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Everything posted by MF_MaxiMillion

  1. I doubt they'll add too much content in this last Map Pack. No remakes, at least. I'm sure of it. This is my almost certain face ---> ('_')
  2. I don't think you get the point... it doesn't matter you can start it in Solo. You'll never be able to finish it.
  3. This is a joke, right..? I mean, I'd love to see anyone do the last step of the easter egg (Shooting about 100 targets in 4 different locations) by themselve, hehe.
  4. Apparently, they nerfed the DSR.
  5. MF_MaxiMillion

    8th Perk?

    This is a persistant perk you get after you obtain all four perks before Round 3. Then it will remove the latest perk you've got once you get revived after a down. In Solo, this will always be Quick Revive.
  6. Awesome find, man. Will try this later!
  7. Everything resets. Even the glowing effect on the world map indicators.
  8. There will be endless of glitches with the trampelsteam. I'm sure you're smart enough to realize that. Grief mode on Cell Blocks, Town and Farm suffered the least from glitches. You wanna know why? Because there weren't any buildables on there, especially the trampelsteam that anyone can use to wall-breach certain areas. It would be a clever move for them to completely remove this out of the new Grief map. Otherwise, they'd have to go and fix too many glitches. That's the whole point we're making in this discussion.
  9. Should be posted in Grief section, but yeah I agree. They finally made a big map for Grief with wonder weapons & everything... and for some reason they add buidables in it. They didn't learn from Die Rise. The trampelsteam is the most glitch helping tool. I can't play with these scrubs online anymore, so I'm gonna have to find a group of people that I can play with. Effing fail, Treyarch.
  10. I made a video about this earlier, you may wanna check it out. (Spoilers for Maxis ending, though!) Yes, all of your progress will be reset. The "end game" happens during one game only, that's it. Richtofen's ending rewards you during the game, but Maxis does completely nothing. I would have hoped I could have seen orange-eyed zombie ranks after all that hard work... So if you don't want to lose your flashy towers, I recommend you to wait until the next DLC comes out.
  11. Took half an hour to do it with my team. There's no need to get stressed about it, as long as you let the big guy carry a crawler, you can just keep re-trying. I also offered to switch positions with somebody that was having a problem on his spot. Eventually your whole team should be able to get it...
  12. My French is terrible, bud. I'm from the Dutch region. Anyway... you might wanna know that all your progress will be lost if you press the button. It's kind of a disappointment. I would have loved if the rank gave you orange eyes instead of blue eyes, after siding with Maxis
  13. Ok, doods... I just finished every Maxis easter egg. Now for the big finale, right? Naw, listen... I just wanna ask something to the people that already did the end game. ANY end game. My question is... do you lose all your Easter Egg progress after activating the button? Like, if you end the game after that... will you be able to press the button again or do you lose everything? I also wanna give a shout-out to anyone that wants to press the button but can't because they don't have a full party. So I'm looking for people that want to see the end game with me. Thanks.
  14. You do not need to have 100% accuracy. But you can't miss any of the targets.
  15. What I'm more intrigued about is this: What side benefits you the most? I heard doing the Maxis side will NOT give you the permanent perks back, after starting a new game of Buried. But Richtofen's side does, giving you infinite quick revive in a Solo game, 4 weapon slots and infinite Fire Sale? Can anyone confirm these things for me and tell me not to waste my time doing Maxis side, even though I've already done Maxis EE in TranZit & Die Rise? These were the hardest, too, and you get no reward at all..
  16. Seems like you lot are having a hard time finishing the Easter Egg? If you need an extra person, hit me up. GT: MF MaxiMillion (Can also record the game if needed) That also goes for people that yet have to start hunting and need an extra person.
  17. I had the same problem. My NavCard table wasn't there anymore, so I had to build it all over again! Then when I inserted the Buried one, it didn't accept it and the card was gone... So, I figured it was just a glitch and picked up the Buried NavCard (Again) and then went back to TranZit to try it AGAIN. So much hassle for something I don't even know what is for.
  18. We've seen it before the DLC came out. One thing I found out about it is that it also cost less to use the Pack-A-Punch!
  19. It seems like giving candy to the HillyBilly (That's what I call him...) does more than just make him wild. People have been discovering he can pick up the last crawler for you until you want it dead, he can build stuff for you... but I haven't seen anyone post about this yet. So a few minutes ago, in Solo (I'm going for a high record on Buried) I decided to randomly give him candy near Speed Cola. So instead of attacking my horde of Zombies he went towards the empty box location, then moved to the actual Mystery Box and picked it up. I then later see him running around with it and he theb places it down near the Speed Cola box location, where I gave him the sugars. (I hit it afterwards and got the teddy bear. It was so damn funny!) Pretty neat, I must say. I might post some footage of this later but... since I'm going for a high record, I might not be able to.
  20. You were gonna beast it out on Solo, trying to get back to spawn by yourself? Hah... well, try jumping down that hole and see what happens.
  21. I'm absolutely loving this map in Co-Op. My camp spot is at the second floor of the courtroom. They come from the stairs, and the box area. (Surprisingly, they don't come from the giant cave right next to Speed Cola as long nobody enters it) We also set up the AN-94 there and build the headchopper in the same room. We kept refilling our ammo and felt invincible... until somebody decided to drop down and get killed. Solo however... not really enjoying it so far.
  22. This does work. Just not in a Solo game. I also jumped in at a high round. xD I was too curious...
  23. Yup, seems like you don't need a specific way to kill them. You just gotta kill a lot. I also discovered that there's no zombies spawning in the mansion, and there can't be ghosts and zombies at the same time. (Thank God!)
  24. Hey, guys. I just found out what the suspicious empty fountain in big maze is for. It's actually covering a hole and you need to shoot the fountain with either the Ray Gun or Ray Gun Mark II. This hole leads you to a portal to another dimension! No joke, you can jump in there anytime you want and it'll bring you back to the spawn area. (Underneath the catwalks where all the zombies spawn) That's how to get the 20G achievement! Word is that you can also build the NavCard Table here... WARNING: Do not jump in it in Solo... there's no portal in a Solo game for some reason, and you'll just die and respawn somewhere else.
  25. Spot on, man. This is how to get back to the starting area and get the "When Revolution Comes" achievement.
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