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Everything posted by DeathBringerZen

  1. You can create an offline/Guest profile and go into a game on Moon on co-op and you will see that Richtofen does not have the rod in his possession. You do not have to do the EE's in order, but if you do Shangri-La first and go into a game of Moon, you will be holding the focusing stone instead of the Rod, so obviously need to do CotD too.
  2. The SVU is easily one of the best weapons to use. I cruised to round 60 using that and the Mark II before giving up. Did not use the Paralyzer that game myself, but I have been told that weapon alone will carry you to 100 easily before a nerf kicks in that renders it pretty much useless, so that and the buildables are your best bet.
  3. My only reservation with this scenario would have to be Maxis going on to have a daughter, namely the German Samantha if he is laying dead on table at the beginning of Origins. How could he go on to have a child if he is merely a brain stuck inside a drone? Also... with regards to the developers being lazy. I think they seriously miscalculated the age that Maxis would be in 1918. He looks like he is in his 60's already, yet we are to assume he then goes on to have a daughter some 12 years later!?! There was also the sudden change of voice for Samantha during the Origins trailers. We did have the psychotic sounding Sam originally, but then it got changed. Still a good theory though Fated.
  4. Well, my friends would not have mentioned it because they are legit players, meaning they are not interested in glitching and/or cheating.
  5. So... it's a glitch with the engine as opposed to actual perma/persistent perks then? Not something I would recommend people do to be honest.
  6. I don't think this is a shortcoming that can be fixed easily, as like you, I have had many a 50+ game ruined by one simple bad call. I tend to blow hot and cold on zombies when going for high rounds. Sometimes I can get to 50-60 easily with zero downs. Next day, I can try it again and go 10 rounds before dying off. It is down to a combination of confidence mixed with arrogance. I like to think of myself as a high round hitter, but I can get cocky at times and it cost me. I try to go into games confident enough, but sometimes I can get over talkative and I lose my concentration, and it leads to downs which can have a domino effect on teammates. Ultimately, you can never have a perfect run of games, so expect shortcomings. It is part of what makes zombies fun in the first place. The unpredictability of it! :D
  7. I am with Boom in calling BS on that one right now! If it was the case, I would know about it already, seeing as I have several hardcore Grief players on my friends list who are also friends with me in real life who play it religiously! They have never mentioned such a thing, and they play NOTHING but Grief on a daily basis!
  8. Yeah, one of my biggest letdowns with Origins was the complete lack of atmosphere. For what was supposed to be a WWII setting, it was too Blue and cartoonish for my liking. It was not even remotely dark or sinister enough.
  9. Man... I hear you on that one. I watched a really old PTG video, and he said he got his leaked info passed to him from someone at Activision, so that would explain how he get's to know certain stuff early. Either way... I hope he IS wrong with this one, as from what he said in the video, it does NOT sound that appealing.
  10. Well... I have heard of a possible time frame and setting for the next zombie outing through one of PTG's videos, but would rather not discuss it on here to be honest. If you want to see it yourself though, it is the Terra Obliviónis Part 2 video he put up.
  11. The theater in Kino is seriously dilapidated, which itself partially confirms that it is some time since it was in proper use, but that aside, the loading screen confirms that it is AT LEAST set after 1950. MMX's time frame seems to be the one that most people believe it to be though. Not sure how accurate the Kino map on WaW was compared to the BO1 version, and what time frame they planned on using originally. Still... that is something we will likely never find out.
  12. This one is a touchy subject. I used to play that way but stopped when it resulted in death several times due to having to wait on people reloading and tossing out there Monkey Bombs etc, so now I just call out Max Ammo and if time permits, I leave it, but if I am at risk, it get's grabbed straight away. I have also got in to serious verbal arguments with idiots who start screaming that they lost out on 30-100 bullets because I did not give them time to reload, despite the fact that they STILL got shit load of ammo for free regardless. So... this is not an unwritten rule in zombies. It is just a kind gesture if it proves possible to hold off while team mates reload, but not worth dying for.
  13. Agreed. I would rather have a non mic player in a party so it gives us some kind of chance at having them hear us in-game.
  14. I did vote for Uprising but it never registed the vote for some reason, and will not let me re vote. :(
  15. Uprising. Mob of the Dead was (in my opinion) the only great zombie map that came out for BO2. Die Rise was an amazing solo map, but awful to play on co-op due to the poor spawn ratio per player and the fact that reviving could potentially be impossible at times. Buried is the poorest zombie map on BO2. I have never been a fan of it. The fact that the end game box needs to be used on this map makes me hate it even more. Origins is also rather poor imo. I think it was a letdown of epic proportions, but don't want to get in to the list of reasons why I hate it though as I do not want to turn the thread into a debate on this one particular map. So... Uprising for me.
  16. Well, the out of map glitch on the path between Depot and Town still works, as does the Power Room method, and you can navigate under the map from either spot up to the underside of the cafe and then move up into it. There is videos on Youtube that show you how to get under the map... all you need to do is replicate their method and make your way there. I have not tried the Glavaknuckle method in some time but will give it a go later to see if it still works.
  17. The hidden lamppost inside the Forest Cafe can be found only through theater mode I believe. All you have to do is play a game and buy the Glavakuckles, then, while in theater mode just fast forward to the point you buy the knuckles and when your character punches their fist when you first purchase them, pause the game and change the camera mode a few times. Eventually, you will change to a free roam mode and the camera puts you above the cafe for some reason. Just go down inside the cafe and you will see the lamp inside one of the rooms. The beams that come through the bank from the tower go to this lamp. Not sure why the Devs would just leave a stray lamppost inside the building, but it's definitely there.
  18. THOU SHALL NOT GLITCH... EVER!!! Does not matter what the reason is/was! Glitcher's have ruined this game for the legit players and I hate them for it! I hate playing long games only to find someone is a glitch, or to join a lobby and see someone with round 99-215 recorded on their leaderboard's.
  19. Great to see the site back up again. :D
  20. Well, it obviously HAS decreased in popularity if less people are playing it, but you could be right. A percentage of the people who have abandoned it have probably done so due to difficulty, but that is not the case for me or the people I have on my friends list who I play with frequently. We have all maxed out our leaderboards within the first week of launch, or in some cases cannot be bothered to because of the feeling towards the map. I don't find the map difficult. Yes, mistakes or even LAG can disrupt a game, but we pick up and dust of and then carry on. Recovery is not that difficult due to the size of the map. From what I have read online through various mediums, the general feeling is that Origins was a letdown for a lot of people. Not everyone obviously, but I know of great players who do not like it, so it is not down to the difficulty. As I said... I don't find it difficult in the slightest, but I still don't enjoy playing it. I also have several people on my friends list who have set obscene records on it (one player has something like 8000 headshots on it), and even they don't think the map is that great. It is just down to personal preference. Some like it, some don't.
  21. Great find Reaper. This has to add fuel to the fire on whether there is something more to do with the Wind and Fire staffs surely. Amazing to see people still finding stuff after all this time. Bravo!
  22. I will also be happy to participate. I will keep an eye on your Twitter feed for announcements closer to the time, but am happy to join in the fun as and when required.
  23. I like the way they went with MotD, but not so much Origins, and to say Origins will hold the replay value in B02... Well... there was only 900 people playing Origins on Live last night, where as there was 1500+ playing Tranzit and 1300+ playing MotD. Origins has severely decreased in popularity it seems.
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