can do at this point. In my opinion anyway...
  9. I have same problems. I have stopped playing zombies all together because of the many many many glitches and bugs now. Teleporting doesnt work right, zombies act crazy now, jetgun is ineffective, zombies on the bus can swing from other end and somehow smack you and every time they "fix" one a few more pop up. I am waiting until they fix it, because I get kicked from most games I play. I port forewarded my ps3 and it worked alot better. Zombies still kicks me or members of party at random even when connection is not low. Its FUBAR. Im disappointed.
  10. I also can easily see some kind of industrial machinery or pipe with a valve wheel. It seems like wherever we are going that it will be on fire or perhaps in magma like Green Run. It seems to have that glow.
  11. yeah thanx alot for the info everyone. i was not too familiar with shangri la, i never got to experience it for myself because i never baught it. So i only know what i read and cant see the clues myself.
  12. This can be considered true...but we need to consider also that he was an agent for the Illuminati and was secretly reporting on Maxis and others within 935. He had an ulterior motive way back then even. He has always been a tad bit crazy, touching the NPD only "freed" his mind. Specifically how, I cannot say (other than hearing voices and acting excentric.) but he definately became insane durring the course of action.
  13. I believe he was just pointing out the fact that the scene from that movie takes place in an almost exact replica of nuketown.
  14. Well excuse me. I'm sorry that you lack the ability to realize that this is all a hobby, thank you for proving to me that there are a few of you that treat this like a job. I am a United States Military Intelligence Analyst, working on real material that has meaning. So don't come into my thread and give me negative criticism. If you really think I can read EVERY thread on this forum your mistaken. So do the community a favor and think before you type because its highly rude to insult people on a general idea. All that you had to say was. I apologize, this theory has already been debunked. Here's the link . Copy/Paste it into word pad. A person with your manners is sure to forget something as nice as that. BTW: The Blank Spots is for the Maps yet to be released. Anyone with common sense would have realized that. I was not meaning to be offensive, sorry for that. I was simply trying to say that because you are interested, you could find alot of the information you are looking for already on the forums. I often appear to be rude to others when I am not trying to be. This happens on my facebook and all too so its not just here. I was not judging you negetively. This topis is however thoroughly explored by some smart people on these forums.
  15. It sucks. I'm on the PS3 so I have to teleport around instead of running from place to place, or else the last zombie automatically dies (even if it is uninjured). Guess I just won't be able to use the Jet Gun until Trollarch patches it... Unfortunately yeah... I have stopped playing alltogether for now. EVERY single time I play Tranzit, We end up getting kicked and experience alot of glitches. seriously every single time. last time I took 10000 out the bank to doulb ePaP and right after doing it the game kicked all of us. I cant even stand to try n play any more. Hopefully they fix these problems soon. I also am on PS3.
  16. Unfortunately I don't see anything here other than glitches. You say PS3 shouldn't waste your time and that the PS3 is glitching, yet every picture you posted appears to be one form of glitch or another. I may be wrong, but I don't see anything worth investigating and especially don't understand what you expect ppl to do to investigate. I'm not trying to be a downer, I just don't see how you are so convinced that this is sopposed to happen when zombies has so many glitches now. Every glitch they patch causes another.
  17. I also have seen this. The teleporters are very wonky lately. Personally I was teleporting around and it caused my entire game to freeze up and kick me. In another match a team mate was teleporting around as you were and he got the black screen to. He cooked a grenade to down himself and died. I don't know of any solutions to this problem. Careful with the teleporters I guess.
  18. Tombstone was highly ineffective in general. I am a decent zombies player with lots of experience and I always had trouble getting back to my tombstone without dying again. It wasn't quite effective unless you were doing it to get all perks in a controlled environment. I have no questions as to why they replaced it. Makes alot of sense to me.
  19. very interesting... I have never made the connection of VIMANAS! ur the man Pinnaz always on top of shxt. You have given me much to think about.
  20. aw no that would be EPIC if I got that from Die Rise. I will have to check it out and see for myself. *edit* i just jumped in and looked high and low, can't find what you were talking about. Is it the dragon picture in the cafe? Let me know if you get a chance to look for it, hit me up with a picture if I'm not seeing it!! I got it from this wwII/history forum - about the 5th post down. i'm guessing he got it from one of the specific books written from first accounts involving Operation ECLIPSE: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=39855 Ive done similar digging myself. All connections I found were tied to the "Hanford" Site. Which as we know it is "Green Run". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Run And the Name Stuhlinger is directly tied to the project paperclip. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Stuhlinger http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanford_Site Also a connection that I found, which may or may not be significant, honestly I just woke up and don't feel like doing the necessary thinking. I recently posted in "Great Leap Foreward" discussion section referencing the MOON loading screen. I found a blurry image where I enhanced and found it to say "Xenon Belt". I also found that the "Hanford Site" and "Operation Green Run" was experomenting with Xenon-133 and radioactive isotopes were intentionally released into populated areas. If you build on my work here, please at least cite me as a reference. It is much appreciated and I see often other people re posting things I say just worded differently. Please and Thank You. Right beneath the image of the open breifcase the the image and text of "xenon belt" is blurry but visible. I did not enhance originaly because I did not know it's significance. RIGHT CLICK VIEW IMAGE FOR ENTIRE PICTURE
  21. Well we know that time travel backwards and forwards is possible just from looking at a few of the loading screens. The Nacht Der Untoten loading screen shows backward time travel, and the Kino Der Toten loading screen shows forward time travel. If we are talking strictly "What if..." scenario, then I say the game would probably be a lot more confusing ha.
  22. You guys are thorough! I don't believe there is any significance. The map Green Run was hastily thrown together, because they were approaching the game's launch date and they were unfinished with development. Zombies and Multi player shipped with many bugs. The days after launch many of the multi player servers were down trying to correct bugs. Zombies mode was very glitchy. Green Run was not intended to have fog originally. The fog was added because the hardware wasn't capable of processing the amount of information correctly on such a large map. If you do the "no fog glitch" you can see that even though the level is very detailed, the distant objects and textures fail to load in a big way, and this is an obvious flaw that would break the whole experience. This is most likely true for the EE also, it feels thrown together.
  23. I am going to cast my vote for Kino 2.0. The image either shows pipes anda valve on a red fiery image or a film reel lying on a bookshelf or something similar. There was a spire outside of the window in the near by town environment. Kino was a great level and I would be stoked if they re imagined it.
  24. Honestly, yeah. If I found out someone was eating zombie flesh, which amounts to dead people, I would be disgusted and would probably assume that person was crazy or infected. And in a world where you live and die with the people next to you, such strong implications can easily cause people to turn on you. I myself thought that he is infected or was a zombie. I thought it made sense because turned introduced the cure as well as previous wonder weapons reversing the zombie back into human, I don't think it is a stretch to consider an ex-zombie turned survivor a possibility. I have absorbed all the information that I feel the Cutscene from Die Rise has to offer, and I can't say that the shadowy figure looks like a zombie. It clearly appears to be Stu, but not clearly a zombie. I feel like zombies in any depiction so far have been significantly different then what we saw. They don't act the same as the image of Stu eating the arm, and they do have very specific mannerisms.
  25. Just a thought: We know they are going to release the old maps at some point, yea? In BO we saw they did this, only introduced the new weapons and perks into the maps. We start with the BO zombies pistol and not the WaW pistol, so there technically is a change. I predict that the NAV Cards will be essential to the EE Quests or story Arc but also in some way make our old maps available to us. For Example : If we are building a large "time" teleporter as some theorize, then perhaps we will in fact heal the Earth to a certain degree and reverse time back to where it all began and we (as the N4) will get to play all these levels from previous games. Perhaps with unique EE's.
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