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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. Luckily my clan all have the map pack and are willing to play zombies if they are on! :lol:
  2. All of the charecter we have played and/or saved in one epic finale in the Aether and they Kill richtofen/Vril-ya/whatever the hell else would be there.
  3. Don't trust a moron like Syndicate to try and debunk something. Surely a better way of doing it would be to buy the perk three times, then try getting it off the Jumping Jacks. Syndicate is not a moron, he debunked it,simple... if you want more revies get who's who.
  4. Yes, this is true, if the perk machine is till there and you get the free perk it counts as one of three revies...
  5. I was looking through the new achievements and the image on this one got me interested... The image showes a locked up elevator, does this mean we can't use elevators until the power is on...
  6. français ? I guess you mean you want it in french, if so here you go. Hey! J'ai un bug, parfois, mon chauffeur de bus s'arrête et le bus est bloqué, au milieu de nulle part. Je pense qu'il a quelque chose à voir avec les grenades IEM, je ne suis pas sûr. J'ai vu un autre bus bleu quelque part sur ​​la route en ce moment, mais je ne pouvais pas y entrer, parce qu'il m'a demandé une Navcard (dafuq ce que c'est?) Savez-vous pourquoi mon bus buggé?
  7. The following is about the 'other bus'
  8. I think you call it to a floor, imagine the possibility of people running for juggernog and then the elevator goes up and they die! :twisted:
  9. I will honestly tell you the only major Easter egg I have did was first half of Moon on solo :lol:
  10. Town juggernog room,Farm,Diner,Depot and sometimes the power station
  11. Nobody is like that when I play but I as always get annoyed when I go down :lol:
  12. The very first time I played on the day it came out (Note:I did not believe in the avogadro being in the game) So me and my friend are rocking with our raygun and LMG's when we turn on the power, the storm is on and im say "This is preatty scary considering the other maps..." So we get to the tunnel in the bus and the Avogadro spawns onto a bus window and we were jump screaming and shouting and shooting it :oops: We died that round (16)
  13. In the Turned area of the trailer the player starts to go behind a wall and you see the body glowing slightly orange
  14. Yes...I would like to destroy stuff at the moment :twisted:
  15. So, the main thing that is new for Black ops2 Zombies is TranZit mode where you have a longer, harder to use way around the map or a quicker yet small way to go.So I was thinking when I say trailer that there are the elevator shafts and the dark 'maze-like' corridors, Remind you of anything? What im saying is that the elevator shafts would be the short dangerous way and the corridors the longer way if you don't want to take that risk. What do you think about it.
  16. How about Melee Martini as a name instead?
  17. It is the M16 I believe Edit: Sorry wrong character...
  18. When you are a zombie you can see the player through walls.
  19. Yeah i couldve sworn i saw a zombie in the top left corner then i thought i was going crazy.Then i thought sooner or later they were going to overun the plaxe then menedez and/or woods would have a gun and then you could play as them like they did in BO1 same here on a 2025 mission where you spy on menendez I saw the POWER! poster that is in Tranzit
  20. the house door at farm is 750 and the song is called carrion
  21. I am going to need a lot of sniper kills...
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