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Everything posted by DeathBringerZen

  1. Exactly. I also saw the Green Run map selection screen in the PC files, and the blackened area that covers power is not there, and you can clearly see the power plant on the image, which to me would also suggest Grief is coming to that area too. It would make sense, seeing as the box sits in the power room, with 2 doors leading into it. Perfect placement for a Grief match it seems. In conclusion, I expect Grief to appear on all maps eventually, and possibly even some more game modes too. As disappointing as BO2 has been so far (for some...), expect it to be actually choc a blocked full of goodies by the time all DLC is in place. I am.
  2. Well, PTG have put out a few tweets and statements suggesting their IS going to be a Grief mode on 'Buried' (or Resolution 1295 as they are calling it), so take from that what you will. I am not a fan of Grief OR Turned, so I would prefer not to see a return, but there is a decent portion of the community who do enjoy playing Grief, so this could be reason enough to suspect it will return. Having dug through a lot of the PC files for Die Rise and NTZ, I found the Grief audio files were also contained within those maps audio files, so to be honest, I expect to see Grief implemented across all the maps eventually.
  3. I played MotD only a few times on solo. Found it boring after just a few games, and despite the fantastic visuals and atmosphere within the map itself, the design is such a letdown. Completely unimaginative in it's layout, and bias when played with 3-4 players in terms of spawn balance, and location of items such as the shield. Nah... MotD may be one of the best looking maps to date, but it is FAR from being one of the best maps to play. So far, none of the BO2 maps have lived up to the expectation in terms of design or story. I hope that when all DLC is in place, the previous maps get some kind of alteration or addition of perks/weapons etc, so I will reserve my overall judgement on BO2 till then. I am also not happy at the way Treyarch are allowing a certain YT group to spoil the maps before release, but this is another matter altogether, so that is best left alone.
  4. Completely agree. Buried looks (at the minute at least...) like an unusual choice of setting, and I am sure there is a hundred other possible choices of location they could have went with, but of course I will reserve my judgement until I play the map first, but... I did this already with Die Rise and MotD, and I was disappointed with them in the end too, so...
  5. My initial thought was that maybe the 'rifts' in time and space had possibly brought this old town from the past, and merged it with some part of the future, causing worlds to collide together, but maybe it is just a old mining town buried due to the damage. I would like to think that it IS a merging of two different eras in time, but this theory could be proven wrong by completing all the games Easter Eggs. If we were to complete, say... Richtofen's side, and we go on to repair the rifts in time, then technically the Buried map would no longer exist, or not in it's current state at least, but then again, if the rifts were repaired, would all the maps not physically change then!? Hmm... I look forward to whatever the explaination for Buried turns out to be.
  6. People are still reporting being able to get the Mark II from the box AFTER the hotfix (system settings change) on Twitter and the Activision forums. http://community.callofduty.com/message ... #414559052 If people are getting it AFTER the hotfix, then I think it is here to stay by the looks of things.
  7. People are still reporting being able to get the Mark II from the box AFTER the hotfix (system settings change) on Twitter and the Activision forums. http://community.callofduty.com/message ... #414559052 Think it is here to stay by the looks of things.
  8. It CAN be obtained on Nuketown. Two of my friends have already got it today on that map. Pretty decent gun too, but not what I was hoping it would be.
  9. Yeah, it appears that FEAR RUSS is out the window if this is genuine, to be replaced with FEAR TEDDY! Tranzi(t) Die Ris(e) Mob of the Dea(d) Burie(d) And then DLC 4 will no doubt end with a Y. I still think it IS real though. We shall know for sure this week anyway I reckon.
  10. Yes, that does seem plausible enough. The radios on Shangri La were the reason I was assuming Shangri La was set post 1990. I was assuming CotD's setting was the same time, which caused confusion. Still, it is as plausible as any answer I have gotten yet. Thanks MMX.
  11. Yes, agreed. The Bus could even have been used as you said, to traverse between the various government locations, possibly even through the underground system. Either way, The Bus, The Great Leap forward, and various quotes do confirm it's rough time frame, and it not the 60's. Do you think Shangri La is set in modern times? If so, what do you make of the Richtofen quote from CotD... "We have gone too far into the future" in going to Siberia? Why pick the Rod up in the past but then go to the future for the focusing stone?
  12. Ah yes, a Town designed to cover up what is really going on within the vicinity. I remember discussing this with someone else a while back, and they suggested the same, with the Bus technology being explained as a possible mode of transport that took the employees of neighboring 'Area 51' around the compound. Yeah, TEDD was the one thing that always stood out. Technology way ahead of it's time, if set in the 60's... yet he looked extremely basic in his design. Almost dated for a futuristic device. And then there is the actual bus (shell) itself! That is another 60's throw back. Surely a more modern bus would be like a shuttle bus, or coach!? Still going for a future setting myself. The Great Leap Forward HAS confirmed this.
  13. Yes, I now agree, but... there was a time, before Revolution, when I would have sworn you were wrong. Alas, The Great Leap Forward (name says it all) does indeed confirm it HAS to be set in a futuristic or modern setting. It would be a foolish mistake on the Dev's part if it was not. Still though, why the '60's' setting, music and decorum then in Green Run? Why did that one place not evolve through the years?
  14. The word decades means a minimum of 10x2, or 20 years. It can't mean much more because then it makes Marlton's ordeal impossible. I know that Die Rise, and that damn 1996 poster suggests that the events of Moon do infact take place sometime after 96, but I couldn't help but feel that the Maxis quote you are referring to all but confirmed that it was the 60's when the Moon Rockets fell to Earth. The reason why is that Green Run appears to be set in a Town that is clearly themed on being from the 60's. Now, if the nukes dropped in the 60's and Maxis has since then been searching for decades, then that would put our N4 in a possible present day scenario. It made sense when I first heard the quote, and made me originally think that this was clear confirmation that Moon definitely took place in the 60's! Well, this and the quote from CotD where Richtofen said they had went too far into the future. Now though, since I have been reading what you believe to be the real turn of events, it has me rethinking the whole storyline now! Are you just overthinking it, or am I underthinking it!? I think the latter is the obvious answer. :)
  15. Took me 17 hours to get to round 106 on Ascension (solo). Only time I have made it past round 100 on any map. Took me 27 hours to get to round 99 on Der Riese on a 2 player match. We died on that round! :(
  16. Ah... I see. Apologies, I misunderstood the statement. Well, that does make sense now. Kinda puts me off trying it now, but as I am not one who is interested in the ranking system, or what emblem I have, I could maybe run some 'Turned' and actually try the game mode out for a bit. I only got my shotguns doing my own personal experiment to prove that, over the long term, a K/D of 160 can get the shotguns, no matter how good or bad a streak of games leading to it is. I witnessed several people on my friends list who all had 250,000+ kills, eventually rank up to shotties when they hit the 160 mark. I tried it myself and got them bang on 160. This was another experiment I was looking to test out as and when I got the shotties, but because I had not obtained them yet, I could not. Thankfully, you did it for me, so appreciated on the one BS.
  17. I thought you got your shotguns a while back? Still, I have only just obtained mines now on a 160 K/D, and I am only at 162 now, so I may as well go in and test this out myself now, just to be sure. Also, you said you have heard of people getting shotguns on a 50 K/D!? I am not saying you are wrong, but I myself have never heard of anyone getting them on that low a figure, and I have studied every post on the ranking system in order to try and work it out somewhat. Had someone on my friends list get them on a 122 K/D, but he got to round 92 on Die Rise, so I think he got them for pulling that off, as opposed to getting them through K/D. Either way, if what you say is right, and you do NOT derank playing 'Turned', then I may as well go in and try it out. No harm in checking.
  18. I also thought that this might be the case. The only people I have seen who have lost their shotguns are people who dropped below the K/D that they obtained them on, so if a player got their shotguns on a 160 K/D, but then continues playing normally till they get up to maybe a 250 K/D, go into 'Turned' and take 100+ downs and not derank then MAYBE it is because the player has NOT dropped below the 160 K/D still? Yeah, I am curious now, as I have NEVER seen a player derank unless they have actually dropped below their number that saw them rank up in the first place. Good thinking man.
  19. If you are playing a public co-op match, the rounds will save up until the point a player leaves or drops out, and then it will stop recording. Something of note... Sometimes, when it is the host who drops out of the game, and a host migration takes place, the rounds have been known to continue saving. I have had it happen on one occasion, and have heard plenty of others say the same thing. Not sure if it happens all the time though, as I have had people argue against it before.
  20. Well... that IS pretty much indisputable proof that even after what, 115 downs, you did NOT derank. My hat is off to you for being brave enough to even try it! Not many shotgunners would have even considered it... myself included. Thanks for finally confirming this for me, despite our previous indiscretions.
  21. Well, I have seen the light disappear when people have been on the island, but having went over a previous match to test out the theory, the light did NOT disappear when the box moved, but did disappear briefly when people threw their Retriever into the pit, so I am now of the persuasion that the orange light may infact be the orange glow from the pit instead. My apologies for the mistake. I am sure I have seen it move/disappear when people were hitting the box but I am still putting it down to being a graphical mistake on the Dev's part. So... NOT the box light, but probably the glow from the pit!?
  22. Yeah, I remember that episode too, and the comparisons are definitely there for all (who have seen it) to see. Good spot on that one. Could have even inspired the storyline, seeing as a few Brits are part of the campaign team.
  23. Feel free to do it however you please. 100 downs on 'Turned' in a row, and no de-rank is enough to convince me it is fact. I think you are severely over-estimating how mysterious the Dev's can be here. Yes, they like to add mystery to their games and the formula behind the ranking system, but they have been open about plenty of things in the past. Just watch the interview at the XP 2011 event, or previous tweets where they explain things about rank. If 'Turned' was fixed so it was now no longer de-ranking people, I would expect them to announce it in some way. Next to no one plays it. Saw around 50 people on it earlier. If I saw those numbers, I would announce it.
  24. I would expect something major like a change in how 'Turned' would no longer affect ranking as something the Dev's would actually go out their way to announce, seeing as no one plays it, and it is considered a failure on their part. Are you actually going to be that way about this then? Nit picking at little things? All I am asking is for peoples own opinions, you have given me yours and I have taken it in, can you please just let it go now. You will not convince me anymore than you have so far, but if you really want to add evidence to back up what is essentially just YOUR word, then yes, get into 'Turned', take 100 downs, then post the videos up somewhere. Then people can take your word as fact.
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