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Everything posted by DeathBringerZen

  1. Anybody know where we throw the Napalm Strike in order to get the robot to break the seal? This is one tough EE. Kinda glad really. :D
  2. He does in the cutscene. Strange though, because from the subliminal still image, the zombie on the table clearly does NOT have a beard. Still... I think this is just a classic 'Trollarch' moment, and I highly doubt it would be Maxis on the table. I mean... the Templar Knight's we see in the opening sequence also have beards, so nothing stopping it from being one of them either.
  3. I think you are missing the point entirely here. We all know what the towers did (to some extent), but the question is whether that is all to them, and whether they are even worth doing again. We have an end game that is only possible if we have a group willing to stick together and do all 3 easter eggs before activating the box. None of them are really worth doing, and the end game is even less appealing. We have done Richtofen's twice, and the reward is just not great. Forced to play out a great game on a bland map is not my idea of fun. We also done Maxis' side twice, and both times the audio glitched out and we did not even get to here Maxis' grand speech... disappointing is an understatement... especially after having to try his Die Rise EE several times as it kept glitching out on the Ballistic Knife step!?! No, all of them are relatively mediocre easter eggs that all lead on to nothing really. Richtofen just recycles his old Moon speech, claiming to have all the power... AGAIN! Maxis side was even more meh... all that hard work for nothing! A Blue eyed zombie in the mix or orange eyes... wow... thanks! I have no desire to ever do any of the easter eggs again, and I know I am not alone. This is the reason why so many are pissed off with the whole saga... there is no replay value to them anymore. We get NOTHING worthwhile, and the end game is not really worth it, because Buried is not a strong enough map to actually want to have that kind of long game on. Yes, we have another DLC to drop, but I feel the Navcard saga is over with now, and what we perceive them to do is something we just do not have the passion to repeat.
  4. You got that right. I like you already... lol Welcome to the forum (you have been using for years already).
  5. Agreed. We all thought they would lead to something epic, and in the end, no one really knows what they were for, except activating the box of course. As for the easter eggs themselves... they were all pretty poor, in execution and reward. Tranzit gave us nothing story related really, except lies from both parties. Richtofen claimed Maxis would kill us all with the Dam he built, and Maxis himself proclaimed he was building a repolarization device. We then went to Die Rise and got no real story information from either party, but instead, a load of cryptic quotes related to the steps as opposed to the story or what they were actually trying to achieve. Buried gave us the most information, but only if all sides were aligned and we activated the box. Well... it was good doing Richtofen's even though the reward at the end was devalued by the fact that 4 guns is unnecessary, and a permanent fire sale is novel, there is far too much points to be made on the map, that coupled with the bank, means that points are not an issue, no permanent sale is needed. Infact, all the EE's are pretty much redundant, and not worth doing anymore either. Tranzit reward = Power Up Drop : Devalued by the fact they are easy to obtain in-game. Die Rise reward = All perks : Devalued by the fact that the are easily obtainable from the Nova Crawlers. Buried reward = Permanent Perks : Devalued by the persistent Tombstone perk that EVERYONE seems to have now. Maxis alignment reward : Nothing. A blue eyed zombie who drops a perk every now and again. Zombies eyes turn orange for remainder of game. Richtofen alignment reward : 4 gun Mule Kick, permanent fire sale - Devalued by having Mule Kick and a fridge on the map already, and the fact points are extremely easy to earn in-game, and then the bank of course. Overall, I really did expect so much more from them. To go from CotD, Shangri La and Moon, to Tranzit was awful, and the lack of imagination in the rewards is really disappointing. Navcards had so much potential, but we STILL do not know exactly what we were powering with them, just that when we did, the higher power managed to succeed in their goal. Shame...
  6. I think you are right Flammen. Josh Olin (JD_2020) confirmed in the past through Twitter that the JD that appeared in Kino at least, was indeed a reference to him. Unless he was trolling, I just took it as fact and moved on from it.
  7. I am expecting a few more of these pages to drop before the week is out. I am also failing to understand how our fab 4 can possibly feature in this map if it is set in 1917. We have all heard the gossip of the map being set in WW1 era France. This now seems even more likely, so how can our group be involved? I am starting to get a feeling that by "original 4", it could definitely mean the Group 935 original founders. I doubt it, but the era and letters make for some confusing thoughts. :?:
  8. If this is the case, then could this map potentially be a prequel map? And the hints that suggest the return of the "Original 4" could actually be a nod to the original Group 935 members rather than Tank, Nikolai, Takeo and Edward? Would be very strange if they did, but these 'Letters from the field' suggest it being possible.
  9. I agree. Moon has more longevity and replay value that ANY map so far, and was actually really fun to play also. Personally, I hate Buried. I think it is the poorest map (maybe tied with NTZ) on BO2 yet. The setup is boring, the map is uninspiring, and the EE & end-game have become a major letdown (for me at least). You get a reward (permanent perks) which is devalued by an in-game feature (persistant tombstone), and then the 'end-game' reward is 4 guns and permanent fire sale (pointless!) or well... nothing really for Maxis. A Max Ammo every now and again from a Blue eyed zombie!? Whole thing has been a letdown for me, and for the 'end-game' reward to be something we can only get on the map Buried is even more of a disappointment for me. :(
  10. This is just the same as the old WaW and BO1 'Two of the Same' exploit, where a player would pack-a-punch their WW or Raygun, then go keep hitting the box and downing themselves until the pulled the WW or Raygun again and then could have 2 of them (one packed, one original). This same exploit is possible in Black Ops 2, either by downing yourself while hitting the box, or hitting the box in Who's who mode or near your Tombstone.
  11. Good to hear. I am happy to wait for another Treyarch title if it means the jump in quality will be even better than say, BO2 and Ghost (next-gen version), but I am NOT happy to wait, just so they can milk another franchise like Modern Warfare, that has seen it's best days, and should be left alone(IMO).
  12. So has this been confirmed that they will be releasing the next CoD title after Ghosts? God... surely we will not have to wait that long (2+ years) for the next zombies!?! I think I might kill myself tonight...
  13. There is no evidence that the SP were not involved either though. We have no credit list for each map, and I am sure Treyarch could and would outsource maps to other departments. Even if the campaign team are involved in the making of the map or not, it will be the vision of the zombies team. They have their plan for how each map should be based on setting and story. Whether or not they are actually involved in the production of it, it is still their project. @Fated - As for Sledgehammer making the next CoD, I have heard this mentioned but have not seen any confirmation of this, so assumed it was still merely speculation. If this IS the case, then yeah, I suppose there is no excuse for them not working directly on the final map, unless they are working on a non-CoD related game of course.
  14. It was most likely for the reasons discussed above though. I have had parts glitch out on the elevator several times doing this, and could never recover them, so for that reason alone, I am happy to take the extra few minutes to do it, but still... hardly a priority fix. Unlike the floating Trample Steams and blow-away Turbines... which STILL have not been fixed!?!
  15. It was ONLY campaign team members (Jason Blundell & co) who discussed MotD during the preview videos, so I would assume it was their project, and it is only them seen discussing a "new" project. With the next Treyarch game due in 14 months presumably, and with it debuting on next-gen, then I would imagine the zombie team needs as much time as possible to work on this project, so there is no reason to assume the campaign team aren't handling DLC 4's map also. They made Der Riese and Shangri La in the past, so they are known to be as deeply involved in this side of the game as the zombie team is.
  16. Hmm... yeah, that does make more sense.
  17. I would guess that the "We were there in the beginning, and we will be there at the end", is possibly a reference to the campaign team having made Der Riese (Where it all began), and now DLC 4! I think the Rezurrection picture in the background is probably also a nod to the final DLC being an all zombie affair, just like that was.
  18. If you fly to great heights with the Paralyzer and drop normally, you will take damage and lose the PHD Persistant Perk. Irregardless, it is easy to obtain AND keep, if you know what you are doing. @OP... If you do not want to lose it, then use the WW properly. If you fly over debris, then make sure you point the gun downwards while firing to cushion your drop, and even if you do lose it, it only takes around 5 dolphin dives/high drops to re-obtain it anyway. The idea with it is to obtain it when you settle into a game and are ready to run trains. You should never really lose it by that point.
  19. Well, there is always the option of there being TWO comics, depicting two scenarios in two different dimensions, caused by the rifts. This could explain why one comic is more tarnished than the other, and maybe this is something that will be explained at a later time. Still... I would not like to go that deep into it just to find out it WAS just laziness on the Dev's part? As has been mentioned already, the track record on BO2 for this type of thing is definitely evident.
  20. Infact... why do the rips on the left hand side of BOTH pages look practically identical!?!
  21. Wow... I never noticed that one. lol. I do have a justified reason for that one though. I am not a fan of NTZ, so barely play it. Think I have only ever really studied the loading screen to see what the wrapper was about, in reference to the mictlantecuhtli. Well, it still kind of seems strange that the actual page image on the right has changed altogether!? And the post card is no longer there either. Pretty sure the images where more water tight on BO1, but then, maybe I am just nit picking...
  22. Ok, so we now have the loading screen, thanks to CharlieIntel, but there is something afoot at Treyarch! We saw the tear on the Die Rise loading screen, and we speculated on what the valve or wheel could be. Well... now take another look at it... Now take a look at the new one... WHY...? Why has the page changed!? Where is the tear on the left hand side of the new screen that looked like a person? Why is the image at the bottom of the right hand side got a white border just above the wheel, but in the new screen it is now a longer image, spanning up the page!?! This was one of the best things to speculate in zombies... What the clue to the next map was! Is this intentional on their part, or laziness? I kind of puts me off speculating on such things in future, if they are going to change it, but then again, maybe there is a reason for it... Pretty confusing nonetheless.
  23. Welcome to the forum Tristan. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the table. Plenty of good guys on this site, and all very friendly and welcoming too. May I recommend this fantastic thread by MurderMachineX viewtopic.php?f=100&t=18279 This is one of the best, and most interesting threads that is still highly active on here, and don't forget to visit the Asylum Section too, for some of the best theories of the zombies storyline, by some of the greatest minds in this community. :)
  24. Yeah, they have been given a touch up on MotD, but not on other maps it seems!? Not sure the reasoning behind it though. I did notice that a lot of areas on MotD have been redone somewhat, and it is maybe the color palettes that got changes due certain areas being over bright at times. I noticed a lot of people complaining that the lightning effect was causing them to get sore eyes, headaches etc, so it is possible that the changes in the map to tone this down, but other than that, I see no real reason for this change to have been made.
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